WEDNESDAY, JULY 22, 2020 HERMISTONHERALD.COM • A9 EASTERN OREGON marketplace Place classified ads online at or call 1-800-962-2819 between 8 a.m. and 5 p.m. Monday through Friday. After hours, leave a voicemail and we’ll confirm your ad the next business day. Email us at classifieds@ or fax: 541-278-2680 East Oregonian Deadline is 3 p.m. the day before publication 211 S.E. Byers Ave. 333 E. Main St. We accept: Pendleton, OR 97801 Hermiston, OR 97838 See for classified ads from all over Eastern Oregon EAST OREGONIAN • HERMISTON HERALD • BLUE MOUNTAIN EAGLE • WALLOWA COUNTY CHIEFTAIN 181 Lost & Found LOST! 8’ aluminum ramp, around the corner of Bensel Road and Cooney Lane in Hermiston, on July 7, 2020. $25 reward for return. Please call (541) 571-2981. 354 Auction Sales Auction! Open Consignment Saturday, July 25, 2020; 11:00am, 8:00am start 80824 Kik Lane, Hermiston. Pontoon boat; generator; antiques & miscellaneous glassware; Dock welder, needs lead; tools; furniture, etc. Check FB for pictures. Ford’s Auction. Consignments welcome. 10% buyers premium, credit cards accepted. Ford Bonney, 541- 561-5798, 541-567-5722. 502 Real Estate Ready for your new home? Call Kerry at 541 377 6855 to help you every step of the way. 305 SW Court Ave Pendleton TURN HERE REALTY & TRAVEL Imagination Possibilities-Old church with Great Room high ceilings-Over 6 possible bedrooms-$99 000 Situated in Weston #20596767 TURN HERE REALTY-- -call 541 377 6855 305 SW Court Ave Pendleton TURN HERE REALTY & TRAVEL GET A JOB... check out the employment Classifieds today! How Much is your Home Worth? Call Matt Vogler, The Week- end and After Hours Realtor, for a free Market Analysis. 541.377.9470. More Listings needed to meet current buyer demand! Matt Vogler John J. Howard & Assoc. (541) 377-9470 $159,500 – 3 Bedroom 1 Bath. Residential or Commercial with Large parking lot. Highway 395 Location across from McDon- alds. MLS# 20055665 Blue Jeans Realty. Rocky Mikesell Blue Jeans Realty “Our office is wherever you are” (541-379-8690) $399,999 – 3 Bedroom 2 Bath Log Home on 6.5 Acres. Beautiful Log Home with Spa- cious Upstairs Master Bedroom. 360 Degree View. Spacious open floor plan. Private Setting. MLS# 19681400 Blue Jeans Realty. Rocky Mikesell Blue Jeans Realty “Our office is wherever you are” (541-379-8690) Pending Sale... $139,000 – Meacham. 2 Bed- room 2 Bath MFG Home w/ log siding. Open floor plan. Large .42 Acre park like set- ting. Mature Trees, Seasonal Stream and much more. MLS# 20601420 Blue Jeans Realty. Rocky Mikesell Blue Jeans Realty “Our office is wherever you are” (541-379-8690) You can find your dream home Check out our Real Estate Listings in the Classifieds 502 Real Estate 516 Lots & Acreage 651 Help Wanted 651 Help Wanted Pending Sale... $119,000 – 4 Bedroom 1 Bath home in Sherwood Area. Needs work inside and out but is a functional home as it is. 1800 square feet. Excellent invest- ment home. MLS# 20110567 Blue Jeans Realty. Rocky Mikesell Blue Jeans Realty “Our office is wherever you are” (541-379-8690) Meacham Area. 10-13 Acre Building Sites now starting now at $109,650 including Power & Water. Financing available. Build your Dream! Call for De- tails. Blue Jeans Realty. Rocky Mikesell Blue Jeans Realty “Our office is wherever you are” (541-379-8690) Training and Employment Consortium (TEC) is recruiting for a full time position as a Career Spe- cialist to work in Hermiston, OR. Starting wage is $17.13 per hour and is a full-time benefited position. If se- lected, applicants must pass a criminal and driving record check prior to employment. Application packet can be re- quested by calling (541) 564- 5685 or email to scastro@ Position closes August 14th at 5:00 PM PST. TEC is an equal opportunity employer. Auxiliary aids and services are available upon request to individuals with disabilities. JM Eagle Umatilla, OR the world’s largest plastic pipe company is seeking a: 504 Homes for Sale 525 Commercial Prices are up! Now may be the time to gain some equity and move up to a larger home. Call Matt Vogler for a free Market Analysis. Matt Vogler John J. Howard & Assoc. (541) 377-9470 New Listings available. What is on your WISHLIST? Access to all listings in the area of your choice. Call Kerry at 541 377 6855 for all your Real Estate needs. 305 SW Court Ave Pendleton TURN HERE REALTY & TRAVEL Current MLS listings include several 3 and 4 bedroom, 2 bath homes for sale in popular loca- tions. Call Matt Vogler, “The Weekend and After Hours Re- altor” for addresses and pricing. Matt Vogler John J. Howard & Assoc. 541.377.9470 Invest or Live on main level and rent to finance! Main level home with rentals above and below. Owner will carry finance with acceptable offer. $199 000 Call Kerry 541-377 6855. #19408035 305 SW Court Ave Pendleton TURN HERE REALTY & TRAVEL $159,500 – Commercial Prop- erty. Four rooms plus Entry, full bathroom and kitchen. Large parking lot. Highway 395 Lo- cation across from McDonalds. MLS# 20055665 Blue Jeans Realty. Rocky Mikesell Blue Jeans Realty “Our office is wherever you are” (541-379-8690) 651 Help Wanted JM Eagle Umatilla, OR the world’s largest plastic pipe company is seeking a: Class A CDL Truck Driver for our fast paced shipping Department: Full time hours will vary daily Monday – Friday Must have a current medical card and clean driving record hourly wage DOE excellent benefits paid holidays. Training and Employment Consortium (TEC) is recruiting for a full time position as a WIOA Youth Work Experience Coordina- tor to work in Pendleton, OR. Starting wage is $15.88 per hour and is a full-time ben- efited position. If selected, applicants must pass a crim- inal and driving record check prior to employment. Applica- tion packet can be requested by calling (541) 564-5685 or email to Position closes August 14th at 5:00 PM PST. TEC is an equal opportunity employer. Auxilia- ry aids and services are avail- able upon request to individu- als with disabilities. Apply in person at 31240 Roxbury Rd Umatilla, OR 97882 or send resume to: Looking for a new place to live? The classified ads offer a complete section of homes, apartments, and mobile homes to fit your needs. Check daily for new listings! Call for your classified ad today! 800-962-2819 Something for everyone in the Classifieds How Much is your Home Worth? Call Matt Vogler, The Week- end and After Hours Realtor, for a free Market Analysis. 541.377.9470. More Listings needed to meet current buyer demand! Matt Vogler John J. Howard & Assoc. (541) 377-9470 Pay: * Depending on experience Hours: * 7:00 a.m. to 7:00 p.m. or 7:00 p.m. to 7:00 a.m. JM Eagle Umatilla, OR the world’s largest plastic pipe company is seeking a: Production Line Operator needed for pipe manufacturer. Employer is willing to train, no experience required. This position works in the production area. Great benefit package, medical.401K and retirement Requirements: * 18 years old * Pass drug screen and background check * Work any day of the week including weekends and holidays. Pay: * $15.00 per hour Hours: * 7:00 a.m. to 7:00 p.m. or 7:00 p.m. to 7:00 a.m. Information Technology Manager sought by Community Connection of Northeast Ore- gon, Inc.. The successful can- didate will have a background in IT, and possess strong com- munication and critical thinking skills. This is a hands-on position that will be responsible for all aspects of computer and network management, along with tech support for agency staff members. Salary $5,546 - $7,894 per month depending on experience and qualifications. Full benefit package included. Complete job description and application available on-line at An application and resume are both required, and letters of recommendation are strongly encouraged. All applications/resumes must be returned in person or by mail to Community Connection Admin- istration Office, 2802 Adams Ave. La Grande, Oregon 97850, or by e-mail to All applications/resumes must be complete and received by Community Connection on this date. Closes August 4, 2020 at 5:00pm. EOE. VIEW LOTS – Royal Ridge Subdivision. Beautiful views starting at $30,000. Land / Home Financing available. Cus- tom Home Builders/Developers welcome. Blue Jeans Realty. Rocky Mikesell Blue Jeans Realty “Our office is wherever you are” (541-379-8690) ACREAGE FOR SALE 43± Acres • Columbia County, Washington Hunters and packers dream property east of Dayton, close to Tucannon Road. Great hunting and fishing with power nearby. For details, please contact: Flo Sayre, Broker (509) 539-3161 Neal Goplen, Broker (509) 521-1797 Pasco, Washington Office (509) 544-8944 L-2000396 FARMERS NATIONAL COMPANY We’re YOUR LOCAL NEWS HOTSPOT Full-Time Employment Oregon licensed electri- cians needed! Top pay! Must be willing to travel to Herm- iston. Call now to secure your next job! Hermiston, OR. (503)956-9208 710 Pets & Supplies Purebreed Shih-Tzu puppies 3 brindle females, 2 black males Born May 21st, text or call 541-377-1912 101 Legal Notices Apply in person at 31240 Rox- bury Rd Umatilla, OR 97882 or send resume to: CALL CLASSIFIEDS! 1-800-962-2819 VIEW LOTS – Tutuilla Heights Subdivision. Beautiful view/ Large lots. Land / Home Fi- nancing available. Custom Home Builders/Developers wel- come. Call for more information. Blue Jeans Realty. Rocky Mikesell Blue Jeans Realty “Our office is wherever you are” (541-379-8690) Classifieds Requirements: * 18 years old * Pass drug screen and background check * Work any day of the week including weekends and holidays. Apply in person at 31240 Roxbury Rd Umatilla, OR 97882 or send resume to: 516 Lots & Acreage Sell your car, truck, motorbike, or other vehicle right here in Industrial Maintenance Mechanic, LME preferred. This position works in the production area. Great benefit package, medical, 401K and retirement. 652 Work Wanted The City of Umatilla is recruit- ing for a Street Department Lead. This position requires a high school diploma or GED and a minimum of three years of experience in street mainte- nance or any equivalent com- bination of experience and training which demonstrates the knowledge, skills and abil- ities to perform the essential job duties. The position also requires at least one year of supervisory experience. Must have a valid driver’s license and ability to obtain commer- cial driver’s license, class A with airbrake and tanks endorsement, possession or ability to acquire Oregon pesticide license and have a safe driving record. Salary $52,510-$66,999/yr. DOQ, plus excellent benefits. City is asking applicants to turn in an application and resume. Infor- mation and job description can be found on City of Umatilla’s website www.umatilla-city. org. Complete packets can be mailed to City of Umatilla, Attn: Human Resources, PO Box 130, 700 6th St., Umatilla, OR 97882. Open until filled. EOE/AA. IT’S WORTH IT! GET A CLASS AD! HH-5820 NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the Hermiston Planning Commission will hold a public hearing on the 12th day of Au- gust, 2020, at or after 7:00 pm at the Community Center, 415 S HWY 395, Hermiston, Ore- gon. The purpose of the hear- ing is to consider an amend- ment to Title XV Chapter 157.136 (A) (3) (g) of Hermiston Code of Ordinances to strike the parking standards from the text, allow single-section model manufactured dwell- ings as accessory dwellings and allow an existing dwell- ing with a gross floor area of less than 1,000 square feet be permitted as an accesso- ry dwelling if a multi-section model manufactured dwelling greater than 1,000 square feet is proposed. The applicant is Kelly Nobles. All interested persons are encouraged to attend. Questions, comments or correspondence should be addressed to the Hermiston Planning Department, 180 NE 2nd Street, Hermiston, Ore- gon, 97838. The phone num- ber is (541)567-5521. (Lilly Alarcon-Strong) City Recorder PUBLISH: July 22, 2020 CHILDREN’S outgrown clothing, toys and furniture sell quickly with a classified ad. HH-5819 NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the Hermiston Planning Commission will hold a public hearing on August 12, 2020, at or after 7:00 PM at the Com- munity Center, Hermiston, Or- egon, on the proposed annex- ation to the City of Hermiston, withdrawal from the Umatilla County Library District, and establishing zoning designa- tion of the following described property: approximately 13.8 acre tract located at 1307 SW 3 rd St. The property, owned by Jeffrey Newman, is de- scribed as a 13.8 acre north portion of 4N 28 15 Tax Lot 200 and has a comprehensive plan map designation of Low Density Residential (L). A parcel of land for annex- ation of north portion of Par- cel 3 Partition Plat 1992-08, in the SE 1/4, NE 1/4, Section 15, T4N, R28E, W.M. Umatilla County. Beginning at a point the NW corner of Parcel 3 Partition Plat; thence bearing N 89-58-29 E a distance of 432.80  feet; thence bearing S 67-26-11 E a distance of 436.10  feet; thence bearing S 51-13-47 E a distance of 115.02  feet; thence bearing S 36-10-54 W a distance of 59.06  feet; thence bearing S 28-7-48 W a distance of 487.67  feet; thence bearing S 9-9-31 W a distance of 82.02  feet; thence bearing S 11-16- 36 E a distance of 52.71  feet; thence bearing N 89-57-12 W a distance of 658.35  feet; thence bearing N 0-2-48 E a distance of 849.04  feet to the point of beginning. The above-described land shall be designated as Single Family Residential (R-1) on the City zoning map. The public may appear and be heard on the above stated questions. DATED this 22 day of July 2020. (Lilly Alarcon-Strong) City Recorder Publish: July 22 and 29, 2020 HOMES SELL FAST IN CLASSIFIEDS! East Oregon Real Estate