Hermiston herald. (Hermiston, Or.) 1994-current, June 17, 2020, Page 6, Image 6

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Communicare Club
awards grant to CASA
College Savings Club of
Hermiston High School
awarded a $3,000 grant to
Court Appointed Special
Advocate (CASA), a pro-
gram with Umatilla-Mor-
row County Head Start
that serves children in fos-
ter care.
“Youth helping other
youth triumph in diffi cult
circumstances is always
an inspiration,” Maureen
McGrath, executive direc-
tor at UMCHS, said in a
statement, “and this dona-
tion will help us make sure
we fi nd caring adults for
every child in need.”
According to a news
received from the grant
will go toward training
community volunteers to
become advocates for fos-
ter care children, as well
as allowing the CASA pro-
gram to purchase arts and
crafts supplies for activ-
ities that advocates do
with the children during
their visits.
R o m e ,
CASA pro-
gram man-
ager, said,
“ W h a t
l o v e d
about receiving this grant
for our local CASA pro-
gram was that our local
Hermiston High School
students hand-selected a
few our local nonprofi ts to
receive the Communicare
These students selected
the nonprofi t program and
felt its mission and pur-
pose was deserving of an
award. Currently, there
are close to 300 foster
children in care in Uma-
tilla and Morrow counties,
and the CASA program is
serving 110 foster youths.
Rome adds, “As one can
see by these numbers, we
are always in need of more
community volunteers to
be advocates.”
The mission of Uma-
tilla-Morrow CASA is for
trained volunteers to advo-
cate for safe, permanent,
loving homes for all chil-
dren in foster care in East-
ern Oregon. CASAs are
volunteers whose duties
are to gather informa-
tion from families, social
service agencies, public
safety departments, and
other resources. In order
to have the full picture, a
CASA also makes contact
with the child and fam-
ily and follows progress
though appropriate treat-
ment programs, which
may include anger man-
agement and alcohol/drug
dations as to the child’s
best interests are then pre-
sented to family court.
For information about
the CASA program in
Hermiston, contact Rome
Hermiston CASA coordi-
nator, at 541-667-6091.
Donations to the pro-
gram may be made by
going to UMCHS.org and
clicking on the donate
Hermiston Masons continue
Bikes for Books giveaway
Every year, the Herm-
iston School District part-
ners with the Hermis-
ton Masonic Lodge for
the Bikes for Books Pro-
gram. The Masons donated
a total of 25 bicycles, fi ve
bikes to each elementary
school, in Hermiston, and
students had the opportu-
nity to earn a ticket to be
entered into a drawing for
a bike.
Each quarter, in each
elementary school, if a stu-
dent in grades two through
fi ve met their Acceler-
ated Reader (AR) goal by
reading books, they were
entered into the drawing
to win a bike. At the end of
the 2020 school year, win-
ners were drawn from each
of the grade classes, and
then all the remaining tick-
ets were put together for a
winner of the last bike.
Even with COVID-19
this year, the Masons were
still generous in continu-
ing the program to pro-
vide bikes and helmets to
students during the school
Identity of Hermiston
gunshot victim
A Hermiston man
found dead from a gun-
shot wound at an East
Francolin residence on
June 9, has been identifi ed
as 21-year-old Jesus Eli
Lopez, according a press
release from the Umatilla
County District Attorney’s
offi ce.
row Major Crime Team
is investigating Lopez’s
death as a homicide, the
release stated.
Hermiston police were
initially dispatched to a
residence on the 300 block
of East Francolin Avenue
at approximately 8:16 a.m.
on Tuesday, June 9 for a
report of an unresponsive
male. After arriving, offi -
cers determined the indi-
vidual had been killed by
a gunshot.
“There is little informa-
tion available concerning
the motive or the identity
Good Shepherd Medical
Center, Hermiston
JUNE 5, 2020
Clara Sexton and Rodolfo
Hernandez of Hermiston: a girl,
Lillian Rose Hernandez Sexton.
2150 N. First St., Hermiston
June 9th-14th
Call ahead and use
our Drive thru.
Purchase a face mask
inside for $5-$7
Friday, June 12th 8am-6pm
40 %
of the person(s) respon-
sible for the shooting,”
a press release about the
incident stated.
The release added that
there will be no addi-
tional updates at this time
because the investigation
is ongoing.
Freddy Sotelo of the
Hermiston Police Depart-
ment is the case offi cer
and is being assisted by
the Umatilla County Sher-
iff’s Offi ce, the Stanfi eld
Police Department and the
Oregon State Police. Any-
one with information con-
cerning the incident and
investigation is encour-
aged to contact the Herm-
iston Police Department at
Rohrman named to
Whitworth honor roll
Tyler Rohrman of
Hermiston has achieved
Provost’s Honor Roll sta-
tus for the Spring 2020
semester at Whitworth
University. To be named
to the list, undergradu-
ate students must main-
tain a grade-point average
of 3.75 or better during the
Whitworth is a private,
liberal arts university affi l-
iated with the Presbyterian
church. The university,
which has an enrollment
of more than 3,000 stu-
dents, offers more than 100
undergraduate and gradu-
ate degree programs.
Local students
graduate from
Whitman College
The following student(s)
received their Bachelor of
Arts degrees from Whit-
man College on May 24,
Sofi a
Gispert Tello, econom-
ics; Madilyn Hofbauer,
Sipe, psychology.
Graduates were honored
in a virtual commencement
ceremony this year.
PENDLETON — The following
sentences have been imposed
in Umatilla County courts:
•Bobbi Jo Fleetwood, 28, Uma-
tilla, pleaded guilty to Unautho-
rized Use of Vehicle: sentenced
to 2 years probation, 120
sanction units, 60 maximum jail
units, $500 fi ne, $2,000 fi ne-sus-
pended, 1 year driver’s license
suspension and restitution to be
determined; pleaded guilty to
Disorderly Conduct II: sentence
to discharge.
•Lee Carl Issel, 48, Hermiston,
pleaded guilty to Fleeing or At-
tempt to Elude Police: sentenced
to 18 months probation, 90
sanction units, 30 maximum jail
units, 140 hours community ser-
vice, $500 fi ne, $1,500 fi ne-sus-
pended and 3 months driver’s
license suspension; pleaded
guity to Recklessly Endangering
Another Person: sentenced to
20 days jail, 160 days jail-sus-
pended, 2 years probation, $200
fi ne and $1,800 fi ne-suspended;
pleaded guilty to two counts of
Failure to Perform Duties of Driv-
er-property damage: sentenced
to 20 days jail, 160 days jail-sus-
pended, 2 years probation, $100
fi ne, $1,900 fi ne-suspended and
3 months driver’s license suspen-
sion for each count.
•Larry Lee White, 61, Umatilla,
pleaded guilty to Theft I: sen-
tenced to 18 months probation,
90 sanction units, 30 maximum
jail units, 80 hours communi-
ty service, $500 fi ne, $2,000
fi ne-suspended and restitution
to be determined.
•Guadalupe Rodriguez Valera, 35,
Umatilla, pleaded guilty to Pos-
session of Methamphetamine:
sentenced to 180 days jail-sus-
pended, 18 months probation,
90 sanction units, 30 maximum
jail units, 80 hours community
service, $250 fi ne, $750 fi ne-sus-
pended and restitution to be de-
termined; pleaded guilty to two
counts of Theft II and two counts
of Giving False Information to
Peace Offi cer in Connection with
a Citation/Warrant: sentenced to
$100 fi ne for each count.
•Mitchell Ryan Freeman, 31,
Umatilla, pleaded guilty to DUII:
sentenced to 2 days jail, 178
days jail-suspended, 3 years
probation, 90 sanction units, 30
maximum jail units, 160 hours
community service, $2,000
fi ne and 3 years driver’s license
suspension, plus court costs and
fees; pleaded guilty to Driving
While Suspended/Revoked,
Failure to Perform Duties of
Driver-property damage and
Reckless Driving: sentences to
•Jesse Jay Focht, 27, Hermiston,
pleaded guilty to Felon in Pos-
session of Restricted Weapon:
sentenced to 180 days jail and
$250 fi ne; pleaded guilty to
Failure to Appear II: sentence to
•Santos Domingo Garcia, 22,
Hermiston, pleaded guilty to
Driving While Suspended/Re-
voked: sentenced to $1,000 fi ne.
PENDLETON — The following
suits have been fi led in Uma-
tilla County courts (interest,
court costs and fees not listed):
•Frances Hall vs. Family Health
Associates, Hermiston Medical
Due to COVID-19 Restrictions the
has changed to be a
Center P.C., Jessica Oltman and
Shara Salverda: seeks $210,000.
•Midland Credit Management
Inc. vs. Monica Guevara: seeks
•LVNV Funding LLC vs. Donna L.
White: seeks $6,081.66.
•Jose de Jesus Hernandez of
Hermiston vs. Charlotte Baker of
Hermiston: seeks $9,797.
•NW RBI Inc. vs. Lloyd Parker of
Umatilla: seeks $3,928.07.
•Midland Funding LLC vs. Pamela
Hawley: seeks $7,113.02.
•Midland Funding LLC vs. Yesica
Valencia: seeks $806.72.
•Shannon Michael of Hermis-
ton vs. Metro Mart Inc.: seeks
PENDLETON — The follow-
ing judgments have been
rendered in Umatilla County
courts (interest, court costs
and fees not listed):
•Credits Inc. vs. Dauna Newman
of Hermiston: judgment for
•Credits Inc. vs. Rebecca A.
Farrens of Hermiston: judgment
for $3,444.23.
•Credits Inc. vs. Justin C. and Sta-
cy Bulkley of Irrigon: judgment
for $1,358.33.
•Quick Collect Inc. vs. Blanca Isela
Avila of Hermiston: judgment for
•Credits Inc. vs. Blake and
Michaela Criscola of Stanfi eld:
judgment for $6,539.19.
•Credits Inc. vs. Bobby and Taelor
Key of Hermiston: judgment for
PENDLETON — Divorce de-
crees were signed in Umatilla
County Courts for:
Dustin Rogers and Chelsea
Rogers of Hermiston; Joseph J.
Delorme and Stephanie Lorraine
Delorme of Hermiston.
PENDLETON — Marriage
licenses have been registered
in Umatilla County for:
Daniela Mendoza Ugarte, 20,
and Anthony James Ibarra, 19,
both of Hermiston.
April Lynn Dawson, 49, and Dan-
iel Ivan Martindale Jr., 72, both of
Dawn Marie Hendricks, 39, and
Russell Wayne Harris, 38, both of
Plymouth, Wash.
Renee Louise Garcia, 59, and
Gary Lee Elligsen, 71, both of
Elizabeth Ramirez Navarrete, 20,
and Billy Lee Stuart, 34, both of
Bethany Fern Slayter, 24, and
Angel Villanueva Tolentino, 27,
both of Hermiston.
Adventist Church
Sabbath School........9:30 a.m.
Worship Service......11:00 a.m.
English & Spanish Services
Hermiston Jr. Academy
1300 NW Academy Lane, • Hermiston
Our Lady of Angels
Catholic Church
DAILY MASS: Monday-Friday
...............................English 7:00 am
Thursday...............Spanish 6:00 pm
SATURDAY:.........English 5:00 pm
...............................Spanish 7:00 pm
SUNDAY:..............English 9:00 am
..........................Bilingual 11:00 am
..............................Spanish 1:00 pm
St. Johns
Episcopal Church
Join Us
On Our Journey
With Jesus.
Scripture, Tradition and Reason
Family service 9am Sunday
N.E. Gladys Ave & 7th, Hermiston
t. PH: 567-6672
We are an all inclusive Church
who welcomes all.
First Christian Church
“Proclaiming the Message of
Hope, Living the Gospel of Love”
Sunday School...9:15 am
Worship Service...10:30 am
Children’s Church 10:45 am
775 W. Highland Ave., Hermiston
Worship Service 10:30 AM
Sunday School 9:00 AM
Pastor J.C. Barnett
Children’s Church &
Nursery Available
700 West Orchard Avenue
P.O. Box 933
Hermiston, Oregon
125 E. Beech Ave. • 567-3232
Pastor David Dever
Sun. Bible Classes...................10:00am
Sun. Worship Service..............11:00am
Sun. Evening Worship..............6:00pm
Wed. Prayer & Bible Study......6:00pm
Sign up to participate in a 5k/10k
walk/run that you do between
June 19th to Sunday June 21st
Information on how to do a virtual
race and registration can be found at
All proceeds benefit
the Hermiston
Cross Country
Thank you
for your
All Wind Spinners
and Clothing
20 %
• Bulk Yogurt Raisins
• Cayenne,Ginger,Boron
(natural blood thinners)
Please maintain 6 feet social
distancing while in the store.
$1 off Take & Bake Pizzas
To share your
worship times call