4 DECEMBER 8�15, 2021 MIXED MEDIUM First Draft Writers’ Series meets in person on Dec. 16 Featuring poet Brittney Corrigan Go! staff P ENDLETON — The First Draft Writers’ Series will hold its fi rst in-person event of the year on Thursday, Dec. 16, starting at 7 p.m. at the Pendle- ton Center for the Arts, 214 N. Main St. Brittney Corrigan is the eve- ning’s featured writer. Corrigan’s current projects are an explora- tion of and commentary on what is being called the Anthropo- cene age (viewed as the period during which human activity has been the dominant infl uence on climate and the environment). Corrigan will read from new work at First Draft Writers’ Series. The event is free to the public and masks are required. Brittney Corrigan will read from her new work at the First Draft Writers’ Series on Thursday, Dec. 16, at the Pendleton Center for the Arts. Although she was raised in Colorado, Corrigan has called Portland her home since 1990. She holds a degree from Reed College, where she works or- ganizing faculty and academic special events. Corrigan also serves as an editor at Airlie Press, a nonprofi t publisher run by writ- ers and dedicated to cultivating and sustaining fi ne contempo- rary poetry and promoting Pacifi c Northwest poets. She is also the poetry editor for the online jour- nal Hyperlexia: poetry and prose about the autism spectrum. Corrigan’s poems and stories have appeared in numerous jour- nals and anthologies, and she is the author of the collection “Navigation” and the chapbook “40 Weeks.” Her poems have appeared widely in journals and anthologies. Her chapbook “Breaking” is a collection of poems that respond to current events in the news. Her newest collection is “Daughters,” a series of persona poems in the voices of daugh- ters of various characters from folklore, mythology and popular culture. She is the recipient of residencies at Soapstone: A Writ- ing Retreat for Women, Mineral School and PLAYA. Corrigan is currently working on a full-length poetry manu- script and a collection of short stories that examine the impact of human beings on our planet and the species with whom we share it. More information about her work can be found at www. BrittneyCorrigan.com. To learn more about the First Draft Writ- ers’ Series, visit www.Pendleton- Arts.org. THE ARTS AROUND EASTERN OREGON