COMMUNITY A6 • HERMISTONHERALD.COM WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 20, 2021 Drone technology gets nod with Walchli ag award Echo middle schoolers also receive recognition can’t be viewed from a vehi- cle. It’s equipped with an infrared lens that observes aspects about crops the human eye cannot detect. Also, Coleman devel- oped a program that con- verts the raw data into usable information. For instance, the drone is capa- ble of detecting excess water or dry spots, Mehren said, such as from an indi- vidual sprinkler head that’s not working. In addition, plant growth and health are monitored as well as weeds, disease or parasites. Fer- tilizer needs also can be determined. “The drone is an amazing tool that he has been able to adapt to crop conditions and needs,” Mehren said. Also receiving recog- nition for their livestock enterprise were Kellan Smith and Logan Smith. The brothers, who attend middle school in Echo, raise sheep, hogs and cattle on their parent’s ranch, Meh- ren said. They show, sell and purchase animals from all across the Pacifi c North- west. The boys raise money for their enterprise by sell- ing locker meat, showing and selling their stock and working on their parent’s ranch. “They are amazing kids,” Mehren said. The John F. Walchli Ag Entrepreneurs Award is delivered to the Umatilla County Courthouse or to is off ered to all new mem- bers of the Hermiston Amer- ican Legion Auxiliary Unit. For more informa- tion, call 541-720-1815 or 541-571-5816. Volunteers are appointed to a four-year term ending December 2025. At the end of the term, there is the option for reappointment for another four-year term. The planning com- mission meets once each month with the option of in-person or remote par- ticipation with video tech- nology. The commission holds hearings on a variety of land use applications. It also reviews changes to the county’s subdivision and zoning ordinances and the comprehensive plan. Addi- tionally, the commission guides staff on other long- range planning projects related to land use. “Being part of the plan- ning commission is a unique opportunity to learn about Oregon’s Land Use Plan- ning Program and infl uence how it is implemented in Morrow County,” accord- ing to a press release from the county. For more information, visit, or call planning staff at 541- By TAMMY MALGESINI Hermiston Herald The winner of the sec- ond John F. Walchli Ag Entrepreneurs Award for 2020-21 is Bob Coleman of Hermiston. According to a press release from board member Mike Mehren, Coleman has started an agricultural moni- toring service using a drone. A 2016 Hermiston High School graduate, Coleman received an agricultural business degree from Ore- gon State University. Coleman initially began using the drone as a tool on his parent’s farms until neighbors and others heard about its capabilities. Cole- man is able to view crops in about 1/10th the time that it would take a person using a vehicle, Mehren said. The drone also measures details about a crop that Mike Mehren/Contributed Photo Kellan and Logan Smith, who operate a livestock enterprise, received special recognition during the second annual John F. Walchli Ag Entrepreneurs Award for 2020-21. designed to provide sup- port to young people under the age of 25 living in west Umatilla County to achieve their goal in the agricul- tural world. It’s based on initiative and drive to suc- ceed rather than academic performance. The winners, Mehren said, can use their award where it is needed, rather than for tuition only. The award’s namesake, John Walchli, died in Sep- tember 2018. He began his farming career raising watermelons while attend- ing Stanfi eld High School. He and wife, Marge, eventually moved to the Hermiston area, where he expanded his farming oper- ation to include potatoes, asparagus, wheat, alfalfa, cattle and bison. Walchli was known for his gener- osity to friends and neigh- bors, and giving back to the community. For more information about the award, contact Mehren at 541-561-4762 or 922-4624. To apply, submit a letter of interest to the Morrow County Planning Department, P.O. Box 40, Irrigon, OR 97844, or by email to gnairns@co.mor- by noon Dec. 3. The next commission meeting is Tuesday, Oct. 26, 7 p.m., in the Riverfront Center, Port of Morrow, 2 Marine Drive, Boardman. Zoom meeting information is available on the commis- sion’s meeting agenda on the website. — EO Media Group BRIEFS SHIBA off ers help with Medicare enrollment Each October, open enrollment begins for Medi- care Advantage and Part D prescription drug plans. Medicare plans and cover- age for prescription drugs change each year, so it is important for Oregonians who are enrolled in Medi- care to evaluate their plan options and make changes during open enrollment. Open enrollment for the 2022 Medicare plan year began Friday, Oct. 15, and continues through Dec. 7. The Senior Health Insur- ance Benefi ts Assistance program with the Oregon Department of Human Ser- vices is available to help Oregonians understand their Medicare options and benefi ts, provide enroll- ment guidance and answer questions related to Medi- care benefi ts. Local SHIBA counsel- ors are available to help and can be found by vis- iting www.SHIBA.Ore- or calling toll-free 800-722-4134. To accom- modate COVID-19 safety precautions, SHIBA coun- selors are providing tele- phone and limited in-per- son support. County seeks applicants for fair board vacancies Umatilla County is looking to fi ll two vacant positions on the Uma- tilla County Fair Board of Directors. One position on the board is vacant and another will be vacant soon, accord- ing to a press release from Angie McNalley, the fair manager. All Umatilla County residents are eligible for the positions. An applicant from another county also would be eligible for the director position with the approval of the fair board. Applications are avail- able at the Umatilla County Human Resources offi ce on 216 S.E. Fourth St., Pend- leton. They also are avail- able on the county’s web- site, www.umatillacounty. net, or on the fair website, www.umatillacountyfair. net. Applications must be Benefi t to support Mendiola family An afternoon of family fun will serve as a fund- raiser for the Mendio- las. The Hermiston fam- ily recently lost two family members. The benefi t event fea- tures a cowpie cornhole tournament, pork loin sand- wiches and DJ music. In addition, people can watch afternoon games on NFL Red Zone and buy raffl e tickets for cornhole LED boards. The event is Sunday, Oct. 24, 1 p.m. at 33838 E. Spearman Road, Hermis- ton. Entry is $20 per person, with teams being drawn for. The fi rst place prize is $300. For questions, call/ text Greg at 541-969-0677. Morrow County Planning Commission seeks volunteers Morrow County needs people to represent the Boardman and Ione area on the Morrow County Plan- ning Commission. Library off ers pumpkin decorating kits The Hermiston Public Library has the perfect Hal- loween activity for families — pumpkin decorating. People are invited to stop by the library to pick up a free Take N Go pump- kin decorating kit. While supplies last, they will be available beginning Tues- day, Oct. 26. Located at 235 E. Gladys Ave., the library is open Monday through Thursday, 10 a.m. to 8 p.m. and Fri- day/Saturday, 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. For more informa- tion, call 541-567-2882. SPIN TO WIN UP TO DRAWINGS EVERY 30 MINUTES! FRIDAYS AND SATURDAYS, 7 – 10pm | SUNDAYS, 4 – 9pm GRAND PRIZE DRAWING SUNDAY, OCTOBER 31, 9pm $1,000 Awarded Per Game Get your tickets online at BUY-IN $200 American Legion & Auxiliary meet monthly For Both Saturday and Sunday Limited seats available, social distancing guidelines in effect. Buy-in at the door for $125 only if seats are available. American Legion & Auxiliary, Hermiston Post 37 meets the fi rst Mon- day of each month, 7 p.m. at Agape House, 500 W. Harper Road, Hermiston. The next meeting is Nov. 1. A light refreshment is provided. All veterans are wel- come. The organization pays for fi rst-year dues for new veteran members who join the American Legion Post. The same arrangement Win up to $500 FreePlay & Candy Treats! Two Winners Every 30 Minutes! 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