12 AUGUST 11�18, 2021 SOUND CHECK WHAT’S PLAYING AROUND THE PACIFIC NORTHWEST Lauren Napier, Vic Ruggiero return to Churchill Live concert slated for Saturday, Aug. 21 By Lisa Britton Go! Magazine B AKER CITY — Lauren Napier and Vic Ruggiero performed by livestream from Churchill School in January, and now they’re coming back for a live, in-person concert. The show is Saturday, Aug. 21. Doors open at 6 p.m. and the show starts at 6:45 p.m. Tickets are $8 in advance at www.churchillbaker.com (click on “Events”) or $10 at the door. The venue is at 3451 Broad- way St. in Baker City, but the audience enters through the parking lot off 16th Street. Napier and Ruggerio met in Berlin, Germany. Napier’s background in- cludes writer, singer, cellist, model and publicist. (Napier is also known as Punk Rock Doll. To learn more about her music and writing, visit http://punk- rockdoll.com.) Ruggiero grew up in New York — which you can easily Submitted by Lauren Napier The duo of Vic Ruggiero and Lauren Napier play at Churchill School Aug. 21 in Baker City. tell from his Bronx accent. He has toured as a musician since the 1990s. They come from diff erent musical backgrounds — blues and Americana for him, classic and cello for her. They fi rst joined to sing songs by Dean Martin, then Patsy Cline. Then they started writing songs together. Tues - Sat 11 am-8 pm Ruggiero said they’re slowly playing more live shows this summer. “This is going to be one of the biggest,” he said of their Baker City appearance. They both look forward to playing live. “Just being on stage with a crowd in front of me — it’s intoxicating,” Ruggiero said. To hear a sample of the duo’s music, check out the recording of their livestream concert at www.youtube.com/ watch?v=L_7D2k5uGMY. Recorded concerts from the past year can be found on YouTube at Churchill School Art, Music, Recreation. Updates are also posted on Facebook and at www.churchillbaker.com.