EASTERN OREGON Wednesday, March 9, 2022 All Thumbz herMIsTOnheraLd.cOM • A7 Hermiston City Hall tour new area resident raises an internet sensation By ERICK PETERSON hermiston herald When Charly Hotch- kiss moved to Pendleton in early January to take the job as the news clerk for EO Media Group, she brought along an Insta- gram celebrity. Thumbz, her 28-toed cat. The orange feline has the congenital physical anomaly polydactyly. Hotchkiss was 15 and living in Santa Fe, New Mexico, when she acquired the cat. Her par- ents employed a man who had an extra cat, Hotch- kiss said, and the man was planning to either give the 1-year-old cat to a new owner or release it to the wild so “the coyotes could have it.” “He’s not a great guy,” Hotchkiss said. She heard he killed his ex-girlfriend and himself sometime after letting go of the cat. For Hotchkiss, Thumbz filled a cat-shaped hole in her heart. Still grieving over the death of her pre- vious cat a couple months earlier, she said she was ready for a new critter. And when her father called her and asked her if she wanted a cat who might “have something wrong with him,” she rushed over to claim him. When she first spotted him, she noticed his extra toes, hence the name. But there was nothing wrong with him. Polydactyly is not uncommon in cats, Hotchkiss said, but having 28 toes is a world record. The cat has seven digits on each paw. The Guinness World Records website con- firms her claim. It names a 28-toed Canadian cat, Jake, as the world-record holder with the same situ- ation — seven toes on each of its four paws. “I really wish he had one more,” Hotchkiss said. When she welcomed the cat into her life, she did not imagine the fame Thumbz would achieve. Today, the cat has more than 23,000 Instagram fol- lowers. More people fol- low Thumbz than live in either Pendleton or Hermiston. Instagram fame When she entered col- lege, Hotchkiss started an Instagram account for Thumbz. She said it was just something for her to share pictures with her friends. “I really wasn’t taking it very seriously,” she said. Fame took off thanks to one of her favorite pod- casts, Morbid: A True Crime Podcast. Hotchkiss’s sister, who also is a fan of Morbid, wrote a letter to the hosts of the show and told them of Thumbz. The letter, “How My Sister Got Her 28-Toed Cat from a Mur- derer,” was received and read on the podcast last year. Along with telling the story, the podcast shared Thumbz’s Instagram han- dle @thumbzthecat, and people started following it en masse. “Overnight, he gained thousands of followers,” Hotchkiss said. “So then I started being more active with it.” She said she began post- ing more, which gained the attention of even more followers. In addition, a kitty litter company took notice. PrettyLitter fea- tured Thumbz in an ad last year, she said. The ad appeared on Instagram. Hotchkiss said she is not Erick Peterson/Hermiston Herald Hermiston Mayor Dave Drotzmann speaks with Hermiston City Manager Byron Smith on a tour of the new Hermiston City Hall building. On the evening of Feb. 28, 2022, Smith led the tour. He introduced local officials to the building, which is under construction. School exclusion day for Morrow County is Wednesday, April 20 Ben Lonergan/Hermiston Herald Thumbz has 28 toes — seven on each paw. His owner, Charly Hotchkiss of Pendleton, said that ties the Guinness World Record for most toes on a cat. hermiston herald The Morrow County School District was among a handful of Oregon districts to push back the annual school exclusion day. The Oregon Health Authority in a press release reported the deadline for parents to provide vaccine records of students was Feb. 16, except for seven counties, includ- ing Morrow County. “We’re trying to get to 100% on this,” Dirk Dirksen, Morrow County School Dis- trict superintendent, said. By setting back the day, he said, he feels families have more time to get necessary vaccinations. OHA allowed local public health authorities to set alternate dates this year by which parents must provide vaccine records for their children or be excluded from school. County health departments Ben Lonergan/Hermiston Herald Thumbz, a 28-toed cat living in Pendleton with its owner Charly Hotchkiss, has amassed an Instagram following of more than 23,000 after he was featured on Morbid: A True Crime Podcast. getting rich off of Thumbz, though he does net her some cash. Instagram paid Hotchkiss $75 in January because of her cat’s large following. A single post on Thumb’z Instagram can receive hundreds or even thousands of likes. Hotch- kiss said she has just more than 2,000 followers on her own account, but she said she is not at all envious of Thumbz’s popularity; rather, she is enjoying it. She even said she has goals for him. She wants Thumbz to reach 25,000 followers by the end of March. The life of Thumbz He often sits on his cat tower and stares out the window, looking for squirrels in the trees. “He’s an old man now,” Hotchkiss said. That’s fine with her. The cat has, after all, lived with Hotchkiss in New Mexico, Eugene, Cali- fornia, Hawaii and now Pendleton. Thumbz weighs 15.7 pounds. She said he might be a Maine coon or an American bob tail; she is not certain which, if either. And while he is not a lap cat, Hotchkiss said, he will climb up on a person’s chest to be pet- ted, but only for people he likes. Thumbz is not entirely an indoor cat. She takes Thumbz out on a leash. She said he likes to roll around in dirt. “That’s one of his favorite things,” she said. “He gets really dirty.” Thumbz also does not meow, Hotchkiss said. Instead, he makes a trill. And while he is particu- lar about his cat food, he will eat cream cheese off of Hotchkiss’s fingers. She also said she likes to think about the jobs of which he might be capa- ble. Perhaps, she said, laughing, he could be a rodeo clown at Round-Up or even find a company ready for the cat to give it “two thumbs up.” Follow us on Facebook! are asking families to update the record at school or day care when the child gets their shots. Under state law, all children in public and private schools, preschools, Head Start and certified child care facilities must have up-to-date documentation on their required immunizations or have an exemption. The COVID-19 vaccine is not currently required for children. Children must have immunizations for the following diseases, or an exemption, to be in compliance with state school immu- nization laws: diphtheria, tetanus, pertus- sis, polio, measles, mumps, rubella, hepati- tis B, hepatitis A, varicella and Hib. If a child’s school and childcare vacci- nation records are not up to date on their county’s exclusion day date, the child will be sent home. Steakhouse & Saloon ST. PATRICK’S DAY SPECIAL $15 Corned Beef Irish Feast Irish Drink Specials, Jell-O Shots & Green Beer Th ursday, March 17 Saloon open at NOON! Steakhouse open at 5pm For Steakhouse Reservations call 541.278.1100 option 2 ST. PATRICK’S DAY LUCKY DRINK SPECIALS • Irish Mule • Irish Apple Receive branded souvenir gift with purchase of drink special!* March 17–19 Available at the Sports Bar and Lobby Bar. *While supplies last. $5,000 in FreePlay for lucky winners! All Club Wild members actively playing with Club Wild card inserted and accepted are eligible to WIN! 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