FROM PAGE ONE A8 • HERMISTONHERALD.COM WEDNESDAY, JUNE 2, 2021 Ben Lonergan/Hermiston Herald Hermiston High School graduates pose for a class photo at Kennison Field before the Hermiston High School Honor Walk on Thursday, May 27, 2021. Honor: Continued from Page A1 Roberto Gonzales plans to attend Blue Mountain Community College to study art before eventually transferring somewhere else to complete a bachelor’s degree in fi ne art. He said during the the fi rst semester it was harder to stay motivated and turn in work when his teachers weren’t in the room with him. He got to fi nish the year in person, though, and looks forward to what’s next. “It’s exciting, but I’m very nervous,” he said of Funland: Continued from Page A1 He showed up with other Kiwanis Club members, and said it was exciting to see the playground almost com- plete after the service club had contributed fi nancially to it. Patricia Alder, who sat on the steering commit- tee that helped design the new Funland and fundraise for it, brought her family out to help with the work party. She said she was very pleased with how the play- ground was turning out after all the work the committee put into designing it. “It’s been fun to watch the dream come to fruition,” she said. Her daughter Cosette Alder, 6, was using an over- sized sponge to help her dad clean off part of the exten- sive playground. Cosette said she was sad when the old, wooden version of the playground burned down, but not now that she has seen the new one. She said she was most excited to play on the pirate ship section. “It’s a really nice play- ground,” she said. Ethan Jemmett, 12, and Dallin Smith, 13, were working in the covered wagon and teepee section of the playground after explor- graduating. The Honor Walk was a precursor to graduation, which will take place on Thursday, June 3. Students will gather at 5:30 p.m. in the Purple Gym at Hermiston High School to hear speeches, which will also be lives- treamed on the Hermis- ton School District website and HSD Communications YouTube channel. After the speeches, stu- dents will be brought into the main commons area a few at a time to walk across the stage and receive a diploma, with six guests of their choice in attendance. ing it. Ethan described the playground as “huge,” and said he really liked it. Dallin said his favor- ite parts were a giant spi- der web of ropes for climb- ing, the three big slides and the tunnel to crawl through. He said he used to play tag on the old playground all the time and he is looking forward to playing it on the new one. “There is way more stuff to go on,” he said. The playground features a variety of climbing equip- ment, tunnels, slides and poles, broken up into sec- tions that refl ect diff erent themes. A pirate ship being attacked by a kraken domi- nates one corner, but most of the features were designed to refl ect Hermiston’s history. The structures will be complete almost exactly 25 years after the original Fun- land Playground opened on June 9, 1996. That ini- Hermiston High School graduates take to the streets of Hermiston for the school’s Honor Walk on Thursday, May 27, 2021. Graduation is set for Thursday, June 3. Ben Lonergan/Hermiston Herald tial wooden structure, built to mimic a castle, was the brainchild of Jerry and Kathy Blankenship. Accord- ing to the Hermiston Herald at the time, it took 1,920 vol- unteers about 9,000 hours to build it, using 32,394 feet of lumber and 504 pounds of nails. That structure burned down in a suspected arson in 2001, and was rebuilt in March 2002. That struc- ture burned down in another suspected arson on May 8, 2019. The new playground is made of metal and com- pressed plastic, with a soft rubberized surface under- neath. City offi cials hope moving away from wood will deter another fi re. The playground was also designed to be more open and diffi cult for troublemak- ers to hide in, and will be watched over by a new cam- era system with a live feed. Wishing an amazing girl a birthday as fabulous as you are! May all your wishes come true. We think of you all the time. Love - Grandpa and Grandma Powell Ben Lonergan/Hermiston Herald Volunteers clean play structures at the newly renovated Funland Playground in Hermiston on Thursday, May 27, 2021.