12 SOUND CHECK DECEMBER 8�15, 2021 WHAT’S PLAYING AROUND THE PACIFIC NORTHWEST Inland Northwest Musicians present Handel’s ‘Messiah’ Go! staff H ERMISTON, WESTON — Inland Northwest Musicians will present Handel’s “Messiah,” directed by R. Lee Friese, in two diff erent Oregon communities in December. On Saturday, Dec. 11, the per- formance will be at the Hermiston Community Center. The next day, Sunday, Dec. 12, a concert will be at the Memorial Hall in Weston. Both concerts will begin at 4 p.m. Masks are required. Concerts are presented at no charge to the public with donations accepted at the door. A reception will follow both performances. “Messiah” was written in 1741 by German composer George Frideric Handel. The Eastern Oregon performances will focus on “Part One” of the piece, which contains the prophesies as well as the addition of the “Amen Cho- rus” and the “Hallelujah Chorus.” The Inland Northwest Chorale will be accompanied by the Inland HANDEL’S ‘MESSIAH’ Presented by the Inland Northwest Musicians 4 p.m. Dec. 11 at the Community Center in Hermison 4 p.m. Dec. 12 at Memorial Hall in Weston Admission is free; masks required Northwest String Orchestra and a custom-made harpsichord played by Myrna VanCleave of Pendle- ton. Soloists will be RaNiel Dunn, soprano, Pendleton; Mary Finney, alto, Pendleton; Philip Ruud, tenor, Pendleton; and Donald Dugan, bass, Umatilla. Principal musicians for the string ensemble are Alice Massey, violin, Pendleton; Emma Jones, violin, La Grande; Sue Friese, viola, Athena; Jane Bane, cello, Enter- prise; and Brook Collins, bass, Kennewick, Washington. Both concerts are being dedi- cated in memory of Harvey and Bernice Foreman, who passed away in October 2021. Harvey was a charter member and a past board president of the organiza- tion. He had also been the bass soloist for several performances of “Messiah,” and Bernice served the organization as reception host and house manager many times over the years. Founded in 1999, Inland North- west Musicians is composed of volunteer musicians from throughout Northeastern Oregon and Southeastern Washington. INWM performance ensembles include the Inland Northwest Orchestra, Inland Northwest Cho- rale and Willow Creek Symphony, all of which present concerts throughout the region in commu- nities of all sizes. Admission to all concerts is free of charge, funded by corporate sponsors, grants, local concert sponsorships and individual donations. For more information, visit inlandnorth- westmusicians.com. Harvey and Bernice Foreman RaNiel Dunn 11am-8pm Tuesday-Saturday Mary Finney 141 Main St. John Day OR www.1188brewing.com Philip R 541.575.1188 @1188brewing