FROM PAGE ONE A8 • HERMISTONHERALD.COM WEDNESDAY, JULY 7, 2021 Ben Lonergan/Hermiston Herald A fi refi ghter drops a fi rework into a launcher while setting up for the Stanfi eld Independence Day fi reworks show Sunday, July 4, 2021. Ben Lonergan/Hermiston Herald Fireworks: Children and parents on Sunday, July 4, 2021, explore the new Funland Playground during the grand opening of the park in Hermiston. Continued from Page A1 Funland: “You have to ensure they’re well seated so that you get the maxi- mum height out of the fi re- works,” he said. After the fi reworks were loaded, the group ran a piece of tape over the top of each launcher so one can easily see which fi reworks have properly fi red. With an hour or so to go until the show, Whelan gathered the crew of roughly 15 fi refi ghters and began giving directions on where fi re trucks should be stationed to respond to any potential spot fi res. “My favorite show is one that goes off with no one getting hurt,” Whelan said. The fi re trucks dispersed throughout the area, and Whelan gathered a folding chair, hard hat and earplugs from his truck and set up to watch the display. Whelan counted down the minutes until 10 p.m. before Ram- sey hit the button to start the show’s introduction electronically. As the initial volley of shots came to a close, fi refi ghter Eldon Marcum began lighting the next vol- ley of fi reworks by hand. Whelan craned his neck Continued from Page A1 Ben Lonergan/Hermiston Herald Fireworks explode over the football fi eld in Stanfi eld in celebration of Independence Day on July 4, 2021. to look at the fi reworks directly overhead. Roughly 23 minutes later the display came to a close, the fi nal fi re- work igniting a small brush fi re on the hillside above the fi eld. Fire crews quickly doused the fl ames as Whelan and Ramsey celebrated. “It was a success,” said Whelan. “No major fi res, and no one got hurt.” in the completion of the project. While some light- ing, fencing and sod con- struction remains, Fetter said it was “exhilarating” to be able to see children on the playground once again. “I’ve been looking for- ward to this for two years,” he said. “It’s a great day to celebrate.” Also to come is a monu- ment and fence recognizing the project’s donors. In addi- tion to a $752,000 insur- ance payout from the previ- ous playground, the Funland Fundraising Committee, in partnership with the Herm- iston Parks and Recreation Department, set out to raise an additional $810,000 toward the playground’s $1.75 million price tag. The city acknowledged the sup- port of the Rotary, Kiwanis, and Lions clubs as well as others who helped fundraise for the project. The new Funland is the third iteration of the play- ground, originally built in 1996. The fi rst playground burned down in 2001 and its replacement burned down in May 2019 in a suspected case of arson. Due to Funland’s history Ben Lonergan/Hermiston Herald Alex Julian, 11, fl ies out of the end of a slide Sunday, July 4, 2021, at the grand opening of the new Funland playground in Hermiston. with fi res, the city of Herm- iston has said the new struc- ture was built with fi re-resis- tant materials and features surveillance cameras to fur- ther deter vandalism. Greg Collins explored the playground with his daugh- ter during Sunday’s event. Collins, who said he helped with some of the fi nal con- struction of the playground, said the playground was unlike anything he’d seen before. “I think it’s amazing,” he said. “I have never seen a park on this scale.” As a parent, Collins said he felt the park off ered a variety of engaging play areas and said he would have loved to have something similar as a child. He said he thought the park would become a frequent destina- tion for his family and oth- ers in the community. “The other parks in Hermiston,” Collins said, “are going to be feeling a bit empty.” EASTERN OREGON marketplace Place classified ads online at or call 1-800-962-2819 between 8 a.m. and 5 p.m. Monday through Friday. After hours, leave a voicemail and we’ll confirm your ad the next business day. Email us at classifieds@ or fax: 541-278-2680 East Oregonian Deadline is 3 p.m. the day before publication 211 S.E. Byers Ave. 333 E. Main St. We accept: Pendleton, OR 97801 Hermiston, OR 97838 See for classified ads from all over Eastern Oregon EAST OREGONIAN • HERMISTON HERALD • BLUE MOUNTAIN EAGLE • WALLOWA COUNTY CHIEFTAIN MED CAL DIRECTORY ASSISTED LIVING MENTAL HEALTH CONTACT YOUR SALES REP TODAY! Hermiston & surrounding areas Kelly : 541-564-4531 Pendleton & surrounding areas 541-966-0827 ORTHOPEDIC SURGEON “LET US BE THE ONE TO HELP” • Adult, child & family therapy • Psychiatric evaluation & treatment • Mental health & crisis services • Confidential and professional care CRISIS PHONE: 866-343-4473 331 SE 2nd St., Pendleton 541-276-6207 595 NW 11th St., Hermiston 541-567-2536 ORTHOPEDIC SURGEON Now Seeing Patients at 236 E. Newport, Hermiston WWW.LIFEWAYS.ORG PEDIATRIC DENTIST FAMILY MEDICINE/URGENT CARE CALL TODAY! 541-289-5433 1060 W. Elm, Suite #115 Hermiston (across from Good Shepherd Medical Center) Hours: Mon-Fri 8am-4pm MASSAGE THERAPY HERMISTON FAMILY MEDICINE and URGENT CARE Pain Management & Orthopedic Massage 541-567-1137 Phillip Hickey 541-910-0364 LMT 7865