Lexington weekly budget. (Lexington, Morrow County, Or.) 188?-1???, May 08, 1890, Image 2

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Entered at the Pontoffiec at Lexington, Or,, at
Sccond-rlann Matter.
An the nnhcripthm price of the LEXINGTON
WEEKLY llVDdETinonly $1 per yrar, we shall
init upon payment of canh in advance. There
will ponitirrly he vo deviation from thin rule.
Any one receiriiuf thin paper and knowing that he
ban not paid for it, will vnderntnvd that it in
either complimentary, a m tuple copy, or that tome
friend han paid for it.
The Man Who Will Receive Majorities
on Election Day.
Malo Nominee
RINGER, HERMANN (Rep.) of Douglas.
SYLVESTER PENNOYKIl (tlwii.) of Mult
GEO. W. MoIlltlDE (Hop.) of Columbia.
PHIL METSCHAN (Hep.) of Grant.
K. H. McELROY (Rep.) of Bunion,
FRANK C. BAKER (Hup.) of Multnomah.
K, 8. BEAN (Rep.) of Lano.
DlMrict Nominee.
W. If. WILSON (Rep.) of Wasco.
GEO. VV. MclIALEY (Rep.) of tirant.
morrow County Nominee.
J. C. THOMSON (Dem.)
COTNTY jtiunx,
II. M. VAUGHN (I)em.)
J. W. MOHKOW (Dcm.)
J. W. MATLOCK (Dcm.)
J. J. McGKK (Dem.)
JfLll's KEIT1II.Y (Dcm.)
IUckki) j liy the rininst Columbia,
tbo Willamette river at Portland baa
already submerged the lower docks, and
a big riHo i probable.
(lovmiNOK Him., of New York, bag
signed tbe ballot reform bill. In a few
VearB every stale in the Union will vote
by tbo Australian or a similar system,
l!v electing tbo excellent comity ticket
nominated by tbo democrats tbo reptib-
licaiiH of Morrow will give tbo ring and
its dupes u lesson that will do them good.
An exchange siivb: lion. I). I', Thomp
son iH not in sympathy w ith monopolist.
He gobbled up seventeen national banks
in Oregon to keep them out of tbo mi)'
liopolisU' clutches.
In tbo Sacramento and V'aca valleys,
California, thousand of peach, apricot
and cherry trees have been killed bv
too much water dining the pant winter
and heavy losses will result to fruit
Tim disnllection among republicans
on account of ting work at tbo Morrow
county primaries and convention, in
Mend of being smoothed over by the
ring's soft soap, is daily grow ing more
,1. II. Eddy has retired from editorial
management of the Pendleton Tribune
and J. L. Ilowmor has assumed control
Mr. llowmer is a newspaper man of ex
perienco and will keep tbo Tribune lip
to Its present stamlanl.
1'khiiai'k Henry Blackmail's bullion,
distributed among "tbe boys" and
dropped on tbe bar, will overbalance
Morrow county farmers' contempt for
him and counteract (1. V. Mellaley's
popularity in tirant and Harney and
perhaps it w ill not.
A vrnv ingeniiis electrical devico lias
lately been patented by which tbo bands
of a clock set to a certain hour are made
to rompletn an electric current con
nected with the kitchen stovo so that
the lire is started when the given hour
arrives. The factory will not bo able to
supply tbe demand next winter.
Til K Hellish dictator who failed in bis
attempts to corrupt tbe present county
judge, sheriff and clerk, is now work
ing hard through bis confederates and
gudgeons to elect the republican county
ticket, though at tbe saino time trying
to create tbo impression that he favors
some of tbo democratic candidates. He
is sly, but those who know him can see
through this trick.
J. C. Thomson, democratic nominee
for representative from Morrow county,
was bom in Pennsylvania in 1H47, und
has resided in Virginia, Iowa and Mis
souri. 1' roin the latter state lie drove a
mule team across the plains to Oregon
In 1SHJ, settling in Umatilla county,
which then included Morrow, and has
lived on bis present ranch, seven miles
north of Lexington, since the spring of
1KS4. He is it straight-forward, upright
man, a thorough farmer, a good citizen
and highly recommended by mil who
know him. If elected ho will consci
entiously and wisely represent the peo
ple of Muriow county.
Kvidently tbe regular editorial writer
of tbe Gazette took a rest last week, turn
ing over bis space to at least three
other writers of acknowledged capacity,
whose work is easily recognfeed in this
instance. But these gentlemen, w ho thus
prostitute their talents in the service of
a weak cause, use their ability not to
express their real thoughts but to avoid
so doing; for, lacking the long and evil
career of their master, they are not yet
so calloused but that they can occasion
ally bear tbe voice of conscience. While
the general contempt w hich is felt for
them on account of their present posi
tion and surroundings is well merited,
yet to a certain extent they are deserv
ing of pity. They are to be pitied be
cause they have allowed themselves to
he drawn into such a predicament.
Yearning for public office, their ambi
tion became a convenient leading-string
by which the ringmaster conducted them
so far that they now find it no easy
matter to retrace their steps, and must
perforce brazen it out, to tbe end of this
campaign at least. Thus enlisted on the
side of the ring, if not now actually ini
tiated into probationary membership,
these gentlemen fill three long columns
of the Gazette with pompous verbiage
directed at the audacity of the little
IIcdokt in opposing the manner in
which the ring anil its satellites would
use the republican party and the inde
pendent voters of the county in the
present campaign. Probably this week
still others will join the new editorial
staff and add more rhetorical circumlo
cution to tbo mass, And yet the Bidoet
is in no way abashed by tbe weight of
wisdom broiightagainst it; neither is its
solitary scribbler flattered by tbe attacks
of so much talent; but the reader's at
tention is directed to this mobilization
of the ring's forces as further evidence
of tbo fact that, having over-reached
themselves, tbo bosses are now strain
ing every nerve to repair tbe damage to
their plans which their own indiscretion
has caused. That their strait is desper
ate is now well know n, even without the
prominence which these editorial gen
tlemen give tbe fact in their very ell'oits
to conceal it. 8ee bow they attempt to
throw dust in the eyes of voters, dodg
ing tbe real issue and dealing in sopliis'
tries of the most transparent texture
What else can they do? Willi no foun
dation upon which to base their case.
they can only hope to gain strength by
their specious arguments based on false
premises. No one knows this better
than the chief of the dinette? new stair,
who in his professional career has hud
experience with similar cases and
knows bow it feels to bo worsted.
Smoothly and sweetly be asseits that
the ticket nominated by the republican
county convention was in accordance
with tbo w ill of the majority, and that
the minority should bow to the gooil old
republican doctrine, that the majority
shall decide in all questions of dispute.
Farther alung he says: "Personal honor
and integrity to self, as well as the pub
lic, demand of all w ho were represented
in that convention by delegates of their
own choice and selection, as well as the
delegates who acted, the Rcquicsonce in
the ticket which was there nominated
by an honest majority of iho delegates
after an honest and fair contest."
Words, words. Ho would have the
voter believe that the primaries, the
convention, and tbo whole business,
was conducted in purity and simplicity,
uud therefore all republicans are in duty
bound to support tbo resulting ticket.
If tlio proposition were correct, the con
clusion would ho good doctrine; but be
is talking against his own knowledge.
He knows better. Ho i" well aware of
the unfair means, the tricks, jobs and
manipulation that wore used in prima
ries and in convention. I'nder the sur
face of child like Innocence and pretty
prattle about party purity, he "know
mur'n he lets on" in regard to the true
inwardness of the matter. lint he hopes
to deceive some ami to herd others into
line with the party whip. Prating of
majority rule under these circumstances
becomes the merest twaddle. Tbo ef
fectiveness of this course will depend
upon tbe credulity and blind partisan
ship of those w ho know nothing of the
facts, but republicans geneially are
neither simpletons nor cattle. The
"personal honor uud integrity to self"
that requires the minority to submit to
the decree of the majority when that
decree is really the woik of the majority
and evolved by honest means, also re
quires that men w ho do not wish to be
Considered as members of a coterie of
corrupt politicians will avoid too close
atbliulion w ith the boss of tbe ring uud
will decline to assist in the boss' dirty
work. The gentleman will perceive the
The second writer also tells how pure
and upright everything was, and hints
that the IU'ikikt is tbe only impurity in
sight. W hut is "crawling on him"
seems to bo the fact that the price of a
column of space in the Hi pokt for the
riiiMi..,m 1'iiniliiliitoa to laud tlioni-
"f , . . V ,,
Helve in would Hot induce tha IU iuikt
to refrain from editorially oprnwiiigtlioae
candidate. In view of hi position in
tlit campaign, hi rightoou babbling ,
about those who take pait in politic,
"for revenue only" would indicate that ;
lie " n res other in hi own half
bushel." And when lie attempt to
critioiao tho political course of other he
.eeum to have forgotten the defeat of
tho wouM-K t'iUnlidato w ho "ftuoil in"
with hoth the ring and anti-ring, be
traying the latter and being "let down
gently" by both. The " personal en
emy" referred to by him is the per
sonal enemy of every honest man in
Morrow county, though a few have not
yet found that out, and as such will be
opposed by the Budget as long as he
continues bis nefarious practices. The
vaporings of this writer will not enlist
the sympathies of "the intclliuent voter
who does bis ow n thinking" in favor 0f !
the ring or its parasites.
The drift of the third writer's screed
may bo stated under two beards a will
ful distortion of the Bi'dokt's statement
which he follows up with argument
based on this false ussuinplion, and an
attempted defense of the ring-master.
If we are not mistaken as to his iden
tity, this young gentleman is much
more to be pitied than either of bis co
laborers. His original intentions were
good, but bis rapidly rising ambition-
laudable in itself so long as it did not
overmaster bis judgment blunted his
perception, destroyed his caution and
left him an easy prey to the winning
wiles of the arch conspirator. Learning
too late tbe equivocal position in which
his overweening desire for office has
made it possible for the boss to place
him, and lacking tbe moral couruge to
renounce tbe ring-master and bis meth
ods, bo now tries to put a bold face
upon tbo matter, defends bis master
and denounces the opposition. By mak
ing his evil genius to appear pure and
good he would clear himself, but the
tusk is one impossible of performance.
The character of the boss is too well
known to be whitened in tbe eyes of
men by any efToitsontho part of bis
dupes. This misguided young man has
gone too far to set himself right before
the voters by disingenuous argument
or pathetic appeals for support. Misap
plying the trite saying, "Every Ameri
can citizen claims the proud privilege of
voting and laboring for whom be may
please without compulsion or dictation
from any source," he states tbe very
principle that will defeat him in this
campaign. While there may be good
men on the republican county ticket,
they were not the choice of the people,
and voters do not propose to bo coerced
or cajoled by party bosses and under
lings into supporting them.
The meat of this whole matter, which
these writers have circumnavigated so
skillfully and so cleverly attempted to
conceal, lies in tbo fact that tbe result
put forth by tbe republican county con
volition was not in accordance with the
will of the people, but was the out
growth of unfair methods, trickery and
manipulation by the corrupt bosses and
their emissaries. This fact is well
known, and fallacious arguments bused
on false hypotheses, though presented
in bulk and urged with persistent repe
tition, will not win the voles of men
who have the strength of character to
oppose corruption, oppression and ring
I.ifo is loo short to waste much of it in
humoring pople w ho need clubbing.
Milwaukee Journal.
Some men are born great; but tbe
average weight is onlv about seven
pounds. Munaey't IVeekhi.
Paris semis to foreign lands annually
$."ino,000 worth of bonbons. In things
delicate and dainty Paris always takes a
The man who prophesies evil will
always have a sympathetic audience.
The man who prophesies good has hard
work to get a hearing. Ex.
A wound from a tongue is worse than
a wound from a sword ; for the latter
atTects only the body, tbo former the
spirit the soul. 1'ijthugnmt.
Hearing tbo bud things others say
about him does not convince a man that
he has faults so much as it proves to
him that others are liars. Atehitan
Tbo I'nited States produces about
00,000,000 pounds of muplo sugar, about
one-tilth of which is received in New
York. Vermont produces about 4,000,
000 pounds annually.
He who imagines be can do without
the world deceives himself much; but
he who fancies tbe world cannot do
without him is under a still greater de
ception. Uochefnucaiild.
Tbo principal gain in mulching in the
spring is that it prevents the flow of sup
too early. Some varieties of trees are
often seriously injured bv late freezes,
having started to grow cany in me
People are yet laughing nt a doctor
in n little village in this state, who,
in tilling out a certificate of death, inad
vertently wrote his name in Iho blank
space reserved for "cause of death."
l'liiladel)diia Yens.
It was only fifty years ago that chim
neys used to "act up" and refuse to
draw, and that certain old women used
to be sent for and paid a dollar in silver
to remove the "spell." There has cer
tainly been some improvement in tbe
last half century.
lli that will uiva himself to all mute
nor of ways lo m-t money, may lie rich;
so I in that Iota liy all lit) known or
thinks, may hy chance b nutirioally
w ittv. Ilonestv aonicliiiu's keens a man
from growing rich, and civility from
being witty. Sihlen.
"If VOll nro UdillH to bo out in Cold
1..'... r... 1... .. 1. ,.t . ; ...... ....
1 '" .'.'. " """"I"' ".'"
j eminent pli.VHicinii, "don t dunk beer
I "'"' or anything ewe containing aico-
hoi. As aoon a the tirat ellects af
uunv Vniir vihtlitv will full vnll will
Income an easy victim to tbo coid."
ono-third of the fool of the country
think thev can beat the lawyer in ex-
pounding law, one-half think they can
heat the doctor healing the ick, two
third think thev can beat the minister
preaching the gospel, ami all of them
! kmjvv tu 0ll , u editor running
nvw spapi'r. f ( Wath Journal.
Mrs. Ilettie Green, of Brooklyn, who
is worth about $50,000,000, bus endowed
over one hundred churches and estab
lished fifty schools. She says that be
nevolent objects absorb a large portion
of her income, and that her son will con
tinue the good work when she is gone.
Tbe question of a new executive man
sion will be vigorously pushed at the
present session of congress, and the
question whether the white house shall
be extended, or whether a new residence
for the chief magistrate shall be con-
"trlll;,ei1 elsewhere, will be
icaiinc ui too ucumu,
Wilson S. Bissell, Cleveland's former
law partner, was about to enter the
train for Geneva, lately, when he was
served with a subpenu to appear at the
null- out libel suit. ion may go to
thunder," said Mr. P.issell ; "I am not
going to miss my wedding to testify in a
lihel suit. I'll get married to-night if 1
go to jai I tor it." The wedding took
Talking Rock is the name of a post-
office in Georgia, near which a huge
rock was found upon which was in
scribed the command, "Turn me over."
It required a good deal of hard labor to
upset the rock, but it was accomplished,
when this greeted the weary pilgrim,
painted in loud letters on the rock,
"Now tarn me back, and let me fool
Bomo one else."
The great Bear river canal in Utah,
for the construction of which $2,000,000
lias been provided, is expected to be
one of the most extensive irrigation
works in this country. It will irrigate
200,000 acres in Salt Lake valley and
0,000,000 on Bear river, increasing the
value of tbe land to f j0 an acre. Bear
lake is in eastern Idaho. The reservoir
fur the canal covers 150 square miles.
The largest book that has ever been
made will be sent to Albany in a few
days and presented to the legislature.
It is a petition ot the voters of iew York
city for tbe ballot reform bill, intro
duced in the senate by Charles T. Sax-
ton. Tbe book will have over 40,000
names when completed and be the
largest petition that has ever been got
ten up or presented to a legislative
It now transpires that the slang term
"mash" is derived from tbe gypsy
word "mufuda," which means 'tocharm
by the eyes." The influx of knowledge
need not materially affect tbe general
result, however. When a charming
damsel of sixteen, or thereabouts, be
gins to lnalfada a fellow in dead earnest
he is not likely to take a day oil to bunt
up an encyclopedia to find out what she
means by it. Detroit Free l'rest.
There is a strong prevailing sentiment
in Washington in favor of a secret ballot
law. The sentiment of tbo people bus
frequently been expressed thiongh the
press, which almost universally favors
the adoption of the Australian ballot
system. There seems to be a strong dis
inclination on the part of tbe legislature
to comply with the wish of the people
in this regard. Should the legislature
fail to discbarge its duty to tbe public
its action will be accepted as unfavor
able to ballot reform. Port Towntend
A Bohemian stone-cutter of Kt. Paul,
Minn., claims to have discovered a coin
binution of chemicals bv the use of
which the hardest stone can be dis
solved and lecsst into any desired shape,
the casting being as hard as flint, almost
translucent, and taking on a brilliant
luster. It varies in color according to
the stone used, and can be made from a
bright red to a beautiful azure blue.
While in tho fluid state it cun be used
for anything having a stony or glassy
surface. Mr. Boormun claims that cur
wheels and rails can be made in this
If a gray-haired woman of 50, in mod
erately respectable attire, is put off the
cars at your town because she cannot
pay her way further; if she almost im
mediately receives a telegram urging
her to come home on the next train be
cause her husband is dying, and she
tearfully and desperately announces that
she is going to walk a hundred miles,
you let her walk. She and her confed
erate who sends the telegram have
worked the ilying-husband racket in a
dozen towns in an adjoining state at an
average net profit of $15 a day. Dayton
There's nothing on earth so mysteri
ously funny as an advertisement. The
prime, first und lust, and all-the-time
object of an advertisement is to draw
custom. It is not, was not, and never
will he, designed for any other purpose..
So the merchant waits till the busy sea
son comes, and his store is so full of
custom he can't get his bat off, and then
ho rushes to bis printer and goes in for
advertising. When the dull season gets
along and there is little or no trade, and
he wants to sell his goods so bad he
can't pay bis rent, he stops advertising.
That is, some of them do; but occasion
ally a level-headed merchant does more
of it, ami scoops in all the business,
while his neighbors are making mort
gages to pay the gas bill. Advertiser'!
England has ordered fifty Zalinski
dynamite guns. It would be interesting
to notice bow much European military
und naval progress has owed to Amer
ican ingenuity. The machine construc
tion of the Enfield ritle, which quelled
tho Sepoy mutiny, was copied from
American simps. The revolver was an
American invention. The Monitor fur
nished Europe w ith its models for tur
ret ships. .Several European powers
have armed their troops with American
rilles. The Hotchkiss and Maxim re
volving cannon, now adopted in so many
European services, are of American do
sign. The Gruydon process for throw
ing dynamite shells from an ordinary
cannon has been adopted on the other
side of tho Atlantic, mid now Zalinski's
aerial torpedo finds customers there.
ror a peaceful nation we show decided
aptitude for warlike arts
: Land Office at The DAi.trs.Or,
I -y0TIrE hfrkiiy given' th at thk
1 .l follow ing-named settler has Hied notice
1 of lilt Intention to make Dual proof In support
""lot hi. claim, and thai .aid pro. if will be made
or before u, county Judge of Morrow county,
.1 lleppner, tiregon, on june ix-u.vu
Jo tin ' Kriuna,
Hd. No. . for the NW. of Wee 12. Tp. 3 S.
R. il K., W. M. He nsines the following wit-
nesses 10 prove his coiilmuoiu resilience upon
ami cultivation 01 sain lanu. viz: Jar 1010,
Thomas Graham, Nathaniel McVay aud Johu
Kplcknall, all of GoKscberrv, Oregon.
(a2-,i;i JOHN W. LEW IS. Register.
M farmers to know thai in Morrow county
a liK 'Z iiT.x'Z Wli
GEO. P. 310UGAX,
(l-ate Chief Clerk V. S. Land Offlce)
Itoom O, Innd Office Building-
before Local Land offices and Depart
ments at Washington under provisions of tnc
circular of tho General Land omce, approved
March ID, 1H7.
If You Have Lost a Land Right,
Or have had tronhle about your land,
For Correspondence)
able to help
and may be
ftf If I take your case I am willing to
wail until the work is successfully done before
my fee is due.
In Advance.
X rior find by virtue of nn execution issued
out of the ('"lrmil Court of the Hiute of Ori'iron
for the County of Morrow, and to me dlrvclud
ami delivered, upon a Judgment rendered mid
enierea in smu court on tnu taw nuy or fliiiren,
ls'io. in favor of the J. I. Case Tlirt-Hhlnif Ma
chine Company, plaintiff, and against Charles
Kyte, defendant, for the sum of one thousand
and fifty dollars (fl.U-'iO), principal, and the
further sum of one hundred and fifty dollars
($ir0) as attorney's fees, and the further sum of
twentv-tive and eiifhty one-hundredths dollars
(f25.KU-) crusts, together with Interest at ten (10)
per cent per annum from July 15, 1h7: and,
whereas, by said judirment it was ordered and
adjudged that the following-described real
property, to-wit: The west half of the south
west quarter of section twenty-eight, township
one north, range twenty-six east, Willamette
mer dian. together with the tenements here
dltamentsand appurtenances, be sold to satisfy
said judgment, coats aim Accruing costs, i win
on the
Mxiecutli day of May, A. I. 1ROO,
At two o'clock p. w, of said day, In front of the
Court House door, in the town of Heppnef,
Morrow county, Oregon, sell the right, title
and interest of the said Charles Kyte in and to
the above-described real property at public
auction to the highest and best bidder for cash
in hand, the proeiuds to be applied to the
Katixt'iu-tiou of said execution ami all costs
and costs that may accrue.
Sheriff of Morrow County, Oregon.
Pated April It, 1WH). (SMtt)
Land Office at Tii Dali.es. Or.,
April 2. lMm.
ii follow-lns-nnmed settler has tiled notice
of his i litem Ion to make dual proof in sup
port of his claim, and that said proof will
be made before the rounty .ludire of Morrow
county, at lleppner, Or., on May W, W0, viz;
Srjliiour I. Wilwon,
Hd. No. ati.W, for the 8E. li of Bee. 22, Tp. 1 S.,
K. 2:1 E., W. M. Ho numes the following wit
nesses to prove his continuous residence upon
and cultivation of said land, viz: llavid II.
diabill, tieo. V. Hale, Ed. Eugelmiin ami John
Williams, all of lone, On-iron.
(2-;W) V. A. McDONALD. Register.
Land Offick at The Dai.i.es, Or.,
Ai.nl 2. lvm.
i.1 following-named settler has filed notice
of her intention to make final proof in sup
port of her claim, and that said proof will
dc mane ocrore inc t ouniv i htk oi Morrow
county, at Heppner, Or., on May 21, lsuo, viz:
Jin, Jc-rimlia Mindduck,
P. S. No. 70W. for the NV. lj of Per. 2, Tp. 3 8.,
K. X F... W. M. Khe nanus the following wit
nesses to prove her continuous residence upon
and cultivation of said land, viz: Milton Max
well, H. I.. Walker, Wni. 1'arnian and Eugene
Mvers. all of (jooscberrv. Oregon.
(2N-33) F. A. McDONALD, Register.
Land Office at The Dai.i.f.s, Or.,
April 2. Wm.
it following-named settler has tiled notice
of his intention to make final proof in support
of tils claim, aud that said proof will be made
before the County clerk of Morrow county, at
lleppuer, Or., on May 19, Ihsio, viz:
ieo. . Ilnlr,
D. S. No. 4W2, for the NE. '4 of 8ec. 24, Tp. 1 8
H. 2:1 1... vt . M . lie names tie lotiowmg wit'
nesses 10 prove his continuous residence upon
and cultivation of said land, viz: David II
Grabill, Seymour P. WllUon. Kit. Kngeluiau
ami John w tlltams, all 01 lone, Oregon.
(2-3;i) F. A. McDONALD, Register,
Land Office at The Dali.es, Or.,
Anril 14. wm.
a1 followlng-naiiied s.-ltter has tiled notice
of his Intention to make Huh! proof In support
of his claim, and that said proof will be made
before the County Judge of Morrow county, at
lleppner, or., on June iu, i:i, viz:
lluvht A. I'orler,
Hd. No. SMI, for the SE. i of Sec. 28, Tp. 1 S.
R. 2.1 E., W. M. He names the following wit
ncses to prove his continuous residence upon
and cultivation of said laud, viz: A. 8. Parkins,
Carl Crow, Andrew Ueauey and Daniel Sum
mer, all of Lexington, Oregon.
(2!i-;n F. A. McDONALD, Register.
Land Office ai The Dalle. Or..
March 27. I.w.sl.
4.1 following-named settler has tiled notice
of his intention to make Una! proof in support
of his claim, and that said proof will be made
before the Cotintv Judge of Morrow county, at
lleppuer, Or., on May 10 INK), viz:
Theodore Y.. Wood,
ltd. No. 2010, tor the SW. 1; of Sec. 2, Tp. 1 N.,
R. Jh K., W . M. He names the fwllowiug wit
nesses to prove his continuous residence upon
1 1 , i ,, ( i,i u,,,i vli: i ll Vn
Winkle. M. K. tiraham and Henry ( arr, of
Moine. OrcR-m. and Malt-om f. Carrigall, of
tialloway, Oregon.
O-sit K. A. M PONAI.D. Register.
I lie veil in the future of Morrow county an
an agricultural district and al ay stand hy
1 that belief. The IU m.rr i only fl per year, in
liave tried it and are more than HatixfU'd
with the ruKUlts obtained. Try It and you will
never be without it. All the seedsmen speak
highly of it. Here Is what two of the best
known sav about it:
The yield of crain is very great; and cooked
when the kernels are not fully ripe, like green
eorn, It has the ituvor of chestnuts; or after
fully ripe, eooked like rice, or Krouud Into Hue
Hour or meal, and used for baking. Rawsou.
All the varieties of Douras stand firm aealnst
the highest wind, root deep, and will endure,
without injury, a drought that ruins corn.
The (train, which Is abundant. Is readily eaten
by cows, horses, iioks and mules, it fields an
immense mass of green foraue, aud bears the
grain in large heads at the top. Gregory.
It requires hut little moisture: succeeds
much better than corn; when cut green it
makes a miner or fodder: gives a heavy viebi
of line large white grain, which when coarsely
ground makes superior mush. A Scotchman
pronounces tms meai itir aneau 01 oai meat.
Chickens leave everything else for Egyptian
eorn. Cattle will break in to gut it. Horses
and mules want nothing better.
GriTO it a- Trial.
More Certain than Rye and Coats
Lens to liaise.
gtf For 25 cents -e will furnish sufficient
seed lo plant three acres. Come in before It is
all gone. SNOW & WHITSON.
der and by virtue of an execution Issued
out of the Circuit Court of the Mate of Oregon
for the County of Morrow, and to me directed
and delivered, upon a Judgment rendered aud
niercd in said court on tlio -.'7in any oi marcn,
ls'.HI, tn favor of Henry Elcckenstein and M.
Mayer, partners under the lirni name of Hcok-
enstclu it Mayer, plaintiffs, and against
George N. Murray and Harali F. Murray, de
fendants, for the sum of twelve hundred and
twelve one-hundredlhs dollars ($1200.121, prin
cipal, and the further sum of one hundred dol
lars (llilil) ns attorneys' fees, and the further
sum of thirly-lhrce and fifty-four one-hiiii-dredthg
dollars (f::t.-l) costs, with interest at
ten (10) percent per annum from January 22,
lhNti; and, wnereas, iy said judgment it was
ordered and adjudged that the following-described
real property, to-wit: The southeast
quarter and the south half of the northwest
quarter of section eighteen, in township one
south of range twenty-three east, Willamette
meridian, contai'ilng two hundred and thirty
eight and forty one-hundredtbs (2;w.4() acres,
be sold to satisfy said judgment, costs aud ac
cruing costs, I wilt, on the
Sixteenth day of Play, A. I. 1SIIII,
At two o'cloc k p. M. of snld day, In front of Iho
Court House door, in the town of lleppner.
Morrow county, Oregon, sell the rigni, tine ana
Interest of Ihe'said George N. Murray aud Sarah
F, Murray in and to the above-described real
troperly at public auction to the highest and
est bidder for cash in hand, the proceeds lo
be applied to the satisfaction of said execution
aud all costs and costs that may accrue.
1 . it. imvt ai;i,
Hherlff of Morrow County, Oregon.
Dated April 14. 1W0. (2!Ktl,
Land Office at The Dai.i.es. Or.,
Ma 3, WW.
1 following-named selller lias filed notice
of his intention to make final proof in support
of his claim, and that said proof will be made
before the County Judge of Morrow county, at
lleppuer, or., on June 21, iv.im, viz:
Nye Kambo.
Hd. Ap. No. 1M3, for the NE. M of Sec. sn, Tp. 2
N R. 24 E., W. M. He names the following
witnesses to prove his continuous residence
upon and cultivation of said land, viz: C. E.
Flatts, O. Y. Taylor, Wm. Thomas and J. C.
Fauli'oner, all of Ella. Oregon.
(32 7) JOHN W. LEWIS, Register.
Land Office at The Dalles, Or.,
Mav 8, Mil).
following-named settler has tiled notice
of his intention to make final proof in sup
port of bis claim, and that said proof will
be made before the County Judge of Morrow
county, at lleppner, Or., 011 Huue 20, ls-'jO, viz:
Ilurrey lllukp,
Hd. Ap. No. V.iw, for the 8V. ' : of See. 30, Tp. 1
8.. R. 2:1 E., W. M. He names the following wit
nesses 10 prove his continuous residence upon
and cultivation of said laud, viz: Juhn Will
iams, Marcellus Williams ami Andrew Perrv,
of lone. Or,, and Hush F. Tennis, of Shelbv, Or.
(32-.J7) JOHN W. LEWIS, Register.
Land Office at The Dalles, Or..
May 3. lw.10.
following. named settler has filed notice
of his Intention to make final proof in support
of his claim, and that said proof wilt be made
before the County Judge of Morrow county, at
Heppner, Or., on June 21, 1510, viz: ,
Clarence t:. 1'lulla,
Hd. Ap. No. 3042. for the NE. 'i of See. SI. Tp. 2
N R. 23 E., W. M. He names the following wit
nesses to prove his continuous residence upon
and cultivation of said land, viz: o. P. Taylor,
Nye Rainbo. Henry Roller and Wm. Thomas,
all of Ella, Oregon.
(;12-.I7) JOHN W. LEWIS, Register.
Land Office at The Dalles, Or.,
April 12. 1W0.
this office by F. I.. HoskiNs against Mam
son chaI'Xan for failure to comply with law
as to Timber Culture Entry No. 42. dated Sep
tember tl, lusi, upon the SE. 'i of Sec. 20, Tp. 2
N.. R. 2o E., iu Morrow county, Oregon, Willi a
view to the cancellation of said entry; con
testant alleging that the said Madison Chap
man has failed to comply w ith the law on said
Timber Culture: has 110 trees now growitig, no
fence, and to all appearances has abandoned
the same, the said parties are hereby sum
moned to appear at this entire 011 the 2uth day
of June, 1.11m. at 1 o'clock p. M ., to respond and
furnish testimony concerning said alleged
failure r. a. Mcdonald.
;i;:.v Rigi.-tcr.