Lexington weekly budget. (Lexington, Morrow County, Or.) 188?-1???, November 28, 1889, Image 4

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Blessed la the man who set's the royal splon-
Hid In the landscape, though the thick fogs
Whose heart by Love Is kept so warm and
That fogs or tempests never reach his soul.
The flowery hills and dales are rubbed of
Enrth Is a desert with no fertile spot
To Idin whose llfo hits only toll and duty.
To whoso lone hearthstone sweet luve
eometh not.
His home may be a palace; yet he lose
The sweetest treasure that llfo can Impart,
Success or failure comes as each one chooses,
Whnlber bis wealth shall be of purse or
Love and oontcntmcnt, goodnoss, hopes
ethereal, , .
To the possessor give the greatest wealth;
For gold lie' omes a curse, and all material
That robs us of our birthright, Jloaveu and
Blessed Is Ibe Dinn whose happy soul hath
From the d ud plane of sense, through faith
and trust;
Blessed Is the man whom Love hath led from
Where life ls-heurt to heart, not dust to
Wla LnrnhMnrtyn.
In a spacious and richly furnished
apartment of a largo and imposing
mansion, situated in a fashionable
quarter of the city of London, sut the
capricious belle and haughty beauty,
Agnes Templeton.
Every object in the room botokoned
wealth and tnste.
The only occupant of tho room was
the fair Agnes, who was roclining in
dolently upon a velvet sofa, indulging
In a dreamy roverio.
She was nearly 17 years of ago, with
regular features, a lily complexion,
and a queenly form; but the greatest
charm of her peerless beauty lay in her
hair her dark, glossy, luxuriant hair,
which full from lier small regal head,
in long, clustering ringlets, eomplcto
ly enveloping her suowy neck and
"Lady Montford! How grand it will
sound," she soliloquised. "I shall soon
be mistress of Montford manor, and
the envy of all the belles in the city.
But I almost wish that I had declined
the old baronet's offer, for I don't love
him as 1 love Lawrence Arbuthnot.
The adulation and admiration that I
shall receive, will, I liopo, fully com
pensate for the sacrilieu that I have
After a natisn she continued!
"Although 1 shall bn Lady Montford
and caressed and Haltered by my
titled husband I shall not bo so truly
happy as I would wore I the wife of
Lawrence. All, 1 lo not Know oi a
diviner happiness than that! lint why
repent now? The time for that is past,"
and she bowed her regal bead and
At this moment a trim littlo maid
servant entered the apartment.
"Well, LusotteP" said her mistress,
raising her head languidly.
"Mr. Arbuthnot is in the hull aud do
sires to see you," replied the girl.
For several minutes Miss Templeton
the costly ring which, signified her be
trothal to Kir Guy Montford. It was a
strugglo between love and tlrtty. She
loved Lawrence Arbuthnot ns woli as
her sellisli and capricious nature was
capable of loving, but she knew it was
wrong now to encourage hint as u
lover, and moreover, she was certain
thatue now visited her in thatcapacity,
and was not aware of her. engageiuout
with tho baronet,
"I will see him, Lusulto," she proud
ly said.
The girl immediately withdrew, but
in a few moments re-entered the room,
conducting a handsome young man of
prepossessing appearance, who greeted
the young beauty with deferential
politeness. It v his demeanor he still
evidently considered himself a favored
Agnes returned his salutation with
a bewitching smile, and lief maiiuei
was particularly grni't ful and winning.
"1'lease be seated,'' she said in a soft,
musical voice, and he carelessly com
plied, remarking:
"An absurd r 'port Is current to-day
that vou are soon to be wedded to Sir
lie topped abruptly, for her cheeks
were (lushing vividly, and the fair
hand that be clasped was trembling
"Miss Templeton," ho said, coldly,
"I believed tins rumor false, but your
agitation does notcoulirni my belief."
Seeing she did not reply he added, in
a low tone:
"Agnes, is It true?"
"Alas, too true," she fullered.
"And yet," he said, Utterly, "vou
did not refuse to see nio this evening
you, the atllanced wife of another."
A redder glow suffused her face ns he
made this remark, and Mm betit her
head low, lint did not reply.
"Why did you allow me access in
your presence this evening?" he asked,
trivng in vaiu to catch a glimpse of her
bowed face.
"Oh, I don't know; I cannot tell,"
he murmured.
"Is it possible that she loves meP''
asked Lawrence Atbulhnot to himself.
"Agnes Templeton," he said, "have
you deliberately bartered your soul for
an empty title? When you pledged
your hand to Sir Guy, did your heart
go with ilP"
'I cannot answer your question," alio
returned, confusedly.
"Agnes," lie exclaimed, passionate
ly, "you do not love your alliauced
husband! Tell me, do you love an
other.' Is it is that one myself?''
The low, faint whispering answer
was in tho alllrnmlive,
"Yet you are tho promised brido of
another, he resumed, with passionate
vehemence. Oh, Agnes, why did you
accept the baronet's offer, when
you did not love him? Ask him to re
lease you from this iniquitous engage
ment at the earliest opportunity, or
your peace and happiness will beruinn I
forever. Agnes, 1 beseech oti, ro
uounce this marriage,"
"Too Intel" she uiurmurcd. "Mv
wonl Is given. I cannot retrace now.''
""Whall will you become a perjnreii
bride, an unloving w ife?"
"I must; there is no alternative now."
"Weak, misguided woman f
"Call tue what vou will. I caunot
retrace now I cannot do as you wish
"I hope your wedded life may be
happy. Miss Templeton," he said,
calmly relinquishing her hand, and
rising to depart.
She bowed her head slightly in ac
knowledgement, and said:
"Remember. Mr. Arbuthnot, that
you will always bo a welcome visitor
at Montloru manor.
"Thank you," ho raplcd; "but do not
be disappointed if I do not avail my
self of tho opportunity which your in
vitation allows me."
"I trust you will change you decision
before tho season is over." she said,
with a vain attempt to smiln.
"Next week I shall sail for India,"
he observed gravely.
"You will not forget me?'' she said,
witli a sigh.
"Forget you!" ho exclaimed. "Think
vou that I too, am falseP No, Agnes
Templeton, I shall never forget you;
but I shall strive until I have utterly
subdued tho deep love that I now bear
They quietly exchanged partings,
and with a long, sad clasping of hands,
and a tremulous '-(jood-by" on her
part, a calm, sad one on his, they
After Mr. Arbuthnot had departed.
Agues threw herself upon a sofa, and
gavo vent to her long-restraiuod fool
ing in a Hood of toars.
For some time she remained so,
weeping silently, and bitterly regret
ting the irretrievable past.
At lenglh Lusetle, roused her, and
announced the urrival of Sir Guy Motit
ford. Agnes hastily arose, bathed hor tear
ful eyes, brushed out her luxuriant
ringlets, and was soon ready to meet
her future husband.
One month subsequently they wore
married with great pomp and splendor,
aud Lawrence Arbuthnot bad sailed
for India, in hopes that among new
scenes the harrowing past would be
It was a mild delightful afternoon,
and the balmy air was cooling and ex
hilarating. In tho pleasant apartments of Mont
ford manor sat the Lady Agnes Mout
fort, attired in a partly mourning
Six years have passed since her un
happy marriage, but the latter three
of those years have been passed in
silent widowhood.
Timo has not deprived hor of her
beauty, and she is still tho fascinating
and enchanting creature she was when
she captivated the heart of Lawrence
"I wonder what Lawronco finds o
Interesting in KflicP" she murmured to
herself, "for a month lie lias been a
guest hero, but nearly the whole of
that timo he lias devoted himself en
tirely to my atep-daughter.
"No, no, he does not love her; he has
moro sense than to fall in love "'
Ellio. who is scarcely p l',an ,'
child, liutwhy''"" 80 tteDt'V8 to
T .. Agnes was interrupted In hor
iflllotjiiji by llio auddeu entrance of
her sou, a handsome boy of some 6
"Woll, Guy," she said, fondly, lay
ing her baud caressingly upon his
dark brown curls, "where have you
"Out upon the lawn playing with
Carlo," answered the boy. "Mamma,
whore's EUioP" he asked, after a short
"She is taking a rido with Mr.
"There they aro now, coming up the
avenue," suddenly exclaimed the boy,
glancing out the open window and be
holding tho two equestrians, who wcro
slowly cantering their horses in the
direction of the house.
They dismounted when theyroached
tho door, and Ellie Montford immedi
ately sought her step-mother's apart
ment, while Lawrence Arbuthnot re
tired to the chamber which had been
assigned t him while he remained a
guest of Lady MontforU Lady Agnes
looked up with au affectionate smile
ns the lovely Ellio entered,
"Did you enjoy the ride, my doarl"
she inquired, pleas:intly.
"Yes, mother," replied Ellio, soating
herself upon an ottoman, while a vivid
blush stole to her cheek. '
"Mother," she continued, averting
her 11 mlicd face. "Mr. Arbuthnot has
asked mo to bo his wife."
The rich color slowly recoiled in an
icy tide from Lady Agues' cheeks whoa
he heard the fatal announcement
which blasted her long cherished
hopes, aud her face became cold a
marble, aud a pallid hue overspread
her features like that of death.
With a wild cry ElUa sprung for
ward as if to sustain her step-mother,
but Lady Agnes motioned her away,
and in a low but pet luotly oalru voice
she asked;
"What answer did yon give him?"
"1 told him tlsat I could give him no
definite answer until 1 had acquainted
you with tiie proposal."
"'V'.nt did ho thou sayP" inquired
Liu'. A f ties, In the samo cold, clear
'y'f itsked me if I loved him."
'What was your reply P"
"Mother, l'lnlil Itint tho truth I
told him that I loved him."
"Well, my daughter, siuee you love
1,1m, I shall not withhold my consent
to your mion,"
Lady Aues had now regained per
fect composure, ami as she uttered
these words site kissed her step
dmiirhtcr's fail forehead.
Etlle little dreamed as she felt the
cold pressure bt those ruby lips that iu
their owner's bosom there throbbed a
lorn and blighted heart.
When Christinas came Lawrence
and Ellio werw ".nietl? married, and
took Up their nbodo at Levering hall,
an estate which Mr, Arbuthnot had
purchased, aud which Joined Montford
luannr, t ;
Lady Montford never married, bnt
continued to live in lonely widowhood
at the manor, Sliu knew thai her
puniaiimout was just, but nevertheless
.. ff&l verv hard to bear. $to lorfc
Fish have di.nl by thousands, rear
after year, iu the Yotigliioglieny river,
aud nobody see ins to know why.
Alary Jane Had lllm.
"You kin read writin', I presume?"
he queried, after wo had talked for a
while on the weather, crops, and other
"I hope so," I replied.
"Wall, then, mob he, you'd like to
read this. No perli'ckler interest to
you, but it cost me $GU0 that leetle
scrap o' paper."
"It seemed to be a receipt in full of
all damages and acoounts from Mary
J. Laphum of Blankville, county of
Niagara, and State of New York."
"I hats what she is, stranger. Got
it this forenoon, after three months'
hard work, and I'll be lam-slathered
if I'm ever caught in that boat agin."
"Business transaction?"
"No love. Paid her $G0O in cold
cash to settle a breach of promise suit.
I feel as if a ten-ton sand bill had bin
taken off my shoulders."
"Then as I understand it," I re
marked, "you and Mary were in love
engaged and you brokeyour prom
ise." "Perzacfly. Couldn't bitit straiglit
er. Tho trouble was I couldn'tre
member that I had ever asked her to
marry mo. I kinder loved to pass
away the timo. Jist folt spooney, and
sol spooned. Struck a girl after a
while whom I wanted to marry, and
Mary Jane bobs up with a breach of
promise -damage,, $20,000. Told her
to whistle. Didn't believe she comd
prove anything. Couldn't remember
of writing her more than three letter.
She whistled. Mary did. Sue also
employed a lawyer to whistle. Ho
came "down and showed me fifty-two
of rny letters, every one spouting love
as a whale spouts water."
"That was queer."
"i should smite! Hadn't tho slight
est recollection of them epistles, but
they wore mine just the same, and,
mor'n that, I d signed the bulk of 'em,
Yours forever aud ever, with 10,000
Then you had no defence"
"Not a shadder. I was ready to
swear I'd never hinted marriatre, but
the lawyer had marked twenty-six dif
ferent paragraphs reading: "My angel
one Heaven designed you to be my
wife. Set the day as soon as possible.'
Mary J. had me agin. Then she had
made affidavit of my hugging and
squeezing and calling her pet names,
and it was no use for me to stand out.
Mortgaged my land and slipped down
and cried aud got a settlement."
"Aud it is a great moral lesson to
"You chuckle! It's a pause in my
mad career as a lovist. It's a set
back to my loose ways of doing busi
ness. No gal on the face of this earth
will ever git that sort of a bulge on
me agin.
"But you have another love affair
on hand."
"Jist so, but what I done? Taken
a cony of everv letter writt-,- - -
done ll iJ-f-a 'U trout of the old
man. More'n that, I've obliged the
gal to give me a certificate every Sat
urday night that I haven't popped the
question up to date. Kissed her once,
but had two witnesses hid iu tho shed
to Bee that it was a culm, brotherly
kiss, and tho only time I ever squoze
her hand 1 put the date right down.
Oh, no, they don't Ma.'y Jane me agin
not for Joseph mid all his relations!'
Th Ingratitude of the 'rrofcjilt.
sue hail wailed pa
tiently iu the wings
for an hour. Gaily
undressed sirens,
knights in glittering
olid-iron, tin plated
armor, king, monk,
and stiige carpeiiier
hurried by her with
a pnss'mjj "Ah
there!" aud still be
came not. "Won't
somebody please
find him and brim;
him to me?" she
pleaded. "He's al
ways so prompt to
welcome nio after
the performance, I
can't see where, he
can be;" and an opal tear plowed its
way down the pink bank of her cheek,
and left a furrow like the dry bed of a
log wood mill-sluice.
"Can 1 bo of any sewlce?" lisped a
voice In her ear, and turning; she found
a Johnnie who had bribod a.;-ene-shifter
to bring him in between two rolls
of carpet. His attire was somewhat
rumpled, but he was still in the ring as
far as anticipatory fascination was con
cerned, and he leaned forward anxiously
for her reply.
"Do you think you could And him!"
he sol bed.
''I'll find anybody for so chawmlng
young lady. I'll cweep on me hand
id knees all ovati th' theatre, if you
uaiy say so. What does he look like!"
"He's got the most lovely curly hair
and great brown eyes and such a sweet
little mouth, and and and he's so
affectionate, and his name is Charley,
and" Here she broke down, and
Johnnie started oft 03 a high-and-low
quest for the lost friend. After falling
down stairs, getting; kicked by the
property-man, aud losing his bat in the
upper Hies, ho returned unsuccessful,
just iu time to see the ballet queen rnter
her carriage with a King Charles spaniel
under her arm, and hear her say, "iro
PiUch obliged, but the call-boy found
iiim. Ta tar' And he went out in the
square ami took a bath In the beams ot
the electric lights, accelerated by the
ratapultic shove of the old door-keeper.
laxm Soles.
Dr. Nisbet's Poultry Notes.
I cannot recommend turkey breeding
as a paying business t,o those who live In
cities and villages, on account of the re
striction of the grounds, but the furmer,
on his ample premises and extensive
fields, can raise them cheaply ana ad
vantageously at the same time. Breed
ing and raising turkeys Is not such a
nurd tapk as "some people suppose.
Adult turkeys are extremely hardy, and
will stand almost any climate without
showing signs of tenderness. The only
trouble about the business is raising the
young poults until they are a couple of
months old. After that time there Is not
much danger; they will grow rapidly
right along, and in tho fall they will be
almost us larf,'0 as the old birds.
The generally accepted feed for the
first week after hatching is hard-boiled
eggs, sprinkled with ground black pepper
aud onion-tops chopped fine. After the
first week add oatmeal, cooked dry, or
bread crumbs. Curds, with the whey
well squeezed out, nearly dry, can be
given at any time in almost any quantity.
Boiled potatoes may bo added, and at
threo weeks cracked wheat and crnckod
corn cun safely be fed. Baked cornbread
or cornmeal boiled dry, mixed with
boiled potatoes, is an excellent feed
everv dav for the firpt few months. A
little water or milk should be given them
three or four times a day, but should
never be lett in such vessels as to render
them liablo to fall into them and thus
get wet.
When quite young it is imperat ive that
they be kept out of storms and heavy
morning dews. Tho coops must be kept
high, dry and clean. They should not be
allowed to roam with tho hen until they
are at least four weeks old, and even
then only in warm dry weather. Keep
your young turkeys growing right from
tho start and you will find that it will pay
when puy day comes. After they aie
fully feathered uud have thrown out the
red on their heads they may be allowed
unlimited range ut all times, and from
that time on as long as the supply of in
sects lusts they will thrive upon two
meals a day.
As there is a demand for turkey feath
ers for making brushes and dusters, we
call tho attention of those who have here
tofore allow ed them to go to w aste to tho
following in regard to taking care of
them :
In saving the feathers of turkeys it is
recommended that they be taken iu bags
like ge'eso feathers, those from tho bodv,
wings and tail being left separate, and
eacli kind packed iu u box by ittelf. For
tail and wing feathers the boxes should
be a little wider than the feathers are
long, and the feathers laid In the boxes
straight, care being observed that tho
ends of the feathers do not curl up, as
this spoils them for making dusters and
thereby impairs the sale of them. In se
lecting the wing feathers leave out the
third joint, or that part commonly used
as a fan, as feathers on that part of tho
whig are uaoUma - Jaeture
dusters. Body f cut hers should be "'l1'
as straight as possible, and alo packed
In boxes. Keep all feathers perfectly
dry, as wet feathers aro unsalablo; for
this reason turkeys should he dry picked.
Study your market and the preferences
of your customers.
It Is much better to study how to pre
vent dlseaso than how to cure sick f ow ls.
Poultry droppings make tho best fer
tilizer for tho tlower and vegetable
Bize and condition count for more In
market than any particular shade of
color in skin or shell.
"Make hiiHto slowly." Steady, per
sistent improvement will " get there"
sooner than a rapid "mushroom" growth.
Keep thoroughbred fowls only if you
wish to attain tl e best results. There
are enough breeds, und of enough sizes,
shapes and colors for any purpose.
If one breed does not suit your tnste
or your market, try another. This ap
plies to selling thoroughbreds for breed
ing us well us inaiket fowls for consump
tion. ltemember that nn even degree of tem
perature Is essential to young chicks. It
is of more importuned than food or drink.
A chill will upset a chick's digestive ap
paratus on short notice.
Keep your fowls tame. They will do
better; besides it is a great satisfaction
when visitors or prospective buyers enter
your yards to be able to view the fowls
ut short range. It will pay. Try it.
The sunshine of spiing hatches vermin
as well as chickens.
Tho making of sugar from sorghum
is not yet a success
The German prune and the plum are so
nearly allied that they should not be
grown In the nnni orchard or they will
hybrid izo iu fruit.
The romona Time Inquires why tho
Texas electric fence might not bo utilized
in fencing out rabbits, uud says : ' A
couple of small wires, strung around the
young orchard, charged with electricity,
would do the business, und when nn old
long-cared Jack tackles It, ho Would be
knocked clear over into San Bemardiuo
couuty. It wouhl be a good thing for
the trees and a surprise party every
evening for John
" Did you ever see horses that wore
bustles, (list like a woman?" asked Dr.
Henry Wilson, who is just back from
Kentucky. "John Hughes showed a
pair of horses In a buggy that he had
been offered $;I,51HI for, and asked $5,(H)0.
They took the blue lilibon, und knew
every gait that a horse ever made.
These horses wore bustles nil the time,
except when on the road. When put in
their stalls a wire bustle, Just such as a
lady wears, only smaller, was put under
tho'tail and held there by a strap. This
mode the horse ttirow the tail from the
body, and give It style in action. Many
horsey In Kentucky wear bustles. It is
a regular trade about Lexington to buy a
likely handsome horse from the country
for fllOO to $400, and educate hiiu to all
the gaits, and give him style, speed him
up a little and tell him for a thousand
or so."
Be sure and put sulphur In the nests
and kerosene on tho roosts once a week.
It is much easier to keep vermin away
than to get rid of them when ouco they
guiu a foothcld.
Attention to the quality ot food often
saves a tine lot of birds.
Never buy an incubator unless it Is
perfectly ge'lf-regulating.
Be careful not to feed your birds too
much Bt this set son of the year, else
they will get too f ut aud stop laying.
Learn to observe the requirements of
jour fowls. Lo Angtks Tribune.
It Was Rather Unceremonious and He
Never Came Hack.
Many of tlieScandinavianswho work
in the harvest holds of the South Da
kota vallev spend their winters among
the pineries of Wisconsin, following
the loirs in the spring down the river,
says the New York Tribune. One of
them, an Olsen, sought a job last sum
mer in the Stillwater boom. Olsen
was asked if be could handle tho logs.
"Aye t' ank so," he replied. "Aye
vark me bleuty times on tie forks ofer
en Viseonsin, an Aye t ank Aye can
yust vark any mans ofer de middle."
The foreman accepted him at his
own estimate and put him at work, but
in an hour or two he reappeared.
"Maaster Poss." be said, "Aye t'ank
Aye hnf to get nudder mans. Aye got
halo pig log in de vater, an' Aye t'auk
Ayo no make him go."
"All right. You can have help. Do
you know JohnsonP"
"Yah, Aye know Yohnsou. Yobn
son bleuty goot mans."
He got Johnson, but in another hour
he again returued, as sluggish and
bloodless as ever.
"Maaster Poss, Aye t'ank Aye vants
'nudder mans," he said. "Yohuson
hav emit."
'Johnson has quit?"
"Yah, Aye claim Yohnson hay quit,"
"What was the matter with him?
Didn't he like his job?"
"Veil, Aye t'ank he like yob."
"Wasn't he getting enough wages?"
"Veil, Ave t ank bey got him blenty
monies, but, yust same, Aye claim hay
"Come, now. speak up. What made
Johnson quitP"
"Veil, hay say noddinks."
"Did you have a quarrel?"
"Veil, Aye t'ank Aye dunno."
"You think you don't kuow?"
"Veil. Aye t'ank no quarrels. Hay
ay noddinks, but yust quit."
"Tell mo how it happened, Olsen.
Now, out with it!"
"Veil, Maaster Poss, it vas vust like
dis: Ve got hale pig log. Yohnson
vant er make him go ofer by de vater.
Veil. Yohnson got him crowbay bay
do log, und hay got him crowbar, bay
l,,.a -in. older, uud hav vust heave, und
bcave, uud heave. Veil, den, de log
hav p-one ofer. una veu da log hay
gone ofer py de vater, Yohnson hay
lose bees legs und hay go ofer py de
vater, too. Ven Xoliuson nay go py
do vater, de log hay go py Yohnson."
"Well, what did vou do? Didn'tyou
jump "in aud save himP You surely
man t let mo man urownr
"Ah, veil! Ayo no sporka mooch
"You fool! You don't need to speak
English to save a man from drowning'
What did you doP" , , .
"Ave yuut vait r ' oar und vatch
TPr. Volm-u nay go py de log. Hay
no coom back. Veli, Maaster Poss. Aye
t'ank ve need 'nudder mans. Aye no
sporka mooch Anglish, but Aye claim
Yohnsou bay quit!"
Rival of Uie Virginia Natural Bridge.
High up in the crest of the mount
ains on the Birmington, Sheffeld and
Tennessee River Kulroad, there is to
bo found one of nature's wonders. It
is a natural bridge, as complete, as
perfect, as symmetrical, and, in some
essentials, more remarkable than the
great natural bridge of Virginia.
Tho bridge lies between tne stations
of Linn and Delimir. It is about fifty
eight miles from Siielliutd aud tweutv
nine miles from Jasper. Its length
from abutment to abutment is 176 feet.
Its width is 35 feet aud the thickness
ranges from 1 to 6 feet It is of pure
sandstone, aud has no doubt stood the
ciimuto of ages. Leaning over the
bridgo you see in the raviue which it
spans, some sixty feet bolow, the
shimmer aud sparkle of many springs
of clear, limpid water, which bubble
from the sandstone soil, aud joining
flow down tho ravine. A singular
feature is a subdivision or smaller
bridge, constructed on the same pat
tern, perhaps even more perfect lines,
which loads from one side of the bridge
proper. Tuscumbia North Alabamian.
Uradatlons or Labor,
Mrs. Clr,ncy Pat! Pat! Are ye there!
Come here; Oi want ye!
Mr. Clancy Oi can't Oi'm busy!
Mrs. Clancy Busy is it? What doln
slitaiidin' tinkin.
Mr. Clancy No; sitliu', talkin'.
Much of the hotel clerk's kuowjdge
oouius by iuu-tuitiou.
Sa rsaparilla
Rheumatism, Neuralgia, Catarrh,
Gout, Scrofula, Tumors, Salt
Rheum and Mencurial
I !uvlgnmte the Stomach, Livis and th
R wbi.k, relieving DYsi'irm. Indiokstion and
t'uSBTiPATioii. It restore! th ArrsTiTI, In
crcanci aud hardeut the l'tm.
It stimulates the Livir and Kidkiys U,
healthy action, Pcripiks rua Blood and Bs c
UFIE8 TH C'OHri.aiKlN.
J. R. GATES & CO., Proprietors
. t
News, Book Writing Papers
J- P iiiera, M.'tnlla. straw und Wrapping Paiwrs,
Ord litock. faper liagt, Twiiia, Eld.
Muweum ot Anatomy
?dl MAKKfcT hTKfchT.
Otq for Ltlie nd Oeutlemen
from V a-m. to lu p.m. Ad minion
cU. Uo and learn how to avoid
ditwa aud bow wonderfully vou
ara made. Ctfumllation and treat
ment personally or by letter oo
weakueaaea ana all dlaeaae oi
men. 1 onaulution fre.
Private Office, 3L1 Oeaxv it.
mm ca
World Beaters
3440 Kearny St., San ;F rtccisco
Oaxd Stook, Straw and Binders' Board
Patent Machine-made Bags.
511 to SIS Sacramento 8U, 8AM I'KAKCISOO.
409 'Washington St, San Francisco.
reaulred la NewBnaner aud Job Printing, and
miiny specialties not kept by other houses.
uonnera u. o. -rypo muuurj, rw
Baruhart'a Great Western Type Foundry, Chicago
Bagley Bewail Cylinders,
Colt's Armory Improved Universal Jobbers,
Thorn's Gordon Pressos,
ficonomlo Paper Cutters,
Billions' Canes and Furniture,
Goldintf's Presses aud Tools,
Sedscwlek Pape- Joggers,
Keystone Qttouis,
Page's Wd Tyit
Cults, Boilers, Tablet Composition, Et,u.
Newpaper on the HOME PLAN.
Stereotype Newspaper Platea
UT A XT 17 Willi's Cahstn .
yvhy , Waka Up" to tha advantages your
wida awaka neighbors derive who buy every
thing they need to eat or to wear from one
firm which makes a specialty of selling the
BE8T staple goods In ALL lines at Wholesale
Prices direct to consumers In any quantity,
P. lce list Free on application. Send postal
card for cop-y ' At Once. You can order from
8 Cta. worth up, and 8av( 10 per ceut to 80
per cent, after paying freight chgs.
Address as above; Bmlth'e Cash II W
Store, the Largest .Sealers In Gen-
ral Merchandise, west of the Mississippi River.
Type writeR
CR wU1 buy the ODELL TYPE
Plw WRITER. Warranted to dp aa
good work as any $100 machine.
It combines simplicity with duraci:l
rry speed, ease of opekation Vtears
lonfirnr without cost of repair than au
other machine, has no ink ribbon to
bother the operator. It Is neat, substan
tial, nickel plated perfect, and adapted
to all kiudu oi type writing, i , Like a punt
ing pret, it produces bliurp, Clean, Legi
ble Manuscripts. Two or ten copies can
be made at one writing, Editors, lawyers
ministers, bunkers, merchants, manufac
turers, business men, etc,, cannot make a
better investment for $15. Any inteiiegent
pereou in a week can become a good
opebatou, or a uafid one in two months.
S 1,000 offered any operator who ean
do belter work with a lype Writer than
that produced by the ODELL, " Re
liable Agents and bulebiueu Wanted.
(Special inducements to Dealers, i'or
taniphlots, civmT endorsements, iic, ad
dress the
The Aookery,
Lightest Draft. Does the best work
and is the
Chilled Plow ever offered on the
Facifio Coast. The
Has been adopted by us after dyna
mometer Held tests which demon
strated their worth, and we then
arrangement for the Pacific Coast
Baker & Hamilton,
San Franciaco, - - - Sacramento,