18 MIXED MEDIUM SEPTEMBER 29�OCTOBER 6, 2021 THE ARTS AROUND EASTERN OREGON Through the eyes of wildland firefighters Photograph exhibit provides rare views Go! staff P ENDLETON — The mem- bers of the Grande Ronde Rappellers get dropped into some of the most remote and beautiful areas of the Northwest and beyond, and in October their unique viewpoint will be on exhibit in the East Oregonian Gallery at the Pendleton Center for the Arts. The exhibit, “Initial Attack: Photographs by Wildland Firefi ghters,” opens Thursday, Oct. 7, with a Zoom reception with the photographers, and the show will be available for viewing in the gallery through Oct. 31. To receive a link to the Oct. 7 Zoom session, sign up at www.pendle- tonarts.org or email a request to director4@pendletonarts.org. All activities are free and open to the public, thanks to the sup- port of Hines Meat Co. The Grande Ronde Rap- pellers is a 40-person crew of highly trained aerially delivered fi refi ghters sponsored by the U.S. Forest Service’s Wallowa- Whitman National Forest and based in La Grande. Members are trained at the National Rap- pel Academy, a performance- based program that demands a high level of physical and mental toughness of candidates. These men and women see landscapes that are often inac- cessible, providing them with views rarely experienced. The The mountains are calling... Join the dedicated, family- like team that cares for our community while enjoying the quiet lifestyle remote living has to offer. Located in beautiful Eastern Oregon, the Blue Mountain Hospital District serves our rural Grant County region. Currently Seeking Family Nurse Practitioner - Family Clinic Certified Nursing Assistant - Hospital & Long-Term Care Center Registered Nurse - Family Clinic Registered Nurse - Labor & Delivery/Med-Surg/ED RN General Surgeon - Hospital Surgery Clinic Radiology Technician - X-Ray, CT, MRI, Hospital Imaging Licensed Practical Nurse (LPN) - Long-Term Care Center Physical Therapist - Outpatient Physical Therapist - Home Health Certified Surgical Technologist (CST) - Hospital Surgery Clinic and more! www.bluemountainhospital.org/careers Gabby Casper/Contributed photo A new exhibit titled “Initial Attack: Photographs by Wildland Firefi ghters” opens Thursday, Oct. 7, at Pendleton Center for the Arts. The photographs will be on display through Oct. 31. 26 large-scale photographs featured in the exhibit were captured by Tully Bloom, Gabby Casper, Guy Hakanson, Micah Olivera, Jordin Schramm and Adam Wunsch. Roberta Lavadour, execu- tive director of the Pendleton Center for the Arts, said most of the fi refi ghters wouldn’t identify themselves as artists, and the images benefi t from a lack of self-consciousness. “When someone is taking a photograph simply because they’re struck by the beauty of what they see, it really translates to the viewer,” she said. “We’re happy to also be able to use this opportunity to celebrate the amazing work that initial attack crews do.” The exhibit will also be avail- able online beginning Oct. 1 so that those attending the virtual reception may view the photo- graphs before the event. Learn more at www.pend- letonarts.org or call 541-310- 7413. Gabby Casper/Contributed photo “Initial Attack: Photographs by Wildland Firefi ghters” can be viewed at the Pendleton Center for the Arts and also at www.pendletonarts.org.