Hermiston herald. (Hermiston, Or.) 1994-current, June 03, 2020, Page 5, Image 5

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Wednesday, June 3, 2020
10:31 a.m. — A hit-and-run was reported on East Reeder Drive.
1:18 p.m. — A hit-and-run was reported on Highway 395.
1:53 p.m. — A disturbance was reported on Northwest 11th
3:10 p.m. — A toddler was found running around unsupervised
on East Browning Avenue.
3:14 a.m. — A domestic disturbance was reported on West
Eskimo Avenue.
6:52 a.m. — A disturbance was reported on West Ridgeway
11:02 a.m. — A disturbance was reported on Southwest 12th
2:46 p.m. — A disturbance was reported on East Newport
5:34 p.m. — A man was reportedly throwing things and refus-
ing to leave on Southwest 11th Street.
6:14 p.m. — A domestic disturbance was reported on Northeast
Fourth Street.
6:17 p.m. — Police completed a death investigation on East
Beech Avenue.
Saturday evening — Dispatchers took dozens of calls for trees
falling across roads, on vehicles, on buildings and on power
1:10 a.m. — A disturbance was reported on Seventh Place and
Orchard Avenue.
8:49 a.m. — A bicycle versus vehicle crash was reported on
Orchard Avenue.
2:05 p.m. — A hit-and-run was reported on North First Street.
4:04 p.m. — A hit-and-run was reported on North First Street.
4:44 p.m. — A motor vehicle accident was reported on South
Highway 395.
6:09 p.m. — A disturbance was reported on North First Street.
11:44 a.m. — A report of child abuse or neglect was taken on
Prickly Pear Drive.
8:06 p.m. — A hit-and-run was reported on West Madrona
11:51 p.m. — A drunken driver was reported on West Elm Ave-
nue, but police were unable to locate the vehicle.
4:51 a.m. — A domestic disturbance was reported on East
Cherry Avenue.
9:17 a.m. — A vehicle theft was reported on North First Street.
12:10 p.m. — A motor vehicle accident was reported on West
Harper Road.
3:07 p.m. — A caller reported a man in face makeup and a Pika-
chu hat was standing outside a building trying to get people to
look up his music videos on YouTube, and they wanted to know
if that was legal.
5:31 p.m. — An assault was reported involving a man with a
possible broken leg near the Oxbow Trail.
Velma Jean ‘VJ’ McClannahan
1:11 a.m. — A vehicle theft was reported on Southeast Fourth
8:59 a.m. — A fight was reported on Southwest Sage Drive.
10:43 a.m. — A man was reportedly causing a disturbance on
West Hermiston Avenue.
1:45 p.m. — A two-vehicle, noninjury motor vehicle accident
was reported on West Elm Avenue.
1:51 p.m. — A noninjury motor vehicle accident was reported
on West Harper Road.
5:51 p.m. — A caller advised that the man involved in a distur-
bance earlier in the day was still angry and allegedly driving
around intoxicated and with a knife, possibly looking for
another fight.
7:32 p.m. — Child endangerment was reported on Vincent Lane
and Diagonal Boulevard.
8:17 a.m. — A caller advised they were receiving death threats
over the peaceful protest they were planning for Highway 395
and Elm Avenue later in the day.
4:48 p.m. — A drunken driver was reported on North First
PENDLETON — The fol-
lowing sentences have
been imposed in Umatilla
County courts:
•Jose Manuel Garcia, 26,
Stanfield, pleaded guilty to
Unauthorized Use of Vehicle:
sentenced to 3 years pro-
bation, 180 sanction units,
90 maximum jail units and
$2,286 restitution; pleaded
guilty to Fleeing or Attempt
To Elude Police Officer:
sentenced to 90 days driver’s
license suspension and res-
titution to be determined;
pleaded guilty to Criminal
Mischief I: sentenced to 1
year driver’s license suspen-
sion and restitution to be
determined; pleaded guilty
to two counts of Criminal
Mischief II: sentenced to 3
years probation and resti-
tution to be determined for
each count; pleaded guilty
to two counts of Failure to
Perform Duties of Driv-
er-property damage: sen-
tenced to 3 years probation
for each count and resti-
tution to be determined;
pleaded guilty to Theft II:
sentenced to restitution to
be determined.
•Juan Martin Lopez, 26,
Hermiston, pleaded guilty
to two counts of Possession
of Forged Instrument I: sen-
tenced to 18 months proba-
tion, 90 sanction units, 30
maximum jail units and $200
fine for each count; pleaded
guilty to DUII: sentenced to
30 days jail, $2,000 fine and
1 year driver’s license sus-
pension; pleaded guilty to
a second count of DUII: sen-
tenced to 60 days jail, $2,000
fine and 3 years driver’s
license suspension; pleaded
guilty to Failure to Perform
Duties of Driver-property
damage: sentenced to 60
days jail, $100 fine and
90 days driver’s license
suspension, plus restitution
to be determined; pleaded
guilty to a second count of
Failure to Perform Duties
of Driver-property damage:
sentenced to 60 days jail,
$100 fine and 1 year driver’s
license suspension.
•Daniel Allen Owen, 47,
Umatilla, pleaded guilty to
Sexual Abuse II: sentenced
to 5 years probation, 180
sanction units, 90 maxi-
mum jail units, 100 hours
community service-sus-
pended, $200 fine and
$4,800 fine-suspended, plus
restitution to be deter-
mined; pleaded guilty to
Burglary I: sentenced to 3
years probation, 180 sanc-
tion units, 90 maximum jail
units, 100 hours community
service-suspended, $200
fine and $4,800 fine-sus-
pended, plus restitution to
be determined.
•Colton Duane Dyer, 31,
pleaded guilty to Fleeing or
Attempting to Elude Police:
sentenced to 18 months
probation, 90 sanction units
and 30 maximum jail units;
pleaded guilty to Giving
False Information to Police,
Reckless Driving, Theft II and
three counts of Possession
of Methamphetamine: sen-
tences to discharge.
•Christian Ryan Perkins, 21,
Stanfield, pleaded guilty to
Unauthorized Use of Vehicle:
sentenced to 18 months
probation; pleaded guilty to
DUII: sentenced to 15 days
jail; pleaded guilty to Theft
II and Possession of Meth-
amphetamine: sentences to
•Marcus Thomas Rhorer, 40,
Hermiston, pleaded guilty
to Theft II: sentenced to 180
days jail-suspended, 5 years
probation, $100 fine and
$1,650 fine-suspended, plus
restitution to be deter-
PENDLETON — The follow-
ing suits have been filed
in Umatilla County courts
(interest, court costs and
fees not listed):
•Cavalry SPV I LLC vs. Chablis
A. Licurse of Hermiston:
seeks $1,689.83.
•Richard D. Stubbs vs. Black
Bear Construction LLC, Black
Bear Custom Homes LLC and
Ronald A. Methvin: seeks
$5.6 million.
PENDLETON — The follow-
ing judgments have been
rendered in Umatilla Coun-
ty courts (interest, court
costs and fees not listed):
•Midland Credit Manage-
ment Inc. vs. Suzanne Fan-
ning of Stanfield: judgment
for $1,169.19.
•Capital One Bank vs. Lecia L.
Calhoun of Stanfield: judg-
ment for $3,131.51.
decrees were signed in
Umatilla County Courts
Carmen M. Markel of Herm-
iston and Gregory A. Markel
of Umatilla; Steven Dario
Quiriconi of Hermiston and
Michelle Kayden Quiriconi of
Boardman; Liza Renee Men-
denhall and Joshua Michael
Mendenhall of Hermiston;
Shelby Lin Kornegay of
Stanfield and Laurie Dawn
Merrell of Irrigon.
PENDLETON — Marriage
licenses have been regis-
tered in Umatilla County
Fernando Ramirez Prado, 27,
and Greysi Ivannel Trujillo
Soto, 27, both of Irrigon.
Ariel Danielle Schock, 27,
and AnthonyJoseph Estrada,
29, both of Hermiston.
Hermiston Education
Foundation awards
The Hermiston Educa-
tion Foundation recently
awarded eight $2,500
scholarships to gradu-
ating Hermiston High
School students. Schol-
arship recipients were
selected based upon aca-
demic achievement, lead-
ership and service activ-
ities within their school
and community, and finan-
cial need.
Students receiving the
honor were Maria Ala-
torre Ledezma, Kennidy
Baker, Kamryn Cooke,
Josie Goodrich, Bethany
Schaefer, Emily Wadkins,
Ericka Wells and Sally
The mission of the
Foundation is to encour-
age lifelong academic,
artistic and cultural learn-
opportunities for the stu-
dents and educators of the
Hermiston School District
through community sup-
port. The HEF’s objective
is to empower students to
explore all academic areas
as well as the arts. The
Foundation grants fund-
ing that will provide stu-
dents with the tools and
knowledge to build new
ideas and excitement for
Good Shepherd Medical Center, Hermiston
MAY 22, 2020
CARRILLO PABLO — Martha Pablo Lorenzo and Hector Carrillo
Calmo of Hermiston: a girl, Yarely Carrillo Pablo.
MAY 23, 2020
RANDALL — Shainah M. Randall and Shane J. Randall of Herm-
iston: a boy, Spencer Sean Lucas Randall.
January 8, 1925 — May 18, 2020
Velma Jean “VJ” Bow- Directors and subsequently
man was born in Central on the Good Shepherd Com-
Point, Oregon, on January 8, munity Hospital Board for a
1925, to Leonard and Hazel combined 38 years. Over the
Mae Bowman or Merrill, years VJ enjoyed many walks
on the McNary
Wildlife Nature
Area trails.
school in Mer-
rill and then Hen-
ley High School
relaxed by cro-
in Klamath Falls,
“Happy Butter-
flies,” which she
While in high
donated to Good
school, she par-
ticipated in Home
Shepherd Com-
munity Hospital to
Economics Club,
be used to brighten
Camp Fire Girls,
adults’ and chil-
Pep Club and
dren’s days.
played basketball
Velma and Mac were
for Henley High School Girls
team. She also developed an together for over 70 years
interest in microbiology and before Mac’s death in 2016.
planned to pursue her college VJ continued to live in the
degree in that field. However, family home in Umatilla until
Velma met William Martin her death May 18, 2020, at
“Mac” McClannahan while the age of 95. She is so very
he was stationed at Camp missed by her two surviv-
Tulelake and they married in ing children, five surviving
Klamath Falls June 28, 1945. grandchildren and eight sur-
VJ and Mac’s first home viving great-grandchildren.
Velma Jean McClannahan
was in Merrill where they
began farming and welcom- is survived by daughter Kath-
ing their children Katherine erine Sue “Kathie” McClan-
Sue and Mitchell Leonard. nahan and son Mitchell
The family relocated to Bur- Leonard “Mitch” McClan-
bank, Washington, in 1950 nahan; grandchildren Kim-
after receiving a 160-acre berly L. Townsend, Seth T.
land grant to expand their Barrett, Benjamin H. Barrett,
farming and provide a home. Mitchell E. McClannahan
In time, VJ and Mac began and Patrick S. McClannahan;
adding farm land in Uma- and great-grandchildren Bai-
tilla, Oregon, to where they ley, Adrien, Garrett, Chase,
eventually moved in 1966. Madison, Tansy, Lucy and
In addition to farming they Weston. Velma was pre-
operated Dunn and McClan- ceded in death by her father
nahan Farms, Oregon Potato Leonard, mother Hazel, sis-
Fresh Pack, Selectric Inc. and ter Mary Jane, sister Louise,
Oregon Dehydration Inc. in grandson William and hus-
band William.
There will be no services
Along with her other
duties Velma operated the held at this time.
Please share memories of
Umatilla Theater and then
built and operated Hermis- VJ with her family at burns-
ton Cinema for many years. mortuaryhermiston.com
While living in Umatilla, VJ
Burns Mortuary of Herm-
served on the Umatilla Com- iston, Oregon, is in care of
munity Hospital Board of arrangements.
Marlin Joseph ‘Joe’ Marshall
April 7, 1932 — May 24, 2020
Marlin Joseph “Joe” Mar-
He is survived by his wife
shall was born on April 7, Donna Marshall, Hermiston,
1932, in Smyrna, New York, Oregon; son David Marshall,
to parents Walter and Alice Spokane, Washington; daugh-
Holcomb Marshall. He died ter Toni Addington, Herm-
on May 24, 2020,
brother Richard
at his home in
Marshall, Tacoma,
Hermiston, Ore-
gon, at the age of
Washington; sis-
ter Beverly Tooley,
88 years.
New York; and
Joe was raised
numerous stepchil-
dren, grandchil-
schools in New
dren, great-grand-
York. He joined
children, nieces
the United States
and nephews.
Air Force, serv-
ing during Korea
Joe was pre-
ceded in death
and Vietnam. Joe
by his parents
retired as a master
and a son, Walt
sergeant with over
26 years of ser-
vice in 1973. He
service with mil-
worked as a truck
itary honors will
driver for several
be held on Satur-
years before set-
tling in Hermiston
day, June 6, 2020,
in 1997. Joe mar-
at 11 a.m. at the
ried Donna Rob-
Hermiston Cem-
ertson Nichols on
etery, Hermiston,
February 2, 2002,
Those who wish
may make con-
tributions in Joe’s
He was a life
memory to Vange
member of the
Hermiston VFW Post as well John Memorial Hospice at
as a member of the American 645 W. Orchard Ave. Suite
Legion and former longtime 300, Hermiston, OR 97838.
Please share memories of
member of the Hermiston
Eagles and Elks lodges. He Joe with his family at burns-
enjoyed riding his motorcycle, mortuaryhermiston.com.
Burns Mortuary of Herm-
visiting with people and loved
his wife Donna and spending iston, Oregon, is in care of
time together in their home.
Phillip B. ‘Phil’ Arterburn
Nov. 6, 1953 — May 23, 2020
Phillip B. “Phil” Arterburn, 66, of Hermiston, died Satur-
day, May 23, 2020, at his home. He was born Nov. 6, 1953,
in Grand Island, Nebraska. At his request, no services will
be held. Burns Mortuary of Hermiston is in care of arrange-
ments. Share memories with the family at www.burnsmortu-
Steven Lester Prock
Sept. 22, 1957 — May 25, 2020
Steven Lester Prock, 62, of Hermiston, died Monday,
May 25, 2020, at his home. He was born Sept. 22, 1957,
in Kingman, Arizona. Arrangements are pending with Burns
Mortuary of Hermiston. Share memories with the family at