IV w- LEXINGTON WEEKLY BUDGET. YOL. 2. LEXINGTON, MORROW COUNTY, OREGON, THURSDAY MAY 8, 1890. NO. 32. PUBLISHED EVERY THURSDAY EVENING BT SNOW & WHITSON. TV rms of Subscriptions On Tear, ..... $1.00 tlx Months, 60 cents. Id variably In advance. BATES OF ADVERTISING: On square (ten lines or leas), first Insertion 11.00; each subsequent Insertion, SO cents. Special rates with regular advertisers. "All transient advertisements must be paid for B advance. Job Printing Of every description executed with neatness and dispatch. L F. SHIPLEY, M. D., PRACTITIONER OF Medicine, Surgery & Midwifery, Registered. HEPPNER, OREGON JjF. SINE, Attfliney-at-Law and Notary Public, LEXINGTON, OREGON. Attorney for the North American Attorneys and Tradesmen's Protective Uuiou of Connec ticut pRANK KELLOQO, Attomey-at-Law and Notary Public, HEPPNER, OREGON. Money to loan on improved farms. Office in Klrst National Bunt. Q O. BOON, Constable and Collector, LEXINGTON, OREGON. Will atteud to auctioneering. JjJKS. KATE PARSE LL, Notary Public and Conveyancer, ALPINE, OREGON. Deeds, Mortgages and all others Legal Instru ments cart fully drawn. Applications for State nd sohool Lauds made.and Pensions obtained J1RANK H. SNOW, Land Agent and Notary Public, LEXINGTON, OREGON. Filings taken on government laud. Real estate advertised and sold on commission. New comers are invited to call and be filled full of solid facts about the advantages of Morrow country. Office hour from 7 a. H. to midnight, Budukt building. R. LIEUALLEN, GENERAL . BLACKSMITH And Ilorseshoer, TS ALWAYS ON DECK AND PREPARED TO 1 do anything in bti line in a neat and work manlike manner. Horses shod with care and accuracy. Shop on C St, Lexington, Or. G. W. BROCK, Wagon and Carriage Maker, REPAIRING DONK. Arcade Street, Bet. C and D, Lei lug tun. ... Oregon ELKHORN ' (ELSE M1GNUS0N, Proprietor. LEXINGTON, OR. HORSES BOARDED BY THE DAY OR WEEK. ontnu Furnished for Comniarrlal Men t Reasnnabla Kates. LL KINDS OF TURNOUTS AND 8ADDLI Horsts at tnt disposal ui yanuua. Livery & Feed Stable Baby's Name. What shall we call her, our sweet maiden fair, With her soft, dreamy cj'es and her bonny brown hair She came with the beautiful roses of June, IShe Is sunny and bright as the Summer noon. And her laughing song, as site dances in glee, is soft as the rippling waves of the sou. Oh call her not Rose, though she's queen of the flowers That revel in beauty 'mid garden bowers, For lite bloom of her freshness is gone a the breath, Or the mist of the morulug that sweeps o'er the heuth When her leaves strew the pathway, her sharp thorns abouud, When buds and sweet roses once clustered around, What think you of Hourt's-Ease, so dear to us ally That Is sweetest and freshest when evening dews fall : It loves the bright sunshine, jet blooms In the shade. And springs In fresh beauty In wildwood or gtatle; When Autumn's pale sunshine on roses unfold, The bloom of the Heart's-Euse is purple and gold. O then, dearest maiden, thy flower name shaU be An emblem of life in Its sweetness for thee: 11' tiie skies smile above thee, relloot in thy smile The sunshine of Patience, earth's cares to te gulle; If clouds gather o'er thee, behind their dark fold See the lining of sliver with fringes of gold. The weary and way-worn, the sad hearts to cheer. Be thy mission of love when the pathway Is drear; When evening shades gather around thy dear home. Let the calm of Contentment dispel all the gloom : And at last, as the stars crown the glory of night, So thy Hace be reflected in Heaven's own hghl. Good Housekeeping. THROUGH A KEYHOLE. When the evening boat, quite crowd ed with passengers, swept gracefully up to the pier at llighbeacii, one ol the first to cross the gangway was Mr. Willis Tracey, youngest partner of the well-known banking linu of Tracey, Stokes & Tracey. lie was a sub-taiitial-looking man of So, with a fresh, healthy complexion, clear, blue-gray eves, and light auburn mustache. His whole appearance wax suggestive of good nature, prosperity, and content; but at the present mo ment he bel rayed a little nervousness, as his eyes ran rapidly along the long piazzas of the hotel, where people were tiromenading and enjoying the sea ireeze and the sight of the bathers on the beach. Evidently his search was unsuccessful until his "attention was attracted by a voice, which called out in shrill and Juvenile tones: 'Lor', ma, if there ain't old Tracey! What's he doin' here, I wonder?" Looking up, the gentleman thus prominently presented to public notice lifted his hat to two ladies, who were smiling down upon him from the piaz za, while a small boy, in a Lord Fauut Icroy cup and jacket, grinned a patron izing recognition. As he passed on, a faint and con scious blush suffused his face. That lovely creature with the golden locks and rose-and-lily complexion, who had so radiantly greeted him, was Miss Juliette Bessamy, to whom he disigned that very evening to offer his hand and heart. The blush had not quite faded from Mr. Tracey's face, when ho found him self accosted by two ladies, who were just descending the hotel steps to the beach. He slopped and shook hands with them in a cordial, unembarrassed manner. lu fact, the elder of the ladies was the widow of his deceased uncle, anil Lad, since his mother's death, been liv ing with him and taking care of his Louse. He had sent her to llighbeacii about t week previous, partly to meet Alice, ter daughter by a first marriage, who I,-as- there as companion to an invalid lady; for Mrs. Tracey's husband had lied insolvent and left her poor. It was Alice who now stood by her Mother's side, quiet and smiling, as she lave him her haud. "Why, Willis, this Is a surprise!" Mrs. Tracey said. "I receied your note to-day, and did not expect you until to-morrow." "Yes, I know that I said something about being detained by business, but I managed to get through in time for the evening boat. I am glad to see you looking so well. How are you enjoying yourselves here?" he inquired, as he held a hand of each. "It is delightful, now that mamma has come," Alice answered. "And it was so good of you to send her in deed, the very kindest thing you could have done for either of us." Though she spoke smilingly, her soft, dark eyes were suffused with tears, and Mr. Tracey's heart was touched. He felt that he had not done half enough to deserve this grateful feel Ing. He looked into the moistened eyes, and wondered why they seemed to sink before him, and w hy she drew aw ay her hand so shyly. Even when he had passed on, prom isiug to join them presently on the beach, he found himself speculating on this new expression on Alice's face. It was a sweet, fair face, which he had liked and admired ever since he had first known her as a little school girl. He had been accustomed to treat her almost as a cousin, lavishing upon her books and flowers and birthday and Christmas presents; but to-day, after a long absence, he had discovered something new and strange about her, and now it dawned upon him that she was no longer a mere school-girl, but woman grown almost 20 years of age, in fact. It was something of a surprise to Mr. Tracey. "She ii not looking well," he thought, "not as bright and rosy as she used to be. I fear she is too much overtasked. I wish I could persuade her to make her home with her mother in my house, but she prefers to be independ ent, as she calls it. I suppose she will marry soon. If I had ever thought of her as a woman and had not met Ju liette " And his thoughts went back to his golden-haired love. He was the last of the uewly arrived to enter the clerk's office, and here was met with the information that there was not a vacant room to be had iu the hotel, or indeed in the whole place. It was an unpleasant situation, and at first seemed hopeless, but at length one of the female employes came to the rescue. In the east wing, which was ex clusively devoted to the accommoda tion of "ladies unaccompanied by gen tleman," was a short passage-way opening upon a rear piazza. This pas sage, being of little use, had been shut iu by a door and converted into a linen closet. If the gentleman would be satisfied for one night with a cot in this limited apartment he should be properly at tended to on the morrow, when some of the quests would be leavimr. Mr. Tracey was only too glad to se cure a sleeping-place of any kind, so the arrangement was made, and with a mind relieved, he repaired to the beach and the society of the ladies. That was a blissful evening to Mr. Willis Tracey. When he had paid some proper atteution to Mrs. Tracey and her daughter, and attended them to the supper table, he was at liberty to seek the society of his charmer, the fair Juliette. With her plumb, white arm resting on his and her blue, languishing eyes ever and anon glancing up into his own, while her soft, low voice mingled with the murmur of the ripples at their feet, they wandered aw ay up the moon lit beach, where other couples were also strolling, and intent upon the same old story. Mr. Tracey, shy and inexperienced in the lover's role, had carefully thought over and fixed iu his. mind ail that he had to say. He had got as far as "Mo man's life is satislied without the blessing of some pure woman's love," when he was interrupted by the unexpected presence of Master Bessa my, who came flying after them along the beach. "Why, Rudolph! Where is mamma? Why have you left her?" his sister in quired. "Oh, I guess she's lookiu' for me! She wanted me to go to bed, jus' like a baby, and I wouldn't. I'm going to stay with you all. "But, Dolphy. darling," said Juliette sweetly and persuasively, "you should not have ruu away from mamma. She will be very uueasy, and perhaps think you are drowned." "I don't care!" "Hut they will have the trouble of getting the boats out to look for you," said Mr. Ttacev, gravely. "Oh, my! what fun!" "Won't you go back, my precious, like a dear, good little boy, and let mamma know that vou are safe?" "No, I wou't. I'll stay here." Mr. Tracey, though by no means a cruelly disposed man, could have seized the little wretch, and flung him into the sea. As it was, there was no help for it. He must wait for another opportunity for concluding his love story. And he wondered at Juliette's patience and sweetness, and felt more than ever anxious to secure for a life companion one whose amiable disposi tion seemed a pledge of future happi ness. After bidding his fair companion good-night, he sauntered about a little until the obliging linen mistress could show him to his closet which she did with many warnings to keep quiet and not let his presence in this part of the house become known. The place was more convenient than he had expected, but he had scarcely disposed himself for a night's rest when he became conscious of voices on the other side of the door against which his cot was placed. He tried not to hear, but the speak ers were close to the door, and the mention of his own name attracted his attention. "It was too provoking for anything! Mr. Tracey was on the very point of proposing the words were actually al most upon his lips when that aggra vating boy rushed in and spoiled it all. Heally, mamma, 1 could have boxed his eara soundly." Mr. Tracey started. Could that be his Juliette's voice, speaking in those high and angry tones? "I will seutl him away to-morrow with his Aunt Louise," said Mrs. Bes samy, in tones of vexation. "It is too bad that, after all the trouble we have had in bringing that man to the point, this unfortunate contretemps should nave occurred. "I wou't go home!" said Rudolph, defiantly, "You daren't send me, any how! ' "Why not you bad boy?"' said his sister. "'Cause I'll tell on you. I'll tell old Tracey that you dye your hair, and put that red stun on your cheeks and Hps. You guv me a dollar once not to tell anvbodv. but I will. now. And I'll hide your front teeth, like 1 did that timeou was goiug to the ball, and "Hush, sir hush this instant!" said his mother, apparently with an admon itory shake, for the amiable youth set up a howl, which was presently hushed by the promise of a popgun anl a veluciijede. . When peace was restored the voice of Juliette again became audible. "Mamma, I made a discovery thil oouiug. Alice Lee is in love wilh Mr. Tracey, and he is actually too stupid to perceive it!" "fortunately for vou. Juliette. T have feared all along that he might fancy that girl, and if you don't hurry up matters she may yet steal a march on you. By the by, that Tracey house will have to be remodeled and refur nished, I suppose. It is all very hand somely fitted ill), but not in the latest style." "indeed, mamma. I've no idea of living iu the Tracey house. I shall in sist, after we are married, upon mov ing into the new west end. 1 know it's expeusive, but he can afford it, I'm sure. And 1 must have a more stylish carriage than that with which the Tra cey girls were satisfied. Oh, trust me to have all 1 want and to enjoy myself now that I am going to marry a rich mat! I owe it to mvself for giving up poor Fred. If only Fred had Mr. Tra cey s money " "Hush, Juliette! Positively vou must not talk in this wav. Suppose Mr. Tracey could hear vou? What would he think?" "He would be rather surprised, I suppose," she answered, laughing. "But don't be alarmed, mamma. I am not silly enough ever to let him suspect that I married him for his money." "liut how late it is! and I must real ly try to get a good sleep, for you know I must look as charmiug as possi ble to-morrow." Mr. Tracey indeed was surprised. So surprised that long after ail was still he lay in a h.ilf-dazed condition, which gradually gave place to au emotion of intense thankfulness at having escaped the snare laid for him. He could have taken Rudolph to his breast and hugged him in real affection. But his pure and beautiful ideal of womanhood was that destroyed for ever? Juliette the Juliette of his fancy had proved a myth; but there was Alice. He knew Alice to be good and true. And could it really be, as Juliette had said, that Alice loved him? Long before sunrise Mr. Tracey was up and miles away on the beach nerv ing himself to meet this new condition of things. The Highbeach gossips who had taken au interest in his affairs were sur prised to observe that on this evening not Miss Bessamy, but Miss Lee, was the compauiou of his moonlight stroll. Some set him down as a Dirt, while others asserted "on the best authority" that he had been discarded. But what else could the Bessamys do, after being informed by Master RuSolph who had peeped through the keyhole of the linen-closet that Mr.Tracey had passed tho uight iu that apartment? Mr. Tracey is very friendly toward Rudolph to whom he considers himself indebted for, his sweet young wife Alice. Saturday Sight. Hasn't Taken It Off Vet. W lie u a man gets the best of a bar gain it is only natural that he should wish to remain in that happy frame of mind occasioned by the transaction. And it requires strategy cool, subtle cunning to wrest his gains, ill-gotton or otherwise, from his grasp or make him square the account. Honest, up right dealing hoodoos the under man as the following incident will show. Two old men have lived in the same neighborhood on the South side for fifteen years. One of the old men has been in the grocery busiuess all that time and the other was his constant customer for years. But one day, how ever, the customer, who is living on the interest of his money, came in and ordered two pounds of cheese, which the grocer cut off. The lump weighed a trille over two pounds and, as the grocer wrapped it up, he jokingly re marked: "Oh, I'll just take that off the next time." This happened eight years ago and the customer hasn't been back since. Chicago Times. ".'ne Ko leaf." Ii In. I.ern iiniicc.l that sometime people win i are s.hrlillv deaf appear to lie : i i i . in bear certain sounds better than l oy are ot lien, savs the YouWt i Out i.iiiitiit. and limn iliis the proverb "none so deal' ns those who won't hear" lias nr. e i. Tin1 slorv is a well-known o. ic oi .i.erleli father, who was some' what i eil. and who was asked one day by his -c r.i peg race son: "Fnl her, will oii give me $.r0." "Wi ui?'' said the lather, putting his lianil lo ins ear. Will you give me $100?" shouted the young man. "Hold on!" said the father, "I heard you well enough the first time." A somewhat similar story is told of Sir Richard Steel, who, when he was Erepariug a room in York buildings, ondon, for public orations, happened to be a good deal behind in his pay ments to his workmen. Coming one day into the hall to see what progress was made Steele ordered the carpenter to get into the rostrum and make a speech in order to observe how it could tie heard. The carpenter mounted the stage, and, scratching his bead, told Sit Richard that be did not know what to say. "I'm no orator, sir," he said. "Oh, no matter," aid Steele; "say the first thing that comes upermpst in your head." "Why, then, Sir Richard," said the man, "here we have been working for your honor these six months and can not get a penny of our money. Pray, sir, when do you intend to " That will do that will do!" Steele. You may come down. I heard you quite distinctinctly, but I didn't like Tour subject. Maved By the Governor. In one of tho Indiana prisons is a convict who is serving a life sentence for the commission of one of the most horrible of crimes, says the Indianapo lis News. It lias been said that no man is bo bad that he has not friends. The friends of this man from the be ginning of his sentence have never ceased to work for his pardon. Influ ential citizens and public officials have been induced to write personal letters to all tho governors who have held office Hinee the term of confinement be gan. Petition after petition has been prepared and huuilreds of signatures j secured. It is related that at one time a gov ernor was almost persuaded to pardon the man. The sentiment in his fovor seemed fairly overwhelming. As a last precaution he sent for his private sec retary to talk over the whole case with the prisoner himself. The prisoner told his story forcibly, but so glibly as to indicate that he had carefully prepared it and committed it to memory. As his recital closed he drew a photograph of a beautiful young woman from his pocket. "The first thing I shall do when I am released will be to marry this girl," he said. "Who is she?" nsked the visitor. "She is Miss M ," he replied, "and is the daughter of one of the rich est and proudest families in the city of She will marry me the minute I am set free." "How do you happen to know her?" "Oh, that's all right. She visited the prison one time and I got acquaint ed with her. She fell in love with me at first sight. Don't worry about me. I'm solid with her." The secretary looked at th3 photo graph agaiu. The face shown there was delicate and refined, and every line in dicated the confiding trustfulness of innocent girlhood. He looked at the prisoner. Evil and sin was stamped upon every feature. Wheu the secre tary made report to the governor he told the story of the photograph. The chief executive pondered over it awhile, then, bringing his fist down upon the desk with a force that set all its light furniture to rattling, he said: "The photograph settles it. That sweet girl and the happiness of her home and friends must not be subject ed to ruin and misery by any act of mine. The prisoner must serve his time." As The Letter, So The Man. It Is of common occurrence that ad vertisements for help appear in the daily papers directing applicants to ad dress in their own handwriting, and by the character of such communica tions the applicants are judged, and fairly, I dare say, in most instances, says a writer in the St. Louis Globe- Democrat. 1 lie experienced man oi business, the astute lawyer or other professional, reads in these communi cations, almost unerringly, the talent, attainments aud general character of their authors. Such letters reveal first, as a matter of observation, the ar tistio skill and literary attainments of the writers; secondly, by inference, their general taste and judgment. This Inference is drawn from all the attendant circumstances, from the selection of writing material to the superscription and affixing of the post age stamps. Perhaps there are 100 applicants for a position; one is chosen; just why he will not know, while ninety-nine are left to wonder why their applications were unsuccessful. Some were bad writers, some were bad spel lers; one made a fatal revelation of his lack of good taste and judgment by electing a large-sized letter or fools cap sheet of paper, which he folded awkwardly to go into a very small sized envelope; another used a page to express in a loose, ungrammatical way that which should have occupied no more than five or ten lines; another manifested a want of knowledge oi taste in the arrangement of the several parts of his letter; thus every act and circumstance connected with the letter speaks for or against its author, and accordingly he has been accepted oi rejected. I dare say that in a vast majority of these cases the handwriting has been the chief indication, and was alone sufficient to determine the fate of the applicant. The quality and style of one's writing not only show directly of themselves the writer's . .... . . . . ,.!! .! anility in mat respect, out iiiuireeuy will go much further, and are strongly indicative of the whole general char acter of the writer; for it is reasonablt to infer that the same good taste, ludg ment, skill, patience and persistence which have given to anyone a thor oughly accomplished handwriting will be equally manliest ana equally potent elements of success in any other direc tion in which they may be employed. The Progress of Language. The nroo-ress of laneruares snoken bv the differeut nations is said to be as follows: English, which at the com mencement of the century was only spoken by 22.000,000 of people, is now snnkpn bv 100.000.000: Russian is now spoken by 68,000,000 against 30,000,000 at the beginning oi tne century, in 1801 German was only spoken by 85, oon.OOO of neonle. to-dav over 70.000.- 000 talk in the same language that 1 1 1 1 1 1 .. Tl ) ,.r.m Unani.l, li ....,! 1J UllttlU 11. uvea. uj)auian i a uvtt hv 14 (HiO.flOO of neonle. acrainst 30.000. 000 in 1800; Italian by 82,000,000 in to.,1 nf IS OOO OUO: Portuguese bv 18.. 000,000 instead of 8,000,00. This is for English an Increase of su per cent; for Russian, 120 per cent; for German, 70 per cent; for Spanish, 86 per cent, In the case of French the increase bas been from 84,000 000 to 46,000,000, or 86 per cent. AFTER THE CIRCUS. Jim and Hunner Criticise the Performance Animals, and Peanuts. The shades of night were slowly fall ing, the holy peace of a midsummer evening was iu the winds and fields, when there slowly wandered down the green lanes a young couple baud in band. Their steps were less elastic than when they traversed the same road in the early morning. His paper collar was limp and discolored, his linen coat less starchy, and the polish had long since gone from his boots. Her white gown was somewhat be draggled, her curls lengthened out considerably, and her whole aspect that of one who had borne the heat and dust of an August day. But they were happy. Two or three coppers were all there were left out of the $1.69 he had when he left home, but he wasn't thinking of that when be asked: "How'd you like the circus, anyhow, Hanner?" "Oh, it was splendid." Think so?" "Yes, indeed." "Glad you went?" "Awful glad." "Then I'm glad I tuk ye. I don't mind layin' out money for a girl long as she enjoys what I lay it out fer. What'd you like best?" "La, Jim, I don't know. It was all so good." "I tell ye, that feller tossiu' up all them butcher knives wa'n't slow." "Wasn't that splendid?" 'And that derued fool of a clown! He like to have killed me the derued ejeet!" "Hee, hee, bee!" "1 thought I should split when he tried to ride 'round the riug on that jackass!" "La, Jim! Wasn't that funny?" "I tell ye it beat the Dutch how them fellers in the trapeze cut up. Take it all in all an' it was a bully good show. I don't care if it did cost me a dollar to get iu. How'd you like to be thera ladv riders?" "I think it'd be splendid." 'I don't see how they ever kicked up their heels that-a-way 'tliout tumblin' off when the hosses was goiu' it full tilt. Purty good lein'uade that was I got ye, wasn't it?" "Oh, it was real nice, Jim." "But I've et better peanuts than them was." "They was a little wormy." "I know it, and I'd told the feller so if he'd come 'round agin. I toll ye ye've got to look out or them city chaps ll cheat you out of your eyes. How'd you like them candy kisses?'' "They was splendid." "I'd a notion to get pep'miut drops instead, but I'm glad now I didu t. Wa'n't that elephant a buster?" "1 never see his beat." "But I've seen lions that'd knock that one all holler. Them cussed little monkeys tickled me." "Hee, hee, hee!" "I'd just like to have one o' thera for my owu." "So'd I." "I dou't think them bauanners are lit to eat, do you?" "I'd rather have cooo'nnt." "Well, I should smile. But I've alt ers wanted to sample one o' them ban auuers, an' I'd thought I'd do it today while you was with me. Next time we'll git a coke.ru ut. You like that fau I got ye?" "I thinks it's lovely." "Them circus peddlers kuow how to charge askiu' 16 cents for a fan you can get for 10 at the stores. Still, b au't notliin' to me when I'm to a circus. Here we air to your gale. Good-by." "Good-by, au I'm much 'bilged." "Don't mention it. Good-by." "Good-by." Time. Dolls, Drums and Hwords. The doll is thousands of years old; it has been found inside the graves of little Roman children, and will be found agaiu by the archadogists of a future dute among the remains of our own culture. The children of Pom peii and Herculaneum trundled hoops just as you and I did; and who knows whether the rocking horse on which we rode iu our young days is not a lineal descendant of that proud charger into whose wooden flanks the children of Francis I.'s time dug their spurs. The drum is also indestructible, and setting time at naught across the cen turies, it beats the Christmas-tide and New Year summons that bids the tin soldier prepare himself for war, and shall continue to beat as long as there exist boy arms to wield the drumsticks, and grown-up people's ears to be deafen ed by the sound thereof. The tin sol dier views the future wilh calm; he will not lay dmvn his arms until the day of general disarmament and there is, as yet, no prospect of universal peace. The toy sword also stands its ground; it is the nursery symbol of the ineradi cable vice of our race the lust for bat tle. Harlequins, fool's-cap-crowned and boll-ringing, are also likely to en dure; they are sure to be found among the members of the toy world as long as there are fools to be found among the inhabitants of our own. Gold-laced knights, their swords at their sides, curly-locked ami satin-shod princesses, stalwart musketeers, mustaehed anil top-booted, are all types which still hold tiicir own. The Chinese doll is young as yet but she has a brilliant, future before her. JJtuckwooU'$ Ataga- Foreign engineers report that at the present rate of sinking the northern coast of France will in a few centuries be completely submerged.