NEWS WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY 23, 2022 HERMISTONHERALD.COM • A9 Hermiston Herald, File McNary Lock and Dam on the Columbia River near Umatilla is in line for upgrades totaling $22.7 million thanks to the federal Infrastructure Investments and Jobs Act. $22.7 million McNary Dam project part of new work plan Hermiston Herald McNary Lock and Dam on the Columbia River near Umatilla is in line for almost $23 million in improvements. The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, Walla Walla District, in a press release announced it has allocated approximately $55 million for area dams. The federal Infrastructure Investments and Jobs Act, which was signed into law in Novem- ber 2021, provides funding for the projects. The act allocated approx- imately $17 billion in fund- ing for Corps’ infrastruc- ture projects for fi scal years 2022-24. Among the 2022 proj- ects in the plan is $22.7 mil- lion for work on McNary Lock and Dam, including replacing downstream gate gudgeon anchors, spillway hoists and gates, the acqui- sition and installation of a second derrick crane, dredg- ing and surveys, rehabili- tating levee drainage pump stations, upgrades to Hood Park’s septic system and reconstruction of Third Street’s road at the lock and dam. Other projects are planned for Dworshak Dam, Lower Monumental Lock and Dam, Lower Granite Lock and Dam, Little Goose Lock and Dam and Lucky Peak Dam and Lake. There also are additional projects at waterways in the region. The McNary project, how- ever, is the largest of all the listed projects. “This funding will allow us to complete critical proj- ects the District has been striving to fund for several years,” said Alan Feistner, Walla Walla District’s dep- uty district engineer. “When completed, these funds will have helped us lower the risk of infrastructure fail- ure and fl ooding, protect the environment, and improve effi ciencies to serve the pub- lic. This is a great benefi t for our communities and the Nation.” Additional funding from the infrastructure invest- ments act be made available to the Walla Walla District in fi scal years 2023 and 2024. Hermiston residents asked to complete broadband surveys Hermiston Herald The clock is ticking on completing broadband internet access surveys for Hermiston. Starting in January, residents were able to weigh in on their inter- net service and use. Res- idents with active email addresses listed with the city received invitations to participate in the survey on Jan. 26. The survey runs for six weeks and closes at the end of February. For residents who did not receive an invita- tion via email to partici- pate, they can find links from the city of Hermis- ton website that directs users to the surveys — one for individuals and one for businesses. Byron Smith, Hermiston city manager, said the survey could encourage the direction of Hermiston’s future. A press release from the city explained the surveys resulted from a partnership between the city of Herm- iston and Strategic Net- works Group to “explore options for connecting high-capacity digital infra- structure throughout city facilities.” “The infrastructure could be leveraged to also connect residents, busi- nesses and institutions, while assisting inter- net service providers in extending services to cur- rently underserved areas,” the press release states. “Through this effort, the city is exploring ways to encourage healthy com- petition from internet ser- vice providers, leading to improved service and lower costs for residents and businesses.” Once the survey is com- plete, Smith said its results will be available on the city of Hermiston website. The survey and addi- tional information is online at How do do you you discover discover How and share share information information and about your your community? community? about University of Oregon researchers want to learn how University of Oregon researchers want to learn how Hermiston residents find out and share what’s going Hermiston residents find out and share what’s going on in their communities. on in their communities. Get a chance to get a $10 gift card (as available) by Get a chance to get a $10 gift card (as available) by filling out a digital survey with thoughtful and filling out a digital survey with thoughtful and meaningful responses. Simply point your mobile meaningful responses. Simply point your mobile phone’s camera at this QR Code: phone’s camera at this QR Code: Or visit the following webpage: Or visit the following webpage: WELCOME NEW CHAMBER MEMBER Stateline Truck Driving School UPCOMING RIBBON CUTTINGS March 4 at 12pm: Hermiston South Industrial Park March 10 at 5pm: Stellar Realty Northwest Team Carver & Company 120 E. Hurlburt, Hermiston KEEP IT LOCAL