Lexington weekly budget. (Lexington, Morrow County, Or.) 188?-1???, May 29, 1890, Image 2

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Entered at the rottnfficc at Lciinottm, Or., ai
Secoiid'CUtss Matter.
The Men Who Will Receive Majorities
Election Day.
State Nomi iieeiu
DINGER HERMANN (Hep.) of Douglas.
GEO. W. McliKHilJ (licp.) of Columbia.
i'HII, MK IXC II A.N (Hep.) of (irnnt.
A. LEROY (Dcm.) of Linn.
FRANK C. BAKER (Ki p.) of Multnomah.
H. 8. UK AN (Rep.) of Lane.
I ! t r I t No in ill ecu.
r-itosRccTINO attorney, seventh iii-zrEic-r,
W. II. WILSON '.Rep.) of Wasco.
GEO. W. Mi HALEY !Kep.) of Oraut.
morrow Comity Nominees.
J. C. THOMSON (Dem.)
WM. MITCHELL (I)ulll,)
II. M. VAniHN (Dcm.)
J. W. MORROW (IJcin.)
J. W. MATLOCK (Dein.)
J. J. McGEE (Dcm.)
I.olliiUto" Precinct Nomlncci.
Wn.LIAH MlTCIIHI.L is tho tool of no
clique. .
Bf.tteu lie a bolter than the puppet of
J. W. Mohiiow is no mail's dummy
lie will iintko an active and ellieient
county clerk.
It 1m hotter to le a bolter than to
"Htick to tho party" and uphold an un
scrupulous i i im.
This rairipaiiin linn brought out the
Gnzette in its real capacity the organ of
the Morrow county rimr.
Tub citizens of Ilepimer have an in
tense love anil the most profound respect
for their local paper so does a cat love
Tun Gazette has shown its true colors
in this political light, and now even the
most obtuse cannot fail to see that it is
the mouthpiece of the ringmaster and
his flunkicR.
The republican county ticket is that
in name only. It is nut the ticket of
tho republican party in Morrow county,
but was foisted ijion the party by a few
tricksters within its ranks.
Ili.Ai'KMAN may havo great confidence
in the mire uisinir power ol gold, mil lie
knows that the influence, or even the
silence, of .the lit imiiot is not met'
r lllackmiin attempts to put in praiv
tico bis theory that bunchgrassers' votes
may be bought for a roll of barbed wire
and a side of bacon each, lie will nnd
that poverty does not mean depravity
"On. Stanley, on 1" Hut ho couldn't
(day on. Ho concluded to "come olf."
l'ettvs went on as A forlorn hope, but
bis sword lias proven to bo a stock whip
and its lash has enwrapped its owner
Wh at Is the use of a republican voting
the republican countv ticket on prin
ciplo" when tho ticket was put up by a
handful of unprincipled tricksters ,' net
ter bolt n ling ticket than to stand in
with the ring by voting its ticket.
Gkohuk Noiii.k, the democratic eandi
date for sherilf, will have a walk-over
Tliounh he was safe in his own strength
his opponent's methods of electioneer'
inn have made many votes for-him dur
ing the campaign, and Mr. Noble will be
solid next Monday.
1m bis candidacy for county clerk J
W. Morrow makes no whine to create
vmtiathv. He is the toot of no rinir
but stands on his own merits and will be
supported for his well-known manliness
Integrity and Illness lor the ollice.
Hit consented to run; tho ring held
him: lie couldn t khv no. l oor follow
If elected, what will be do if the ring-
ptemask him to pack a jury? Through
sympathy, many of bis friends have con
eluded to say no for him by casting
their votes for J. W. Morrow.
Tiik Giuette asks why Messrs. Mitch
dl and Howard did not prosecute Hwin
buine, etc., etc. Why? Simply because
Swinburne, being given no encourage
ment, made no tender id a bribe. But
that does nut in the least excuse Dr.
Swinburne or in any way palliate his
attempt to pack the jin y panel.
Tiiosk candidate n the republican
county ticket who may have been "good
men and bunchgrassers" have, by ac
ceptHig nomination and support from
the common enemy of all good men and
bunchgrassers, forfeited every claim
they might have had to the 'vote of
their former tompstriotn.
If the democratic party lias a ring, as
asserted by the Guzette, it seems to be
better concealed, or takes less obvious
methods of working than the republican
ring.. It did not take the trouble to send
men to lone and Eight Mile to carry the
primaries. It did not have any one to
come in from Eight Mile and say, "I
brought you in straight goods as I agreed
to in that delegation, and you went back
on me." It did not have a mail in I'ine
City to hold the primary before all were
collected, and when others came in be
fore adjournment but just after voting
on delegates and asked for a reconsider
ation, to take a vote on tho reconsidera
tion, and, when it carried, to refuse to
reconsider, saying, "I have no authority
to allow another vote to be taken," when
the majority of the meeting had just
voted him that authority. The demo
crats did not have a man with an inex
haustible quantity of gall and a versatile
capacity for arsuming to be either a re
publican or a democrat, as he thought
best at the moment to proem e informa
tion from a stranger from tins country,
to parade I ho streets of Heppner for two
months lieloro the convention, witli
hardlv daylight enough in which to talk
oldies. 1 ho democrats dm not have
the gall to promiHu the assessor's ollice
to live different men to procure their
assistance in the nomination of sheriff
and clerk. No one among the demo1
crats hud the unadulterated cheek to
issert with a bland smile and engaging
air of sincerity, "I am not lighting any
one," then go into the primary, and on
finding that the ring was hkelv to he
outvoted, to send men down town to
rake up drunks and democrats to carry
the primary. Iho democrats had no
man with such a brazen front as to get
up in the convention and assert that he
hail lieen ottered a proxy and had re
fused to take it, when in fact he had
unsuccessfully asked for the proxy in
question, anil who said a telegram was
on tile in tho telegraph ollice to that ef
fect, which telegram does not and never
did exist. Tho "democratic ring" did
not have a temporary chairman primed
with a written list of the names he was
to appoint on committees and so awk
ward as to produce the list trom Ins
pocket and read it to the convention.
The "democratic ring" does not have its
members so well drilled as to throw out
the vote of a precinct when in 1888, iu
tho same convention, a precinct vote
was admitted under exactly the same
irciimstances; nor so well drilled as to
admit one proxy sent by telegraph and'
exclude another, and every man vote for
one and against the other. The demo
crats don't have to put up men who
must villi f y their relatives privately
through tho country to get elected or to
get nominations. Their candidates do
not have to lure a newspaper to detenu
tho character of n ringleader through the
'ampaign; and last, but not least, they
do riot have a ringleader who makes his
boast, as Dr. h. K. bwmhurne did after
the republican convention, "I have
Howard's and Andrews' scalps at my
belt, and am going to hang them on my
tent pole. If anybody wants an ollice in
Morrow county they have to come to
Jim. 1 um the, mm!"
Tub Gazette must bo in a pretty tight
place when, in its desperate efforts to
defend the lepuhlihan ling and its boss.
it slaps Heppner square in the lace and
flies to the liunchgrusscrs for sympathy,
pretending to bo their friend. Indeed!
Kor how long has that sheet been the
friend of the hunehgrassers ? Since its
issue of the week belore, piolmbly, when
it referred to the bunchgrassers as
easily-deluded farmers." The hunch-
grassers are not so "easily-deluded lint
that they can see through the organ s
hypocritical pretensions of fiicndship
made at this time to secure votes tor
the ticket put up to defe:it men against
whom the ringmaster had personal spile
hecaime he could not induce them to
pack jiities for him. For u paper that
stands selt'-couimitled as theoiganof a
set of unscrupulous tricksters who are
trying to "wotk the bunchgrassers" in
their own interests to now tell hunch-
grassers (hat the democratic party was
run by a ring in Iho interest of Heppner
is a piece of nau.y claptrap that excites
only the ridicule and contempt of the
men whom it seeks to make tools ol. it
the campaign lasted a couple of weeks
longer the oigan would become a drivel
ing idiot.
The ingenuity of some of the tricks of
the republican ring is onlv equaled by
their nbsiiidity.- Tho other day the
statement was made that, I. V. Morrow
controlled the policy of tho Iti'imKT, and
as he did not cause it to favor ltlackman,
ho should bu slaughtered by democrats.
Isn t that a titilh.int idea Y for the in
formation of any who are not well ac
quainted with this paper, we will say
here that neither .1. W. Morrow nor any
other person than its proprietors, whose
names appear upon the first pano, con
trols the policy of the Hhihikt. To those
who have known (lie paper since its in
ception no denial is necessary, and un
der other circumstances atu-h a frivolous
and self-evident canard would not be
noticed. Vote the democratic ticket and
frustrate the designs of men who stoop
to such tricks. r
Candidates on tho republican county
ticket, after allowing themselves to be
made the tools of tho ring, display an
amount of assurance that is amusing if
not disgusting when they demand the
support of men w ho are opposing the
ring. Hecansetliey are good men and
buuchgrasKcrs," they ask to be upheld,
oven though they join with tho most
malignant foe of the biinchgrasser.
Twaddi.k, twaddle, twaddle; how im
potent is twaddle! The Gazette labors
through a column of high-noun. ling and
far-fetched verbiage to show that a Jew
is almost as respectable as an American.
Say no more. For tho sake of peace wo
admit that the argument holds good in
some cases say, for instance, that of
a second-hand pawnbroker and the pro
prietor of tho Gazette.
When a subscription paper for the
relief of sufferers by the Vvclone was
presented to Dr. K. K. Swinburne, the
boss refused to contribute a cent, say
ing, I am not responsioie tor wnai itod
Almighty and the elements have done."
lo voters want that kind of a man to
control the n tt'a i i h of thix rmintt '.'
The campaign is drawing to a Close.
Next Monday will be determined the
relative strength of two political parties
throughout the state, modified to some
extent by the personal popularity of dif
ferent candidates and by questions of
local interest. In Morrow county the
fate of the two county tickets will not
depend so much upon the difference in
numbers between democrats and repub
licans as upon the question whether it
is the wish of the majority that one un
principled individual, aided by a hand
ful of unscrupulous politicians, shall
control the public ollh-es and the admin
istration of justice. The issue is plain
and unmistakable. On one side is the
republican ticket, nominated by notori
ously unfair means for the express pur
pose of punishing honorable men whom
the ringmaster had failed to defile and
against whom his venom was directed,
and on the other the democratic ticket,
entirely uninfluenced by the ring and
quite acceptable to republicans who
wish to rebuke their would-be bosses.
Many republicans have at last reached
the limit of their patience, and, revolt
ing from ring rule, repudiate the ticket
of their own party so arrogantly and
um'ustlv forced upon them. The indi
cations grow stronger every day trV.it
their number is snllicient to turn the
balance and elect the democratic county
ticket. Such a defeat of the republican
county ticket at this time will be doubly
advantageous to that party. It will in
flict a humiliating puisvditnent upon the
bosses and administer a wholesome
warning to men who might in future he
inclined to accept nominations from and
allow themselves to be made the pup
pets of wire pullers. Consistently with
its course in the past, during this cam
paign the lirixiET has opposed the fac
tion that would allow a few selfish men
to make of a political party a machine
for their own use, control the affairs of
a county and even tip the scales of jus
tice. In thus endeavoring to lessen the
power of a corrupt boss and his aides
this paper has had the moral support of
the best citizens of the county, who rec
ognize in it at least a staunch ally in
their struggle to throw olf the yoke that
bus long borne heavily upon them, and
it has brought upon itself the wrath of a
few who do not like to acknowledge,
even to themselves, that they have been
made the dupes of Swinburne and his
associates, and like still less to be told
of it. However, this paper is not trying
to "stand in" with the whole world. It
tries to be and do right, and if it makes
enemies on that account it has no re
grets. During tho past two months it
has waked up many a man to a full
sense of the wrong that was being prac
ticed upon republicans especially and
upon the county in general, while the
Gazette, whi.di should have been an
earnest colaborer, haB used every means
to undo its work and cover the tracks of
the wrongdoers. The Hi'dokt has been
aggressive and outspoken. Its asser
tions have been borne out by the facts ;
and while it has used pretty plain lan
guage, it has not stated the half of what
it might have said without overstepping
the bounds of truth or respectable jour
nalism, lint it has done its duty, and It
now remains for the voters to do theirs
at the polls next Monday.
ItoNosMi-N in the right-of-way matter,
men who gave notes for the right-of-way
fund, and others (except tho M. 0. L. &
T. Co.) interested in tho bond suit now
pending, want to make it impossible for
the ringmaster to have anything to do
with the jury list. They will support
.lodge William Mitchell for re-election
to Ins present position, Oeorgo noble for
sherilf, and J. W. Morrow for county
clei k, knowing these men to be honor
able, true to their own manhood, and
entirely beyond the reach of the ring
master or his accomplices.
The Gazette intimates that the Ilrixircr
lies. This remark is not a new one for
the Gazette (o make, but readers of the
two papers will remember a former oc
casion w hen that paper made the same
accusation and the truth of the ISnxir.r's
statements was proven in court. It will
be remembered also that the Ga2ette was
then upholding tho ring, a bad habit it
has which it should endeavor to over
come, or men whom it characterizes as
"easily-deluded farmers" may begin to
suspect that it is part of the ring.
Pi:moci!Ats, note the fact that while
Frank I!, baker is the republican candi
date for state pi inter, he is the first man
elected to that ollice who purchased a
complete plant and kept the work at
home. For his enterprise nnd fairness
ho deserves re-election. He is an ar
tistic printer, a square man, a member
of tho typographical union (has been
president), and a gold-headed cane pre
sented by his own employes is evidence
of his popularity among tho printers.
Ho is worthy of your votes.
When the Gazette talks about the po'
tencv of boodle does it refer to Black
man's or the republican ring's boodlo?
Does it measure others bv its ow n stand
ard? Did it help Blackmail put himself
up for ollice for the honor it hoped to
gain thereby? Has it gained any honor?
Did it become the organ of the republi
can ring for the benefit of public health
and morality? Has it deliberately made
mi as of itself merely for the sake of
hearing its ow n brav? "Boodle, boodle,
how potent is boodle!"
J. C. Thomson, democratic candidate
for representative, has captured the
county. The people want a farmer to
represent them, and he suits exactly.
Since his trip through the few localities
where he was not well acquainted hois
safe for a big majority. Mr. l'ettvs
might as well hang up his whip.
At the eleventh hour, nnd having
ignominiously failed in its efforts to
w hitewash tiie republican ting, the Ga
zette retaliates, parrot fashion, by ac
cusing the democratic party of being
run by a ring. If that is so, then it
boss must bo Blackmail, whom the Ga
zette has supported since long before the
Candidates on the republican county
ticket who whine about bunchgrassers
"going back on them" would have men
ignore the fact that they first "went
back on" their comrades by becoming
the weapons with which the ring would
mil? pond men and bunchgi-jsr-ers.
"Boodle, boodle, boodle, how potent
is boodle. It blunts the intellect and
blinds the sight," says the Gazette.
Those who have noted the course of
Bhickman's organ during the campaign
will not doubt that it is fully qualified to
speak advisedly on the subject. Does
that account for the course of the Gazette
in drooling over Black man since long
before the primaries? l'erhaps Black
mail's boodle is all-powerful with the
Gazette, but it was not potent enough to
procure even the silence of the Budget.
Criminals sometimes seek to smirch
those who refuse to enter the same field
of "usefulness." Does the Gazette act
upon that rule? At any rate, by its own
admission, the readers of that paper now
receive confirmation of their opinion in
regard to the malady that so badly af
fects its reasoning and perceptive fac
ulties. Because the ringmaster could not in
duce Judge William Mitchell to fix the
circuit court jury list to suit him, Judge
Mitchell must not be re-elected. There
fore, as the ringmaster could not Jiope
to control tho democratic convention, a
man who would take well with the
bunchgrassers must bo put on the re
publican ticket to beat .Mitchell. How
well this programme of the boss was
carried out has been abundantly demon
strated. Can conscientious and fair' men
now vote the republican county ticket
and help to carry out the designs of the
boss ?
What absurd arguments some of the
republican candidates advance to sustain
their unenviable position. Finding it.
useless to deny the fact that their nom
ination was brought about by the ring
and that the ring is now supporting
them, they argue that they should not
be condemned for accepting what was
tendered. With equal reason the re
ceiver of stolen goods might plead for
"The Budget lies" is the argument of
the Gazette when it finds itself in a
corner. As the statements of C. M.
Mallory, "Republican," County Judge
Mitchell and Sheriff Howard (published
in this issue) and of many other honor
aide gentlemen corroborate and even
exceed tho Bi doet's assertions, per
haps the Gazette would apply its stock
argument to them also.
Besides C. B. ('bank's superior quali
fications for school superintendent, he is
a tax-payer, a man of family and an in
dustrious, enterprising citizen. In every
way he highly deserves the ollice he
seeks, or rather which seeks him, for it
is well known that he did not solicit the
nomination. If voters are concerned for
the welfare of their schools they will
elect Mr. Crane.
Swinburne's Efforts to Control
Scales of Justice.
Any readera of the Budget who may
have doubts as to the truth of its asser
tions are respectfully referred to the fol
lowing statements from Judge Mitchell
and Sheriff Howard. Read them and
say whether you feel like voting tho
republican county ticket, put up to beat
incorruptible men :
Tii Whom it Muti Cuneern: During the month
of January, lss7, Dr. E, H. Swinburne requested
a private conversation witli mo in the oijlce
room of J. S. Porter's drug store, at Heppner.
Ho then recited a long story about how a cer
tain person with whom he hail legal trouble
was then procuring information to expose er
roneous and Illegal proofs by which title had
been fraudulently obtained to large tracts of
land In Morrow and Umatilla counties, and
stated that such exposure would cause ureal
cost and trouble to certain men in these coun
ties who now hold said land: therefore tiiis
bad loan out'lit to he put In the penitentiary,
where lie could not work such schemes. This
and more to the same purpose was his preface
to a proposition Unit in drawing the list of
jurors for the next term of the circuit court I
should select the names of such men as would
decicle favorably to him (Swinburne) nnd
against the person so obnoxious to him, with
tiie hope of sending I lie latter to the peniten
tiary. In reply to his urgent solicitations I
stuti'd that 1 would do nothing of the kind, hut
that as a sworn member of lite court I should
perform my duly strictly in accordance with
the law tuid Willi exact impartiality. Among
tiie cases before the circuit court at the March
term were live in which tho said Dr. Swin
burne was interc.-ted, and In two of the crimi
nal cases he was a prosecuting witness.
County Judge.
Heitner, Or., May it, 110.
To the. Krntt. rg of the Fm1qrt: Pome time in
January or February. IssT, br. K. R. Swinburne
did approach me. and after referring to cases
then pending before the circuit court and iu
which he was lute rested, he urged me to favor
him iu the mailer of drawing jurors for the
coming term and to draw the names of such
men as were prejudiced for him and against
Ills opponent, saying t lint 1 nuulit to help him
ly getting the right kind of jurors for him. as
that person had already caused him to be out
a lot of money. He urued me stroniily to do
this, hut I utterly refused to have anything to
do with any dirty work, and left him.
IlEPrNF.it, May !, 1MH). Sheriff.
C. L. Andrews Refutes Certain Misleading
In the Gazette ot last week appeared an article
signed "A llunchcrasser," purporting to give a
conversation between my uncle and myself.
The article Is untrue In some very important
respects. Mr. A. Andrews never came and told
me he was going to be or was a candidate. Mr.
M. 1). Long told me that he had heard he was a
candidate. I was much surprised, and told Mr.
Long I thought there was some mistake, as my
uncle had been In Heppner the week before
and had said nothing to me about it. My uncle
was In town a few days after, and I asked him,
telling him what Mr. Long had raid. He said
vcs. litat he had agreed to let his name come
before the convention for sherilf. I asked him
w hy he had not told me, and said he ought to
have told me about It. (I said this because
w henever I had used any ones name in con
nection with nomination and In what conver
sations I had had with my friends, 1 had advo
cated Mr. Howard for sheritt', and It was a late
time tochauge. Besides, I had agreed to allow
my name to be used and my friends had been
workini for me. and it was late for me to sav I
would wlthdrsw. Hut had iny uncle told me
sooner. I should have drawn out of I lie race, as
It is not a stroke of policy for two of a family
and name to try for nomination on tho same
ticket. In fact . It Is a very foolish thing, wilt
aid nojther. and very likely lessen the chances
of both to some extent.) fie answered that it
was a free country, and a man could do as he
pleased. 1 did not use the language quoted in
the iiiudlr, and did not in any way attempt to
puiuiose nuu as ipioieu mere.
Again. In regard to one of my friends going
to him and saying they would defeat him. This
is untrue. The man he speaks id told him he
did not think lie (Mr. A. Andrews) could be
elected, but did not say he or any one he was
Interested with would not vote for him. There
waa nothing Intended in any way to intimidate
or bulldose nim, and could not be so construed
by any one but by oue wanting to damage or
tear down some one else to build up his side
a. ul choosing that method of doing It.
1 have no word to say against my uncle per
sonally. It must, however, be conceded by all
conversant with the facts that whoever w'rote
the artiela referred to tmik an ungemiemauly
way ui auact aim ougui io ne asnameu or it
Hrrrvrtt . May -v,,
Cold Facts and Caustic Comments Pre
sented in Convincing Language for
Thinking Men's Consideration.
For the Budget.
There are but few things so disgusting
as for a man or set of men, of not more
than six or eight, to undertake to run
the political affairs of a county or state.
It is hardly tho thing, nor creditable,
even when there are no unfair or foul
means used by such man or set of men
in order to control nominations, either
in primaries or conventions. But when
ever such means are used as voting
drunks, hiring men to vote a certain
way, hiring members of the opposite
party to vote at primary meetings and
always in the interest of the would-be
boss, then the matter becomes insuper
able. Your correspondent was at the repub
lican primary held in Heppner last
April and knows beyond dispute or
cavil that all the latter moans were
practiced by the cliquo known as Boss
Swinburne & Co. ; also knows that on
tho election of a chairman the respect
able portion of the party had about six
majority, and that as soon as the voting
for delegates to tho county convention
began a certain few young men rushed
up and voted and tlfen out into and
scoured the tow n for voters who could
be relied on to veto the master's will;
that more than one man was led up the
court-house steps in order to vote; that
democrats were upproached on the
streets by those same young men in
order to obtain their assistance by al
lowing themselves voted in tho repub
lican primary ; knows that money was
offered to one democrat, and believes
that it was used with others; knows
that men were brought up and voted
who were known to tie lite-long demo
crats; that one democrat was pievented
from voting who was most likely being
"worked " bv those Bame immaculate
young men: knows that respectable re
publicans voted, remained quiet, did not
rule the town tor men who could tie ur
duced to come up and vote, even le
gaily, thinking they were safe, in their
majority. And the upshot of the whole
business was that Boss Swinburne had
gotten on final count a majority of two,
electing six out ol nine delegates.
.Mow through the balance ot power
thus "honorably" ( ?) anil justly (?)
obtained by this "majority" ( ?) of the
republican voters of the precinct, they
succeeded in flooring two of the people's
choice in tho county convention for two
principal ollices and in nominating just
such a ticket as tho boss desired. The
people know who the candidates on that
ticket are. Ihey also all know through
a late issue of the Budget just why the
boss labored so long and so successfully
to defeat Messrs. Howard and Andrews
for renomination. It was because they
could not oe induced to stock a jury
iu the interest of the boss at a time
when ho was being sued for a large
amount of money as damages, claimed
to have been sustained bv the plaintiff'
in former suits instituted by the boss
against the said plaintiu.
How, knowing all these things, your
correspondent and many other fair
minded republicans have seen lit to
positively refuse to support the said
ticket; and, forget it not, we feel just
that way yet, and expect to vote that
way on the second day of June next.
On account of our having dissented
from these proceedings, and having pro
claimed our opinions in the matter (a
right which every American citizen has
concerning politics), they have hurled
at our devoted heads that dangerous
and much-to-bo-dreaded weapon, nnd
bug of foul wind, the Heppner Gazette
(winch, thanks to the lates, lias heen
entirely too soft and slushy to do much
harm since it espoused the caase of the
boss). That paper may get its $ol)0
from II. Black man for doing his dirty
work in getting him nominated for joint
senator; it may also get ifoOU or even
11,000 from the boss for trying to pull
the wool over the eyes of voters iu Mor
row county this election. Hut, Mr. Ga
zette, are you pot aware that by apply
ing such epithets as you have dining
the past four weeks to a large and re
spectable part of tho people who will
not be led to support the boss' ticket,
you may be producing a whirlpool,
which nmy engulf your great and glori
ous future prospects? A word to the
w ise is snllicient.
In conclusion I will say that when
ever any hoary-headed old reptile like
the boss' ticket, as obtained nnd run by
the boss, pops up its head, it is high time
for tho respectable community to be
warned, and not only so, but to take
steps to remove the unclean thing from
our midst and as near as possible from
our party record. Our best and only
way to do this is to refuse to vote their
ticket and overwhelm them in defeat,
and then pet haps the boss trickster may
lie on the shelf, for a few years at least.
So here is my pledge, that 1 will vote
for every democrat on the county ticket.
Go thou and do likewise.
Republic ax.
Hrri'NER. Or.. May 24. 1S00.
Sunday School Convention.
I the Morrow County Sunday School Associ
ation will bo held in the Ailklns drove, on
Rhea Creek. Thursday, June 12, 1MD, com
mencing at 10 A. m.
A general Invitation Is extended to all.
Come and enluv a day's rest and recreation in
the delightful grove. A basket picnic will be
the order of the day.
Parents are requested to bring the children,
ami also well lllled baskets for their entertain
ment. Pastors of all denominations are es
peciallv Invited to be present with well filled
heads and ready tongues for, the entertain
ment of the parents.
It is particularly urged that each Sunday
school In Morrow county be officially repre
sented with full report of work for the past
A ornirramme will be prepared for the enter
tainment of all. and helo ill this direction is
eamestlv solicited from all Interested In this
work. Make vour own selections aud send list
of such as early as possible to the secretary at
Come one and all, and we will n-t only have
an eitjovable time but assist the noble cause of
elevating the childreu. JOHN B. ELY,
rresiueut, ioup.
Geowie Vi. Lord, Sec'jr. Heppner. (V'0
II Him pounds; age. 9 years: branded dia
mond S en ".'It shoulder and 7UP- Wn in
Ferry 1 anvon with her yearling in August,
1N7; may be In Sand Hollow. The above re
ward will be paid to anyone on delivery of said
animal al Saddle. II. SILVER.
(S. Saddle. Morrow Co., Or,
exingtoni I-lourI Mill
iil ltU AND CORN IUi:Al..
Bran, Middlings, Shorts & Chop
lu quantities to suit.
Flour in Exchange fnr wheat at
Reasonable ltatcn.
Chopped to
till Times.
Order at
X will hear comparison with the best made,
and our prices are put at the lowest figures
consistent with a legitimate business.
of tho Northwest Iuslirance-
J. N. Brown. Js. . Hamilton.
Attorneys and Counselors at Law,
Opposite "Clazette" Ofllco, Heppner, Or.
Stale. Insurance, Real Estate, Collection
and I.onn Agents. Prompt attention given to
all husiness entrusted lo incm.
Hereby announces himself as au Independent
ituimuuie lor
Of Lexington Precinct,
of the precinct. Have serveil in that ca
pacity In two (llll'ercnt Mtaten, mid am fully
competent to occupy the position.
Land Office at The Dali.es, Or.
April if. 1S90.
X foilowlug-namel settler has flleil notice
of his intention to make final proof In support
of his claim, anil that said proof will be made
before Ihe County Jurtce of Morrow comity,
at Heppner, Oregon, on June 23, 1890, via:
John C. Hrians,
lid. No. . for the N W. i of Sec. 12. Tn. 8.,
U. '.'3 E W. M. lie names the following wit
nesses to prove his continuous residence upon
and cultivation of said land, viz: Jay Hall,
Thomns tiraham, Nathaniel McVay and John
Spick nail, all of uoosebcrry, Oregon.
(irj-a,) juni n. i.r. v, to, negnwr.
Land Office at The Dallei, Or.,
May 10, lsW.
1 fnllou inn-named settler has filed notice
of her intention to make final proof In sup-
Cort of her claim, and that said proof will
e made before tho County Judge of Morrow
county, at Heppner, Or., on June a, U'JU, via:
Helen ltu-ll,
Widow of llarrisou Russell, deceased,
Hd. Aji.No. 3131, for the HE. '4 ot Scc.30, Tp.l 8.,
R. 25 E.,W. M. She names the following wit
nesses to prove her continuous resilience upon
and cultivation of said land, vi.: E. P. Palmer,
Cicnrgc Smith, r. C. lloou and Frank Willis, all
of Lexington, Oregon.
(34.3111 JOHN W. LEWIS, Register.
Land Office at Tiie Dali es. Or.
Mav lti, 1I0.
.1 following-named settler has tiled notice
of his intcnilon to make final proof In sup
port of Ills claim, and that sufd proof will
he made before the County Judge of Morrow
county, at Heppner, Or.. 011 June -JS, lsyo. viz:
trunk Shorter,
Hd. An. No. 1391, for the NW. 14 of Sec. 32. Tp. 1 N.,
R. 2.", F... W. M. He names the following wit
nesses to prove his coctinuous residence upon
and cultivation of said land, viz: John W.
Stiiing. John Parkins. George Ueunisoa and
Ed. llolluud, all of Lexington. Or.
(:t4-;s9 JOHN W. LEWIS, Register.
Land Office at The Dalles. Or.,
April 12. is'.m.
) tills ollice by F. L. HosKiss against Madi
son ru.U'MAN for failure to comply with law
as to Timber Culture Entry No. -I2M, dated Sep
tember . IKSI, upon Ihe HE. !4 of Sec. 20. Tp. 2
N., It. i'i K., lu Morrow county, Oregon, with a
view to the cancellation of until entry; con
testant alleging that the said Madison Chap
man has failed to comply with the law on said
Timber Culture; has no trees now growing, tin
fence, and to ail appearances has abandoned
the snnie, the said parties are hereby sum
moned to appear at this ollice on the 20th day
of June, 1.mi. at 1 o'clock p. M .to respond and
furnish testimony concerning said alleged
failure. F. A. M( DONALD,
(3-:l.1) Register.
Land Office at The Dalles. Or..
May 3. lsiltl.
fnllowiiiu-named settler has filed notice
of his Intention lo make final proof in support
of his claim, and that sain prooi win ne maoe
before the County Judge of Morrow county, at
llcppuer, Or., on June 21. lsao, vl:
!yc Ha 111 bo,
Hd. Ap, No, 1M3, for the NE. H of Sec. 30. Tp. 2
N.. R. 24 1!., W. M. HoViames the following
witnesses to prove his continuous resideuco
upon and cultivation of said land, vl: V. K.
Plaits. O. P. Taylor, Wm. Thomas and J. C.
Faulcouer, all of Ella. Oregon.
(32-371 JOHN W. LEWIS, Register.
Land Office at The Dali.es, Or .
Mav 8. 1S90.
following-named settler has tiled notice
of his Intention to make final proof In sup
port of his claim, ami that said proof will
lie mle before the County Judge of Morrow
county, at Heppner, Or., on June 30, law), vit:
starrer lllakc,
Hd. Ap. No. 12H. for the 8 i of See. SO. Tp. 1
S., R. 23 E.. W. M. He names the following wit
nesses lo prove his continuous residence upon
and cultivation of said land, vis: John W ill
lams. Marcellus Williams and Andrew Perry,
of lone, or,, and Bush K. Tennis, of Shelby, Or.
132-37) JOHN W. LEWIS, Register.
Land Offh at The Dalles. Or.
Mav S. 1S90.
fo low 112-named settler has filed notice
of his Intention to make final proof In support
of his claim, and that said proof will be made
before the County Judge of Morrow county, at
Heppner, Or., on June 21. 1S(1, via:
Clarence Plans,
ltd. Ap. No. 3042. for the NE. 'i of See. 34, Tp. i
N.. R. 2S E., W. M. He names the following w it
nesses to prove his continuous residence upon
and cultivation of said land, viz- O. P. Taylor.
Nye Rambo. Henry Koller and Wm. Thouiaji,
all of Ella, Oregon.
JOHN W.LEWIS Itcihtcr.