EASTERN OREGON ECONOMIC SUMMIT A10 • HERMISTONHERALD.COM WEDNESDAY, JUNE 22, 2022 Yasser Marte/Hermiston Herald Oregon legislators take to the stage Friday, June 17, 2022, at the Eastern Oregon Economic Summit in Hermiston. Organizer boasts success at summit in Hermiston Legislators praise bipartisanship BY ERICK PETERSON Hermiston Herald Unity became a common theme at the 2022 Eastern Or- egon Economic Summit in Hermiston. Participants, especially speak- ers, mentioned the value of to- getherness and praised past ex- amples of people joining forces. The summit was Thursday and Friday, June 16 and 17, in Hermiston. “I’m happy,” Rep. Bobby Levy of Echo said when it was her turn to speak. This moment came during the state legislator panel on June 17. While the event promoted the panel as a wrap-up of the legislative session, lawmakers discussed little policy. Instead, 11 state senators and represen- tatives spoke of something else on their mind: the importance of friendly relationships in gov- ernment. Levy is the president of the Eastern Oregon Women’s Co- alition, which organized the summit. The panel was a mix of Republicans and Democrats. Levy, a Republican, declared she was glad to be working with, and spending time with, all her colleagues on the panel. Sen. Michael Dembrow, D-Portland, joked that Levy “made it impossible not to show up.” Others laughed, and this is how the panel discussion went. Levy, Dembrow, Rep. Greg Smith, R-Heppner, Sen. Jama Kayse, D-Portland, Sen. Bill Hansell, R-Athena, Sen. Lynn Findley, R-Vale, Rep. Ken Helm, D-Beaverton, Rep. Da- vid Gomberg, D-Otis, Sen. Janeen Sollman, D-Hillsboro, Sen. Lew Frederick, D-Portland, and Sen. Elizabeth Steiner Hay- ward, D-Beaverton, all were on the panel — up on stage, at the ick expressed the sentiment that same time. there are no “good guys” and “One side can’t do it on its “bad guys” in the Legislature. In- own,” said Kayse, chair of the stead, there are people with vary- Senate Committee on Housing ing opinions, who all want to im- and Development. Kayse said prove the lives of Oregonians. we must come together to solve “People want to do the best our shared problems. they can,” he said. Others agreed, with Gomberg echoed Dembrow stating we this statement, as he must see one another said members have dif- as people, beyond the ferences in party, expe- bumper stickers on our rience, geography and vehicles. more, but they have an Senate Republicans “affection” for one an- Levy during the 2019 Leg- other. islature skipped floor Legislators, including sessions in protest of House Bill Hayward and Findley, made a 3427, the big tax on businesses point of saying they have a duty that helped fund K-12 educa- to represent the entire state, not tion. Later that same session, just their own particular district. 11 Republican senators — in- Also, part of their job includes cluding Hansell — walked out reaching out to people outside to deny a quorum and protest a their districts, learning what they sweeping Democratic proposal can from them and then return- to address climate change. ing home to tell their neighbors. Findley said opposing people According to Dembrow, leg- were not enemies, and Freder- islators must educate their con- stituents on the “bigger picture.” This education, according to the Portland Democrat, in- cludes telling the people of his district about Hermiston. Other panelists shared sim- ilar feelings, adding distant communities, places and peo- ple have a lot more in common than often thought. Sollman said she relates to people in Eastern Oregon because she, too, comes from a farming area. Frederick also shared his farm- ing background. Hayward said education goes the other way, too. She said Portland is not as bad as the media says. This was something she could tell audiences in East- ern Oregon. They pointed out that many decisions aren’t contentious. Republicans and Democrats ac- tually find common ground on most issues, according to panel members. They are able to push forward on issues like improv- ing sewer systems and resolving many water issues, without par- tisan complaints, Gomberg and Helm said. Gomberg added, though, that there is a change happen- ing in state government. Much turnover is taking place, he said. This means many friendships are lost, too. And legislators must work hard to create new relationships; those connections help to advance legislation. Speaking at the end, Smith expressed confidence in the ability of new legislators to work with one another. Smith praised the intelli- gence and integrity of the three major candidates for governor — Democrat Tina Kotek, un- affiliated Betsy Johnson and Republican Christine Drazan — and said he would be able to work with any of them. Levy said she would be happy to invite legislators back for the next summit. NOW HIRING BACKED BY A YEAR-ROUND Smart security. Professionally installed. 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