WEEKLY BUDGET. THURSDAY.. ..NOVEMBER 2S, 18H!) Kittrrrd ttl the 1'ontofiirc at LextwiUin, 0r.t ft yrcnlid-rltisH Multer. An thr ttiltineripUun prlee rif the LKXISfiTON WEEKLY llt'lltiET In unit S7 jier trrtr, we thill iitil tipun ptlimt'tit of ennh in ftileiinee. There vill pmitieeUj he lit) tleritititnt frtntl thin rate. Ann "lie rrrelriiitt thin paper tltttl klltni'lmj Unit he linn wit pniit. Jur it, iflll inith rnttintl Hint it In either eiimplimenttirij. a nttmple etipij. or that mime Jrietttl htm pttitl fur it. Two Citniiiliiiii senators are cliurwd with having miil $10,000 oitcli for their seats in tint senate. Tim arrests in l'liiliiilclpliiti for drunk enness frecjiiently iiiiioiint to inon) than one liiimlreil in a day. By recent ucls of congress every male Indian over twenty-one years of au'i), who accepts lund ill severalty, becomes a voter. A vorNO woman in Atlanta, icorgiu, recently disfiuisocl herself us a man and , became enuiigecl to nix yiiln in less than four weeks. It is Raiil that liuiiiari milk in sold in many parts of China, and that when the empress dowager was Kick recently it recpiired twenty wet nurses to keep lier alive. 15 if tests recently made at Tacoina it was shown that yellow fir is actually one thiid Hti onifer than eastern oak and more than half stronger than eantern white pine. It is reported from Honolulu that Van Tassell, the balloonist, recently de scended from a balloon with a parachute ami fell into the harbor, where be was devoured by sharks. Til H talk ah'iut a bridge to connecl Knland and Franco is still noiiiu 1 1 . Skilled engineers report that the enter prise is feasible. The bridge w ill cost eighty millions of dollars. A ci.hikiym an out in Manitoba uilvo rates dancing as a healthy ami invigor ating and wholly innocent exercise. Ib dec lares, however, that the best timo to engage in it is before breakfast. Nnw Youk city has determined to banish street bands, band-organs with their accompanying monkeys, ami all the ambulatory musicians, who have be come ho numerous as to make life n burden. No more suitable place than Lexing ton could be found for the establishment of a signal ollico for eastern Oregon. The location Is favorable, and the work of the ollico would be of value lo this whole region. Horn political parties in .Massachu setts seem satislied with the result of the trial of the Australian ballot law. The voting was not impeded in speed, ami the method seems to bo readily un derstood by everybody. A 1'ohti.ani) tailor has become insane. Perhaps Ids conscience is punishing him for the prices of "dose elegant pants, imported gouts, vieh gost me mine frielil, 1 voulil be afraid to dell you how much dose gools gout me." Til it Metlieal Wmhl says dogs ami rats lire subject to typhoid fever; monkeys are prone to tubercular disease; cuts easily contract ami convey diphtheria; and many animals are ufllicttil with rheumatism, especially elephants. A nkw substitute for tobacco is being introduced. It is a mixture of llritish herbs thu particular plants are kept secret and smokers who have tried the compound dec litre it to be delieioiisly fragrant, slightly exhilarating and withal soothing to the nerves. Tiik sawmills at and near Tacoina make a daily cut of 1.1(H), OlHI feet of lumber. The Journal of Commerce fig ures tip at that rate these mills are m-ing lip 27'ii acres of timber each day or H,2.rit) acres for year .vCvOtl working days. Fiiom the secretary, K. (i. 1'entland, wo have received a copy of the constitu tion and by-laws of the Oregon press association. The pamphlet is a neat specimen of good work unci rellerts credit upon Mr. baker, state printer, from whom it is a gift to the association. A rui.ss dispatch from Huston states that the Union Pacilic otlicials an nounce autlioiitively that they will build through to southern California, and that part of the contrac t has already been let. Ijw Angeles will be the tenninal city and Kctlmiilu the Pacilic seaport The work will be completed within two years. Pi:iioMt who have tried them on a small scale say that hops suveood better and are larger and lu.uo ptoductive on the bottom lands ill thin county than utiywlicru in Washington, where hop raising ig an utermive industry. It is also thought that hops would clo well in favorable locations on the uplands, l'.y and by some one with a little enterprise will make 11 good thing in bops here, and then everybody will go into the business and wonder why they didn't think of it bcfoic. , Everybody knows that Kllensburgh is rapidly coming to the front among the live cities of Washington, but not every one stops to inquire! the causes. A glanc e at the Iletjisler w ill ut once show to the thoughtful inquirer the principal reason why Kllensburgh is going ahead so fast, which is that the business men are advertisers. When it can be said of the residents of any community as a class that they are advertisers, there is more meat in the assertion than appears ut first glance. It means that they have the spirit of enterprise ; that they have shed Urn moss which gathers on the backs of those who sit around and wait for something to turn tip, and have waked up to their ow n interests and the welfare of the town. It means that, in the expressive language of modern slang, there are no flies on them. They have goods to sell and they make it known, constantly and persistently, for they know that in this way only can they be successful. It means that they can see beyond their noses unci are not afraid to invest ifo before they actually hoar the twenty-dollar piece chink which is to be gained thereby. Such men not only advertise their goods for salis, but in doing this they advertise to others at a distance that they have vim and the spirit of Kli, and capital seeking investment is attracted to their town. Men of energy ami coin will go where they see that others have "rustle" and "go." So it is that the live town becomes the livo city. And that's what's the matter with Kllensburgh, as shown by the many columns of adver tisements in tlio Iletjisler, which, by the way, is a Bei'en-column daily and is newsy, neat ami bright. In the course of its comments upon the fact that liarniim was recently the recipient of a banquet in London by llotl lords and gentlemen, the Oretjonian says: "Mr. liamuni over and over again in his book declares that be ' humbugged ' the American people by advertising centenarians, mermaids, woolly horses and other incredible crea tures. Outside of bis superior powers of business organization and combina tion, in what respects morally does I'.ar niini differ from the fellows who manu factured the Cardiff giant, advertised unci exhibited tho country over us a fossil man? Of course it is easy to answer that lie must be 'a fossil man' to bo imposed upon by Hindi clumsy frauds, but that answer does not alter tho fact that fiom I'ainuin down to tho cheapest 'fakir' at a country fair the man who gets money under false pre tenses is a swindler and not lit company for gentlemen and men of honor. IJitr num is only a vulgar Yankee, full of low cunning and deceit, who bus grown rich by flio practice of successful cjuackery; and be is no more entitled to public so cial honors than any other charlatan." In mentioning tho fact that I .a ! ramie rejoices over the prospect of soon hav ing a branch railroad reaching into Wal lowa county, the Grant's Puss Courier says: "We wonder how many of tho busy, hopeful people of Lit Grande when they sit down to their next New Year's dinner to talk railroad, will recall the fact that tho first New Year's dinner ever eaten by Americans in eastern Or egon, was partaken of by Mr. Hunt and party in 1812. Mr. Hunt was olio of the partners of tho then rich John Jacob Astor. His dinner was eaten not far from where bustling I.a (irando now stands, unci consisted of tho flesh of In dian dogs and part of the carcass of a very poor horse, Refine getting tho dog and horse, Mr. Hunt and party had made several meals on an old pair of moccasins." A I'Kisonku in the East Portland city jail last Tuesday sent the following note to the restaurant man w ho furnishes the meals for that institution : city J t ii., Nnvcmlicr 25. Tn Jerry l.urlrh, .Untile iV.sdocriii.- I'liiiso do 0.0 send nv n,n re liver, bcniuse yen will lose all year haunters. Venn Truly, John Ashkhson, II,, I.e. If the Portland authorities would take (ho bint from "John Anderson" the number of tramps boarded by the city every winter might be considerably lessened. Give them liver, three times a. day, and tliu huLiua will hunt, sumo other hotel. Tiik September report of the Oregon statu weather bureau is at hand. Care fully prepared by P, S. Pague, I. S. tibial service observer at Portland, these reports are of no small Value, and are rendered still more complete by the frecpient establishment of new stations. In this connection it may be stated that the completeness of the exhibit of pro duct samples from eastern Oregon w bic It went east with the Oregon car was due to Mr. Paguo'a untiring efforts. He is tho light man in the right place. IIahiiut 1U:kciikk-Si'owk, who won world-wide fame by the authorship of "I'nclo Tom's Cabin,"' is mildly de mented, by the faithful portrayal of n statu of affairs that once stained the name of tho nation this woman aroused the better natures of thousands at a critical time when her services in the cause of humanity were of ine stimable value. In her old age she is again us a little child and remembers nothing of tlur dark d.ivs of civil strife. Tiik farmers in the vicinity of Hia watha, Kansas, are burning corn for fuel, liudiiig it cheaper than coal. WHAT THEY ARE SAYINC. )on't bit a man when he is clown; he may get up. Siiellb'tmlcr. Nothing will so soon make a person hot as c old treatment. Nyracuxe Herald. When a man gives "himself away" be naturally loses his self-possession-.iV. If timo were money, the tramp would be roiling in wealth. Merchant Traveler. Know thyself. If you can't get the requisite information, run for otlice. Time. The pugilist is a popular personage. He is likely at any time to make a hit. Exehamje. The eagle is dear to the American heart; but tho double-eaglo is twice as dear. '.-. Many who teach the young idea bow to shoot, apparently don't know" it's loaileu I ark. Like many a young man, nature be gins her fall by painting things red. Term Haute Ex pre. Tho vegetarians may say what they please, but Adam was fond of spare ribs. Drake' h Meeiijer. The easiest way for a good wife to get along pleasantly is to practice what her husband preached. Atcltinon (J lube. It takes us half our lives to learn that mankind are fools, and the other half tu be convinced that wo are one of them. l'uck. Tho man who is most ready to give advice is tho one who received a grrtrt deal that ho failed to use. lfiiujhampluH Leatler. The woman w ho declares she wouldn't marry tho best man on earth often picks out ono of tho worst ones. Terre JJattte Exprett. If we didn't have any rent to pay, and didn't need to eatunytiiing in this world, what fine clothes we all might wear. bomereille Journal. Talk about generalship! If Napoleon bad ever goon a girl climb a barbed-wire fence he would have held tho honors of AusterliU at nothing. Exehamje. There's one peculiar thing about a horse race. You can pick the winners right along until you conclude to put up your money. Wu.thiiiittm Capital. We would bo afraid to print the Ten Commandments, because some peo ple would bo sure to think they were a hit at them ami stop their paper. Ex. A correspondent asks us about busk ing bees; but we'd rather let someone else talk we never had any luck trying to husk them ourselves. Dtirail Erie l'renn, Tho advance guard of the Florida orange crop, which has reached this market, is it wea.led lot. They only contain six sucks to the dozen. Phila ileljihia lleeord. All our plans don't get worked out the way we expect they will in this world, and it is mighty lucky for us, too, that a good many of them don't. Hamerville Journal. Trusts are being squeezed. Thin rs one reason w hy, in despite of pessimistic warnings, the average young man coa tiiiues to put his trust in lovely woman. Jltiltinwre Aineriran. A reward of ten dollars will lv given lor tne urrest ami detention of the partv or parties who borrowed their iie'uU- hor's paper last week and kicked at tiny ideas set lortli therein. llcisco Dimmer. A metropolitan newspaper announces with a flourish of trumpets that New York is the most moral citv in the world, lhe world, it maybe remarked, has been a long time in finding it out. 1'liilatleljiltitt I'rettn. In a contest for a gold medal in Lon don, between a male and female cor netist, tho woman won by "her superior tonguing." That is the way a woman generally wins in a contest with a man. Xttrrintmni Jleraltl, Such is the power of fashion's behest that were Wales to carry his trousers on his arm, one half the dudes in Christen dom would bo following bis example. The other half would be waiting to find out which arm. Munnrtfs Weekly. The name of tho poet Tsohoriiisch ewski, whom the Czar has recently re leased irom rMoeria, is sani to no a watchword uiuong the people through out Russia." If stood on end it might servo as a watch tower. Tacoina .Venn. P. T. I'arnum has been explaining his faith to the state convention of I'liivers alists down in Connecticut. Mr. liar mini says ho puts all bis faith in Cod and printer's ink. With the aid of these any man ought to succeed. IUwIuh lleraltl. When tho first creamery was estab lished the name had a queer appearance on tho sign, but now one passes a milk cry, a glovery, a cheesery, a cideiy, u toiiacccry, bootery and lots of other things without giving the matter a thought. Wo hope, however, that it will slop before parsonages are spoken of as pieacdieries. lh trtiit Free Pre. Dom Pedro, late of llrazil, is about six feet four inches in bight, and in every way a physically powerful man. lie needed all his strength to enable bint to carry around his name, which is .loao Carlos l.eopcddo Salvador Ilibialio Fran cisco Xavier da Paula l.eocadio Miguel Gabriel Kufaol (ionzagu. And be bus lived nearly sixty-four years w ith that name. Oeeijonittn. t ver in Fast Petalunm a drove of hogs have been running at large for the past week, and out at Sunny Slope the festive cow wanders whithersoever she listeth. Man strives to beautify bis premises by planting trees in front thereof, ami de ltoid the cows bite them and they die (the trees, not the cows). This causes man to be tilled with wrath, "for," savs he, "I pay much tribute unto tho pow ers that be that, thev ntav Pav the poimdmait, and behold the poundman comelh not. Henceforth I will use my gun, ami those cows shall be put to Might." I'etalttma iCuf.) Imprint. A ct mors mishap to a submarine) cable is reported from South America. The cable failed to work, anil on going out to repair it the body of an immense whale was found cntangeled in the cable to such an extent that it was un able to extricate itself, and, being un able to get fresh air, the huge leviathan bud been suffocated. Pi ss, ink and muc ilage placed for the convenience of the public on the desk bv tho stamp window in the Portland postothee are said to disappear with sur prising frequency. W hat the snuuk j thieves of I'oitiand will not (steal must ; bu uisigiulk'jiit indeed. j ANNUAL EXHIBITIONS. Annual exhibitions of agricultural and mechanical products are beneficial to all classes of a community. The farmer is educated in the adaptation of soil to grains and plants, and the mechanic in the advancements made in his vocation l!ut the direct benefit derived is not alone to these persons. All branches of art and industrial employments receive a stimulant in their various vocations, and by an interchange of ideas should be made more proficient. The show of stock raised in trio vicinity creates a landaiilo ambition to improve breeds, and this is beneficial to flock masters in more ways than one. To be successful, exhibitions must bo patronized bv all citizens, and this will require an effort on the part ot those interested. The farmer should select some sample of grain or trim ana tiring to the tair; the mechanic some product of his handi work, and the artist some work of beauty or skill. liy such means a fair becomes a subject of personal interest and personal advantage. Agricultural and mechanical exhibitions aid the growth and development of any country, and the different associations in eastern Oregon will undoubtedly have thin ten dency. In a few years it is reasonable to expect that better breeds of horses, of cattle, of sheep, and finer agricultural products will be seen in the inland em pire as the natural result of the annual meetings of the district associations 'The Dalle Ttinrg-Monntitineer. nut ci.iiini.Mi hates. The proprietors nf this paper have mnrte nr- riinircmcnts by which they nro utile to furnish icjiiew Mieseriiiers The New York AVpektv WnH.l and the Lcxiiictcm Wkkki.v JIcdciet forfl.SU; ii-Kumi j.iieu ui lilt' IWfl, f J.CICI. The lletroir, Kw-s I'tohw rend the brxliigtnii Wkkki.v Hcdcikt for 1.I'.U; regular prieu in cue two, nc.uci. The lrtiliilliliin Wpekly r'rr-HH mm cue i.exinirtim w kkki.v IU Ucjkt icir fl.M; ri'Kulur price cif the two, f.'.(K). The Hf'iontifir A irifiirn n ntut llin I.c'slnirtcni Wkkki.v Iii iiokt for fl.'iO; ri-gulur I'riry en cue iwo, f l.ciu. The C'li ica'r, Tifi"lu:fr nwt the Loxinir- inm.iii . i-.i.ivi.i iii!i,,..i nirfj.ini rcKlllur prieu nl lhe two, fi.-Ml. AdilresH ull orders to tiii-; hi im;i;t, hexlnuliiii, Oregon. CHOP MILL. TVVlH THE CON VKNIKSV i; OF TIIOSI! WHO I wish In liiive isriiiii chopped, I III here- llller he prepureil In run the chop mill cm Tlles cluv mill Saturday of each week. il-'O 8. H. HOPE. TO STOCKMEN. ) f (( .M'ltEH OK I'ASTIItK KOIl KF.NT. -TWW will His,, Hell the renter thirty tuns of liny and a ijiuuitltv of strnw. Apelv to MRS. KATK I'AltsKl.h, (!' Alpine, Oreuon. COME AND SEE ME. rpiloSK INOKISTKI) TO MR AUK HKRKItY 1 n iiiesleil to cicll ilinnuihnlely uml settle.'. If you i iiiinot pay up at once, you cmi at least he siimire enniicrh to say so: otherwise von htc Ihihlc lo leave lhe impression that you' do nut luletiil lo pay unli! compelled to do so. U. W. 11KOCK. O. N. G. lOMPANY 1. THIRD HKOIMKNT, O. X. li. Itciriihir drill every Saturday t 7::KI v. )i. Press drill cm hist Saturday of cacti month. Inspection everv three mouths. 11. McKAKI.AM). Captain. VO HKTTKK LOCALITY THAN THIS CAN lie found for the farmer lo acquire, a home nf his own mid "Krow up with the couti trv." IOCMl-A I'.U'KR THAT 1IONKSTI.Y MC 1 ll' Ves In the liilure of Morrow eoioitv as an r.rfcu!(iirid cINIrict and iiIhiivh stands hy that hellel. The lli DOKT in only ft per year, lit advance. Llnt'Kli-A SMALL MKMoRAN'I't'M HOOK. I Ow ner can have same by applying at this nlltee and provini; properly. A Y'ANTKD-MKS OK CAPITAL AND EN I f ercy to take a look at l.cxiiottou and sur rouudiim country with a view to establishing a hank here. "I r ANTED MORE LIVE ItCSINKSS MEN M lo locate In LexhiL-ton, the llncst place In Eastern orc-itmi for a thriving town. I OS P HEVEIIAL CHRONIC CROAKERS 1 4 who have been hi the habit of constantly iilmsintr this country as a fnrminir district. Kinder will picnic, keep under lock and key. (JETTI.ERS-ANY ONE KNOWING OP A I, vacant c'livcrnmciit cpiartcr and wautiuit a trend nciL'libor thereon should inform the HrmiKT niliee. T OST-TIIE KEY To nnvF.SH. HY A li farmer who culllvatcg discontent In stead of corn and polaloes. As former owner has no use for It at present, tinder will please keep It polished by use. until culled for. lrANTK! PRACTICAL MEN TO 1NVES I T tintc lhe advnutaKes of Lexinitto'i ns a locution for a sorulnim mill. rpilE 1'SCAL PRICE OF COfNTRY WEKK 1 Hen is from fc! to CI. The Hciiukt Is only l per year, in advance. The best ii the cheap est and the cheapest is the best. IOST-SI'I.KNIMl) OI'poHTfNITY TO SE d 4-ure icchhI huiuea hy llltuui wlwi Mil luo long liciorti commit to Morrow county. 1)KHSONAL-TO REACH THE 11EST LO I entity lor IiusIiickn or farming, lake the Willow Creek branch at Arlinirtua and buy your ticket for Lexiuutou. A r ANTED M EX OF f.lFK. VIM ASD EN ,1 r erxy to locate In Lexington ud prevent mosa from taking rcaiL 1)KltSi)NAI-IP TIIK MAN WHO WANTS to sell bis claim will rail at this oftlce he will hear nf somcthiiut to his advantage. "I KKHtiXAL TIIK CAPITALIST WHO HAS I control cif one dollar can hear of a profit able Investment hy calliiutat the lie ikikt ottlcc. r A NTK D Molt K FARMERS TO SETTLE I I In Marrow county and hasten the day which Is sure to come when this will ho on of the richest agricultural rcglntin In the North west. 1HKTY-TWO NI'MHKRS OF THE I.EXINC toh Wkkki.v IO hokt for 1. If you are not taking it. subscribe for It: subscribe now. KEEP IN MIND THE FACT THAT I.EX ingtou i in the midst of a Due farming country and that new Is the timelo locate here. -KiMETO I.KXINOTON: LOOK AT THE LO VV cation: bsik at the surrounding c-otinirv: hsdt at your purse and decide that this is llie place to invest lis enutcnu. I,1cusiv-A F1RSTC1.AS8 LOCATION FOR I busictcsa men of energy aiid foresight l.c xingimi. Misrtvw county, or. 1ER1INS WISIIINll TO SELL llKKlSKI) raiiclu- or ioiilcslist claims ahauhl rail at the Itcm.KT orticc. No charge lor advertu tlig unless sale ts effected. 11 UiO.VINS IN Bt S1NFSW LOTH CAS HE ublotucd ut IttV lit WiM oftcv. A GREAT OFFER! -A.- PATTERN FREE! HANDSOME GIFT -TO THE LADY READERS OF" TIIK WEEKLY 1IUIXJET. 1H- In our issue nf December 12th we will print an order entitlini? the holder to a pattern (free) of the above basque, in Bizes for 34, 30, 38 or 40 inches in bust measure. A pattern of this stylish garment is very useful to anv lady, as by simply leaving oft" the revers a plain baRtpie is obtained, which "is always desirable; and it is just such a pattern as every lady Bhonld have in the house. We have made arrangements with a New York bouse to furnish these patterns in the different sizes, as above, so that the holder of the "Pattern Order" may have the size she may desire. This is a great offer, as each pattern has a full value of 25 cents, being accompanied by an illustration and explicit directions for putting together and making. All present subscribers to the Jit'DOKT and all who subscribe before De cember lL'th will be entitled to one of these patterns free. WEEKLY BUDGET, Lexington, Or. OUSTE-TT $1.50! LEXINGTON WEEKLY IJUDGKT AN" I) TIIK PHILADELPHIA WEEKLY PRESS. ONXY si 50! THE liVJ)(SET, I.BXINUTUN, Olir.CUiN. SETTLER'S GUIDE, 124 pp. price only 25c, (postage liampt,) HO l'Oir WANT TWO HUNDRED DOLLARS? IK voir 11AVK Proved Up oh Tour rre-ICiup lion and I'm Id $400, It may be to Torn Advantage to call at WIS OKFUib. NOTICK OF INTENTION. Land OrricK at Thk Pam.eh. Or. November 20. 1KS9. N'OTIC'E IS IIKRKRY (ilVKN THAT THK ftillmvtiiK'iiiuiicii settler low filpl entire nl til tim'titinii to nuike Html proof in sunnnrt nf hi claim, nail Unit miicl proof will he made before the County .Imlire of Morrow county, at Ileppner. nr., cm January 10, Mm, vIb (eorgc V. H. Hrtanat, lid. No. 11X7, for tlm HW. of 8eo. U Tp. H. Zt K W. M. He iianic- the- follovrtuii wtt mHft t nrnve hi ronlinuotift reaiilcMtcc niHii. and cultivation nf loticl Inml, Tit: 'riiniu- c. rah am. I. K, Kitct. Jay Hall ud Sat Dm K MoYay. all ot Uoosoborry. r. (9-11) K. A. Mi fxiNALD, Rciiliitex. I TMOVPVl t'AVKATS AND KK iVl I ill J i i(ie weurtil, Trmile marks rcsiiueri'ft, and all other patent eauxea In the Patent Orth-e and before the ecmrti eure fnllT and prnnintty prneenttri. rpon reeeipt of itHMiei or sketrh of invenuou, 1 nmke care ful examination, and advise a to pat --n lability free af ehxrtie. With mv tafUe dlreetly arm, from th Patent UiHcu, and being in iK'rmnial attendance there, it la appnrenl that 1 have Miprriur farllidi'g for makln? prompt prelim inary reiearrliea, fur the more vimarona and aiiceeaufnl iiriHcretitlon of applleaiiuiia for pat ent, and for altc-iiillnit to all Imsines eutnuleU to mv care, in the shortest possible time. FKKS Mnl'KKATK, aad exclusive attention Hiveu lo patent tiuaineaa. intormatioii. ad vice and special rrferenrca sent on rvtuciil. .. K. LITTELL, Rolfrltnr and Attorner tn litenl rne. Uatuiiitiau, ! '., (Mntlitm fAiijHiprr.) t'l'p. C. S. l'at- Ulliec. q 1 OA IS NOT MICH. BfT IT WII.IlilVE $ I iW you the lit lotT for one year. Report triesltesfs, Ttojlarid, ScriplLtCTffownsttcs, 4cjfMoO, Prtrfitfel), FlllngIumenh.lnd GiMkBgttoSteMVSliI ModerfrTermi. J M ASflQXOTOfsI, r. c.v f f verv SadtlerlhnMH.kW JTnPP'SI Dlrectoirt Basque. NOTICE OF INTENTION. Land Office at The Pai.i.ks Or., Novrinhcr 2. lssil. V"OTICE IS HKIiKIlY (IlVKN THAT TIIK followiiiK-niimcMl si'tller has lilud nolice nf his liiteiiticoi to nitiku liniil proof in support of his clnini, uml that Mild iroof will be mtule before the County Jailiie of .Morrow county, ut IlujipULT, Or., on December 17. lttsi), viz: Joseph llaiiey4 lid. No. 17IS, for tho NI5. 'i of Sen. 32, Tp. 1 8., K. 21 K., W, M. lie minu s the following wlt neNst'H lo prove his continuous residence upon unci cultivation of wild land, viz: John Jor dan, denote ('. Cuviness, French Ilurroiigha and Henry rudbcrg, all of lone, Or. (0-11) F. A. MCDONALD, Register. NOTICE OF INTENTION. Land Office at Tiik Dam.es. Or.. October 2S, Will, "V"OTK'K 13 HKHKHY (IIVKN THAT THE -iA followinir-iitinicil settler has tiled notice ot his Intention to ninke tlniil proof In support of his claim, und that said proof will be latido before the Comity Judtre of Morrow county, at lleppuer, Or., on Due. 20, lshii, viz: Jo n an Smith, lid. No. 1102, for tho SK. 4 of NIC. K. of SK. 1 ; and SW. i4' of SK. ;4 of Sec. :ic). Tp. i S., K. 24 K W. M. He names the following wit nesses to prove his continuous residence upon and cultivation of said land, viz: (leciriio nice, V. S. Mu rlin. Tlios. Morgan and Milton Moreim, ull of Kijjht Mile, Or. ' (5-10) K. A. McDOXAI.D, Keslstcr. NOTICE OF INTENTION. Laxd Office at The Dalles. Or.. October 2S. 1SH9. "VOTIC R 18 HEKKBY (IIVKN THAT THE - I'ollowlnir-liilllll'n setner ttJji or tier Intention to make tinul proof in sup port of her claim, and that sulci proof will tie made before the Conntv .Indue of Morrow count)-, at llcppner, Or., on 'Dee. 21. lssil, viz: Cynthia A. Ilcnire, lid. No. 3211. for the W. i nf NK. 'i and W. of SK. '4 of Sec. 112, Tp. 2 S.. K. 25 K W. M . She names the following witnesses to prove her continuous residence upon and cultivation of said laud, viz: J. W. I.lcuallcu, Thco. Cork, .lucoh Kamst and Ellas Friend, all of Lexing ton. Oregon. (5-10) F. A. MCDONALD, Register. NOTICE OF INTENTION. Land Office at The Dali es, or.. October 2S, lssil. "V'OTICF. IS IIEHK1IY GIVEN THAT THE following-liiimcd settler has tiled notice of his intention to make tlnal proof in sup port of his claim, and that said proof will he made before the County Judcre of Morrow couuty, at llcppner, Or., on Dee. 20, lnsu, viz: Sylvester White, Hd No. l'.Wl, for the NV. of See. 21, Tp. 1 N., K. 23 K., W. M. He names the follow inn wit uesscs to prove his continuous residence upon and cultivation of said land, viz: Peter liiiueru felud. (Icorge Hnucrnfelnd, O. T. Douglas and Ed. Holloway, all of Saddle, or. (6-lu; F. A. McUONAI.D. Register. NOTICE OF INTENTION. Land Office at The Dalles. Or, November 13. lssti. V"OTICE IS HEREBY (IIVKN THAT THK followlng-iiHincd settler has tiled notice of his intention to make final proof in support of his claim, and that said proof will be made before the County Judge of Morrow county, at llcppner, Oregon, on December 30, 1S.VJ, viz: Harrison II. Iloopea, lid. No. 2051, for the 8W. of See. 2, Tp. 1 N, R. 21 K., W. M. lie names the following wit nesses to prove his continuous residence upon and cultivation of laid land, viz: .1. F. Dens, John Hand)-, U. S. Crane and 0. V. Load, alt of Klla, Or. (S-r.l) i F. A. MCDONALD, Register. NOTICE OF INTENTION. Land Office at The Dai i.es, Or.. November 5, lssil. N'OTICK IS HEREBY (ilVKN THAT TUB following-named settler has tiled notice uf Ui iutsrtiliua Ut iai.k aital proof In atepport nf his claim, and that said proof will be made liefore the County Clerk of Morrow county, ut llcppner, Or., on' December 23, lssil, viz: frank E. Hell, D. B. No. WW, for the NVV. H of Sec. 2B. Tp. 1 8., R. K.,W. M. . He mimes the lolliiw lug wit nesses t prtiv his continuous residence upon and cultivation of said land, viz: W. o. Sweet scr and Win. Durau, of Lexington, Or., and Wm. Barton aud John Barton, of llcppner, Or. (6-11) F. A. Ml DONALD, Register. NOTICE OF. INTENTION. Land Office atTse Dam es. Or.. Novcmlicr 13, lssn. "yOTICR 19 HEREBY (IIVKN THAT THE following-named settler has filed notice of hit intention to mako Niml proof In suptiort of his claim, and that said prowf will be made before the County Judge of Morrow couuty, at lleppuer, Or., on December 81, lss, viz: Wlof Hrra-alronl, Hd. No. 1S2D, for the MV. of See. :rj. Tp. a S R. 24 K., W. M. He names the following witnesses to prove hl continuous residenc-u. upon and cultivation of said land, viz: Chas. Anderson, of Eight Mile, or., and Andrew M.. I'etcrson, (,eo. M. Holmes and John Joansuu of (icaiseberry, Or. (a-13) F. A. Mc DONALD, Register. 7 V HORSES. OVR HORSE 'ARE HRAMKD 7 y OX right shoulder mostly. We own a number nf 77 aasl I X hones, but all have lhe J V brand. We w ish our horses lo range lietween lone and Well Spring. Any person seeing any uf our brand distant from this range will do us a favor by mailing lis a c-ard telling here the morses were seen. We will endeavor to reelp mh ate aueb favora. CKAM: HKciS., (,M;lj Klla, Oregou. ANT.Y ONE DOI.LAR-IN ADVANCE FOR V tifiy-two numlK-rs of your local paer, ttiv ' LL.MM.IOS WklkLY litHbll.