15 NOW PLAYING WHAT’S IN THE THEATERS AROUND EASTERN OREGON SEPTEMBER 29�OCTOBER 6, 2021 Top 10 movies for fall 2021: Our hopes for streams and the cineplex, from Bond on down By Michael Phillips Chicago Tribune M ovie theaters have re- opened, and people are go- ing back, at least to some (much?) of what’s available. Do the studios making those movies care? Or are they so invested in stocking their streaming platforms with new fi sh to fry to give much thought to the fate of the multiplex? The movie capturing the moment best, I think, is the new James Bond fi lm “No Time to Die.” Its very title suits the feelings of both the vaxed, masked por- tion of the country and the live- free-and-die faction, millions and millions strong. The movie’s com- ing out Oct. 8, some 18 months after the $250 million franchise item was fi rst scheduled to open. This is Daniel Craig’s fi nal Bond picture, or so Craig says. Unfashionably, “No Time to Die” will open in theaters only. Then it adds its streaming release option a few weeks later, date yet to be confi rmed. Here are 10 prospects, all of which I sincerely hope turn out to be pips. As always, release dates are subject to change. ‘THE MANY SAINTS OF NEWARK,’ OCT. 1 IN THEATERS AND ON HBO MAX I’ve seen this one, and it’s good — a witty, melancholy “So- pranos” prequel in which teenage Tony (Michael Gandolfi ni, son of the late James Gandolfi ni) and his loving, fraught relationship with his uncle Dickie (Alessandro Nivola) is framed by family tor- ment and late 1960s unrest. ‘DIANA: THE MUSICAL,’ OCT. 1 ON NETFLIX FOR ONE DAY ONLY; BROADWAY PREMIERE, DEC. 16 This is Diana’s season, all right, with Netfl ix sneaking “Come From Away,” director Christopher Ashley’s “Broadway capture” Nicola Dove/Danjaq LLC/MGM Daniel Craig returns as James Bond in “No Time to Die.” edition of the new musical on Oct. 1, two months prior to the show’s Broadway premiere. CONTINUED ON PAGE 16 Stop by the Chamber office for your free gift Take a picture of you and your family at the Conestoga Wagon at the viewpoint above Prairie City and tag us on Instagram @grant_county_oregon_chamber! DON’T LET THE BIG ONE GET AWAY! GET YOUR HUNTING AND FISHING SUPPLIES HERE! 214 W North St. • Enterprise, OR • 541-426-4824 Safe T Transport Company NOW HIRING DRIVERS! Chamber of Commerce www.gcoregonlive.com 301 W. Main Street, John Day, OR 541-575-0547 541-276-6813 Dispatcher@safettransport.com