LEXINGTON WEEKLY BUDGET. VOL. 2 LEXINGTON", MORKOW COUNTY, OREGON, THURSDAY FEB; (5, 1890. NO. 19. PUBLISHED EVERT THURSDAY EVENING BT SNOW & WHITSON, TKRMS OF SUBSCRIPTION: One Tear, ..... $1.00 Six Months, ...... go cent. Invariably In advance. Bates of Advertising: On square (ten linos or Inns), flint Insertion 11.00; aach subsequent Insertion, 60 cents. Bprctal,mtes with regular advertisers. All transient advertisements must be paid (or In advance. . Job Printing Of every description executed with neatness and dlspatoh. F. SHIPLEY, M. D., PRAGTITIONKK OF Medicine, Surgery & Midwifery, Rogtstorcd. IIEITNE R, OKEUON JJ P. SINE, Attorney-at-Law and Notary Public, LEXINGTON, OREGON. Attorney for the North American Attorneys anil Tradesmen's Protective liuiou of Connec ticut. pRANK KELLOGG, Attorney-at-Law and Notary Public, HKPTNER, OREGON. Money to loan on Improved (arms. Oillce In Klrst National Bank. Q C. BOON, Constable and Collector, LEXINGTON, OREGON. Will attend to auctioneering. JJRS. KATE PARSELL, Notary Public and Conveyancer, ALPINE, OREGON. Heeds, Mortjratfus and all others Lcjrnl Instru ments car -fully drawn. Applications for State and School Lauds made,aud reunions obtained JJIRANK H. SNOW, Land Agent and Notary Public, LEXINGTON, OREGON. FillncH taken on government land. Real estate advertiHfd and sold on coinmisHion. New coineri are Invited to call and be tilled full of solid facts about the ad''antap:e of Morrow country. Oltice hour f.om lk. M . to midnight, BuiMiKT building. R. LIEUALLEN, GENERAL .- BLACKSMITH And'IIorseshoer, IS ALWAYS ON DECK AND PREPARED TO 1 do anything in his line In a nest and work manlike manner. Horses shod with care and accuracy. Shop on 0 St., Lexington, Or. G. W. BROCK, REPAIRING IM)NK. Arcad Street, Bet. C and D, Islington, ... Oregon ELKHORN NELSE M1GNUS0K, Proprietor. I.EX1NQTON, OR. HORSES BOARDED BY THE DAY OR WEEK. 'OatHU Furnished for fommercUU t Reasonable Ratos. U. KINDS OF THRNOUT3 AND RADDLK Horses at the disposal of pauooa. Livery & Feed Stable WILKIE COLLINS. ttm Gt Five TIioiihhihI Guineas for Tils Novel "Armadale." Tlie highest price which Wilkio Col lins ever received for a novel, says Ed ward Yatus in Urn New York TrUiiiue, was 5,000 guineas, which was p:iid lo him for "Animtliilu" hy George Smith iH'foro a lino of the story, which oi'iyi nally appeared in tho Vornhill Mmjii zinc, hail been written. "Armadale" has never been a favorite with the pub lic, but it is a very powerful book, and a story of the most absorbing interest, and Dickens expressed a high opinion of it. Just after the bargain had been concluded between the author and the publisher there was a discussion at the Athena-uni one afternoon about book juices, during which Hayward very acrimoniously maintained that George Smith could not possibly have paid any such sum to Wilkin CuMins, and after lie had ranted on the subject for some time Dickens turned lo a friend and whispered: "Can you wonder now that that man is so generally execrat ed?" Thackeray, only a short time before his death," congratulated Collins on tho transaction and told him that ho hail never himself made as much as 5,000 by any of his books. The pur chase of "Armadale" was not a prollta ble transaction for Mr. .Smith, but "Komola" proved a still worse bargain, as 7,000 was paid for it, and of the lirst expensive edition only some 1,500 copies were sold. The statement that Collins has left copious reminiscences ami numerous MS. stories is incorrect. During tho last few years he received several proposals on tho subject of reminiscences, but declined to cuter tain them. Wilkio Collins, to those who met him on his visit to this country, was a very curious personality," says a vete ran theatrical agent in Ihe Philadelphia Jniitinr. "I shall never forget the lirst time that I came into coniinuniea liou with him. It was in December, IKT.'k I had gone after midnight into tho bar of what was then Tommy Ryan's hotel, at the corner of Broail way and Union square, New York, and is now tho Morion house, Perched on a high slool before tho eating counter, with his knees drawn nearly up to his chin, Wits a little man in solemn black clothes. Tho position in which hesat, his small body, his largo head, his strong features, his gold spectacles, anil his bushy hair and beard, then showing more silver than black threads, woidd have attracted anybody's at tention, lie was eating an enormous moss of roast oysters and drinking Dublin porter. Presently Mr. Dolby, who was lirst known in this country lis the man who brought Charles Dickens over hero for his reading tour in lMtiH, camo in, and the little, gray man hopped off his stool to join him in a drink at tho bar. I knew Dolby, anil Dolby's friend was introduced to mo as Wilkio Collins. The Pampero. A strange natural phenomenon is the pampero, a South American storm wind, w hich is described by the author of 'Hearts of Oak," who lirst made its acquaintance during a stay at Monte viedo. A light breeze had been blow ing from the northeast, but had stead ier increased in force, and brought with it the heated air of the tropics, which, passing over a treeless pampa country, exposed to the burning sun rays of a clear sky, so warms up the atmosphere on the shores of the Kio do hi Plata that its effect upon human beings is ex ceed in glo bad. This slate of thing generally lasts for a week or longer, until tho stilling lieat becomes unbearable and the in habitants are seen resting in grass hammocks or lying on bare floors, in capable of exertion. However, relief is close at hand. A little cloud "no bigger than a man's hand" is first seen to riso above tho waters, then the heavens grow black with clouds, and the battle of opposing winds begins. The pampero advances with its artil lery well in front; forked Hashes of vivid lightning, followed by peals of thunder, bear down upon the foe. who, quite up to the moment of attack, is lierooly discharging its uery breath on the surrounding regions. The inhali itants now climb on the azotcas, or Hat roofs, to watch the struggle and to be the lirst to participate iu the de licious relief brought by the pampero to their fevered bodies. Far out on the river a curious sight may be seen; the opposing waves. raised by the rival winds, meet like a rush of cavalry in wild career; their white horses with foaming crests dash themselves against each other and send clouds of dazzling spray high in the air; this being backed by an iuky sky ren ders the scene most imposing. Gradually the northeaster gives away, followed closely by its enemy, the pam pero, which throws out skirmishing currents of ice-cold wind in advance of its linal onslaught. Then comes a roar of the elements, and a deluge such as no one would willingly encounter, and cooler weather is established for the time being. German Colonies in Texan. German colonies are forminrr In Iowa, Kansas, Illinois, and some other states for buying lauds and settling in Texas. A colony of 125 families from Westphalia, Kan., is aljcut to settle in Cook county. 'Texas, their purchase consisting of 22,000 acres, the consider ation being $222,000. lie Hun Arrived. Paid the frrsr, in a voiee that was ho'.lowl Ob, m 1 ln '. )al Im'k iikc a lijiiai" In n-l haul 0i4-tirk: "I am off Ui .New Virk To bukkohI a oew style for a collar." -Ufa. M1SS1XG LINKS. There aro more than two hundred lawyers practicing iu Seattle, Wash. A citizen of North Hampton, N. II., has been a justice of the peace fornion than fifty years. Kmpcror William of Germany ha( boycotted his haberdasher for sending him a pair of French kids. The emperor of Russia has increased his chances of a sudden and violent death by learning to play the cornet. Buffalo Hill and Hosa Honheur have become great friends. Tho former if taking lessons in oils from tho great artist. A West Virginia farmer claims to have dug three bushels of potatoes from ono hill. In his liold the ground is very uneven. Thieves made a dunkard's meeting house in ileidol burg Township, Lebanon County, Pennsylvania, a receptacle lot stolon goods. There is a rumor that tho German waiter is henceforth to wear a kind of order.agilded star pending from a short chain.uu his manly breast. A company has been formed in Berlin to run a lino of steamships between Hamburg and Mozambique. The ves sels will stop at Zanzibar en route. In Paris the dramshops havo in creased from 21,000 in 1SS0 to 2!i,O0U at tho present time. The consumption of alcohol has trebled in the last thirty years. According to a paper read at a con gress at Strasburg, ;i2 per cent of rail way passengers in Prnssiatra el fourth class, 21 per cent third cluss,20, second and only 8.U lirst. A handy man in Sleubenville, Pa., used his children's roller skates to move a heavily laden refrigerator from the dining-room to the oulkileheu, and not one breakdown happened. A beautiful spring of crystal water, where West Chester folks were wont to tarry, has proved to bo an outlet to a liltliy sewer, the water being purilied by percolation through the soil. Miss Cordelia Meyers, of Newville, Cumberland County, N. Y.,has a piano which was owned by the wife of Presi dent John Ojiincy Adams. Tho instru ment is still iu excellent condition, "Please com npe dad is aw ay this eve," was tho message found on a postal card picked up on a street in Bradford. It was signed "Sadie," and addressed to a prominent young man. A few years ago Antelope Valley, on tho Mujave desert, was considered worthless for farming. This season, however, tho people havo harvested (30,000 sacks of wheat and tho same amount of barley. Members of tho lowatriboof Indians are very well oil'. They have been re duced in number to x.'l persons and have 200,000 acres of rich farmiiigland, which they are to" sell to tho govern ment an average of over 2, 100 acres each. An eastern Ohio invalid thinks he contracted rheumatism from a horse chestnut which ho carried in his clothes as a preventive. He picked up tho nut in the street, and now believes some one else had thrown it there after loading it with the disease!. President George Williamson Smith, of Trinity college, Hartford, Conn., has been very successful since he took hold of that institution, some years ago. The college under his guidance lias grown rapidly and now has the largest number of students iu its history. Pope Leo, despite his advanced age, is an unusually early riser. He is rare ly iu bed alter 5:1)0, and by 6 he may be seen Walking in the gardens of the Vatican attended by some members of his household. Very often he gives audience to his secretaries before breakfast. The Indians of the Five Nations take great interest iu news from the sur rounding stales, as well as within the borders of their own mil ions. Ten weekly newspapers are published with in the territory, and a number of daily newspapers from tho slates are taken by tho Indians. The female clerks who have obtained positions in the Treasury Department within four or five years tiro mostly young women who havo just passed through the normal schools and have entered the government service through tho civil service examination test. They aro a bright lot of young women. In Hamilton, Ohio, a man died a few days ago, who had $500 in money laid up, and a payment of $150 was duo to save his homo. His widow took the money to buy a fine casket, an expen sive lot in tho cemetery, and to hire twenty-five hacks for the procession, and thus used every dollar and let hot home go by default. Says an American tourist, wrilin", from Koine: "We went to St. Peler'r twice on Sunday to hear the choir They aro all men, and there Is out among them who has a phenomenal soprano voice. Ho is called 'The Angel of St. Peter's.' If I hail not looked right at him when ho was sing ing I should not have believed that tho voice was a man's." Says a correspondent from Boston, of course: "What William D. Howell.' is to the Harers in a literary sense, and what Kelly is to Soden in the base ball line, LewK. Harlow seems to be to the Prangs, who are producing so many of his water-color st udies at their establishment. It is understood that the firm agrees to take every picture that Harlow makes up to $10,000 ayear In value." The court of Austria has not yet re covered from the sensation causcit ny the shah of Persia. He was considered at Vienna a thorough barbarian. lit paid no attention to his roval hosts and snubbed them iu the most brutal fashion. On three different occasions he made appointments to visit public institutions iu Vienna, and archdukes and ministers assembled to receive, but he camo not. His manners at table were horrible and ho seemed to take delight in shocking the onlookers. KingJaJa, the deposed potentate of west Africa, who has been imprison ed in tho island of St. Vincent by the English, has taken up a Napoleonic habit, lie became extremely nielan choly and fears were entertained that ho would soon sink into a premature grave, when somebody suggested teach ing him how to play cards. He now spends days and weeks at solitaire. He is us patient and docile as a lamb since he learned the game, and has begun to recover his health and spirits. If he could behead a few slaves ho would bf himself again. On going to tho top of tho Eiffel tower Mr. Edison wrote in Ihe visitors' book as follows: "Top EilVel Tower, Sept. 10, 1.S8U. To M. Eiffel, tho brave builder of so gigantic and original u specimen of modern engineering, from one who has tho greatest respect and admiration for all engineers, including the great engineer, tho bon Dieu. Thomas A. Edison." Ho subsequently wrote his name upon Mile. Eiffel's fan, which forms a valuable collodion oi autographs, hearing the signatures ol all the princes of the blood royal and the princes of science who have visited her father's chef d' uiuvre. Miss Mary Garrett, sister of Holier! Garrett, of Baltimore, is a great busi ness woman. Says ono of her acquaint ances: "It seems incredible, but it is the truth, that this voung .MV UV!t virtually handled the Garrett railroad and banking interests ever since one ol her brothers was attacked with disease and the other lost liis life. She is not SO years of age and is a handsome woman of the blonde type. She ob tained her business training from her father, lo whom she was a constant companion in his laler years, and she turned it to good account when the Garrett family was actually deprived ol a male heel. She has made Hubert Garrett a wealthier man than ho was when his father died." Photographing Stars. The method of photographing stars Iff interesting. When the photographer places in the focus. of tho telescope a highly sensitive photographic plain the vibration of the ravs of light throw tin Muselvcs assiduously oji t he plate and steadily apply to tho task of shaking asunder Ihe molecules of silver salts in the gelatine lilm. Just as Ihe waves of ocean, by incessantly beating against a shore will gradually wear awnv the mightiest clilf of the toughest rock, so the innumerable millions of waves of light persistently impinging upon a single point of tlie plate will at length affect the necessary decomposition, anil so engrave tho imago of the star. It will bo obvious that this process will be tho more complete tho longer the ex posure is permitted, and thus wo see one of tho reasons why photography forms such an admirable method of de picting the stars. We can give expos ures of many minutes or of one, two, three or four hours, and all the lime the effect is being gradually accumu lated. Hence it is that a slar which is altogether too feeble to produce an im pression upon tho most aeulo eye, forlilied by a telescope of the utmost power, may yet lie competent, when a sufficient exposure has been allowed, to leave its record on the plate. Thus it is that photographs of the heavens dis close to us tho existence of stars which could never have been detected except for this cumulative method of observa tion that photography is competent to give. No telescope is required, as tho photographic apparatus takes tho exact impression. Negro Maxims. Face an ox hehime (behind), a mule befo', but a raskil nowhars; ho don't got no safe side. Black man skoot fru de bresh. Mob bo he chase snake, mebbe snake chase nigger, Ef yo' got no shoes don't tromplo in de brambil. Don't yo' neber let loose do wildcat to chase away do house kitten. Better set in de mud den fall in do crick. Yo' call nigger black and you no mo' while yourself. No use bangin' do lame mule. Brere Bar he done got cotched by him foot, Mister Man by him tongue. Dat pig, he say, "I belong to two niggers, case I'm so misbrul." Yo' hear turkey in do wood, and he say "Gobble, gobble;" dat nice. Yo' hear turkey in do skillet, and he say "Sizzle, sizzle;" dat nicer. When vo' waits for yo' dinner bresi de Lord if yo' get uin cold. Yo' no kin boss yo' belly. Ho don't take nufliin on trus'. De big crab not allcrs good meat. Bccase yo' eat egg Monday, whaffo' yo' hanker for hen on Tuesday. Do forwardest pig make de fust rash er. A fine boss ain't no wuss for a rope bridle. De ain't no lire in borrowed mule. Yo' get holt of do handle of defryin' pan, den soz yo': ' Dis yore bacon's got to be done jess as 1 pleases." Wath tiiyion (JaitliU. Human Skin leather. There is a growing demand In En gland for human skin leather. Small Haters Uvo Long. With regard to food, wo find from Dr. Humphrey's report, says the Bos ton Traveller, that ill) per cent of aged persons wore either moderate or small eaters, and such moderation is quite in accord with tho teachings of physiology. In old ago tho changes iu tho bodily tissues gradually become less active, and les.Sjfood is required to make up for the daily waste. The appetite and the power of digestion aro correspond ingly diminished, and, although for tlie attainment of a great ago a consider able amount of digestive power is a! solutely necessary, its perfection, when exercised upon proper articles of diet, is the most important characteristic. Indulgence in the pleasures of the tabic is one of the common errors of advanced life, and is not infrequent in persons who, up to that period, were moder ate or even small eaters. Luxuries iu tho way of food aro apt to bo regarded as rewards that have been fully earned by a lifo of labor, and may, therefore, bo lawfully enjoyed. Hence arise many of tho evils and troubles of old age, and notably indi gestion and gout symptoms in various forms, beside mental discomfort. No hard and fast rules can be laid down, but strict moderation should bo the guiding maxim. Tho diet suitable for most agetl persons is that which con tains much nutritive material In a small bulk, and its quantity should be in proportion to tho appetite anil power of digestion. Animal food, well cooked, should betaken sparingly and not ofloncr than twice a day, except under special circumstances. Dr. Parker advocates rice as a partial sub stitute for meat when the latter is found to disagree with old persons. Its starch grains aro very digestible, and it supplies nitrogen in moderate amount, well titled lo the worn and slowly repaired tissues of tho aged. Its bulk, however, is sometimes a disadvantage; iu small quantities it is a valuable addition to milk and stewed fruits. The amount of food taken should bo divided between three or four meals at fairly regular intervals. A sense of fullness or oppression aftei eating ought not to bo disregarded. It indicates that tho food taken has either been too abundant or of improper quality. For many elderly people Hit most suitable time for the principal meal is between 1 and 2 p. in. As the day advances tho digestive powers be come loss, and even a moderately sub stantial meal taken in tho evening may sorioiisly overtask them. Undigested food is a potent cause of disturbed sleep, an evil often very troublesome to old people, and ono which ought to be carefully guarded against. IRISH COAST POVERTY. Ifow ths IViisunl of lliint.ry Manage to Out aNranty Living, Besides fishing up herring and hake, the poor people at the head of Bilutry Bay lish tip sand. Sand raising, ns it is called, is as important an industry as catching fish. This kind of sand, known sometimes as coral sand, is used as farm manure, and costs from 8 to 9 shillings a boat load a poor price con sidering the toilsome character of tho work and cost of the boats required to carry it on. A sandboat costs ;)5 when new and 2 a year iu repair. The utmost a boat owner or partner can do in a day is to bring lo shore two boat-loads. U'he proceeds have to be divided among a number of workers, while the workingseason IhsLs for a por tion of the year only. In spite of their lifelong labor from morning to night, in Winter and Sum mer and in calm and In storm, these crofter lishernian are in a stale of chronic poverty. They do not live by their scrappy palohosof holdings. They earn with difficulty from the sea barely enough to buy sleeping room and a foot hold on the land. They even do more than that; they partly create, will) Ihe help of the sea, the very soil for whii'li they pay rent. Tho deposit which they call coral sand they havo used to reclaim these shores of rock and bog. They havo used the seaweed for the same purpose, culling il up from the deep water with a prim itive machine, which may bo described as a marine scythe, and the seaweed has to be paid for, if not as a separate item, then ns included in the holding. Coral sand, seaweed, the refuse of house and pig-sty, and basket-loads of soil found among the bowlders, these are tho ingredients out of which, after years of work, tho crofter fishermen have produced the tiny green patches which dot innumerably the rocky shores and the grey-brown sides of the sterile but incomparably picturesque mountains that surround Glengrailf the beautiful. And the dwellings of these hard-working peoplel They are more tit for the pigs that go grunting and shouting In and out of them than they are for be ings created in tho imago of God. A dry stone box with earthen floor, and without windows, two or three recesses stuffed w ith straw for beds, and the whole filled with peat rock; such is the ordinary type of houses where a fisher man and his wife live with half a dozen or more children. In ono such house which 1 visited there were seven chil dren. LoiuUm Unity Mi:w. A Valuable New Mineral. From New South Wales comes a re port that a mineral which has been dis covered near Dublin contains all the properties of the very finest sienna.aud that it is in every way suitable for painting, staining, dyeing, and ink. California, it is said, now manufac tures nearly all the iron she needs, though only a few years ago sha o peuded ou tie east lor her supply. nut til lie in Salt Lako. You get a bathing suit of heavy knit wool, just like that issued to the China men who stood in lino ahead of you. It is very thick, and it has a startling tendency to sag down that is increased with wetting. When you have tied yourself up in it and joined tho throng that wades out through tho coarse sand to deep water, you notice that tho waves do not come in with tho high, proud arch of thoso at Long Branch, Nor do they break with the roar of the ocean waves. They come iu with a long low sweep, and curl over in foam with a strong hiss. Ono could hardly expect anything else. This pond fa one of salt pretty thoroughly saturated, and that is about all. It is four times as salt as tho ocean. The Dead Sea is not much sailer. You find it out to your discomfort if yon neglect to road and follow the instructions posted upon tho platform and in the bathing houses to avoid swallowing or getting the wafer in your eyes. You wet your head in tho dressing-room and then you make an effort to keep your head out of tho water. The lake is low now. This is ao counted for, as is the scarcity of water everywhere about the mountains, by tho fact that the snows of last Winter were very light. It is necessary to go out 200 feet to get beyond your depth, Then you aro beyond the low breakers and havo only to look out that the white caps do not dash iu your eyes. There is no undertow. As soon as you have reached a point where you can hold on t he bottom with your foot, your foot will come up and you will find yourself involuntarily iu the attitude of observing your toes as they stick out of tho water. Try lo turn over, and you have only lifted your afm to make au effort when you pop over likfl a lop-sided cork. If you keep one arm down and lift tlie other over you go. anil you lind that by repeating the process you can get up a speed of about forty revolutions a minute. Mako the usual motions toswlnl and your feet will kick in tho air. Yoiii best efforts will bo wasted in attempting to keep them in tho water, whethei you are back down or up. If you get I little of tlie water in your mouth youdc not need to bo told why there ain patches of glistening white along the shore, where the sun has been. His not a good place for swimming. The best use you can mako of the opportunity ia to try the capacity of tho donsly-sall water of flotation. When you hav spent half an hour in the warm waves, and have taken tho fresh-water showel provided iu each dressing-room, and a brisk rub, you aro ready to admit that there are worse tilings to take in this world than a bath iu tho Great ball Lake. A'. . Hun. Mrs. Maybrick In Prison. ! Mrs. Maybrick almost forgotten now is doing her nine months of soli tary confinement, and daily does an al lotted task of needlework, says tho I'itU Mall (lazeltc. Thoso who follow tho wretched woman's career, as It may be studied from time to time by the prison bulletins, will learn with inter est that there is considerable thought as to dress in this prison, and as befits a lady's establishment. Even in prison, according to V. W. Robinson, a variety of toilets is customary. There 1 thu probation class, in which women for the lirst nine months wear a lilac cot ton skirt in summer, with a blouse bodice, a square of serge for the shoulders, a check blue and white apron, small white linen cap with gof fered border, and a plain, untrimmod, coarse white straw bonnet of what is termed tho "cottage shape," and a very hideous chape, to our masculine mind, it appears to be. On Sundays while aprons ami neckerchief are worn. In winter tho lilac dress is replaced by a thick, blue serge, with a neckerchief of the same material, and a thick, fawn colored circular capo is also allowed for tho shoulders. Iu the second nine months the pris oner is a woman of the third-class, and wears in Hummer a plain bjuo cotton skirt with stripes, and a square of brown serge for the shoulders. The bonnet and linen cap remain the same In stylo, or distinguished, as it may be, for want of style, and white aprons and neckerchiefs again smarten up the woman on the Sabbath. In winter the third-class women wear brown serge dresses and fawn-colored capes. In the third nine months a female convict becomes a woman of the second-class, and is allowed the distinction of wear ing a full blue cotton skirt with while spots, a blouse bodice of the same ma terial, and a square of green sorgo for tho shoulders. Jn winter shu wears a thick green serge gown, the other do tails of Ihe dress being the same as In the preceding class. In the fourth period of nine months she becomes a woman of the first-class, with little, if any distinction from tlie second, and tins remains until slio is within nine months of the expiration of the sent ence, when - happy time for the female convict, with liberty so close at hand again she is dubbed a woman of the special class. The two children of Mrs. Maybrick have, by the consent of their deceased father's brothers and of the Baroness von Koque, been adopted by a lady and gentleman in London who are in good circumstances and who will see to their maintenance and education. The chil dren (boy and girl) will assume the names of their foster parents, and thns it is hoped in future life escape tlw slain attached to the name of their mo the. "Oyster color" is a lint intended fot brocades in which women will be pre sented to Uio ipicen at the next seaaosw