14 JULY 28�AUGUST 4, 2021 CURTAIN CALL LIVE THEATER AND MUSICAL PRODUCTIONS AROUND EASTERN OREGON Shakespeare in the park Elgin Opera House debuts new outdoor stage By Lisa Britton Go! Magazine E LO S T I N E , O R E G O N WEDNESDAY - SUNDAY 8 AM TO 8 PM LATE ON FRIDAY AND SATURDAY 541-569-2285 S C R AT C H M A D E BEER PIZZA DENIM AND MORE G L A C I E R C O L D • FA W N F R E S H Courtesy Elgin Opera House Hunter Adams and Avalon Bloodgood rehearse Shakespeare’s “Comedy of Errors.” Performances are July 30 and 31 at the Elgin Opera House’s outdoor stage. LGIN — Actors from around Eastern Oregon are back rehearsing at the Elgin Opera House, and can be seen the last weekend of July in performanc- es of Shakespeare’s “Comedy of Errors.” The play is the fi rst on the op- era house’s new outdoor stage. Some of the cast are veterans to the theater’s musical produc- tions. This turn at Shakespeare gives them a diff erent challenge, said Terry Hale, executive artistic director. “We wanted them to do more classical theater,” Hale said. “Comedy of Errors” is direct- ed by Grant Turner, the Opera House’s associate artistic direc- tor. The plot, which involves two sets of twins and mistaken iden- tities, in this production is set on a beach in the early 1900s. “It’s really fun. It’s great for summer theater,” Hale said. Performances begin at 6:30 p.m. Friday and Saturday, July 30-31. Attendance is free. Donations are welcome. “It’s our gift,” Hale said. “Bring treats, a cooler, a chair. It’s the- ater in the park.” A grant from Oregon Com- munity Foundation is supporting the theater’s summer programs. SUMMER THEATER CAMP Youth ages 6-17 are invited to a “James and the Giant Peach ELGIN OPERA HOUSE “Comedy of Errors” 100 N. Eighth St., Elgin elginoperahouse.com 541-663-6324 Jr.” summer theater camp. The camp begins Aug. 16 and cul- minates with performances on Friday and Saturday, Aug. 20-21. Cost is $150, although scholar- ships are available thanks to the OCF grant. To register, go to elginoperahouse.com and click on “camps.” Hale said a set cast is already rehearsing for the show, and the theater campers will join for ensemble pieces. “That way it’s a well-re- hearsed show,” he said. Youth campers will also participate in several workshops on acting, music, costumes and choreography, such as stage fi ghting. “That’s always a popular workshop,” Hale said of the fi ght choreography. For the fi rst time, the camp will be run by youth actor alumni who are veterans of Elgin Opera House productions. “These kids have been through camps multiple times. Now they get to run them,” Hale said. “They’re getting leadership experience.” There will be three perfor- mances: 2:30 p.m. on Friday, Aug. 20, and 2:30 p.m. and 4:30 p.m. on Saturday, Aug. 21. Shows will be on the outdoor stage. Admission is free.