BUSINESS A8 • HERMISTONHERALD.COM WEDNESDAy, JuNE 16, 2021 Lawmakers seek end to supplemental unemployment benefits are coming down and hospitaliza- tions, you know, it’s a time that we need to consider” ending sup- plemental unemployment bene- fits, said Wallowa County Com- missioner Todd Nash. Umatilla County Commis- sioner George Murdock said there’s “no question” that federal unemployment relief was “a great deal” during the pandemic’s ear- lier stages. “At that point, businesses were closed, people were not going to work, and people were laid off,” he said. “That’s changed. They’re now open, they have jobs and people who are worried about COVID have had multiple oppor- tunities to get vaccinated. Our businesses are struggling because so many people don’t want to go back to work.” Employers blame generous federal benefits for their difficulties in filling positions By DAVIS CARBAUGH and BRYCE DOLE EO MEDIA GROuP Eastern Oregon lawmakers are calling for the state to end sup- plemental unemployment bene- fits to help out-of- work Oregonians endure the pan- demic, saying the programs have spurred a work- force shortage Nash that is hurting regional business economies. Commission- ers from 14 East- ern Oregon coun- ties, as well as three state repre- Beverage sentatives and one senator, signed a letter and sent it Monday, June 7, to Gov. Kate Brown’s office, asserting “unem- ployment recip- Hansell ients, especially those receiving additional federal unemployment benefits, are choosing to stay home rather than look for work.” The letter stated the benefits are “creating a labor shortage that is impacting our most vul- nerable communities and will not be sustainable long term.” “There’s a disincentive to work,” said Sen. Bill Hansell, R-Athena, who signed the letter. “You get paid as much, or nearly as much, to not work as you do to work with the federal dollars coming in.” The letter comes as more than two dozen GOP-led states have ended similar benefits due to slow job growth nationwide, a trend some lawmakers have been quick to blame on federal unemployment benefits, though experts also have said child care and the fear of contracting COVID-19 are playing roles. “It’s really hurting the econ- ‘It’s not just poor people’ Ben Lonergan/Hermiston Herald, File A billboard along Interstate 84 near Boardman advertises jobs at the Port of Morrow on Wednesday, May 26, 2021. Some Eastern Oregon lawmakers are asking the state to stop paying supplemental unemployment benefits in an effort to encourage people to work. omy right now,” said Donna Beverage, a Union County com- missioner who signed the letter. “There are some people that need to be on unemployment, certainly if they have to do child- care and that sort of thing. But, it’s really discourag- ing a lot of people from going back to work when they make more money by being on unemployment.” From March 2020 to March 2021, Orego- nians received $5.5 bil- lion in federal stimulus money, according to The Oregonian/OregonLive. In May, payrolls increased nationally by 559,000 workers as the unemployment rate fell below 6% for the first time since the pandemic began. And about 554,000 jobs were added on-average from March through May. At that rate, the labor market will not return to pre-pandemic levels until 2022, according to The New York Times. “THERE’S A DISINCENTIVE TO WORK. YOU GET PAID AS MUCH, OR NEARLY AS MUCH, TO NOT WORK AS YOU DO TO WORK WITH THE FEDERAL DOLLARS COMING IN.” Sen. Bill Hansell, R-Athena Workforce shortages felt across Eastern Oregon For weeks, Eastern Oregon officials have voiced concerns over the workforce shortage. In a letter to Brown “on behalf of Morrow County employers” in late May, Kalie Davis, direc- tor of workforce develop- ment for the Port of Mor- row, listed 25 employers in the county that had more than 200 job openings total. The letter from the law- makers concluded with the exact same language used in Davis’ letter: “The benefit of being unemployed should not outweigh the benefit of working.” The letter comes as COVID-19 cases decline while vaccinations rise state- wide, signaling the pandemic is largely waning. That’s why some officials decided to call for an end to the federal benefits now, even as sev- eral Eastern Oregon coun- ties with disproportionately high infection rates have reported some of the lowest vaccination rates in Oregon. “In a time when vaccination numbers are up, COVID cases Mark Gomolski, the execu- tive director of Agape House, a nonprofit food bank in Hermis- ton, said it was sad that several of the people the organization serves have no incentive to go back to work because they are making more money sitting at home. “I know if I was a parent, how does that look that we’re just wait- ing for a paycheck and not going to work and staying home and watching TV?” he said. “Some people are being productive and doing things around their homes or volunteering. But they should get back to work. Our economy’s hurting.” In May, David Gersten- feld, acting director of the Ore- gon Employment Department, announced Oregonians soon will have to actively search for a job to receive unemployment, as required under federal law before Congress waived the require- ment early in the pandemic when businesses closed to prevent the spread of coronavirus. Those requirements will resume over the next two months, Gerstenfeld said. The state, however, did not specify when workers will need to demonstrate they’re looking for work and did not set a timeline for when it will reinstate the job search requirement.