Instructing th Young. Santa Rosa, April 13. An article entitled "Tell the Girls" meets my vlewB exactly. I do not be lieve the truth will harm anybody not even a young child. I have seen three daughters grow to womanhood and I used to think the prorier way to train them to be good was to keep them in ignorance of even the existence of evil. My children attended the publio school and when the oldest was 11 yours old she came home one day and began to ask me questions which showed me that she hod been learning a great deal more at school than I had ever told her. I realized then for the first time that if the mind Is not filled with truth and righteous ness the weeds will fill the vacant space, and as I had not the courage at the time to take my little one and tall her all she ought to know I consulted with our minister's wife, a lovely woman, whose mission seems to be to do good to make people happier wherever she may be. Mrs. Agincourt, the lady referred to, cume home with me that afternoon and in my presence had a long talk with my inquisitive daughter. The ice once broken, I found my eniburuHsniuut gone and from that day on I concealed nothing in natural history and physiology from my inquiring girls. Two of them are now the mothers of families and the younger is the stay of my declining years. I havenover regretted my course in this mutter nor forgotten my obliga tion to Mrs. Agincourt. But there is more to be done. The home must be made as pleasant and attractive as that of any of the nolghbors. It Is not enough that there is love and peaco and a Belf-sacrlficing disposition at home. My children were ulways taught by experience that they were as good as any guest, and the best and cosiest room was theirs to enjoy, with a fire In the grata when the evenings were chilly and with books and papers, stationery, etc., at hand, where school work brought home of evenings could be done, the cyclopedia or dictionary searched or a plowing story read utter work was done. The boys, as well as the girls, thought home the pleasantest place to spend leisure tlmo, and they always found mamma and papa ready to help them when help was wanted or to engugo In a parlor game for recreatlo n In the evening. I think It Is as Important to train the boys up right as the girls. If every boy in the country was a model of morality uud Industry no girls would go astray. But the most Important thing Is, as stutud in the article referred to at the beginning of this letter, to give to the young mind at the home and in the Judicious language of the parent the knowledge It would otherwise obtain in a distorted and demoralizing form from playmates or acquaintances lucking perhaps both In good judgment and good Intentions. Mrs. A. C. H. Healthy Oirla. Nothing, says Dlo Lewis, Is so terrible us severe neuralgia; and beyond a doubt girls acquire It often enough by the con dltions of school life, llouducho in a school girl usually nieaus exhausted nerve power through overwork, ovor excitement, overanxiety or bud air, Kest, a good laugh or a country walk, will usually cure It readily enough to be gin with. Hut t. Ihm'oiiiu subject to headaches is a very miUus mutter; and all such nervous diseases have a nasty tendency to recur, to become ierlodli), to be set up by the sumo causes, to become an orgaulo hublt of the body. For any woman to become liable to neuralgia is a most terrible thing. It means that while it lasts life is not wortli living. It puralyxes the power to work, it deprives her of the power to enjoy anything, It tends toward Irritability of temper, it tempts to tlio use of narcotics and slim ulanU. 80 say l'r- Nelson, and so say 1. A girl who 11 mis herself subject to ncurulgln should at once change her habits, if but to grow strong in body. Of w hat use is education with ill health? A happy girl must be a healthy one. The Ureeks educated their girls physically; we educate our meutally. The CI reek mother bore the 11 nest children the world ever produced. The Greek education of girls developed beautiful women, am their beauty lusted till old ago. The beautiful Helen was as liundsmuo ut fifty ns at " sweet sixteen." How to Sew on Buttons, " Wheu I get a bright Idea I ulways want to pass It along," said a friend of mine to a little girl, as she sat watching the child try to sew. " lo your buttons nor eoiiio off. Nina?" " Ever? They're always doing it. They are Ironed off, washed off and pulled off, until 1 despair. I seem to shed buttons wherever I go. " Make use of these two hints when you are sewing them on, then, and see whether they make auy difference : When you beglu, before you lay the button on tlio iilnLh. nut the thread through so that the knot will be on the right side. That leaves It under the button, and prevents It being worn or washed away, and thus beginning the loosening process. Than before you begin sewing lay pin across the button, so that all your threads will go over the pin. After you have finished filling the holes with the thread, draw out the pin and wind your thread round and round beneath the tmiLrm. That make a compact stem to sustain the possible pulling and wear of the button-hole, it la no exu aeration to auy that my buttons never oome off, and I'm sure that your won't If you use my method of sowing. Meat and Potato-Mine some Wf or mutton, with pepir, salt aud a trtlle of oulou: add a little gravy, put Into cup or Uny pans, making them three pari full, and UU thein up with potatoo mashed, in which to a little cream; put a bit of butter on top and brown them In the oven. Jarot Bates. Large or Small Farms. A few weeks ago the Farmer Inquired whither or not processes In agriculture had got to be changed to conform with the changing ways of doing business, and whether or not there hail got to be larger farms worked on the cooperative plun. A correspondent answers "yes" to our question, and shows that a consoli dated ttfo-oore farm would save $15,000 in tools and fences over the sume number of acres in fifteen small farms. A'eit tiiyland Farmer, The correspondent referred to said, in the course of his article: A man can no longer "farm It" in the old-fashioned way and supjiort a family. He must have muny, if not all, thelulest machines and Implements. A complete farming outllt is entirely too costly for a small farm, and yet a fanner cannot get along successfully without these labor-saving mucmuos. naim moor can no longer be obtuined at proiituble prices. I am convinced that the day of small farms and individual labor Is post. Isuy ttiis with regret. The bulwarks of a nation are its small individualized homes. The future largo combination will be in the form of large, very large farms, under the control or. an Individual or a company. Let us look into this matter a little. Tuke for example an area equal to a section (tiw acres). J Ins section would in New Knglund be divided into say fifteen farms. Kach farmer would nave a ruimiy to support, biock anu im plements to buy and fences to keep in order. To do elllcient work each farmer must have the following outllt: Two homos I'sio 00 Three cows uo Two wagons uee uu Harvester 1M 00 MowiiiK machine 110 UO Hay rake ami tedder., 40 00 Hay forks, eto 1 00 potato plunler 160 oo ' dlKitor so 00 Cultivator ao uo Mlacellauoous aas uu $1500 00 or a total for the 15 farms or say $ I'i sou Now if this section was all put in one farm and intelligently managed the following outllt would do the work more etl'ectuully. One traction engine limo 00 Teu homes l'eo uo 30 cows l."oo oo 10 Wagons HP0 U0 t harvesters ooo uo 4 mowing machines 240 uu Hay rakes, etc sou uu Potato planter i s) uu uigger I'wuu Miscellaneous aauo UU These figures are roughly estimated. Almost any farmer can verify or correct them. 1 think, iiowover. that a consoli dated farm of 04U acres could be made to produce us much as 15 sinuil ones and ell'ect u saving in tools of ut least $10,000, a suving in fences of suv $5000 and a saving in household expenses of muny thousands of dollars, to Buy nothing oi the advantages of buying things on a large scale and selling in the same wuy. 1 believe thut a saving in capital of S20,- U0U could be made on every section of Mil acres in New England by consolidation. while the running expenses anu conse quent cost of production could be de creased ut least one-half. Instead of Im porting Ignorant foreigners to cultivate the "abandoned farms" of New England why not consolidate them and manage them us the large farms of the west are managed V 1 believe it is ut leust a subject worthy oi discussion. We have an Illustration of the lurge- farin system In California. More money Is made from a wheat crop on a 10,000- ucre truct thun would be from 100 tructu of 100 acres each. A few men prosper and muny ure tramps the greater part of the year. Instead of 100 men having loo homos, in which ure 100 wives and happy families, there there are one home of luxury und ninety-nine homeless hurvest hands during the season who during the rest of the year hang around the towns, and ninety-nine women in dives and deadfalls, furnishing demoralizing en tertainment for the men who, under the small-farm system would be heads of families uud honored members of the community. The butter and cheese uud eggs, IMjtutoes anil vegetables, turkeys, goose. ducks und chickens that would bo sold from these loo farms are lniHrtod from the east, ami we hear about "hard times." t'o-0wrution in the management of lurge farms may possibly some time be successful, but the possibility Is a remote one. The experiment litis boon tried several times und lias fulled. Hut there may be a limited oo-oHruUn with profit. A community of 100 families, liv ing on this 10,000 acres subdivided Into 100 farina, may oo-oierate In the purchase und use of harvesters und other machin ery. They may also raise poultry, eggs, dairy products and a variety of fruits und grains, besides turning oh a few fat animals In the shaie of beef, pork or muttons, und the gross receipts from the 100 farms, if Intelligently managed, will be more in ten years than could be realized In fifteen from a crop of wheat alone, to Buy nothing of the betterment or the condition of 100 men and loo women and their children and the moral advantage to tho state. .Small farms are best. Black Walnut Culture. A Yolo county man who has a grove of waluut timber out a carload out to thin it a couple of yearn ago and got $:tooo for it. A carload Is 9000 feet, which makes the price received equivalent to $300 a thousand for the tliulwr. At this rate it will pay those who have land adapted to black waluut to plant it for the timber alone, even if they have to wait twenty years for such returns. The fact that such Umber has txvn grown in California effectually disposes of the Idea thut the soil does not produce good walnut. The Yolo grovo was not cultivated, but was a native growth along tiie banks of a stream. Here is un doubtedly a gtd source from which to produce seed. Tho name of tho owner is given as John Wolf skill aud his post- oflleo as Woodland. A resident of Stock ton Is authority for tho statement of fact herein, which will be well worth the at tention of those having alluvlid lands that are now unprofitable. Siorkton In- deprsitrnf. It Is hard to be compelled to bear the taunts of tlioHO who are continually throwing the "sklm-mllk" characteristics of the HolslWns Into their owners' toco, but as long as thene despised cows pro duce over ten per cent more butter ami over one hundred per cent more milk than the Jersey or Guernseys, their breeders will probably continue in their foolish wrvs and stick to the llolstein. Dudley Ailicr. Rory O'More. Toting Rory O'More courted Kutlileen Dawns He was bold us a hawk and she soft as the dawn: He wished In his licurt pretty Kathleen to pluzo And he thought the host way to do that wan to tazo. "Now, Hory. he alsy." sweet Kathleen wotiM ctv, Ttermot'on her lips huta mlle in hep oyo: "With your I ricks I don't know, iu tiolh. what I'm Hl)Ut: Faith, you've iiizori till I'vo put on my cloak Inside out." "Oh. Jewel," Buys Rory. "Unit name Is the way You've treated niy heart for this munyaduv, And 'tis prized thai I am. and why not. to he in') For it s all for good luck," says bold Rory O's.ore- "Indeed, then," says Kathleen, "don't thlnkof the like, For I half guve a promise to jootlierlufr Mikej The ground that I walk ou he loves, I'll Uu bound." "Faitii," says Hory, "I'd rather love you than the ground. ' "Now. Kory, I'll cry If you don't let me go: Sure I dreuui every uiglil that I 'm hating you sol" "Oh I" said Rory, "that same I'm dcllfhteri to hear, For dhruuies always co by conthrurlos, my dear. Ohl Jewel, keep lilirmnln' thut paino till ye die, And bright morulug will give dirty night Ihe black lie; A n lis plnzed thut i am, und why not, to he sure? Since 'tis all for good luck." suys bold Rory O'More. "Arrah, Kathleen, raydurllut, you've toed me enough, And I've thrashed for your sake Dlnny Grimes and Jim I) oil, And I've made myself drinking your health quite a le'flto, So 1 think after that 1 may talk to tlicpruste." Then Rory, the rogue, stole his arm urouud her neck, fin oft and so white, without freckle orppeekj Aud he look d In hereyos, that were beaming with light, ' And he kiw'd her sweet lips don't you think he was right' "Now, Rory, louve off, sir you'll hug me no more; Thai's clgi t times to day that you've klss'd me before." "Then hero goos another," says lie, "to make sure, For there's luck In odd numbers," says Rory OMore. Thar es Lover MADELINE JOYCE.- "Slruwberries! strawberries) Very fine and fresh lady, please buy. But Madeline Joyce leaninr from the open window, with her check i()ly supported ontier hand, shook her head. "No, I don't want any, chi d!" And the strawberry jrirl passed on, her clear shrill voice echoin; fainter and fainter in the distance as she went. Madeline jm.imI after her with sail, violet-irrey eyes. "Poor und proud I proud and poor!" she iniitiiiiu'ed to herself. 'Oh.heitvenl whv was 1 not yonder g raw berry girl, or even the child who sweeps the crossings and earns an honest penny now uud then P lint now now my hands' are tied liy mamma's absurd prejudices! Well, Dent rice, what is it?" ror her younger sister had come noiselessly in a tall slip of a thing, like one of the graceful held lilies that grow in solitary pluces. "The bill from the baker's Made line!" "Another bill!" with an Impatient lift of the eyebrows. "Did you tell the man we had no money, Beatrice?" "What would have been the use, Maddy P Of course I did not tell him." "And mammaP" "She docs not know she is reading in the parlor; she will not let me mend the table-cloth; she says it is not work for ladies. Oh, Maddy, what shall' we do?" Madeline rose and begun pacing im patiently up and down the room, her while, slender hands clasped over her head. "flush!" she cried, abruptly; "there is a ring r.t ti e bell. It is Mrs. Den jnmin again, "do tell her I am en gaged busy - gone out any thing you please. No-slay- slay! lVrluips 1 had better see her, after all." Ami Madeline went downstairs lo the darkened room, where Mrs. Joyce gut in faded silk and darned lace, a relic of the glorious pasl, with white, wasted hands in her lap and an embroidered ottoman under tier feel. "It )s like n dreiini," M nleline laid to herself, smiling impatiently, as Mrs. Itenjainin and her mother prattled on about the current topics of the ilav. "And to think that there is nothing in the house for din ner! IVi'linns Mrs. Hcnjniiiin will nik mamma to dine, and Deu ami I can send out for some biscuits. We can eat anvthinjr!" And through her disjointed medita tions her niothers's soft, sweet voice sounded, as voices sometimes sound when one is half sleeping, half awake. "To the Lakes, with you? My dear Mrs. Denjamin, yon are very kind, I am sure, and SI add y must use her own discretion about accepting. Do you hear, dafliugP Mrs. llenjamin wants you to accompany her to tho Lakes as soon as she has secured a governess for the dear little boys. I am sure it would be a charming opportunity for you to see a little of life; for circumstances, you know" with a gentle little sigh "preclude nie from giving you much varietv." Madeline looked up with n sudden glitter in her eyes; nud Mrs. Denjamin thought witn surprise now pretty jurs. Iowa s eldest iiirl was crowing. "A governess? I think 1 know of tome ono.' Mrs. Benjamin, who will suit you, if if vour terms are at all liberal. "Sixty pounds a year and all ex penses paid," said Mm. Benjamin, eon placenlly. "I think it isn't ut all stingy Who is it, Madeline?" "A young lady a friend of mine. hen do you want herr "At once; aud then wo can lie oB without delav. You will accompany Us. Madeline? ' "Oh, of course of course. That Is, if mamma approves?" with a glance at the pretty, faded clligy of former gentility, who sat in the shadow bo vond, as bo tit tod her darned luce ami withered complexion. And Mrs. Jovce smiled faintly. "How ready the young birds arc to ny away ana leave iiut parent nest, ' she sighed. "Well, it is but natural. I can liardlv blame Mulilv for being anxious to leave so dull a plncvas this, "Mamma," cried Madel ne, passion ately, "it is not that. Oil! mamma, if I could only tell you!" And she hurried out of tho room, with a choking gasp iu her throat. Mrs. Benjamin did not like scenes; he looked on with civil wonderment But she understood it all after a little while. "The landlord, again!" cried Mrs. Joyce.iu hersoft, well-modulated voice. "Mamma," said Beatrice, hurriedly, "it's three mouths since lie was fieri) last, and, don't you remember, we didn't pay him then?" she could sav no more, for just then Mr. Athcling himself followed on her footsteps a tall, tine-looking man, about two and thirty, dark as a Spaniard, with square chin, uud brow as calm as that of an ancient Roman statue. Mrs. Joyce drew herself digni fied I v up. 'X his intrusion is scarcely called for. Mr. Atlieling," said she. "My daugh ter transacts my business all'airs for mo my daughter, who is now at the Lakes, or going there immediately." 'Uan 1 see lierr Air. Atlierliug asked, quietly. "I presume so, if you go to Mrs. Bruce Benjamin's, No. 7 I'ark Lane." "1 hanks, madam. 1 ray excuse me for disturbing vou." Mrs. Jovce bowed with the air of an ex-em press, and Mr. Athcling with drew. "Thafs over, thank goodness'" said sue, anu buried her nose once more in the pages of a book. But Bee was by no means certain that it was over. "Mamma misrht bear some of her own burdens, 11 she murmured un sympalhetieully to herself. It isn't fair upon Maddy to send people there." mt. Athcling himself walked along the street with something of indigna tion rising up within his breast. "Madeline Jovce is h gooil und beauti ful girl," lie said to himself, ."and for her sake 1 have borue with these people longer than I otherwise should. But dress and gaiety, and endless ex penses at the Lakes, with a year's rent ulie that is altogether a different matter. I have been mistaken in Madeline Joyce, and the sooner she understands it the better. A mere society butterfly too proud to work, too frivolous to stop and think) And I had fancied her so different!" Mrs. Benjamin's tall footman put on a supercilious grin as Mr. Athcling asked for Miss Joyce. "The new gov'ness," said he. "Up stairs second story, back, please " And with a backward motion of hii thumb the footman went about his busi ness; while Mr. Atheling, somewhal surprised and a little annoyed, ascend ed the staircase by himself. The door was half open, and even as he knocked at the panels he could see Madeline Joyce on a low sofa in the window, a book in her lap and two or three chubby little bo3's swarming around her, evidently intent on any thing anu everything but their lessons. She started up, crimson and confused at the sight of the dark, haudsome face she knew so well. "It is about that rent," she gasped. "Yes, yes I know. Vre can not pay it just yet; but but " lie smiled us he took her hand. "You are not going to the Cumber land Lakes, then?" "Yes, 1 urn as Mrs. Benjamin's foverness. Only mamma does not now. It would break her heart, Mr. Atheling, and the very first quarter's salary 1 receive shall bo forwarded im mediately to you. For " "Madeline !v lie burst forth impulsive ly. "I have mistaken you I have mis judged you altogether! Will you par- dou 11101" "I don't understand you, Mr, Athe ling." And then ho explained. Madeline's scarlet lip curved. "Ami you believed I couldo fashion hunting, pleasure-seeking, while we owed money that we could not pay? Oh. Mr. Atheling!" Five minutes later Master Clarence Benjamin, the oldest and most aggra vating of the trio of bovs, rushed down to bis mother's boudoir, where Mrs. Benjamin was half distracted over the mysteries of packing for tho lake. "Mamma! mamma!" he howled, grasping her hand: "come quick. There's a strange man whispering to Miss Joyce, and she s crying. ' But when Mrs. Bonj'uniu reached the scene of action t lie tears were all dried up, and Madeline was smiling ami coloring radiantly. "Oh, Mr. Atheling, is it you!" cried tlio lany, recognizing the wealthy land' holder at a glance, "Aud Maddy " "I may as well tell you," said Made line, soltly. "Mr. Athcling has asked nie to marry him, and " I'Anil you will lose your governess,'' gain Atlieling, smiini''. So Madeline Joyce never gave up her Honest, pride, lint she was poor no longer, either iu heart or purse. And she went to the Lakes after all: but it was as a bride, not as Mrs. Bcnjamiu's v ii- . , j vuuil-'aiiiuu. . j, norm. A Hero's Pardonable YVeakueaa. The Detroit Tribune taU that a worn' an recently approached General Sher man tn a railroad cur. and, pulling at his coat, asked: "is this Uotieral Sherman?" "Yes, madam." "Gen eral Sherman, I felt that I must see you. I wanted to look at you and talk with you. I hail three brothers in your the Fifteenth Corps. Two of them will never come back again." The General straightened up in a min ute and lus eves got a little moist, tie would have done anything for her after that, luree brothers in Ins command and two killed! lie sat there and talked with her with such courtly dig nity that, encouraged, a crowd of wom en and girls, the companions of the sis ter of the three soldiers, crowded into the car. No one would have suspected that his nap had been spoiled. The woman who had awakened him was voung and by no means unattractive in appearance. His color deeenod as the train prepared to pull out. "Gen oral, is it is it true, ' she asked, hes itatingly, "what they say about your Kissing tne women wnerever you go? "I'm afraid it is." "Well, why do vou doit? Does it please them?" "I don't know whether it din's or not. Some of them say it docs." "General, can I can 1" then she stoptn-d. "t'au I do it?" she tittally blurted out. The Gen eral w as on his feet in an instant, and, reaching up, she gave him a good smack. ECYPT'S FORMER KHEDIVE. flow Ismail Pasha Spent 5, 000,000 In the Hue Canal Festivities. It reads like a passage from a comic opera; says the London Sei:UUor,vihen we find that in the beginning of 1860 business was practically suspended in nearly all the government offices in or der that those of their staffs who knew rrench might be employed in trans lating the '(EilCreve.'thcDellellelene,' tho 'Mariee de Mardi Gras,' and other chefs d'oeuvres of Offenbach into Arabic for the use of the harem ladies." In May the klindive gave a graud ball to celebrate his accession. One of the items of expenditure, on this occasion was the throwing of a temporary bridge across the Nile at a cost of 8, 000. And then in November came the crowning splendors of the opening of the canal. J be empress of i ranee, the emperor of Austria, and the crown prince of Prussia were the most nota ble of the guests; but there was a mul titudeamounting, it is said, to thou sands of less distinguished persons, who were entertained in a most ex travagant style, 4 per head being paid for the hotels bills of each guest at the canal and 2 12s at Cairo. The w hole expenditure of the fetes came to considerably more than 1.000,000. Even literature got some pickings out of this gorgeous outlay, the author of an official history of the ceremony being paid 1,000 for "copy." Doubt less Ismail fancied that by this costly lay he was building up an absolutel)' independent throne. If so it must have been a grievous disappointment when he had to sell to the porte his new iron-cluds, especially precious symbols of independent power. Year after year things went on, the tinancial situation growing steadily worse and worse. The great Disraeli coup of purchasing the khedive's canal shares set him on his legs for a time, but the end was approaching. In 1879, after a reign of sixteen years, tho final blow was delivered. England and France agreed to demand his resignation. He was not unequal to the situation. He made good terms for himself, selected his chief favorites from his harem, put their jewelry into the most portable shape, stripped his palace of every thing that was valuable the plate was estimated at 800,000 and then re ceived the irade that appointed TewGk his successor with philosophic resigna tion. "Raising Tewtik's hand to his Hps, he said: 'I salute niy Effendina.' He then kissed him on both ciieeks, and merely adding the bare expres sion of a hope that he would be more fortunate than his father had been, with a slight obeisance retired into the adjoining harem." F'our days after ward, June 30, lie left Egypt, it iniiy now be said with certainty, for ever. Lifting by Arithmetic. Civil engineers are mostly common place people, but an odd stick occas ionally turns up among them. One of the oddest I ever met "with lives here in St. Louis. He is an old man, thor oughly educated in his business and a paragon of exactness, even fora mathe matician.' Not many months ago he was called to East St. Louis to make a new survey of an old lino, orriginally run by him self. Ou the first survey he had driven a certain corner-stake deep in the ground and covered it up with a large stone. When he came to the spot he got a spade and cleaned the soil away from around the stone and then clean ed it off nicely with dry leaves, top and sides. Next he took out his rule and made careful measurements of the stone, which he used a moment later on the basis of a calculation to determine its weight. When he saw the product his face lighted up with joy, for the num ber of pounds, ouuees, aud drachms represented therein was within the limit of his lifting power. U made no attempt to lift the stone as a means of testing his ability to handle it, but relied ou his mathematical knowledge to settle that point for him. This is the only case I ever knew of where a man demonstrated bis own lifting power by the use of arithmetic SU Loui Utobe- Democrat, Capt II. Smith, of Hagerstown, Md who died recently, leaving a handsome property, directed in his will that his funeral expenses should notexceed JU, and that his remains be conveyed to the burial place in a spring wagon, it di rected that his body be wrapped in cloth, packed in unslacked lime, and that 5 be set aside for some on to pour water into his coffin until the lime cremated the body. FRF.O II. HLKCKEIt. Fred n. Blecxer, an old time now-nsper and theatrical man, writes from the Baldwin Hotel, 8. F., " No ordluarv occurrence could induce me to allow my name to he used, but I have been troubled with ilyspepia In iu wont form ml lndlgetlon. Before I tried Joy's Vege table SarsapartH' ' "rent many a dollar on remedies without relief. My misery was so great at limes It seemed as if 1 should die. In three davs 1 lounil Joy w as in that bottle, and the second put me on my feet ft will cheat the grave of many a vtctim. DR. ft C0'9 MuMTn of Antorn 1A1 MAKKKT STKriKT. Open forLaillessnd Oentlemen from 9 a.m. to lb p. m. Admission A ets. Oo and lesrn how to.F ii disease and now wonderfully y are made, consultation andtrat metit personally or by letter o wrskneaaes) and all diseases D.O. Consultation free. FTirate Offir. Ill Oearr st. rK WANT MARRIED I.AKIK8 (one or II two in eaeh wwu, whenl district or neujtb borhosli to work for us. Salary tie t week t r Are hours wi.rk ir day. Address with two sent stamp, KaowltoB Co., 8UUon I'., San Fran-Cisco. Tiger Mowers Thd.JIKKf Front-Cut, Mowers Are 1'nsurpa.sscd. KxtraeU From Farmer' Letters. "I am nerfectly satisfied with the work It does." James Irwin, liuululn Inland. "Easily handled and unequaled for lightness ot draught." Jas Mcti.iwan, WatHouvllle. "1 eonslder It the best Mower I have ever seen work." David Hall, t'loverdale. "It fs the best Mower I have ever used, and Diy exjierleuee extends uver thirty years." Augustus, Hunel, "1 will eertalnly recommend It to all." Wm. Armstrong, Petaluma. "IeeuHlderlt the lightest draught Muwer I ever used." Oeo. 0. Stanley, Llverniore. "The cheapest Urst-elass machine lu the mar ket." Frank Mmlih, Marshfleld. Or. "I have tried the liuckiye, McCnrmlck and several eUiers, and am better pleased with the Tiger than wiuu any ut theui." Thomas Hoblu son, Lompoc. "Would not exchange It for any machine I know ol." A. W. Collls, Brentwood. "The best Mower In this section." Sullivan k Keys, Sulsuu. "My man, an (Xpert, say: 'Beet I ever used.'" P. H. rainier, lHie Valley. "It Is perfect," Thus. Klchardson, Oakdale. "The Tiger Mower gives perfect satisfaction.' H. B. Blssell, Fresno. "Would advise farmers to use uo other."E. 8. Shaw, Santa Maria. "Best Mower 1 ever used." Tho. Holdon, San Buenaventura. "I consider It the strongest cutting and light est draught Mower In the market." John Wors nick, Oraugervllle. SOLE AGENTS. Baker & Hamilton San Francisco. BLAKE, M0FFITT & T0WNE IMPOKTEKS AND DEALEIIS IX BOOK, NEWS, WRITING AND WRAPPING PA-P e n s Card Stock, Straw and Binders' Board Patent Machine made Bags, 51? to 516 Sacramento St.. BAN FlU.NCIsco. ANT BRIGH1 GIRL can draft a dress pattern, equal to the most expert cutter, by the simple rules of the NEW YORK CHART. PARTICULARS KllKK. Special Inducements to atfpnts. Mrs, i. tm MiMKlonalii, 83a Howard street, S. F. Cal, PACIFIC STATES Printers' Complete SUPPLYHOUSE. HAWKS & SHATTUCK 409 'Washington St, San lYancisco. A NNOUNOE A FULL STOCK OF KVEKYTUINQ required In News.a:r uud Job Printing, ami many speelalUes not kept by other houses. PACIFIC OOAST AGENTS FOR Conner's TJ H. Type Foundry, New York, Baruinufa Ureal Western Tyia) Fouudry,Chlcagi Bagley k Rewall Cylinders, Colt's Armory ImnrovM Tiiilveraal Jobbers, Thoro'atlordun Presses, (economic Pair Cutters, tilmons' Cases aud Furniture, Hold lint's 1'rossea and Tools, tjcdgwlck Pajxir Joggers, Keystone Quoins, Page's w W Ty tnks, Rollers, Tablet Composition, EUi. WBUHUKltS or Newspapers on the HOME PLAN. HAHtlFAOTUBF.RS Ot Stereotype Newspaper Plates BOOKBINDeitP AND I'.NOIIAVEKS' StJPPLIEH NOW, what's the matter DON'T COMPLAIN ABOUT DULL TIHI3 Loolt about yoa ; rtduct your expense, live cheaper, pay cash aa you go, leirn how other do it. Smith Catalogue, the ' Homs Circle," will give you many valuable hint. It goet by mail every month k over 8000 regular customer, and con tain the lowest cah telling prices of over len thousand articles, all carried in stock, and bought at first market price. Goods sold by mail order sys tem all over the world. Largest trade of any bouse on the Coaftt, Jobbing prices lower than ever known. Goods retailed and told in any quantity direct to consumers at wholesale rate. ( Packing, boxing and dray age free. Best of care given all order. Try us once. .tdTScnd postal card for Catalogue. SMITH'S CASH STORE, I8 FRGrtT 8TREET, SAN FRANCISCO, HALL'S SAKSAPAKILLA, Yellow Dock & Iodide of Potass THE BEST BI.00D ITRIFIER AND TONIC ALTEUAT1VE IX CSE. It ('urea lMieumatism, Neuralgia, Gout, Catarrh, Scrofula, Tum ors, Salt It hen m and Mer curial Pains. It Invigorates the Stomneh, Liver and Boweli, reUerlnf Dyptptia, IndigaUo and Coiutipation. It restore the Appttite, Increase, and hardens Uiesa. It stimulates the lii tr aad Kidnryi to healthy action, PuriJUs the Blood, and Brantiiri the Com plexion, J. R. GATES & CO, Proprietors. 417 SAN80VI fITBFIT. B. t tit Increased B unifies. The Pacific Bank of 8an Francisco, pursue the ere u teuor of It. way, simply pHutlng to It. tl.uui.uo of paid up capital; it. t? ,imu of sur plus fund, (snowing an Increase of lAhi.luu with in two yesrsi : and Its regular dlndedds a. large as erer, h aving business men to draw lnelr own Inference. m