LEXINGTON WEEKLY BUDGET. GILLIAM COUNTY EDITION. VOL. 2. LEXINGTON, MORRQAV COUNTY, OREGON, THURSDAY MAY 15, 1890. NO. 33. PUBLISHED EVEUT T1IIIHSDAV EVENIN'. 8N0W & WHITSOIT. Terms of Subscription One Tear, ...... lx Months, Invariably In advauce. 11. A SO cent. Rates of Advertising t One aquaro (ten linos or less), Brat Insertion 1.00i each subsequent lusertlim, 60 cents. Biwclal rates with regular advertisers. All transient advertisements must bo paid for In advance Job Printing Of every description executed with neatness and dispatch. . WOMEN S0NG-WI.ITE11S. PORTRAITS AND SKETCHES OF f AM OUS LULLABY COMPOSERS. L. F. SHIPLEY, M. D., PRACTITIONER OT Medicine, Surgery & Midwifory. Registered. HKPFNKR, OREGON. AlUruey-ut-Law and Notary Public, LEXINGTON, OREGON. Atti rney for the North American Attorneys and Tradesmen's Protective Uuiou of Couuec- f K'UU pRANK KELLOQQ, Attoiuey-at-Law and Notary Public, HEPPNER, OREGON. Money to loan on Improved farms. Office In rirsi national Dana. C. O- BOON, Constable and Collector, LEXINGTON, OREGON. Will attend to auctioneering. JJRS. KATE PAR9ELL, Notary Public and Conveyancer, ALPINE, OREGON. Deeds. Mortgages and all others Legal Instru menu carefully drawn. Applications for stale and school Lauds ma !e,aud Pensions obtained. J1RANK H. SNOW, Land Agent and Notary Public, LEXINUTON, OREGON. Killnes taken on government land. Real eslatc advertised mid Mild on commission. New comers are luvi'ed to call end be tilled full of solid facts about the advantages of Morrow couuirv. office hou s from 7 a. m. to midnight, BuiMigT building R. LIEUALLEN, General :-: Blacksmith And I Ioiweshoer, 3 ALWAYS ON DECK AND PREPARED TO do anything In his Hue in a neat and work manlike manner. Horses shod with care and acciiriicy. Shop on O St., Lexington, Or. The History of "ft ,elc-Hye, H iby" and ine 'K.cqu t Gulp" Song, and Their Sales. The woman song-writer of to-day not a woman. She is a more girl in years, learning and experience. Sue ig not ultra-proficient iu her art, if art it may be termed, either as a ruymstcr or a musician. Uer idens ore ueillior orlg inal uor unique; her verse is ollea of maudlin sentiineutul calibre or garbled transcriptions or nursery rhymes,., yet her melody ig usually catchy, simnle anu symphonic, possessing a peculiar cuarm to the uticultured ear, which, when combined, is at ouce pleasant and effective. With all her lack of qualifi cation as a criterion of literary and mus ical excellence, she may be justly said to be a success. And yet there are but Few of these in this broad country, and the great Kiugdoin of Ureal Britalu boasts of but a single one of pronil ueuce. EFFIB CANNING. The history of Miss Kffla Canniug, who wrote "R ick-a Bye, Baby." which has had such a phenomenal sale during the past three years, is an interesting one. Although Miss Calming bus been kuown to public furor for that time she Is still a youthful schoolgirl yet in her teens. Unlike tnnnv less fortunate niiia. leal authors. Miss C'Mnninir is not rienen. dent upon the income derived from her songs, she being the daughter of well kuown Boslon physician in affluent cir- cutnslances. "Rock a - Bee. Bnbv." which was her flrst success, was written about three years ago and was first brought prominently to nublic alien. lion by being sung in Dcmnan Thnmn. son's play of "The Old Homestead." it wag written by her on a car while on her way to her music teacher's. It immediately beeiitno popular. She bus Bince written "Tunning on the Panes." Come One' Thv Drowsv Kv n,,r Love," "Safely Rocked in Mother's Arms," and "Sweet Kyes of Irish Blue." G. W. BROCK, Wagon and Carriage Maker. REPAIRING DONE. Arcade Street, Bet. C and D, Lexington, - Oregou. ELKHORN Livery & Feed Stable mcntai writer or rare talents nope Temple. Her writings hiive gained such an extensive circulation in this country '"'" ' popularly but erroneously supposed to be an American. But though "uuuainy ig not, her works are iruiy ao. Sue is at once an author, v.".i.k-uci, kuu puiinc suiL'er, and many of her writings have beeu translated into foreign languages. Miss Temple is the autnoresg of numerous works, all o wnicn have found their way to this country, and owing to the international copyright complications now existing, "an ui uer compositions are repto uuceu ny music publishers on this side oi tue wuter. HOl'K TKMF1.E. Chief Aidob; these are her Inter works. A Mother s Love." and "Mv l.nlv'e Bower." The beuuty and purity of her composition can bo cuuirht from the following extract from the lmter song: Through the inoiitort grange at twilight my love end I we weiil; By empty rooms and lonely stairs in lovers' sweet content : And round the old and broken casement we mmeuHd Ton rosea nnur'r But the plHOe wo loved the most of all was cuiieu -My daily's Uow r." A woman who wrole a Diece of numlr. the sale of which netted her Dublishers the comfortable sum of 420.000 and her. self a royalty of nearly one-third that sum. is Mis. C. R. Fliut. of New York. nee E. Kule Siuimous. It was site who wrote thut most famous of all modern Instrumental compositions, "The Rac quet Galop." Miss Simmons, as she ig till kuowu, was for mnnv veara a well known figure in local Washington socie ty, and shortly before the death nf il.u lateex-Gov. Samuel J. Tilden. was said to be plighted in marriage to that noted statesman. Miss Simmons wag then and is still in affluant circumstances, and at the time her "R icquot Galop" sprang Into such sudden and unprecedented popularity it afforded to her but anoth er pretext for her wellkuowa philan thropy. The Poultry Interest. Dr. J. W. King of Kent. Conn.. Is one of I lie most enthusiastic mid suc cessful of the poultn-1'nisors in tlx. ouiitry, says tlieN. Y. Slar. Besides. e is tiu acknowledged exnurt no nil the economical questions connected with the business. Sneakin" in TIPP00 TIB, THE ARAB. Bometnmg About the Man Who Is In the f African Muve Trade. The Btiffulo Etpreu prints the follow lng about Tippoo Tib. v.,n portrait oi uppoo no is un douiueuiy a raltliful oue of this crafty oiu Arab for Arab he is, although he tootis uke a genuine African, lie otherwise known as Amud bcu Ma 1.........I . I. . . . . - uumcu; ue is an Arau Chief, who went Into the slave-trading business annnf eutly with sonielhiiig of the smut! energy and ability lluil characterize some of the great Diinucnil kings and industrial mo nopolists in our own land. Hi M IELSE MAGNUSON, Proprietor. LIX1NQT0N, OR. HORSES BOARDED BY THE DAY OR WEEK. Outfits Fnralahed for Commercial M Reasonable A U KIHDS OF TURNOUTS AMD 8ADDLI A Horses at tbs dispoani el patreua. ELIZAHETU PAINE MILBANK. Equally as famous and pre-eminently popular in the list of American female composers ranks Lizzie Paine-Milbank. Uer songs are many and meritorious, and her most popular effusions form a prolific source aud text for imitators. She was Ihe pioneer of that touching class of ballads of the "home and moth er order. Countless have been the plagiarisms tiud imiialious of her style, but her "Songs Mv Mother Sum" will outlive them all. It is sympathetically retrospective and overflows with senti ment of a retiued order. I his, like other works from her pen, possesses a peculiar individuality of theme. Uer talent is out confined ex. clusiyely to Ihe eulimentnl, but added to it is a versatility which finds vent In the higher order of song and dance music. Lizzie Paitie M Ibauk, who is now the wile of the well known Boston theatrical mauager, George Milbauk, and daughter or the late Seth Paine, Chi cago's pioneer Journalist and philanthro pist; developed musical ability at an early age. Her remarkable "ear" fol catchiug and memorizing difficult melo dies, which she could reproduce after one hearing, and the gift of improvising t will, iu later vesrs attracted the at tleniou of the late Caroline Richiugs Bernard, whose prolege she became. Since then she has appeared will) many dramatic and musical organizations in this country and Europe. Lizzie Paine Milbauk Is Brooklyn's pride in ber peculiar line, she having written more longs which have appealed to the popular heart than all ber col leagues combined, the best of which U that touching apotheosis to maternal love, "The bongs My Mother Sung." . In all England there is but one woman whose name Is inscribed bigb on the page of fame at go exclusively isnti- ion the subject at the poultry show he said: it is woiKtct tiil the lack of knowl Ijre and appreciation the irenpral mib- ic have as to ruisino- chickens timl eepinsr poultry, which is frequently einonstriitcd in a coiilemiitnoiis Kort of inquiry ubout the chicken business.' ew interests in the United Slates me f jrrcaler importance tliitii the chicken iiisiness. 1 mean iu a lliianciul sense. If 1 were nsked how near the cross isli return for poultry and cir,rS p,.r iniiuin in the country comes to the smiie income from the nroiluciion of heat in this coantry each year, mv answer would be that the two indus- iescauuot be coinimred with each her. Government statistics show at f)U0, 000,000 are reuuired to rei tsent the anuual expenditure forthn chicken crop of the Uuiled States and that lo.UOO.tXK) dozen of eg", worth -',b7,UOU, are imported to this coun try per year. Show me a wheat crop result that can touch those bViireg. If you can J will step down from my poultry perch. "Ihe expenditure in this country eiten year lor poultry and ejrirs will amount to a much larger stun than that which comes to the credit of either the wheat crop, the cotton crop, or the dairy product." More Advice to Hinoker. "liOts oi advice has been given to smokers, but I'll tell you something which has never been written up and ought to be known." This was told a reporter in the Grautl Pacific last evening by one of the biggest tobacco dealers iu New York. "Come into the cigar store." lie went on." "and you will notice that two out of three men will cough while lighting cigars." The first person who set tire to a TIPPOO TIB. ""f But Instead of being boru in a ChHn nan iana Tippoo Tib, like a good Mo- iiammedan (ihero seem to be no bad foil l.tUon TU..1 , ' luouniuiueuans. as mere are ialthlcss Christians). Tippoo Tib grew up and flourished under the comfortable precepts of the Koran. Ue saw that the equatorial provinces and the no- lunn'a. land beyond were full ot negroes wait ing for some man of energy to put them In their proper slavery. By industry and solid business ability he built up his trade until he became and is to-ditv the best-known slave-dealer In th n,i.i,i Independent of government, be Is stronger In Africa than all the govern ments put together, and an army of 100,000 men will rise at his bidding t, do bis will. He has bad many difficulties to run. tend with, dillicullies that onlv will could overcome. The irnoils ho deals in the merchandise with which be buys ivory are exceedingly perisha bleworse than fruits aud live stock to transport. Every black skin that be getB into market Is said to represent hundreds who, as it were, have spoiled on big bands. It is fair to allow that Ti nnnn Tih a is said to be the case with the devil, isn't as black as be bag been painted. Stanley has had dealings with him. and. as near as we cau judge, was well served ny niui on more than one occasion, lie has many good trails, no doubt, hui the one thine that centers Interest In n.ls singular Bgure Is that it stands as the embodiment and symbol not merely of i... ..i.. . , '. ... ... j mo eiavo power, nut or Ihe Mohaiume- uau type or civilization. The hitter of Ihese forces Is as much opposed to the Ideals of Christendom as slavery Itself. We have referred to the master-slaver, not quite clearly, perhaps, as "a man with a mission," and such, in supreme degree, be is. The "awful example" is as indispensable as the reformer. None of the disciples had a more important mission than Judas. Tippoo Tih may be regarded as the personification of forces against which Christian nations, by their faith and their present stand ards of right, are pledged to fight. In the fulfillment of his mission Tippoo Tib, m oui Xllllir i.eoiiolo. IIIIH lirriliirht MISSING LINKS. The name of a Methodist minister at Eureka, Kas., is Ananias. Walter Besant Intends to visit tbis country next Summer. He will go as far west as Sau Francisco. Mrs. Marshall O. Roberts will nnv f 12,500 for the use of Lord Spencer'g uuuuuu uouse uunng tue season. The Princess of Wales takes a lively I 1 I luicicsi iu uaiuinereu utassworg, an art which is taught at her school in oanaringnam. A .. : ,i i i , . 4aiuuv uuuceiveu Droocn is an enameled squirrel holding a little nut, which is represented as closely as pos- oiuio ujr coioreu pearls. ihe table upon which Cromwell w rote when he affixed his signature tn the warrant for the execution of Charles i. was recently sold in no-lnH for . - o V -V. A citizen of Elbert couutr. G.. h a rcu iu wnicn ue frequently catches different kinds of fish. He thinks It connects with a creek half a mile distant. 1'riuce Bismarck is still tn 1, ad dressed as "Serene Highness." This is reasonable. Bismarck is 6 feet 4 inches in height aud as serene as a midsummer aiternoon. Justin McCarthy sees Arthur H-l. iour, &ir William Harcourt, Henry Lab ouchere, John Morley, Sir Charles Rus sell, and Henry Fowler as the coming augu iu .uugUBU pOlltlCS. The Emperor of German v anil r!rnnrn Priuce Rudolph of Austria were the two wildest boys in Germanland when they were boys. They once had a serious quarrel over an opera-singer. Jaloqum Happole. a Pataffonian h not been heard of a great deal, but not because lie has not been around o-nn.1 while. He is 193 years old aud can sue to chew tobacco aud smoke without. spectacles. The Almanack de Ootha la over a century and a quarter old. When it was first issued there were onlv thr republics, Switzerland, San Marino and Andorra, whHe to-day there are twenty-six republics. The largest vessel ever hm'lt in France, La Touraine, of 12,000 horse power ana more than five hundred and thirty feet long, will be added to the fleet plying between Havre and New York this season. Senator Beck, of Kentuokv. la fift years old. His face and figure are thin ner than they ever were, and his splen did constitution is beirinninz to show as been on cigar cougneu quite violently. "Uidu't 1 tell you?" exclaimed "Two out of three the will do lecturer. that. "It's caused by the smoke." "Never. When you are about to smoke cut off the mouth end of the cigar, put the smoke end in the mouth, aud then blow. This expels all the tine particles of tobacco aud dust inside the cigar. When you have done this reverse the 'torch,' aud you wou't cough when lighting it. Those little bits of tobacco get down your throat, and are injurious. More people have been injured by swallowing these little specks than you have any idea of, vet they think they were hurt by inhaling the smoke." Chiatjo Tribune. The California papers claim that a good tigs as any of those imported cau be raised there. about the Brussels conference. What the sequel of that conference will he only the years can tell. In the mean time tliere are few more picturesque figures among the poneiful of the earth than that of Tipj ou Tib, the autocrat of Africa. A ItepresentHtlve Hoolety Woman. MHS. W. D. SI.OANK. Mrs. William Douirlaa Hlosno I. . daughter f the late William II. Vander- bilt. Hhe is the wife of W. Ii. Sloan. of the well-known firm of J. at. W. Sloane, and a woman whose ready Intel ligence, broad sympathies, and kindly manners mark her out as one of theeom. lng social leaders of New York. She began last winter giving a series of no table entertainments, at which all the leading society people were nrcsent ami followed this up during the summer just psst with a series of house parties and lummer diversions of all kinds at b.r couutry residence at Lexox She is a handsome woman, slender nnd graceful In figure, with fair and delicute com plexion, ami a profusion of light golden bair. Hhe has four young children, not withstanding which fuel she beurs all evidence of young womanhood. Mm. Jason "Jehiel, do you think man I the only being that reasons?" Mr. Jason "No, I guess not. Woman bug been known to res ion one in great vbile." Tern llauts Bznrtu. igns oi age. He has been one of tl naruest workers in Congress. Hamilton Hurlbut of Salem. On claims to have discovered a process of tempering copper so Wat it "will Deck stone, cut cold steel equal to the best cast sieei, jacK Knives will cut sour an- n.M . ,, , .. 1 proa wiiuuut coloring tue uiaues. Ihere is a movement in Enirlund . . . , , . n against ine employment ot barmaids, although it is felt that the reform will not be accomplished until the far fu ture, ana that all that can be done at present will be limiting the hours of labor. Emperor William of 'Germany is hearty eater. He gets away with four uieais a uay in royal style. Ue eats ham and eggs for breakfast, game and salads for luncheon, soups, fish, aud roasts for dinner, and hot sausages and beer for supper. He has grown fleshy Bears have become so thick in the mountains of Isere, bordering on Sa voy, in r ranee, that the inhabitants nave orgamzud bear drives, but these have been so unsuccessful that thev i i , i ...... y uavc almost couuiuueu mat tnoir onlv ..!..: ! !.. -.1 - . . . J oaivauou m m uuverusiug ior loreign sportsmen. In England women patentees are fat more numerous than they are here. As a rule the inventions of our women are for the attire of women. A dozen or more patents for carters of an lm. proved fashion, for instance, have been granted from time to time by our own patent omce. Robert Williams, a farmer in Woods county, Ohio., was told not to go down into an old well without lowering a candle to see if there was foul gas there. As it was his wife who warned bim be threw a club at her, told her to mind her own business and went down, to be hauled up a corpse. Count Andrassy had asplendid nerve at the card table, and when he plaved at all called for very high stakes. 'He once played three" rubbers of whist with the late Count Uarn, Prince Peter Schouwaloif and Baron Kolisch all hrst-rate whist players- for 2.000 fratio points and lU.OUO francs on the rub. Hans von Bulow, the celebrated pian 1st, is known in public as the most quick-tempered conductor that ever wielded baton, and iu private as the most genial, cultured, aud urbane of men. His memory is enormous, and he can conduct a complicated Chopin concert without once looking at the score. The order of St. Andrews, first In stituted in England in 77, disused af terward and re-established in 1 .1.11 1. is the oldest of the roval aud imoeriiil orders in the world, which with a prodigious assortment of collars. crosses, and other fancy iusiguia, sov ereigns gratify the ambition of their subjects. Thirty-seven French soldiers, under command of a captain, a lieutenant aud a sub-lieutenant, are said to have marched from their barracks at Vannes to a raiiioad station twelve miles dis tant in 1 hour and 60 minutes to sa lute a general whose train wag to stop at the station. Not a mau felt out ou the march. Tushkuroff, the Russian traveler an ethnologist, points out in recently pub lished statistics that there are iu the Russian army 400,000 heathens and 50,000 mohamedans, the latter forming 70 per cent of the Russian Cossack reg iments. He also states that Christian ity is rapidly decreasing in the south eastern parts of the empire. In 1804 there were thirty-five trans lations of the scriptures in existence. Since the formation of the British and Foreign Bible Society in that year ten millions of money have been expended in the work of circulating the Bible, and there are now, couutiiig dialects as well as languages, nearly three hundred translations of the scriptures. Iu Dorchester, England, a bounty of 8 cents per dozen is offered for old sparrows, 4 cents per dozen for young oues, and 1 1-2 cents per dozen for eggs. The sparrows have grown so numerous all through Dorchester that iu some places they are said to destroy half the crops, while in villages they uin the gardeus aud even strip the thatch from buildings. King Lobengula, of Matabele, is thus described by au English officer: "He weighs 281 pounds, aud his only cloth ing consists of a rug throwu over his lap. Never have I seen such a brutal. sensual aud cruel face as his. He is suffering from irout and is attended be witch doctors. Last September and October he killed 400 people, but has never injured a European." A large curtain or coverlet ruada of liiieu aud wool, discovered at Akhinym, iu Upper Egypt, is uow exhibited in the South Kensington Museum. From the likeui'ss of its ornamentation to that of the hangings shown in a wall mosaic at Ravenna representltiff a corridor In Justinian's palace, it is generally au- tcpicu as n worn, ui tue sixtn century. It is about ten feet by six wide. The only animals that came over as part of Barnum's show which showed any sickness were the moukevs. Many of them were so miserable tliat all felt sorry for them. Some of them lav down as if about to die. Others groan ed and reeled to and fro like irreen- horus ou a ship. Some felt no trouble at all and behaved like human beings, making fun of their less fortuuate friends aud fellow-passengers. LOCKJAW CERMS. An Interesting Theory as to the That Produces Ttnus. Cease Some iuterestlnff tiolnts rpiranllnir lockjaw were brought out bv Dr. Hn. ry Leffniann iu the course of his lec ture on the chemical causation of dis ease at the Acadeinv of Natural Sciences recently, says the Philadel phia Inquirer. He considered lockjaw or tetanus to be caused by the development of an organic poison iu the system. "The tetanus bacilli," he observed, "are lit tle rod-like vegetable forms of great minuteness, looking uider the micro scope not unlike pieces of broken-up match-sticks. This bacilllus adhere to various objects, such as runty nail or a rake left laying out in the air or otb- er similar things, and when these pierce the skin the poison is Intro duced into the body. "It is incomprehensible to many people that a puncture from a rusty nail in the foot or a little cut or scratch in some part of the body can oause such terrible suffering and death, but when the bacilli are taken into the system and get Into the warm blood thev multiply with wonderful rapidity ana are soon scattered through every part of the system in great numbers. It is a curious fact that there is some what of an analogy between the action of the tetanus bacillus and that of strychnine upon the system, many of the symptoms and convulsions of teta nus being present In case of strychnine poisoning." Dr. Leffman related a fairly well au thenticated case to prove the germ origin of tetanus. During an earth quake which occurred within the last few years a number of Deoule who had taken refuge in a couple of ohurohes were injured by the collapse of the building. It was found that manr of the wounded from oue of the churches were stricken with tetanus, while those from the other edifice were unaffected. A careful examination resulted In dis closing the fact that the walls and In terior parts, of the former church were swarming with tetanus germs, while the other was free from tuera. Everv perton in the infected church who was wounded by flying bits of plaster or wood ran the risk of beinir stricken with lockjaw. f A Vigorous HcbooluiaaUr. The old Bath (Me.) academy once had a vigorous master In the year mti and the JHmei relsiej thU instance of his method: "Oue day a boy named Russell was accused of some mlsde meanoraud Master Weston at once summoned a Russell boy before him The youth protested bis innocence, but the indignant instructor proceeded to give bim a cowhiding that made him feel uncomfortable for a week. The ueit uay ine teacher wag informed that there bad been a mistake, that it wag not the boy who had beeu flogged that was guilty, but bis brother. So a brother of the first suspect was called forward and treated to the same medi clne as the first. Later it transpired that neither of these was the right one. The third brother was a tall, stout fel low, much larger than tha jnd the matter declined to proceed' farther, but declared that the de- ujanua oi justice baa been satisfied." fully