a Observations on Current Toplos. We agree with the . Alia that an American clrl who dishonor her country by marrying a rotten European aristocrat la not worth the space she gets In Amerloan newspapers. She should be left to her, self-chosen fate; that to punish ment enough. . We do not particularly mourn the loss of any Amerloan heiress who marries a foreign prince or noblemen. A girl who has so little horse sense can be easily npa$I 'froin bur ;xpulatiori. , 'ban be queens In absolut monarchies, but they cannot be sovereign voters In this liberal republic. Why? We are told that only a few women would vote if they could. If they have a right i vote, and nluety-nlne refuse to exeifcise.that right, does that fact Justify the ilen"lal of that rtht to the one who does not want to vote? Let us not Saorinoe "Woman". There jaqtsms to be a growing hostility anSwli to substitute the word "lady lor It almost universal! . The usage, indeed, Is not ulways uniform or consistent. .'There 1b an organization in Illinois' that calls lteelf "The Woman's Alliance," a name which is simple and ap proprlate; but we read In a Chicago paper that at a recont meeting the secre tary was directed to prepare a petition asking the appointment of a "lady superintendent" and a " lady physlclun' for the "woman's department" at the Uri 'ewell. We can at least congratulate the alliance that they did not say " the ladles' tii'Bafttoent at the Bridewell.' But If they must have lady superintend ent , no . ady physicians, why not also a "Ladles' Alliance?,' .And why Is it that we" have no ' demands for " lady suffrage?" The word woman Is a perfectly honor able one. There Is nothing in It to of' fend. Our mother Eve Is constantly bo designated, although In her day she was uadeilabiy "the first lady In the laud." King James' version of the Bible, which Is regarded b scholars as one of the best monuments of pure English, as written lm,th seventeenth oeutury, uses that word1 to translate the term which Jesus applied to bis mother. With suoh pre cedents, it Is hard to understand why any one should object to being called wdrnah,u ' '' The ,tertn ."lady" among our Anglo Saxon ancestors denoted " the keeper of the bread,"' or ' the head of the family that looked after the broad a d other household matters. It is to be feared that - many of those at the present uay that tusist on their title to the designation of lady have quite overlooked the cty' inology of the word. Later on, it was usurped by the nobility and gentry, and was considered applicable onh to the wtwwTJf men not lower In rank than knight and to the daughters of dukes, - marquises and earls. Can It be that tills flavor of aristocracy renders the word a favorite In this country, where republican ' lmpilclty is supposed to be the rule? However this may be, and without cast ing any 'aspersions upon the term ludy, It appears In order to enter a protest against the growing disrespect for so expressive and unobjectionable a word as woman. Covrier-Journal. Amerloan and Foreign Women. Max O'Rull Boom l.i nmk.i the womon of jjucij country. le writes about an os pesttfi t'ly. jlu a recent Interview he gaW in' off-liand opinion of American women as oomparod with their sinters In other countries. "There Is no country, he said, "where men ana women go through life on Bitch equal terms as Franco. In England (and h re I six-nk of th puuitum only) the Iran thinks Mm st-llV roiU'h superior being to the woman ItHM ttil tame lu Qorniauy. In America I should feel Inclined to believe that woman looks down upon a man with certain amount of contempt, btie re- 'ryte,a his band attentions of all sorts, iuVl -can 'not say that I have ever dis covered In her the slightest truce of gratl tude to uiau. . Will you have a fair illus tration of the position of women France, In England, and in America? Uo Xo the hotel and watch the arrival fjouploe in the dining-room. In France you will see them arrive together, walk abraaai toward the eeata awtlgned to them, very often arm In arm. In England ou will see John Bull leading the way, lol lowed by his meek wife with her tes oast down. In America behold the u g lUUttIruay, uiajesllo entry of Mrs. Jona thjf . A liueen going to her throne and Vouatuan behind 1" If Max la right, and the Neut la rather inclined to think Is, what tort of stuff must our women .be . made, of who will surrender their e)trt and fortunes, and even their In owpe'ndenoe for a foreign title? $inJo$t yew: Simple and nice this without a name Any cold meat ehomved ami well seasoned put ou a platter, take cold nee, made moist with milk, ud one egg; season .jitit Halt and pepper; If you don't have nttough oolit rloe, you cau add a Utile aliisml Tjnimot, powrtrred, and place tn around the platter of meat quite thick Het In the oven till hot through ami brow ued. Suppose that women tn general should take 11 mtj their Heads to follow the ex i tuple set by worklngiueu, and strike for eixnt oours as a nay worn. nai revolution that would be. Among the eight-hour strikers there are no doubt hundreds of men wliowe wives are In the habit of working fourteen hours, more or lrae, every day In the year. It's an old saying that " man's work is fcrni sun to sun. hut woman's work Is I ever done." JguryftirtU' Apptal. Pudding One pint bread oruml one quart sweet milk, thiea otitic- sugar, small pleoe lulU-r, yelk of foul eggs. graU-d rind of oue lemon; bake till doi: then spread over It a layer of preserves or jolly. Whip the white of the eggs to a stiff froth, sweeten a little say three uuncra auiiar. in which has been eurrea the Juice of the lemon, l'our the whites over the pudding ami replace lu the oven Ull lightly browned. This Is very nice either hot or oo d. If mads with prunes. It la delicious, or with thnt, luUiuvU Hue UuX pnU tMi It Might lie M'orM. I I hale the wet-pin' pi'SBiiuist that's alliis talk In' t'iio An' pulutlu' up his troubles with tt cemetery line; He never ee8 a rainbow, but alius Bees s And trieh'ti) throw It over everybody like a tliroud; . . , . Ho pounds uwny nt all lio meets un' tiles to timlie ein tinna ..... , That Ida MH leeii the bitterest of bitter dreg? to hi-uik; , , , , , He tolls you that Ids trouble lsan overjiow rln curse, Au' net el' stops to rcuson thai it .uiglil lie Worse. llku a m.blo fellow who can play a cheerful mi. .... No miiliei ;s a hidden Bob Is wcllirr up "if heart. He niKk'-K yu think a little g-rtfll wuuor ease An mel h- when lo-inoirow eomes you n stau vt-r woe, a holler show; He'll alius Hike : on hy the hand au sorieu down yer teurn, .... An' noike you fee a ray o nope a-sniiuu to,, n l.Ii i-Mi' li'ili'H: That s the kind o' fellow that eun m et with u li-vero Ho cau brace liiuihclf und suy It Worse. Yer Inirdeii nun- he heavy, but you 11 some how Hud it true TUt .her' uro others eurryiu' a tljrgor loud lh;ui join The world ik blue enoutfli, Ood knows, without ver ifetiiii d mi An' eryin' over tro .b.e long aforo It (omes A fuliiiln' heart wiib never known to bring a ii roll it : lilMirltlor lltl V. An weepln' mi' eouiplalnln never drives ine I I, ill, lH HHHV Bo don't you advertise yer woe throughout the i.tilverne, Hut keep it to yourself an' say. It pi itfin Co Worse. If everybody's mlserv was written In his face. There'll be but little pleasure heio uinoug the hiimuii race; The glow o' eheerlul happiness 'ud fade away An' ull the springs o' Joy an' mirth 'ud soon be rim nln' ih'V. ii n (I l Sodon't you grow dWeouriitfOd, theu, If every- For If von wait aslieak o' Joy'll surely come thing g'S wning, Don't ki-ep a-mnpln' all the time as mournful as a hearse, But gulp jer trouble down un' say It .I1UIIL Be Worse. Hurry R. Chester. Elkhart, lud. EQUAL TO THE TEST. Her face was her fortune!" Rosa Hilton sang, saucily, when her cousin Laura's engagement t Max C'rciglitou was announced. Luekv for her that she is pretty," said Mrs. Hilton, fretfully; for that lady had hoped that the visits of the young millionaire were intended for her daitirliter not her niece. Yes." said a third voice that of Arthur Hilton "it is hard lines for cirl without a penny to be ugly too. but after all. Laura lias urains as wen as good looks, and sings like a seraph! After which period to my speech, will depart! Good-byo. Rosa; present inv congratulations to the lirnle-elect And Arthur departed to ins enainnera ii York, where he waited patiently for lis lirst client, being a man needing lalience, namelv, a new-tleilged Imrris- r As soon as lie left Mrs. Hiltou iroke into a slriug of fretful com ilaints. "If Laura wii9 uoing to marry Will Kieldinif now, or any other of Arthur cronies, it would not bo so bad," she said, "because as a poor man's bride she could not expect an expensive trousseau. lint for our own credit we must give her a handsome outfit ami lictweeu Ai'iiiiu s expense hiii; vours 1 am stiru 1 don't see how it cau be done." Ami then Ik r heart smote her, for Laura came in dressed for walking, ami luip-t have hearl her last words. She had not half meant them, for, ufler her weak, "oltish fashion, she, was fond of her dead sister's lovely chili and wou'il not wilijuglv ii:ne woumle her. lint L:iiii:i, a irilio pn'er tlmn usual, only said: "1 prom sed to call Upon Mrs. ( reightoii this morn Aunt ( iiri'ie, as she is not well, and re quested that I would waive ceremony, and not wail lor her. "Are oii uiirmlv wrapped tip? U very cold, her aunt said, with au extra touch of affection In her lone, to make amends for her unlucky speech, "Yes, thank you. I'll get the ribbon for your sash, if you w i-di, Rosa. I have a piece of your dress in my purse." So she left them, wit Ii a pleasant smile, trying to think she had mis understood her Hunt's words. For Laura Marstou was of a sunny temper anient, one who found silver linings to all the clouds, and they had been numerous, that hud darkened he young life. She had been tried by poverty, had nursed her father through consump tion, teaching music lu a large semi mirv nt the same time, to earn bread lor both. When she accepted aunts invitation to visit her, alter lief father's death, she had intended only to remain a few weeks mid return the seminary, where a position as resi dent coveriiess had been nfteivd toller, But Mrs. Hilton had urged her to stay, and Rosa gave her warmest love and welcome. So two years of rest and eohlenl passed quickly In the luxurious home, and now she was to go to a new home of her own, Max t'leigluou's wife. It was a good match, in H worldly point of view a great catch for a penniless girl; but Laura never thought of wealth nnd possession when she promised to be Max t'reighton's wife. She walked briskly through the Win terair.till she reached Mis. ('reighton's. and spent a happy morning; for the lady gave her a cordial welcome as a daughter, and let her feel that she wn entirely happy lu her son's choice. There were some weeks of luipninesj following Hi" engagement week when Mrs. C'relghton and her son threw much brightness into the life of the young betrolhed. and then a sop row' came in a separation of the lovers. It became necess.irv lor Max to go in Kngiand lo look after some property his father had owned there, and he w s unwilling to have Laura cross the ocean lu Winter. A proposal of Im mediate ttmrriagw and a Luropoan bridal trip had leca. made, but Mr. Hilton and Mrs. Crvightun opposed it ud Max did not press it urgently. The business that called him to Ett gland would probably engross all Ills time, aud he ksew there must be many (lulli lUnfly liars foV his bride, if b'r was nls companion, so ho left her, hop lug to return in two months or three. it was only tiiiliniil Unit iluiini; the absence of tlie son nml lover Mrs. (Jroihton mid Laura should he ofteu together. There was a strong, mutual affection to make ihe hours of inter course pass happily; and Mrs. Hilton and Rosa had a new occupation itt pre paring a trousseau lor the latter who had consented to make Will l icliling a happy man, rather to her mother's secret disappointment. In Mrs. (Jrcigntous house Laura learned much of the tastes ami habits of her betrothed, and it became au al most painful certainty to her that one of the ruling passions of li is heart was a love of bcaulv in ull its forms, llis mother often spoke of the shuilderina disgust with which, as a boy he hail shrunk from a repulsive lace or un sightly form. And she said that, though he had cnmjnered the outward expression of such recoiling, she was Hire he still fell the same repulsion in manhood. She would show Laura the portfolio of crayon portraits Max had made ot Ins lair betrothed; and Laura, hall pleased, half saddened, saw her own beautiful lace m many varied ex pressions. iNow, sail, it was a madonna; now laughing, a nymph; now, with inspired eyes, a St, C'ecili i; till it became paiiitully apparent to Laura thai, for her great Ix'auty.SwLaa that alone he loved . . i . i i , ... i .j '. ,. . 7. i. . ...... than ought else, Max liad-iven her Ins love. The second week of Max Creightou s departure was passing, when his mother was taken ill witu a levensn nttack, that seemed slight. Laura had hecu helping Mrs. Hilton in some of the interminable shopping, and had not seen her dear old friend lor three days, when, one morning, Rosa burst Into her room full of bad news. "Laura!" she cried, "you are certain ly the luck est girl tu the world, lo think you should have stayed away from Mrs.reighton's now all times!" Laura looked up Inquiringly. "She has got the small-pox." "Rosa!" cried Laura, turning very pale; "are you sure?" 1 saw uoctor uraige tuts morning. All the servants have left tho house, and he s trying to have a nurse sent from Blades. If she does not come to day, they will have to take Mrs. Creiirh ton tn tiie city aud put her in the hospital!" "Not while I can nurse her! Laura cried, hastily gathering some articles of dress together, nnd packing a sacnet. I will go now. Of course, 1 can not return, Rosa. Hut you will catch it! You will die!" Rosa cried, bursting into tears; "and mamma is out, gone to New York bv nine o'clock train, and won't be back till evening. Oh, Laura, don't go! Wait till mamma conies, at any rate. "I must go now," said Laura, firmly "Mrs. Creighton may bo even now d vim; for want of a nurse. I can not wait, Rosa. There, don't cry so, dear. 1 have been vaccinated, von "know, aud may not catch the disease." "Yes, you will, aud be all spotted and scarred, aud a perfect fright, What will Max say tq that? YojuhaJl not uro But Laura had packed her wrapper and slippers, and what other articles seemed useful and necessary, and was rapidly dressing herself for the street her very lips pale, but perfectly reso lute In their linn pressure. She kissed Rosa airain and again, as her little cousin clung to her sobbing and en treating; and then with a loving message to her aunt, she started upou her errand. Her arrival was none too soon. The frightened servants had left the house open and in dire confusion and the invalid was tossing in delirious ngouy calling for water, burning with fever, aud frightened at her own wild fancies. It was too late for the kind-hearted physician to remonstrate, and be could only recommend some prudent pre cautions, aud be heartily thankful that his patient was in such good care, for, as the days wore on, Mrs. Creighton drew verv near the border of eternity, aud there was a long interval when the shadow of the death anuel's wings hovered in the room. But she rallied. and as the fever fancies passed she knew Laura, and knew the generous love that had brought her to her side. "There was little doubt," the doctor told her, "that the removal to the city hospital would have been fatal, and she would surely have died of neglect in her own home but for the heroic Im pulse that had brought her nurse to her." And while she was still too weak to rise Laura sickened. The young girl was uot dangerously ill, but duriug the fever she had un one to watch her as she had watched her friend, and she tore her poor face in delirium when there was no cooling lotion to alleviate the torturiuir bttruiuir aud itcliiug. The months of absence were ti early over, anu Aiax was coming' noiue Laura had never left Mrs. Creishton during the four months that followed her Illness; aud Max, dctuiued by busi ness, was comforted by thinking of the two he loved best on earth together ana restored to liealtu. itut now. when the soft Spring airs were blow ing. Max whs coming home. Mrs Creightou had received a telegram from New York announcing the arrival of the steamer, The (5 o'clock train came pulling up to tne station; and max ireiglitou, springing to the platform, ran to the carriage tu waiting, too eager to get home to note a closely veiled lady black, who took her place in the train, and was carried forward with it. His mother u us in the drawing-room aud after a long nnd close embrace, Max looked for Laura, "Where is Lama, mother?'' he asked "I cau uot wait to see her and thauk her that I have not come back to ti mi my home desolate to tnauk her that 1 aiii not motherless." ' S e w ill I here presently,- Max. Sit down, my son. while I keep my promise to her, and teil you to prepare lor a great shock." "She is disfigured he said iu low voice. "Terribly! ncr face is deeply scarred ud a deep' red, while her eyes are slightly drawn down ou the cheek "J bloodshot. All her hair is goud, aud nue wvun a clw cw." 'As if needed to be prepared for such a change," Max said, with a quivering voice "as if the face of the woman to whom I owe luy mother's life would not be the face of an angel lo me, how ever it might be scarred! Kind hur, mother! Let me tell her how my love lias grown deeper and stronger since we parted. Mrs. Creightou was rising when the servant entered with a note. "Mrs. Lama left it, ma'am," she said. "To you, Max!" his mother said. "She has gone home poor child! ' But the note was a farewell. It was thus Laura wrote: "The woman you loved, Max, ii dead. She died to you w lieu a hideous mask was drawn over the face you loved so well. . There is no beautiful Laura to welcome you home, aud the disfigured girl, who loves you too well to become au object of disgust to you, bids you mourn for her as dead. Heaven bless you, Max, now audeverl" She was not at Mrs. Hilton's, aud Max could tiud no clew to her hiding place. Never in her beauty had he loved her as he knew he loved her now, when she had Bed from liitn. A deeper, nobler, manhood in his heart made him bitterly ashamed of the stress hu hud placed so long upou mere beauty the artist's out-pouring over the lovely face that had led Laura to believe it A year passed away aud Mrs. Creigh tou was again in teeble health. Her physician recommended mountain air, atitl a house was secured for the Sum mer iu a little village iu Pennsylvania, near one of the large seminaries. Hero she was gaining health aud strength when Max came to pass u few weeks with her. Thev were at church one sunny Sun day morning, and were lingering in the porch alter the others of tho con gregation had uepatleu, wueu M ix asked, "Who leads the. choir here, mother?" The organist. She is a lady teach ing music iu the seminary ou the hill." Does not her voice remind you of Laura's?" Y'es. I have tried to see her face, but she conies very early nnd I have never met her leaving the church!'' It may be Laura! How can I hud out?" "You can not forget her!" his mothei suit!, sadly. 1-orget her! JNeverl it is tne oue hope of my life to hud her, if onlv to tell how she has misjudged me. I must see her ouce. She must learn how I love her; understand that the uis figured face is dearer to me than any beauty can ever be that every seal upon its loveliness is a mutu record oi tne sacrilice made for my mother. Can I never show her my heart? Will my Laura never come to me again?" I am here, Max! said a low, sweet voice beside him. lie started as the speaker swept aside a heavy veil, aud the scarred and dis- figured face was fully revealed. I ho large soil eves had regained all their beauty, and the hideous redness bad all failed from her complexiou; but the deep scars were there for life, aud the beauty ot the lair lace would never re turn to it. Max never thought of what w as gone. Ho only realized that Laura was re stored to him; lie felt Hint death alone could ever part them again. Only a lew davs later the little clutch was the sceueof a (pliet wedding; and iu the happy years that followed, Max Creighlon's wife never doubted that it was Laura lie loved aud not Laura's face. A'tvHiHy 1 1 or Id. A Cow-Boy on Hlo Uppers. I am a cow-hoy from Montana. I am down on my luck. Everything nas rone w rong. The other day pick ing up a paper I saw the advertisement of Madamo Angelo. a clairvoyant, at 837 North Tenth street. A few min utes later I pulled the bell nt 937 North Tenth street. I was shown into a small parlor by a tall, sepulchral-looking man, who asked: What desirest thou?" The parlor was furnished with a marble-topped table, two chairs and u lamp. Presently a woman of medium height, deeply pitted with small-pox marks, but w ith the keenest gray eyes I ever saw, entered tiie parlor. This was Madame Angelo. She was dressed in black, her only ornaments being a small silver pin at the throat ami a filaiu gold ring on her left hand. She ookedat me and said, "Have you ever loved?" I made a joking reply but her man ner became immediately cold aud austere. I apologized and said busi ness, not love, brought me to her. Madame Angelo took up a pack of well worn cards and asked me to shuffle and cut them, then she spread them out face upward, and began: "lou are nbout to make a change. You will irain bv that change. You are in love with a dark girl. But, be ware, a dark man is your enemy aud will harm you. "Tne dark girl Is false to you and you will soon meet, through her, a light girl whom voti will love better. You will marry tiie light girl and will have three children and ill be very happy. Y'ou will be very rich, you will live to be 73 years of ago and you will die iu your bed by a rapid disease." Sne then went into a cutaleptio lit, during which she repealed muoli of what she had before said, adding that I would get a job soou and for me to beware of horses, as I might receive a serious Injury from oue. She theu awoke and. asking me if I wanted to buy a lucky root she had for sale, readied out her hand for oue of the few dollars remaining from the supply I brought from Montana aud dismissed Ute. 1 haven't got the job yet. VhiladcU pkta i inun. 1 ',,! . - r. T e o ac .-. e.id i i-, a i.ie.ireil by l!.e mii, in. is in tle iiiP'ciuiiie torests o! southeast (i.'oiuia ami is doing alarm-in-j; damage. It. eat tract uf piue wooos ii-i'eadv siir-w bligat and are hiii r. The b ig starts in a pine where il i. uiie i and -voi s lui-ler tiie bark. 1 1: . :s .ii'oiad the 11, ink. i:s boring ;,..,- ii - I .it- vtp lio, li going up iu the hi .' 1 l' culiiuliy loo live die. A LOST AT1DKKS9. A Trinidad Lady Writes to Snn Francisco for It. Mrs. Harriet McXamara of 319 State Street, Trinidad, Colorado, while visiting in St Louis last summer, did not Buffer with her usual sick headaches aud Indigestion. But upon her re turn to Trinidad her old troubles camo upon her. It was not the St Louis climate that did so much for her sick headaches. The secret Is told in the following letter, received by Thomas Vrlce & Son, the well-known assayers of iii Sao ramento Street, San Francisco. Mrs. McNamara writes: "Three months since I was visiting In Ft Louis aud obmtued two bottles of Joy's Vegeta ble Sarsaparllla. It was of great relief to me in my headaehos and Indigestion. Since my re turn to my home In Trinidad I feel the need of It, and as I have lost the address 1 write to you to ask if you will not kindlv forward this letter to the proper numbor In San Francisco, and have me sent a few more bottles ot this valuable vegetable compound." Joys Vegetable Barsaparlua Is an almost cer tain ears for sick headaches and constipation. People who have used It once will send has tlnds of miles to get it, as In the above Initsnn DR. JORDAN & COM Muweum of Anntom 151 MAKKfcT STKfcKl' Open for Ladlessnd Qentlen en from 9 a.m. to 10 p.m. Admlsi-i . 26cts. Go and learn how toio disease aud biw wonderfully y are made. Ocasnltation iiii-U'Ma: ment personally or by leitero weaknesses aril all diseases men. Consultation free. Private Office. '211 (Jenrv t THE POMPEII OF AMERICA. Wonders or the Buried City of Palenque In Central America. The buried city of Palenque, Mexico, is beyond question the most interest ing ruin in America, if not in the world, says the Pittsburg Dispatch. The very race and lauguage of the peo ple who built it are lost, and no one has yet interpreted the hieroglyphics which cover its massive walls. Per haps the strangest thing connected with this extraordinary place is the fact that, although the engineering skill in dicated in its ruins is in many respects akin to that of the ancient Egypt ians, antiquarians and Egyptologists have never investigated the ruins or sought to interpret these graven records of a long-forgotten race. In 1760 a party ot Spaniards were traveling in the interior of Mexico. They hud wandered in search of things strange and new into the region north of Chiapas, when they suddenly came, in the midst of a vast solitude, to in numerable ancient stone buildings, the remains of a vast city still embracing from eighteen to twenty-four miles in extent, and known to "the Indians as Casus de Piedars. The Indians them selves could give no account of its origin. Two exploriug parties were afterward sent out by Spain, without, however, attaining nuy appreciable re sults. A third exploration was made in 1840 by American travelers. They found the ruius overgrown with so dense a forest of gigantic trees and tangled undergrowth that a person ten yards distant in any direction could not be seen. As the travelers had no axes, picks, or shovels, but only the machete, the short, broad-bladed sword of the Indians, with which to clear this accumulation of centuries of luxuriant vegetable grow th and make systematic observations, but little could be accomplished. A vast number of line buildings, however, were dis covered, constructed of stone, with a mortar of lime and sand, the outer walls of which were covered with stucco and painted in pigments of various colors, and fantastically orna mented with figures iu bas-relief nnd with intaglio inscriptions in hiero glyphics. Interspersed with these were palaces, pyramids, and temples, nud there were also the remains of an aqueduct by which the city was sup plied with water. One of the buildings, which was in course of construction, stood ou a pyramid 110 feet high. It was 56 feet long, 2!) feet deep, and about 30 feet high. It was very richly ornamented externally, and on the interior walls were tables of hieroglyphic inscriptions carved in symmetrical lines out of stone'. One was only about half finished when the work was arrested forever by the unknown catastrophe that came" "like the thief in tho night," and obliterated the race of builders and all knowledge of their literature. The solution of these inscriptions would iu ull probability reveal things that are more iuterestingand importaut from an ethnic point of view than the discoveries at Herculaneum aud Pom peii. Only one statue was discovered, that of a female figure 10 feet 6 inches hiirh, and more resembling Egyptian portrait statuary than anything else fou ml in this new "old world." But it can be safely regarded as an indication that that there are other statues uud niouumcuts iu the forest around. A Change of Venue. The Diilnth (Minn.) Herald report a laughable incident as occurring in a justice s court iu the backwooiU of that section. Court was held iu a lumber man's shack, iu the bunks of which a number of woodsmen were reposing. interested spectators of the proceed inrs. The judjje was a young man of mild aspect, with reel hair anil mu tache, w ho nervously arranged matters for the trial, lhcre were uo attorneys, both plaintiff and defendant aotinL' for themselves. After a oaiuful silence the defendant arose. He was minus coat and vest, being attired iu a gaily fringed and ornamented buckskin shirt and ctriiied flannel pants. Said he: ViT honor, I want a change of vceu vou in this hy urease." "Why?" bland' ly inquired the judge. Well, was t'ie b.iiut reply, "t.ie jedge in t e other lii.ice is, 1 e'md r. a lectio better posu',1 oil law limn o be.' This was liitui:g the jit Le in a tender spot, but tu tin taiunu'hi di;u.iy with gre:it eifort he gave taedme.id.iat to understand tint his iva-on was uot suilioienl. Well, tneu, 1 liciieve you're prejudiced ugiu me. "and 1 tleitiaud my right as an American citizen. I want a show iu this case and I kuow I can't get it lu this here court." This settled the mat ter. The court granted tho change of veuue. aud tho defeudaut signalized this success by invitiugthe w ho.e ddilrC btfus; Out t'O take ii "Juift'ev." 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Largest trade of any house on the Coast. Jobbing prices lower than ever known. ( Goods retailed and told tn any quaatity direct to consumers at wholesale rate. ( Packing, boxing and drayage free. Best of care given all orders. Try us once, ISeDd postal card for Catalogue. SMITH'S CASH STORE, 4 1 8 FRONT 8TREET, SAN FRANCI8CO. SEEDS' 2 Deposits ILoti'.vr-d f-?n 5)1 upwards. 'A' ...lict St., COr fc" " ""a u I'ciUGisco.Cilifiiriiki. Guarantee Capital, $1,000,000 Interest apportioned from date of deposit. OenoMits from nay lurt of tho l'aclflc coast PtiUvsinuy bo sent hy r -"l.iereulclter, post oflko monoy onliT, Kink il-nf' rr express. Co'iy of l'.v-laivs n".t list f shareholders la Guarantee Oiipltnl Reut freo on application. !!oiiril futilities for safe, proli'tabieand satisfact ory Civi'stmontot mm ri ur gooa ratesi i laterc-c 'ihanUful f r pii'.t favors nml otitis forcoU' iinuiiucoof tluiMime. Itospeetfully, Coluiubux Waterhauae, I'rest. a Statement, Jan. 1st, 1890.. 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PROPRiST 41T NAXHimK 1TIIKFT F The lawless Michigan University stu dents mot their match when they at tacked Franklin's cirous May 28. The clrvug bauds repulsed an attack by them witb iron bars and p'stols and oue was left dying and etfvvral umier ttra care ot