WEEKLY BUDGET. THURSDAY DECEMBER 12, 1889 Entered at the Potlofflce at lAxlnqton, Or., at Sccond-cuitt Matter. At the tubtcription price of the LKXIKOTON WEEKLY BVDQETU only $1 per year, we thall intitt upon payment of cnth in advance. There will positively be 110 deviation from thit rule. Any one receiving thit paper and knowing Unit he hat not paid for it, will understand that it it either complimentary, a tainple copy, or that tome friend hat paid for it. , Tun Oregnnian snyu tlmt chittim or uttered bark, which ih imeil for medicinal MirioHt'R, in obtained in larjje quantities in tho vicinity of Crescent City and in now worth twenty cents a pound, a fall of Hixty centH on the price commanded a few months ago. Yes, indeed ; chittim bark is used for medicinal purposes, and proha'dy lias been since the Willamette valley w as lirst settled. It is (piito pos sible that the Htuir has some virtue as a blood-pnrilierand remedy for or prevent ive of fever and ague, but by the aver age Webfooter it is industriously chewed for every ill, real or imaginary, with which he may be alllicted. He carries It in his pocket and oilers it as he does his pint? of tobiK'co for a friendly chew. The stranger would imagine it to be pleasant to the taste, but it isn't. On the contrary it combines the bitterness of all the bitterest bitter things in the. matoria medica. In comparison with it the deepest hato of woman scorned is solace sweet as honey. Nothing but a trial of it can convey to the reader any idea of the taste of this sovereign remedy of the Webfooter, and the rash experi mcntor would be glad to rinse his mouth with kerosene. In tuis is an argument for the churchman, for an allwise Provi dence who planted malaria ami chittim trees in tho same vicinity also endowed the inhabitants with palates capable of relishing chittim bulk. As one of tho many incidents which go to show that Oregon's representative, Ringer Hermann, is the right man for the people, the fact may bo cited that the speaker of the house tendered to him a membership on tho important com mittee oti appropriations, but Mr. Her mann declined the honor, saying that this was the highest honor that the speaker could confer ; yet lie deemed tho river ami harbor committee ono of the great est importance to the state, and ohould therefore feel it his duty to decline the higher honor to himself, in view of the greater obligation to his constituents. Our Ringer is not seeking for glory, but Is doing conscientious work for the peo ple whose representative he is in deed as well as in name. Last Monday pi Fresno, Cab , a Jury awarded $17,000 damages to A. 11. Cum tilings for falsu imprisonment, he having been arrested at tho instance of J. I Flsk, who accused him of petty larceny, (,'uminings' imprisonment lasted twenty minutes. At $850 per minute it is possi ble that even in Lexington a few men could be found who would be willing to endure the horrors of the county jail for an hour or two if provided with exciting novels with which to distract their at tendon from the iron bars. Tun track of the Oregon l'acille rail road is now laid sixty miles east of At bany, only 11 f teen miles of tmnnixliitil work remaining between tlio end of the track and tho summit. One thousand men are at work on the guides. At pres ent this statement may excite no great interest among residents of Morrow county, but stranger things have hap pened than tho crossing of tliia county by that road or a connection of the Hunt nystein. (Ink of the heaviest rainstorms that have occurred for years lias prevailed in California during the past two weeks. In some portions of northern California the rainfall has been tho heaviest ever known, some damage having resulted thotefrom, especially in tho low lands of the Sacramento valley. Thk largest opera house in tho world the Chicago auditorium, was dedicated last Monday evening. Among other events of tho evening, President Han i son delivered a short address and l'atti sang. The immense building was illum inated bv 5,010 electric lights. It cost 3,000,000. An alarm of fire Bounded outside the liuildiuii caused a panic in a theatre at Johnstown, l'a., Inst Tuesday evening In the frantic ellorU of tho audience to escape through a narrow stairway thir teen persons were killed and not less than Beveuty-tlve painfully injured. At Oakland, Cal., last Thursday, Vo lice Judge l.uiilUw lined himself f.tO for drunkenness, paid the fine like a little man and promised better behavior in future. I'erhnp it wan a Bcientitle ex periment to ascertain the feelings of the drimkt who are brought beforo him. Ahoko twelve Oregon postoflloes foe which lion. Ringer llonmnn last Mon day Bucceeded in entring incrased ap propriations, the one at Arlington stands at the head with an extra allowance of tb')8 per annum for rent, fuel and lights. Coi J, N. Rathhonk, founder of the order of Knights of Pythias, who has , been king ill several week at Lima, Ohio, died there l.int Tuesday. HIS VINES WERE NIPPED. The following, from the Detroit Free Prest, hits off so well a certain class of beings who exist not only among farm ers but among people of all occupations, that we welcome it with joy, cut it out with alacrity, and place it before the readers of the Bi'doet, who will readily see the application : "Great Heavens! but the country is all ruined!" lie shouted as he met an acquaintance on Fort street yesterday. "What do you mean?" "Why, there was an awful frost last night! Everything has been killed as dead as a door-nail !" "Well, I dunno." "lint I do. Land only knows what will become of the poor folks this win ter. One calamity follows another at lightning speed." "Well, now, but I have a tine field of corn, and it is quite ripe and beyond damage. That's the case all over." "Yes, but " "And my potatoes are ripe and can't be hurt a bit." "That may be, but " "And a frost like that won't hurt ap ples any. It is tho usual time o' year to get fmHts, and the crops are ahead of the average time if anything." "Hut vou don't seem to realize" "Don't I?" "No, sir. This morning I went out and lo! every tomato vine in my garden was wilted and blackened." "I see. And you have two vines, probably?" "les, four of tlietn, arm they are gone killed dead. I am no alarmist, hut if we don't kco more suH'ering this winter than for years before then it will be because Providence comes to our aid with summer weather, (ione! All gone ! ( Jood day." JOURNALISTIC COURTESY. A war of words, amusing to the disin terested observer, but apparently carried on in dead earnest by the contestants, is progress between two Washington papers. One ot them loads to Uie muz zle and fires tho following: The dying journalistic foetus conduct ed by the pitiable crank at the river landing above seeks to obtain notoriety by attacking this paper and its editor personally. In its last efforts its entire force is devoted to such low-lived liter ary (?) drivel as only such a deluded imbecilo could stoop so low as to utter, and which would be punishable in the courts were tho institution and its editor not a financial as w ell as a mental wreck. This paper has more important business than Needing sucli trash, the author of which is generally understood as being a harmless crank, and whose paper is looked upon as a huge joke on legitimate journalism. Poor Dock Bits in solitary ! .1... . 1 t. .1 1 1 .1 .. :l ( I . in uie sago orusii, ami as me grn oi ins being untwists, imagines he is setting the world afire" by spitting venom upon those who have assisted him in his vain attempt to manage a newspaper. KICKERS. If you are a kicker and see a shadow of failure in everything that is proposed to help a community, for heaven's sake go into some secluded canyon and kick your own shadow upon the clay banks, and thus give the men who are working a chance. Ono long-faced, hollow-eyed, whining, creeping, chronic kicker can do more to keep away business and cap ital than all the drouths, short crops, chinch-bugs, cyclones and blizzards combined. Just one speckled potato will destroy the w hole contents of the bin, so one of these chronic croakers in a community will often neutralize the ef foits of a whole host of energetic, enter prising, progressive citizens. If they would only content themselves with lining nothing, and "give the men who are working a chance," it would not be so bad; but while they will do nothing themselves to advance the prosperity and importance of tho community, they are always ready and untiring in their ellorts to prevent its being done by others. And unfortunately, like the poor, tho croakers and "clams" we have always with us. lie. Just Do Your Best. Tho sins 1m had when folk commence A tlmlitr fault with I'rovidenee, Ami hnlklu' 'cause I lit earlh don't shako At ev'ry pranem' step they hike. Nit luiui Im yreat till lie can see llmv h'HH than Mil It' ho would Iu K.f si ripped to self, ami stark ami bare, lit' liuiiK "I" atiyuluTc. My doetern is to lay rt i1 Contentions, Hinl be atitled; Jt t do ynnr ImM, and praise er blame That fullers (hat counts jest the same. I've alius nottft'il (Trent success In mixed with troubles, more or le8, And it's the man who tines the bent Tlmt KetH mure kirks than nil the rest. Jutmit Whitcumb Kilty. Ir U reported from Washington, ) (, tli.it i K. Silcott, Into niHliicr of the oihVo of Bmtfount-tit-urms of tho house of roprrneiitutivoH, Iiuh nlmcnndt'd with a la mo amount of fumU holonin to vari ous mo ml to tk of tho house, Wuhk on tho NU'iirutiutt ctttiul in pro KroHsiiiK favorably. At present every roHuvt points to tin) coih'luHioii that thiH will not oliaro tint fate of tho l'un mnii ounal, but will bo pushed to com pletion. Among his uhuiU hune business at the pontollU'0 department, Kepresentative Hermann has just neeureil tho establish ment of n postal money order olliee ut l'niirie t'itv, (iriint eountv. All Kuropo is snoenintf. I'res dis patehes state that intluenzn is preva lent in Knuland, France and Kussia. A-a-atelut ! J kkkkhson Iavih, ex-president of the Confederate states, died at New Orleans last Friday, at the aire of 81 years. Omvkr Johnson, the vjteran editor and abolitionist, died last Tuesday at his home in KrooMyn. A brain elevator with a capacity of S.VUXX) bnsliels is to Ihj built immedi ately at Scuttle. Tun RriHiKT stands up for Morrow countv. THE NATIONAL CAPITAL. Washington Gossip From the "Budget's" Correspondent. This winter will see more strangers in Washington than ever before. Every year the number of visitors and sight seers to the capital is increased, and this season the international congress, the different boards of promotion for the world's fair, office-seekers and jdeasure seekers will swell the throng. No one can say as yet whether or no the season will be a gay one. The first winter of a new administration is, of course, the hardest season, for the women who man age social affairs are new at their work, and it takes some time to get up enthus iasm and make plans. There is one fact that those who have watched the growth of the capital are convinced of, and that is, Washington is following in theufoot steps of all other capitals, and her so ciety, which not many years ago was general, is gradually breaking up into little cliques. There is the official clique, the literary clique, the fast clique, the good, prosy, puritanical clique, the money-makers clique, gay young cliques, anil staid old cliques, and one must choose his circle. The different cliques show droll mixtures, for sometimes a bald-pated old man, who should 1lrijdn tent with an arm-chair, dressing gown, comfortable fire, a hit of literature, with a night cap before he goes to bed to make the blood circulate through his tired old bones, elects to spend his even ings in the piesence of laughing young girls, who worship Terpsichore, and only guess at life which is a book well read by their ancient admirer, while some bionded, blue-eyed young girls - will hobnob with snuffy old literati, study science, life, and what not. In every set there is the ugly duckling some one who has no right to be there, the square block that will not fit the round hole, and which, though that unfortunate block realizes that he is in the wrong place never finds the pluce where be belongs. The ordinary mortal knows very little of the president of the United States. Only in a general way can anyone know what passes between the chief executive and those who hold private conferences witli him. I am told that he is not only importuned for office, but that very often demands are made upon him for money. The impression is abroad that President Harrison is quite generous in a personal way, and that as he gets .r(,000 per year ho can answer all claims made upon him. I was shown a letter that was re ceived at the white house last week from an office-seeker, asking the president to furnish the applicant with money to buy a suit of clothes and pay his room rent. il'isisbuta sample of what we get every day," I was told. When Mr. Keeu was conducted to-day to the speaker's chair in the hall of the house of representatives ho became the tirst republican speaker to occupy that seat, with the single exception of ex- Speaker Keller, since it was vacated by James U. lilaine in 1875. Mr. Reed probably has no desire for Mr. Keifer's mantle." Will he fall heir to that of ex Speaker Maine 7. L. WABII1N11TON, 1). I'., IH'C. '1, IKS'J. i PLEASE TAKE IT BACK. You kissed me at the trite Inst night, Ami mother heard the "smack;" She say a 'tis naughty to do so, So please, do take it back. I cannot see what harm there Is In such a thing, ean you? But mother seems ho very wroth; Please take it back, now do. It seems to be quite natural Kor lips to meet that way. But mother says 'tis very wrong, (So take it back, 1 pray. And, eome tothhik of it, I'm suro That several times 'twas done; So now to make it right, be sure Tu take hack every one. I would not have you think 'tig mo I do not care a mite But mother's ho particular; 1'leuse take them back to-night. The Jtntlrit Timrn-Mtiuntainffr, no vou wAvr TWO HUNDRED DOLLARS? IK YOU HAVK I'roreil on Your l'rr-llnii-tion Hinl I'tiiil $t(Hf, It may hk to Yom Ahvast.mii! to call AT THIN OlFIl li. ,10t'Nli A HMAI.I, MKMOKANDfM Hook' (hvnor ctm htivo hiih by Hpplyiiitf ut this otl'u'cnmt proving property. Al'ANTKh-VKN' OF CAPITAL ASH EN- f cri;y u tiiki' a look ut Lcxinutntt anil mir- rouiiilinti country with u view lo fatti"' ft Pllllk IKTt". AX'AXTKD MOKK LIVE HPSINKSS MRS it to Incite, in l.exlnutou, tho liuet pi.iec In Kttsteru Oregon for a thriving town. I (1ST- SKVK.lt AL CIIKONMC CKOAKKHS 1 i who have Peen tn the Imliit of coutnntly iiPusiiiH thin country as n farming ilitrict. Fniiler wilt pleane keep uinler lock anil key. SETTLERS ANY ONE KNOWING OK A vacant government ijuarter and wanting a good neighbor thereon should inform the lU'puBT olliee. 'ANTED PR ACTIC A L MEN TO 1NVES- thrate the advantages of Lexintrtoti as a location for a sorghum mill. rpilK I Sl'AL PRICE OF COt'NTKY WEEK 1 lies is from 12 lo $1, The Hi ihikt Is only 1 per vear. In advance. The best is the cheap est ami the cheapest is the best. 1 osT SPLENDID OPPORTCNITY TO SE I J cure gmul home by those who wait too long before coming to Morrow county lERSONAL-TO REACH THE RES! LO 1 cal it y lor business or farming, take the Willow Creek branch at Arlington and buy your ticket for Lexingtou. TANTED-MEN OF LIKE, VIM AND KN H ery to btcate in Lexington ami prvveut moss from taking root. 1ERSONAL-IF THE MAN WHO WANTS I to set! his claim will call at this office he wilt hear of something to his advantage. rWNn-A PAPER THAT HONESTLY UK I lie v os in the future of Morrow county as an agricultural district and always stands bv that belief. The Htpukt ii only 11 per year, In advance. KEEP IN MIND THE FACT THAT I.KX ingtou N in the mi.Ut f a tine farming iouutrv iiudtliittuow is ihv lime to bu au- lu re. THOSE WHO WANT HOMES IN MORROW COUNTY, DEEDED RANCHES IIoiidch, Ilurim, Fences, Orchards, Springs, Productive Field, UNDEEDED CLAIMS Variou Amount of Improvement and Cultivated Land HHOIM.D At' PLY TO SNOW & WHITSON, It i' ut :(utc Aireiits, at LEXINGTON Future Coiitinerelal Center of the County. 110 TIME UIE THE PRESENT! SECURE A HOME SUIT YOUR PARTICULAR IDEAS AT YOUR OWN PRICE. A FEW BARGAINS. rilO LEASH A FIXE FARM OF 640 Af RES I near tiooseberry will be leased for a term of yearn on advantageous ternm. A good fence enclose the whole; 4IK) hp ret under cultiva tion; ion acres now tu wheat. fiO acres in rve, some land ready for spring: sowing; bearing ore II urn ; f itoo ixminc; narus, ouMmuMinga, etc.; plenty of water; good outside range. miMHKR (UInRH CLAIM", 6 MILES FROf 1 Lexington; ten acres broken; no ot Improvements. Will be sold very cheap. I MPROVEMENTS ON S'JO ACRES OF LAND -L within '-M2 miles of Lexington; lfiO acres government and h'l) lieu hind: house Mxlti with 10x12 addition; ItU) acres fenced; 11 aeres broken; all good plow land; good chance for water, n ill be soul cheap tor cash. HHIK IMPROVEMENTS ON 820 ACRES OF 1 nrst-elnss land, miles from Lexington by an easy road; MO acres fenced and in thorough cultivation; N aeres now in wheat; gentle slope to northeast; deep soil; pood chance for water; young orchard; house of three rooms good cellar, stable, ehlckeu-house, corrals, 1 his is a bargain. "IIOI SE ANI LOT IN LEXINGTON WILL J I. be sold at a bargain. Easy terms. KM) ACRES DEEDED LAND, MIX MILES south of LexiitL'ton: 120 acres in eulti vation; good dwelling, barn, etc. ; everlasting spring; outlet to range; all tinder substantial pole and wire fence: timber culture claim al joining. Will be sold at a bargain. IMPROVED CLAIM OF ACRES; 2S0 t fenced; 200 of this goon bunehgrawH pas ture, o in cultivation; hrst-elass land; young orchard of loo trees; good house, stable and wagon-shed; two wells ami n spring; within live miles of Lexington. Owner selliuir on account of ill health, and will take much less than the improvements eost. Such au oppor tunity is senium onereti. IM SINESX LOT IN I building thereon. LEXINGTON. WITH Corner lot, and the buyer will get a bargain. (540 ACKKS OK DKKJIKn LAND AND IM proveinentu on &I0 acres of Hen laiul acre in cultivation; 100 acres now ready for fall sowtnir; houscM, nam, corral, farm Inir implement, etc.: Koott fences: plenty of water: free rantce adjoining: within six miles of Lexlnctoit. this Is a well improved farm ami 11 viilnanle piece ot property, ailmirably iiK'atuu ami to oe som i a reasonable price. rpiMllKK (TLTt'RE CLAIM WITHIN TIIRKE 1 miles of LexlllKton. All KimmI plow hunt; ten acres in trees; conveniently situated. Wilt be sold for low price and ou easy terms. rinvo ursiNKss lots and small store 1 tiuililiiut in LexiiiKtou. Owner liou-rest dent and will sell cheap. rpilK IMrKOVKMKXTS ON W ACRKS OK i as uiHMt fariuiuK land as ties out of doors within four miles of Lexiuctou; all fenced county road ou oue side. IF YOU WAST TO 8ELL A Dt'rdrd Itaiirh, An I ndrcdrd t'luim, A Town I.t, -oii- AV KII OI' II FA I. tSTATK -TllltS- W K W K ARK AUK T H K. THK BOYS HOYS FOR KO U Y O C Y O V (all ii l a. sow A IIITM. Lciiuittuu, Or. HERE IS THE OKDEIl FOR A BASQUE PATTERN -GIVEN TO THE LADY READERS OF THE BUDGET. ajt. ,UT THE ORDER OUT BY THE ' it with a two-cent stamp to the PATTERN (iood for OX 11 Vatterv, of the Direetoire llnnqtie ; Hunt Meant! re, Hi, .V.S or 40 Inches, (Run a pun or pencil through the size desired.) If sent, with a "-cent stamp fur return postage, to Dkmohkbt'b Family Mauazink, li) East 14th (Street, New York. This pattern will lie n full-size pattern of the size desired, and la furnished by special Hrnmctiieiit with the Hkkki.Y Hcimikt, Lexington, Oreiroli. Tho holder of this Order may be assured of tho value of the pattern, as tt Is sent as a sample of those obtained through the order system in the Kashiou llepiirlmcnt of Drinorest' J-Umih Mmjazine. In seudlni; this Order to obtain the pattern, All out the fallowing blank: II'. JEXMSdS Dl-'.MOllEST: Inrlunetl find the l'nttern Order itnd tiro mitx fur return pontneie, fur vhkh pleuae send me the Diredvire diamine af the size marked mil above. X.LVE TOW'X , STATE Do not inclose a letter with this Order; simply fill it out as directed, and inclose it with the two cents in stumps. GEO. P. 3IOKGAX, (Late Chief Clerk V. S. Land Otllee) THE DALLES, OR. lioom O, Ijjintl OilifO Huillmj "1 1 HCirLAttLY ADMITTED TO 1'RAf'TK'K J V before Loral Laml (MlleeM ami Depart ment ut Wnshhu'ton under provisions of the eirciiliir of the lieneml Iiiud IMHce, upprovud Mitreu in, icVw. If You Have Lost a Land Right, Or have had trouble about your land, I CHARGE XOTIIUG lor C'orrehpoiiclence, and may be able to help you. flF" If I tnke your cnc I am willinc to wait until tins work is successfully done before my fee in due. ATTVTy CAVEATS EATS AND KK- nred. Trade- inarkn registered, and all other patent canned in me raiem oniee anu neiore me couriK care fully and nroniiitly prosecuted. I'mui receint of model or nketeh of invention, I make care ful examination, and advise hh to oatcutabflitv free of chartjr. With my office directly across irorn ine fatent uuiee, ami IuMuk in personal attendance there, it is apparent that I have superior facilities for making prompt prelim inary resean-nes, lor me more vigorous anu Biiccesful prosecution, of iinnlications for nal- ent, and for atli'tulinn to all business entrusted to my care, tu the shortest possible time. rr.r.a .MiuihKAi k., ami exclusive aiteniion piven to patent business. Information, ad vice and special references si'iit on request. Solicitor and Attorney in I'atent Causes. Wufchiiifrton. IK (Mmtimt thte pfrprr.) t'pl'- C. S. 1'at. Olliee. NOTICK OF INTENTION. Land Offk g ai Thp. Daii.k Or.. Nuvember 2, lsn. AJOTICK IS IIKRKHY OIVKN THAI' THE .1 Itilliiu-Hiif-naiueit M'ttler lull tileit noliee uf hi iutentliiu tn iiiuke tinal proof in stii)inrt of liiA claim, ami that Halil pmuf will tie uuule nenire tne county juiil'c oi .lorrow I'ounty, at Ileituier, Or., on Ueeeiuber 17. 1WJ, viz: JON4ll lliinry, 11(1. N'i). 17 W, for the XE. 'i of See. 32, Tp. 1 S K. '24 E., W. M. He nanieii tlie follo in it nesseK to prove bin continuous residence upon and cultivation of unlit laml, viz: John Jor dan, lienrt;e C. Cavinens. Ereiirh Burrollghg ami Henry I'atlberyf. alt of lime, Or. (611) F. A. Jli iiONALU, Register. Dissolution of Copartnership. "V-OTIl'E IS IIEREI1Y (ilVEN THAT THK 1.1 partnership heretofore existing between Alex. Voiinu. W'm. A. Yotint; ami Chnrle Yoitnir, umler the firm name of A. Yountr A Honn. Is this ilay illnsolveil by mutual ennsenl. Alex. Younir retains the properly of the linn anil wilt pay all liabilities, ami u 11 debts due the llrni should be paid to him. A I.KX. VnCNO. WM. A. Ydl Nli, I II AKI.ES YOL.NTr. Cionsetierrv, Or., Ane. 3), lwst. !11) 7 V HORSES. i'WH IIORSFS AUK lilt AN'DKD 7 V ON x ' ribt shoulder mnstly. We own a number of 77 And X hordes, but all have the 7 y brand. We w ish our horses to ratine between lone and Well spring. Any persm seeitiK any of our brand distant from this ratine v ill do us a favtir by mailing ni a card tellinn where the horses were seen. We will einleavnr ' reeip rocafe such favor. i'UANK HKS., tW) K1U. OreK'on. HORSES WANTED. Twant fiftf.kn oh twenty amkfu can mares to keep for a term of years for a tdiare of the Increase. OihkI ranite, plenty of feed for w inter, and irood rt-fereuees m to care and management of bek. Address A. It. BAKTIIOLOMKW, (11-13) Aipii.e, Ort-Kon. NOTICE. LL rKRSONS INDKHTED TO ME ARE iV rtMine"ied to call and settle on or before January I, Ivm. After that date all Recounts unsettled will 1m placed iu the hands of au at torney for co'leetion. MRS. KATE PARSELL. (10) Alpine. Oregon. " AN TED -EASTERN AND WESTERN v T fariut-rs to know that in Morrow county ran be found free vacant land and improved claims for sale cheap, and that the oil here cannot he excelled. lHNIl-A FIK8T-CI.. I tiuille men ot ei ASS LOCATION enerirv ana iure.sii:tit Lcxiuum. Moriuw cuuuty. ur. FREE- BLACK LINES AND ENCLOSE address indicated. ORDER. FOU THIS LEXINGTON WEEKLY' BUDGET AND THE PHILADELPHIA WEEKLY PRESS. ONLY 81.50! THE HCIHWT,. Lkxi.noto.n, OlIF.IiON. NOTICK OF 1NTKNTI0N. IjANd Office at Thk Pau.f.s. Or., November IS. lHSi. VJOTICE IS 1IKREBY tilVKN THAT THK iA followinir-named settler has filed nottct of his intention to make final proof in support of his claim, and that said proof will be made bebtre the County Judye of Morrow county, at lleppner, Oregon, on leeember SO, lHHit, viz: Ilarrinon II. MooppN Hd. Xo. 2d5l, for the HW. of Sec. 2. Tp. 1 N.. K. J l K.. W. M. He liHrnes the fdiowiiiK wit nesses to prove his continuous residence upon and cultivation of said land, viz: ,1. F. hunt. John Handy, U. 8. ( rune and ii. V. Loid, all of Klla, Or. (8-M F. A. Mr POXALI), Refc'ister. NOTICE OK 1XTKNTION. Land (fficb at Thk Dam.fs, ftr.. November 5, Ihkii. "OTH'K I TIKHKHY OIVKN THAT TUB N fi)llowiUK-nanied settler has tiled nofico of his intention to make final proof in support of bis claim, and that said proof will he niudo before the County Clerk of Morrow county, at lleppner, Or., on December lhy( viz: Frank i;. Hell, n. S. No. fKl0. for the NW. i of Hoc. 3fi, Tp. 1 9., H.'Jtt KW. M, He names the following wit nesses to prove his continuous residence upon and cultivation of said land, viz: V. (i. Hweet scr and W'm. Iurnn, of Lexington, Or., am) W in. Itartou and John Harton. of lleppner, Or. (6 111 F, A. M DONALD, UegiMer. NOTICE OF INTENTION. Land Office at Trk Dai.t.rs, Or.. Nnvnmlr W, W. "0TI('K IS HKRERY (ilVEN THAT THE j.1 followtiiK-nained settler has filed notico of his intention to make final proof in support of his claim, ind that said proof will he made before the countv Judpo of Morrow county, at Heppner, Or., on' December Hi, inny, via: Olol IterffHtrom, Hd. No. 15J9, for the NW. of Sec. ?12, Tp. ft f., K. 24 K., W. M. Ho names the following witnesses to prove his continuous resilience noon and cultivation of said land, viz: CI ins. Anderson, of Ktjiht Mile, Or., and Andrew M. ivterson. Oeo. M. llohuett and John John sou of (iooseberry, Or. (.H-1H) F. A. Mt DONALD, Register. NOTICK OK INTENTION. Land Office at Thk Dallf.s, Or.. Il'M'ru'-T 2. 1K"0. V'OTICE TS HERERY CilYEN i ll T THK .A.1 followiriL'-iiamed settler Imis tib-tl notice (d hfs intention to make tinal proof in support of Ins claim, and that said pnwtf will he made before the County Clerk of Morrow county, ut Heppuer, Or., ou January 18. 1:J, viz: Frank f. Wenrfiel, D. 8. Xo. JWi. for the HE. 'i of See. ft, Tp. 1 R., R. '2fi E., W . M. He name the folIowliiK wit nesses to pnne his continuous residence upon and cultivation of said laud, vis: Charles H. stantleld. Win. M. Rather, H. F. Millen and Austin Yoeu'n, all of Lexington, Or. (10-1M F. A. Mi DONALD. Renter; 0. N. G. COMPANY T, THIRD RKGIMEXT, O. . Vy ti. KcKiilHr drill every tiiiiunlj at 7::i P. M. l)rin drill nn lt Htunlay ot esell mouth. Inspection everv iliree niontlis. H. Mi -FAKI.AM), ( italn. "V"0 HETTKR I.lH AI.ITY THAN THIS CAN he lotitiil lor the farmer to ai-iiuire a hiimoof hii own ami "grow up wilh the cimn-trv." FOR'AN'IY ONE I'OI.I.AR-IN ADVANCK-FOH -jv lifly-lwo nnmber of vonr local tatxr. thu LtXt.MiIC.N MtLKLV liLUOLI.