A2 • HERMISTONHERALD.COM THREE MINUTES WITH … COMMUNITY WEDNESDAY, JUNE 9, 2021 HERMISTON HISTORY Original Funland Playground opens SALLY ANDERSON HANSELL Attorney at Anderson Hansell PC When and why did you move to Hermiston? My family moved to Hermiston when I was about a year old. I went away for college, and returned in 2000 after law school to practice law with my father, George Anderson. Soon after, I met my husband and that’s when I knew I was here to stay. Where is your favorite place to eat in Hermiston? Shiki! Even my two sons love salmon sushi, and my daughter can eat her weight in rice. What do you like to do in your spare time? I like to play with my family, run for fun, read, and share dinners with friends. I make sure to tell my children when I have done something fun, because when my eldest son was in fi rst grade, his “ode to Mommy” for Mother’s Day was mostly about how much I like doing laundry. With three children, I do a lot of laundry! What surprises you about Hermiston? Hermiston’s population has increased considerably, but the number of lawyers has not. When my father, George Anderson, arrived in 1976, there was about the same number of lawyers then as there is now. What was the last book you read? “All You Can Ever Know” by Nicole Chung. The author is of Korean descent and was adopted as an infant and raised in a small Oregon town in the 1980s and ‘90s. It is her memoir of growing up in a largely white community by loving parents, and then fi nding her birth family in her late 20s when she was pregnant with her fi rst child. It is a beautiful book. What website or app do you use most other than Facebook? While I do chores and run by myself, I usually listen to books on tape through the free Libby app. If you could travel anywhere, where would you go? I would love to go to Egypt, see the great pyramids, ride a camel and eat Egyptian food. I don’t think that’s in the cards for a long time, though. Traveling as a family these days is a lot of fun, but it resembles a National Lampoon’s vacation. What is the funniest thing that’s ever hap- pened to you? There are plenty to choose from, so I will relay one that my husband particularly loves: I was once pick- ing wild blackberries and I accidentally got my hair stuck in the blackberry bush. It took me a while to escape, and when I did, there was a giant mess of blackberry vines attached to the top of my head. My dad, laughing the whole time, cut the vines out of my hair. It was opening day of bird hunting sea- son, and I went with my husband (then my fi ancée) to the farm that evening for a barbecue with the 40-50 people who were bird hunting on the farm that day. There was a tradition of giving awards at the end of the day, and I was very surprised when they called my name for an award. My father-in-law, Ty Hansell, and Mike Mehren had fashioned blackberry vines into a crown and, with great pomp and circumstance, they presented it to me as an award. It was hilarious! What is one of your goals for the next 12 months? As one of two new directors of the Hermiston School Board, my goal for the next 12 months is to help our community’s kids receive a safe and quality educa- tion at our schools from exceptional teachers in a positive and caring environment. Correction The June 2 Three Minutes feature misidentifi ed Jeanine Dilley’s job title with Bella Grace Boutique. She is an arti- san with the boutique. Hermiston Herald, File Children rush into the original Funland Playground during its grand opening on June 9, 1996. 25 YEARS AGO June 11, 1996 Under the glow of the sun setting behind the Hermiston Butte, a horde of small children grew restless. “We want in. We want in,” they chanted as the crowd swayed for- ward and back. A narrow opening in the low, wooden fence lay directly ahead of them but their path was blocked by adults and a paper chain. It was nearly 8:30 p.m. on the fi nal day and they had worked for nearly a year to get to this point. Now, they just wanted to play. “There’s so many people we have to thank for this,” Barry Trapp said into a microphone. Some of the children groaned, knowing what would come next would be a long “thank you” session. “But if we thanked them all by name we’d be here until sunup,” Trapp said mercifully. Minutes later, after all of the lead- ers and coordinators had been rec- ognized, co-coordinators Trapp and Kathy Blankenship let open the fl ood gates. In a fl ash of childish glee, the Funland Community Playground offi cially opened to the public. More than 100 children surged past the wooden fence, up the ramp and under the castle gate. They ran, screamed, laughed and stared in amazement at the new toy they and their parents built. the Mayes, have died. The Severns’ dog was taken to a veterinarian who, according to Mrs. Severns, told them the probable cause of death was strychnine. 50 YEARS AGO June 17, 1971 75 YEARS AGO June 13, 1946 Neighbors of turkey grower Don DeMoss, disturbed over the “poison- ing program” he began last week, say they have sought help through offi cial channels with no results. They’re hoping public opinion will infl uence DeMoss to cease and desist his poisoning program, since there appears to be no legal means to prevent it. Mrs. Tom Severns and Mrs. John Mayes, close neighbors of DeMoss, said they were told it was a matter of civil action, and no criminal charge could be made “unless a child is poisoned.” DeMoss reportedly stated last week that dogs had killed over 200 of his turkeys in the two weeks pre- vious on his ranch, 6 miles northeast of Hermiston, and that he had served notice on neighbors that he was plac- ing strychnine-treated hamburger on his property. Since then, one dog, owned by the Severns, and another, belonging to Mrs. Bernard Kendall had a unique surprise early Saturday morning while out in the yard water- ing her fl owers. When she looked up, she found herself gazing into a pair of the roundest, most beautiful little eyes she had ever had the opportu- nity to see. They belonged to a little India monkey which came to make a call. Mrs. Kendall called her daugh- ter, Patty, and about that time the visitor made a fl ying leap to the shoulder of Mrs. Kendall who stood trembling with fear. When she again gained her senses, Mrs. Kendall invited the little caller into the house and she evidently had not had breakfast for she made a fl ying leap onto the table, recently vacated by the Kendalls. She helped her- self to a little bit of everything on the table, including orange juice and oatmeal, but evidently had not heard of the bread shortage for she carefully selected a slice of the pre- Hermiston Herald, File Jody Thompson, 5, swings from pipes at the Thompson dairy farm in 1971. cious loaf, took one taste and threw it on the fl oor. The monkey was eventually returned to owner Robert Keys, who had received the little creature from a soldier cousin serving in India. 100 YEARS AGO June 17, 1921 One of the largest crowds ever inside the ball fi eld in Hermis- ton attended the game last Sunday between Pendleton and Hermiston for the championship of the county. The attendance was estimated at about 600 people. The game was a stem-winder, the most interesting game ever played here, and for a long time it looked like Hermiston would win, or at least had a more than an even break to win, for the score stood 1 to 1 up to the seventh inning, when the visitors annexed two more scores and put the game away on ice, for after that the local boys simply could not hit Wil- liams’ fast ones. The big crowd was universal in its approval of the game, and those attending from Pendleton said they were well repaid for their trip and mentioned the fact that Hermiston gave the Bucks their only really tight game of the season. BY THE WAY Family Aquatic Center kicks off season June 12 The Hermiston Family Aquatic Center will kick off the summer season on Saturday, June 12. The kick-off weekend will feature public swimming from 1:10 p.m. to 6:45 p.m. on June 12-13. The pool will then be closed for staff trainings June 14-18, and the reg- ular season hours will begin June 19. Swim lesson registration opens at noon June 10. For more information visit hermiston.or.us/parksrec/page/ hermiston-family-aquatic-center. • • • Food truck pod to get repairs Hermiston’s food truck pod on the corner of Orchard Avenue and Third Street will temporarily close for con- struction starting July 1. Patrick Hunt, owner of South- ern Twain BBQ, said construction could last six weeks. The pod was started as a pilot program by the city of Hermiston in 2019. Participating food truck owners told the city council that there were other truck owners who were only interested in joining if there were water and sewer hookups provided, similar to an RV park. Construction scheduled for July will add utilities, as well as additional shade and other improvements. In a post on Facebook announcing the closure, Hunt said it has been taking at least a month for people to get food permits from Umatilla County Public Health, so if new food trucks do want to join the pod once it reopens, now would be a good time to submit paperwork. • • • Grant will help update fi re stations Umatilla County Fire District #1 was awarded a $2.7 million grant from the Seismic Rehabilitation Grant Program to rehabilitate the district’s stations in Stanfi eld and on Punkin Center to make them more resilient to earthquakes. The Seismic Rehabilitation Grant Program is an infra- structure grant program administered by Business Ore- gon, with a focus on helping shore up schools and public safety facilities against earthquake damage. • • • Senior meals include beef stroganoff The Harkenrider Senior Activity Center menu for Thursday, June 10, is beef stroganoff , veggie and dessert. The menu for Tuesday, June 15, is taco casserole, fruit and dessert. For a Meals on Wheels delivery in Hermis- ton, call 541-567-3582 before 10 a.m. to place an order. To pick up a meal from the center at 255 N.E. Second St., call the same number before 11 a.m. Meals are $4 and can be picked up between 11:30 a.m. and noon. The Boardman Senior Center now is providing meal delivery. Meals are $4 paid upon delivery. Call 541-481- 3257 to order.