15 NOW PLAYING WHAT’S IN THE THEATERS AROUND EASTERN OREGON AUGUST 4�11, 2021 Family guide to new movie releases ‘Jungle Cruise’ and ‘Stillwater’ By Katie Walsh Tribune News Service ”JUNGLE CRUISE” Rated PG-13 for sequences of adventure violence. What it’s about: Based on the Disney ride, this is a throw- back adventure romance in which a scientist searches the Amazon for a legendary flower with healing properties. The kid attractor factor: Kids will be drawn to the adventure Disney+/TNS Dwayne Johnson and Emily Blunt in “Jungle Cruise.” tale, humor and stars Dwayne Johnson and Emily Blunt. Good lessons/bad lessons: Never judge a book by its cover, and always follow your heart. Violence: Some sequences of action and peril, some scary sequences of haunted con- quistadors, some injuries and impalings (no gore). Language: None. Sex: A kiss. Drugs: None. Parents’ advisory: A fun adventure movie for the whole family. Maybe a bit too intense for little kids. ”STILLWATER” Rated R for language. What it’s about: An Oklaho- ma man fights for his daughter, imprisoned in Marseille, France. The kid attractor factor: This is an adult drama, not much kid factor here. Good lessons/bad lessons: Stop by the Chamber office for your free gift Take a picture of you and your family at the Conestoga Wagon at the viewpoint above Prairie City and tag us on Instagram @grant_county_oregon_chamber! Life can be brutal and beauti- ful. Remember the good times, which can still be good, even if they’re over. Violence: A beating scene, references to murder, kidnap- ping. Language: Some swearing. Sex: References to sex, a sex scene (not graphic). Drugs: References to drug dealing and use. Parents’ advisory: This is an adult drama so kids will not be too intrigued, but it’s not too mature for teens and tweens. NEW INVENTORY!! Custom made jewelry! 214 W North St. • Enterprise, OR • 541-426-4824 Safe T Transport Company NOW HIRING DRIVERS! Chamber of Commerce www.gcoregonlive.com 301 W. Main Street, John Day, OR 541-575-0547 541-276-6813 Dispatcher@safettransport.com