If LEXINGTON WEEKLY BUDGET. VOL. 2. LEXINGTON", MORROW COUNTY, OREGON THURSDAY, NOV. 14, 1889. NO. 7. O O O A PUBLISHED EVERY THURSDAY EVENING BT SNOW & WHITSON Terms of Subscription: One Year, ...... fl.UO Biz Moutbs, ...... 50 cents. Invariably In advance. Bates of Advertising s One square (ten lines or less), first Insertion 11.00; sacb subsequent Insertion, 60 cents. Special rates with regular advertisers, all transient advertisements must be paid fur In advance. Job Printing) Of every description executed with neatness and dlspatcb. JjJ T. GEOGHEGAN, M. D., Physician and Surgeon, LEXINGTON, OREGON. Graduate of the Royal College of Great Britain. Office in City Drug Store. F. SHIPLEY, II. D., PRACTITIONER OF Medicine, Surgery & Midwifery, HEPPNER, OREGON. Country calls respectfully solicited. JjJ P. SINE, Attorney-at-Law and Xotary Public, LEXINGTON, OREGON. Attorney for the North American Attorneys antl Tradesmen's Protective Union of Connec ticut. pBANE KELLOGG, Attorney-at-Law and Notary Public, HEPPNER, OREGON. Money to loan on Improved farms. Office In First National Bank. Q C. BOON, Constable and Collector, LEXINGTON, OREGON. Will atteud to auctioneering. VfB8, KATE PABSELL, Notary Public and Conveyancer, ALPINE, OREGON. Deeds, Mortgages and all others Lenal Instru ments carefully drawn. Applications for State and School Lauds made, and Pensions obtained. pRANK H. SNOW, Land Agent and Notary Public, LEXINGTON, OREGON. KiltUKs taken ou government lend. Real estate advertised and sold on commission. New comers are invited to call and be tilled full of solid facts about the art-mitaKes of Morrow country. Office hour- '.om 7 . M. to midnight, Buuokt building. R. LIEU ALLEN, GENERAL .-BLACKSMITH And Horseshoer, 19 ALWAYS ON DECK AND PREPARED TO 1 do anything in his line in a neat and work manlike msnuei. Horses shod with care and accuracy. Sliop on C St, Lexlng on. Or. G. W. BROCK, Wagon and Carriage Maker, REPAIRING DOJtK. Arcade Strfet, Bet. C and D, Lexington. ... Oregon. ELKHORN O Livery & Feed Stable NELSE MAGNUSON. Proprietor. LEXINGTON, OR. HORSES BOARDED BY THE DAY OR WEEK. DutflU Kurnbhfd for Couimcrciml Men at Reasonable Rates. LL KINDS OF Tl'RNOlJTS AND 8ADDU Horns at u disposal ol patrons. FIRST-CLASS LUMBER jfAY BE FOUND AT of Creek Mi W. G. SCOTT, Prop'r. ALL KINDS Of ROUGH LUMBER Constantly on Hand. Special Sizes Sawed to Order. (JAREFUL ATTENTION GIVEN TO ALL orders. The lumber this season Is un usually clear and of the best quality. The mill li located at the head of Willow creek, 2.1 miles from Lexington. A. M. SLOCUM, PHOPRICT0R OF TBK Hough and Dressed Lumber - CONSTANTLY ON BAND. H FLOORING, RUSTIC, ETC., FUR NISHED ON SHORT NOTICE. niHS MILL IS LOCATED AT THE HEAD OP X Bock Creek, 6 miles frum Hardman and Jt miles from Leilng-ton. Good ronds lesd to the Mill, and as I aim to have a constant supply of DM Li'Mbeb, buyers will Had it to their advan tage to deal with me. a. At. aLOCl'M, The potato crop in the east is rotting badly. J. M. & P. Scanlon's employes in their slaughter-house in New York have been on strike since last Febuary. A few days ago a dynamite bomb was exploded in the works, but it ailed to kill anybody. J. H. Hamilton, a prominent citizen of Sanger, was thrown from his horse into a slough and drowned, Oct 3d, probably being rendered Insensible by his fall. Miss Abby, a sixty-year-old spinster, was murdered near Otay, presumably by parties who wished to secure a gov ernment land claim she was living on. Sot only the public buildings on which the grand jury stopped work at San Diego, but the two new schoolhouses just completed also, are declared fault ily built and Uaule to tumble down. hi Creek Sawmil MISSING LINKS. Log Anareles is to build a sower to the oceun'at a cost of $6,000,000. William Lincoln, who lives near Grafton, W. Va., has a cat that play with rats but is death to snakes. Whittier, it is said, falls asleep in his chair when visitors begin to praise his poetry. Earthly honors grow l'-ss valuable to liim as the years wane. The French Council of Hygiene has just forbidden the use of blue paper in the public schools, claiming that it wtt9 uiakiug France a near-sighted na tion. M. J. Dorman, a Miuersvillu, Ph.. post-office official, has received a very tempting oiler to go to Japan as nu instructor iu oue of the imperial schools. Napoleon the Great's favorite writing table, from Malnntison, has just been sold iu Pun's. It is rather an unwieldy piece of mahogany, with choice copper ornaments. A Nureinbtng manufacturer has in vented pencils iu blue, black aud brown for writing on the human skin. They tire for use iu anatomical uud chemical demonstrations. Senator Wade Hampton is ouo of the most popular story-tellers iu congress. He has the reputation of being the only man who has had the temerity to tell the president a mque tale. It lias been judicially decided by Magistrate Robert Smith, of Philadel phia, that "a woman has a right to sass (sic) her husband." Now listen, for shrill thunder in the Quaker city. The scepter of an Egyptian king has been examined chemically by Professor Burthelot. and proves to be nearly pure copper, with only traces of lead. It is supposed to be about six thousand years old. The Royal Meteorological Society of England is making a collection of "pho tographs of lightning Hashes. Ou each photograph is noted the time of the flash and the interval between it and the thunder. A correspondent says that Jay Gould has been invited to take a look at the tomb of Virgil, near Naples, with a view of buying it, as it is for sale. Virgil and Gould! There is humor in this juxtaposition. Tulare Lake, in California, which was formerly twenty by thirty miles in extent, is now only iiflecn by twen ty. Although the water is strongly impregnated with borax and a'kali, the liiko is full of h'sh. Prince Bismarck's salary as chancel lor of the German empire is only about $13,000 a ye.ki. lie is also entitled to occupy au ollicial residence free of rent, though, and a great many brew ers seud him free beer. Lew Wallace says there is more hap piness for him in a day's literary work than in a generation of politics. This marks the ditlerence between the mere earthly man aud the being who lives iu the clouds amid the stars. John Martin Cranford. the new con sul general of the United States at St. Petersburg, is an Ohio mau of literary aspirations. He is known in literature for the translation of the "Kalevnla," tho national epic of Finland. The late Father John Carroll, of Chicago, was the oldest priest in holy orders iu the United Stales aud prob ably iu the world. He was nearly 93 years old aud for more than seventy years be had been in the service of the church. Sir Edward Baincs, of Leeds, is probably the sciiinr European journal ist. Hu represented his father's paper at the "Peterloo Massacre" iu lSltf, aud is probably the only survivor of thut scene. He is uow more than 90 yeurs old. English curates have been the suc cessful lovers in romantic tales since the institution of the church, but since three out of four of Archdeacon Far ror's daughters have married curates the character passes from the realm of fancy into that of fact. D. K. Pearson, a Chicago million aire, has adopted the sensible plan ol disposing of his great fortune before his death. During the last few years be has given away nearly 1800,000 to western educational institutions. Mr. Pearson has no children. There is a larger proportion of the boys and girls of New jersey than of any other state in the union who go to Sunday-school. It appears by sta tistics recentlv taken that there are just about 280",000 children in tho 1.9U7 Sunday-schools of New Jersey. In the two years that he has been in office. Gov. Buckner, of Kentucky, has signed the death-warrants of seven criminals. In the last two cases (he has followed Gov. Hill's example and fixed some other day than the tradi tional Friday for the execution. "Put a penny in and you will have a surprise," says the legend on the latest form of automatic machiue. When one has been unwise enough to comply with this invitation, one re ceives a card on which is printed: You give me a pennv and I give you nothing in return. You are surprised. Voila!" A curious feature in ornithology is reported from Eckington, Yorkshire, England, where a hen has batched two chickens from one egg, both chickens being in a perfect state ex cept that they are joined together on one side of the niembranesof the wing. Beyond this they walk about abd feed in the usual manner. A man at Allentown, Pa., bas two tree frogs which dwell contentedly in glass jar containing water and a tiny ladder. When the weather is fair the little follows crawl up the latter and gaze around, but when a rain is com ing they dive to the bottom of the jar. These movements are made hours in advance of the change in the weather. Nearly seven-eighths of the popula tion of Zanzibar are slaves. Some owners have 1,000. ' A negro boy costs about twentv dollars, a stron? work man about f 100 to $120, a pretty young negress from $00 to $100, Abyssinian women from $200 to $500, while the women from Jeddah, in Arabia, bring fancy prices. Surias for the hiring come higher yet. State Geologist George H. Cook, of New Brunswick, N. J., reports a num ber of interesting discoveries In fossils recently made. Besides numerous footprints, leaves and other remains of prehistoric days, several fossil fishes have been discovered at Boouton, and in a quarry at Belleville two skeletons of an animal resembling the horned toad of the western plains. N. C. Curtis, a farmer on Grand Is land, Cal., is using steam in his work with good success. He ran bis plows attuched to a traction engine, and working night and day plowed over fifty acres in twenty-four hours. He also has another smaller engine that draws eight six-horse harrows, doing the work of a large number of men and horses in a short time and at a small exponse. A camel coach is to be tried in the Darling River district. New South Wales. Tho sultry climate tries horses so severely that the nianatrer of a line of mail coaches thinks that a team of camels will answer far better, owing to their capacity for endurine heat and drought. Much curiosity is felt as to the result of this novel venture in coaching, considering the hasty temper of the ship of the desert." A great impetus has been given to Russian industries within the last ten or fifteen years. Thus, in 1875 all the cotton mills in that country contained about two million spindles, while there are now, according to the latest re ports, 115,000,000 spindles, divided be tween sixty-seven mills. The number of cotton weaving establishments in Russia is said to be 488, giving em ployment to more than eighty thous and bauds, the total annual produc tion being estimated at 60,000,000 ru- Dlos. A Cuban Kitchen. To American eyes a Cuban kitchen looks very strango and unuiual. In it one does not see the usual range and numerous shining tins, and in place of our portly Bridget one finds generally a colored man. or an almond eyed son of the Celestial Empire. The kitchen is the yard, generally tiled on its sides and floor. You will notice running from one side of the kitchen to the other, a flat platform, and at in tervals of two feet, a grate about five inches wide and ten inches deep. These grates are built in the solid platform and have the draft under neath. There are usually eight or more of these grates. Each one is en tirely independent of the other and bas its own separate tire. Charcoal is the fuel used and the gas and smell of cooking all go up a large chimney built over the platform, so that oue seldom gets the benelits of the odors. The cooking utensils are few and simple and are generally of glazed earthen ware. No bread or cake is ever made in anv Cuban family; it all comes from the baker's aud is of ex ec I lent quality. The cooking is as different from American cookery as is the kitchen. Garlic aud other odd spices are used, and many will, mere ly from the fact of garlic being used, condemn it at once. I am positive that the most bigoted would lie won over nfter partaking of one of Mamer to's faultless dinners. Qood House Icetpiwj. The Uses of Electricity. The uses of electricity are ever mul tiplying. ho could ever have dream d that the electrical current manu factured by the publio lighting com panies conveyed along the streets would be switched otf on special wires to go into the very mouths of the peo ple. It is a fact. A man sits down in a dentist's chair nowadays aud has his teeth repaired by the huge dynamos that are located "out at Twenty-second aud Chestnut streets. The patient lays back in a darkened room (if it is a dull day), an incandescent light il luminating the caverns of his mouth. The tooth is washed with water heated by electricity. Jt is dried and kept dry during the tilling by air heated in the bulb of a little blow-pipe bv two platinum points. It is gouged and scraped and scoured and hammered and sawed by little instruments that wriggle around on the end of the same electric current. "Yes." says a dentist, laughing, "and if you tali asleep during the operation we can just give you a little shock to wake jou up." Philadelphia Inquirer. A Blow at Freedom. 'Who is at the bead of this conspir- acv?" shouted the country editor, be did a war-dance among the exchanges on the floor. "Who is it that has struek this blow at American freedom P Who is guilty of this dastardly at tempt to grind tne people and keep them in ignorance of their rights by muzzling the press? Who is it?" What's the matter, anyhow f" asked the foreman, as he came out of the composing-room. "Somebody has stolen my scissors." XercJmnt Traveler. KING FREDERICK'S UUSE A CHARMING STORY OF THREE MYS TERIOUS COLD PIECES. Tin Reward of a Dutiful Sou-How the leur Old Mother's Letter Touched the Heart of Iter Horerslyu. One Summer morning, a great ninny years ago, a boy was lying sound asleep on a bench In one of the rooms at Saus Soucl (the country puluco of the King of Prussia) with all his clothes on. Very gay clothes they were, from the trim blue Jacket, with its embroidered cuffs and shining brass buttons, down to the smart shoes, with their well pol ished steel buckles. But the poor little fellow's face was not as gay as bis dress by any means. It looked sadly pale, and as worn and tired as If be had been up all niirht. So Indued be had, for tough old King Frederick, who would work from 1 iu the morning till 10 at night without seeming a bit the worse, sometimes for got that his poor little page-boy was not as strong as himself, and would ofteu keep him on duty till Karl full asleep from sheer fatigue, just as he appeared to have done now. All at once a bell rang sharply In the next room. At that signal the page ouiibt to have jumped up and gone in to receive his orders for the dar, as lie bail to the first thing every morning, no mat- TUB PAOK ASLEEP. ter at what hour be had gone to bed. But he was so fast asleep that he never heard it; and the bell rang again still more sharply without any answer. Then the door of the inner room open ed, and out came a very strange figure indeed. It was a small, lean, gray-haired old mau in a shabby uniform coat and a pair of long riding boots, which looked as though they had uol beu cleaned for a month; and as if ha were not untidy enouith already, he had smeared the whole front of his coat with snuff, which full off in flakes whenever he moved. His face might have been carved In stone, so cold and hard did it look; but in the midst of It there gleamed an eye so large and bright and piercing that it seemed to go right through every one upon whom it rested. But for this com manding glance one would most likely have taken him for a beguar, and hutti wondered what business such a slovenly old fellow could have In the palace at all. But In reality this queer, shabby little old man was none other thau King Frederick of Prussia himself, the great est general and statesman in the world, and famous throughout all Europe un der the name of "Frederick the Great." One could see by the flash of his eye and the set of his hard old mouth, as he came striding out, that he was very angry at being kept waiting, and that a terrible scolding awaited the poor little page, who lay sleeping there so peace fully, knowing nothing st all about It. But as the king's eyes full upon the lad's unconscious face his mood seemed to change. "Uuml" muttered he, with the very ghost of a smile flickering over bis iron face. "How famously the young dog sleeps! 1 only wish I could have such a nap now and then. One can see that bo hasn't got to worry himself about gov erning five millions of men, or carrying on this war against live nations at once. lis! what s this' .V. KMrEHOrt FIIKDERICK HKADSTIIK I.KTTKK. A crumpled sheet of coarse paper, which seemed to have dropped from Karl's hand, was lying on the floor be side him. The king picked it up, and these were the first words that caught bis eve, written in the shaky straggling hand of a very feeble old womau: "I thank you much, my dear child, for the money that you have so kindly sent me, which bas been of great help. Take your mother's blessing for It, anil ses that you always du your best to be a worthy and faithful servant to our master, the King, whom Ood bless and preserve." As he read that simple message ths soldier-king's grim fare softened as no one bad ever seen it soften before. Per haps the memory of bis own mother, dead years ago, rose up In his mind once more; perhaps be was touched by ths old woman's prayer for himself, or by tbe discovery that this had been the boy's last thought before bs fell asleep. "Were all my subjects like that," be murmured "I shnnlH rn ths luckiest i f j .f P j ' king m Europe, And so be has been Bnvini; money rum his wages (and poor euouuli wuiien they are, I am sure) to send to his mother! Well done, my boy; tbou'rt a true Prussian I" At that moment Kurl moved slightly, as If about Iu awake. The king Duticed it, and a new idea appeared to strike him, which must have been a droll one, judging from the momentary twinkle that lighted up his stem eyes. "Yes, Hint will be the best way," said be to himself, "and a flue surprise It will be to him." Stepping buck Into the room whence he had Issued (which certainly had very little "royal luxury" about It, for It was almost as hare in n cnttle-shud, with no furniture save it battered old deal table aud a broken clinir). Frederick bunted In the table drawer till he rummaged out a well-worn writing-case, from oue of the pockets which lie took three gold coius. ... Tuese lie slipped Into the page i pocket along with the letter, tuking grunt care not to awake hi in In doing so. Then he rang his hell violently and call ed out: "Karl, come here!" The sharp, stem voice effectually roused our here, who started up at once, and drew hack ill dismav as he saw Frederick's keeu eyes fixed upon him. "Pardon, your majesty, pardon!" stammered lie. "I was " "Never minil about that Just now." intermixed the king. "Come in here ami get your orders. " As Karl sprang eugeily forward to obey, t tie iiionev, which hnd been put loosely into his pocket, rolled out again, and fell rinuiug and clinking upou the floor. I il Mil iP TIIK MONKT FALLS TO TUB FLOOR. "Delln, yonng man!" cried Frederick, "you uuglil to he a good deal richer than I am If you ran aSosd to fling your money shout like that." "O. sirel" cried the bo, Imploringly, "I don't know anyl hiiur ah nu this money. I don't lu.leul n.iinelmil) rtia.l turn meant In ruin tne by putting It Into my pocket, unci then saying that 1 had stolen it." "No," said the King, gravely, "that money 1' Ood's gift lo you, to help you in asaisiiug your mother. Write and tell her that 1 know all about her, aud that I'll Hike care of her, and you too." And King Frederick kept his word. A It") al Hlagfl Prompter. A delicious story is "going around" aneutMr. Irvinir's and Miss Ellen Ter ry's visit to Saiidringhain. It appears that all was going on buautiltliiy witn Tim Merchant of Venice ' her maj esty sealed in front, stick in baud and all attention until Miss Jerry s tune came as Portia to deliver her great speech about "Mercy." We all know how she does it. advancing toward the Jew and milking a marked and pe- culiiir pause before delivering her ora tion. The kind qu en, who was all aU tion, and had probably been carefully instructed in her own youth by the duchess of Kent or hor good govern ness in Sliakspeaie's "tid-bits" was eagerly following the gifted actress, but quite mistook the pause for some sudden failure of memory. Fancy El len being overawed by her majesty in to forgetting her nai l! So the quoen began prompting iicr quite low, "The quality of mercy," etc., but Miss Ter ry did not take the cuc.and her majesty then repeated more loudly and en couragingly, "The quality of mercy is not strained." This was almost too much for Miss Terry, but with a vio leut effort to suppress her twinkling merriment she controlled herself and gracefully accepted her cue from the gracious sovereign. Good Queen Bess, we know used to shout at the preach ers and correct them openly In theo logy when they preached before her, hut this is probably the lirst time that au actress has ever been honored by having a queen uud empress as stage prompter. Where the Heat ir Thirst Is. Professor Hartidan, of the West Tirgiuia University, is conducting two Interesting experiments In vivisection. In ouo he made an incision into the stomach of a dog, in which he placed a fistula tube from ths outside. When a vessel of milk is placed before the dog and the animal dnnks, the fluid runs out through the tube as fast as it is lapped up, aud the dog's thirst is not quenched. When the tube is stopped so that the milk is retained In the ilunmcli, the animal becomes satiated "showing that the seat of thirst is not in the throat, hut is a de mand of the entire system." The food may thus he taken by the tube from the stomach at any time, and the pro cess of digestion studied under the microscope. The other operation con sists of ths removal of a portion of another dog's skull and the substitu tion of a nicely fitting plate of glass. Through the window the professor successfully studied the action of the brain while the animal is asleep. A citizen of Tarpon, Fla., bas a tarns otter which follows him about ths stxseu like a dov,