6 JANUARY 5�12, 2022 FROM THE SHELF CHECKING OUT THE WORLD OF BOOKS Some of the best books of 2021 ‘THE MADNESS OF CROWDS’ By Colette Bancroft Tampa Bay Times by Louise Penny Penny co-wrote a bestselling thriller, “State of Terror,” with former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton this year, but the bestselling Canadian author also pub- lished the 17th in her series of novels about Chief Inspector Armand Gam- ache. Penny imagines a world after the pandemic, but one where dangers it has provoked linger — and have murderous results in Gamache’s beloved hometown, Three Pines. The mystery wraps around a thoughtful and disturbing look at how societies respond to mass trauma. E very year I review at least 50 books in the Tampa Bay Times, but I read many more than I review. Here are some of the books that I didn’t review this year but that stuck with me. ‘ORWELL’S ROSES’ by Rebecca Solnit If all you know about George Orwell is that he wrote “1984,” allow Solnit to bring her astonishing capacity for con- necting things you did not think were connected to his biography, and beyond. Moved by her discovery that Orwell was a passionate gardener with a special love for fl owers, Solnit uses that lens to examine his life, writing and antifas- cist politics, swings wide to look at the relationship between fl ower gardens and colonialism, and fi nally off ers a new perspective on “1984.” ‘FORGET THE ALAMO: THE RISE AND FALL OF AN AMERICAN MYTH’ by Bryan Burrough, Chris Tomlinson and Jason Stanford Three Texas writers take on their state’s creation myth and fi nd that, ‘DAUGHTER OF THE MORNING STAR’ Penguin Random House even before the gunsmoke cleared, the battle’s history was being twisted. (For starters, the Americans who died there weren’t fi ghting for freedom, they were fi ghting to preserve slavery.) Deeply re- searched and brightly written, this book examines not only what happened at the Alamo in 1836 but the fascinating revi- sions and re-revisions of that story right up to the present, when the issue of who writes history is hotter than ever. by Craig Johnson This is the 17th novel in Johnson’s reli- ably excellent crime fi ction series about Wyoming Sheriff Walt Longmire (inspira- tion for the namesake Netfl ix series). This time Johnson takes on an all too real issue: the epidemic of violence against Indigenous women. Longmire is called on to protect Jaya “Longshot” Long, a bas- ketball phenom at her high school on the Cheyenne reservation. Her sister disap- peared a year ago, and now she’s getting threats — but she’s so tough she doesn’t want to admit she needs help. t sco oo u k n s on a ly) i d 0% d b ing ‘THE SPECKLED BEAUTY: A DOG AND HIS PEOPLE’ by Rick Bragg Journalist and memoirist Bragg has written with humor, pain and love about his human family in books like “Ava’s Man” and “All Over But the Shoutin’.” Here his main character is Speck, a one-eyed stray dog who shows up at the family farm nearly dead of starvation, in- fection and who knows what else. Bragg (and his mother’s legendary cooking) bring the dog back to health, but he does not emerge as a good boy: His idea of fun is picking a fi ght with the mule, rolling in a decayed deer carcass or trying to herd the farm cats (he’s mostly Austra- lian shepherd), who are having none of it. And yet Speck is clearly the dog of Bragg’s life, the dog who shows up just when he should and does what needs to be done. ‘A CARNIVAL OF SNACKERY (DIARIES: 2003-2020)’ by David Sedaris If you’ve ever wondered where Se- daris’ uniquely hilarious stories come from, the answer is the diaries he’s kept all his life. He published “Theft by Finding: Diaries (1977-2002)” in 2017, and it was a fascinating look at his creative process. SEASONAL HOURS ub ok cl o b a e 1 rint buy ith Tuesday-Saturday (on if p you ar t e icipate w r a p Closed Thanksgiving, Christmas & New Year’s Day to book Limited hours 10-6 • Sunday 10-4 Christmas Eve, and New Year’s Eve Audio & E-Books Available 1813 Main St, Baker City, OR • (541) 523-7551 • https://bettysbooks.indielite.org