COMMUNITY A4 • HERMISTONHERALD.COM Downtown district plows in with new festival Farm to Junk features family fun By TAMMY MALGESINI COMMUNITY EDITOR The Hermiston Down- town District is preparing to roll out another new festival with Farm to Junk. Billed as “Fun for the Whole Family!,” the event is Saturday, Sept. 21 from 9 a.m. to 3 p.m. in down- town Hermiston. With the creation of the festi- val street area, the local merchants have seized the opportunity to increase traf- fic in the downtown area by hosting a summer festival series. There is no admis- sion charge. “It will focus on vintage, old and repurposed stuff. It’s going to be a lot of fun,” said Judy Pederson, Herm- HH file photo Vendor booths line the street during Spudfest. iston Downtown District president. In addition to vintage and craft vendors, food will be available for pur- chase. Also, there will be a vintage tractor display, an FFA live animal show- case and live music featur- ing Chace Sherrill of Lex- ington, Texas. Also, people are urged to get their “act together” — prize money is up for grabs during a talent show. All ages and all types of fam- ily-friendly talent are wel- come to enter. Those planning to partic- ipate in the talent show are encouraged to register in advance, said Brandi How- ard, downtown district vice president. There is no fee to sign-up, which can be done at Lucky Endz Gifts, 239 E. Main St. First place will receive $100, second gets $75 and third, $50. And it’s not too late to register as a vendor. The fee for a 12-foot-by-10-foot space is $40. For an appli- cation or more information, stop by Lucky Endz. And don’t fret, while the summer season is wind- ing down, Harvest Fest is on the horizon. The Oct. 5 event will highlight Herm- iston’s bounty with local products, vendors, enter- tainment, games and food booths. For more information or to inquire about vol- unteer opportunities, visit istondowntown or call 541-667-5026. Hermiston resident wrangles in bluegrass shows EOCenes to perform Sept. 12-13 By TAMMY MALGESINI COMMUNITY EDITOR Ron Emmons of Herm- iston is rounding up sev- eral of his old college bud- dies for a pair of upcoming bluegrass concerts. What has become a Pendleton Round-Up week tradition, EOCenes will perform Thursday and Fri- day at 7 p.m. at Pendleton Center for the Arts, 214 N. Main St. The doors open at 6:30 p.m. In addition to Emmons, EOCenes features Hugh McClellan, Duane Boyer and Hal Spence. Also, Alan Feves will join the group on bass and National Old- time Fiddle champion Dan Emert on fiddle. Emmons and Boyer met during freshman orienta- tion week at what was then known as Eastern Oregon College. They hooked up with Spence and McClel- lan through their involve- ment in the EOC Ambas- sadors, a musical touring group that played through- out the region. Roberta Lavadour, arts center executive direc- tor, said each of the men went on to have great musi- cal success. Over the past five decades, members of EOCenes have performed with a variety of groups and ensembles. Emmons, frontman for the bluegrass group Cab- bage Hill, has played man- dolin and sung lead tenor and baritone with the Blue Mountain Crested Wheat- grass Boys, the Muddy Bot- tom Boys, Blue Heat and The Thatchmasters. Boyer, who now hails from Haines, plays banjo and guitar, and sings lead, tenor and baritone. After graduating with a degree in music education, he taught banjo and guitar at his alma mater. McClellan resides in Oregon City and plays rhythm guitar, harmon- ica and is known for his low, lonesome bass voice. He’s also fronted a coun- try-swing band and sang in a gospel quartet. Spence of Dallas, Ore- gon, played guitar and sang tenor for 27 years with The Sawtooth Mountain Boys. Known across the nation, they released several albums and toured Europe. Tickets are $12 each and are available at www. or by calling 541-278-9201. Advance ticket purchases are recommended. WEDNESDAy, SEpTEMbER 11, 2019 American Legion float features strong image A reenactment of the iconic image of United States Marines raising the flag on Iwo Jima during World War II garnered the sweep- stakes award — deemed the best overall entry — during the Umatilla County Fair parade. Presented by Herm- iston American Legion Post 37, the group also won the float division. A total of 120 parade entries lined the streets during the Aug. 3 event. Other entries recognized by judges included Hermis- ton Drug & Gift (fair theme, ”Strong Roots & Cowboy Boots!”), Hermiston March- ing Band (band & music), Gem Cheer Royals (dance), The Glory Rides of Oregon (equestrian), D&R Tow- ing (motorized), Hermis- ton District 3 11-U Base- ball Champions (non-float) and Columbia County Fair (royalty). For those who hav- en’t received their ribbons/ plaques, they can be picked photo contributed by Lukes photos Hermiston American Legion Post 37 reenacted the iconic image of the raising of the flag on Iwo Jima on its float during the Umatilla County Fair parade. up at the fair office, located at Eastern Oregon Trade and Event Center, 1705 E. Airport Road, Herm- iston. It’s open Monday through Friday from 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. For questions, call 541-567-6121. WORSHIP COMMUNITY photo contributed by pendleton Center for the Arts EOCenes returns for a pair of Round-Up week performances at Pendleton Center for the Arts. Advance tickets are highly recommended. LET US MEAT YOUR NEEDS PORK BOX $ 50 BOX INCLUDES: • 4 Pork Chops • 2 Pork Steak • 1 Pork Roast • 3 Pkgs Pork Sausage • 2 Pkgs Bacon • 2 Ham Steaks All individually packaged for your convenience. First Christian Church “Proclaiming the Message of Hope, Living the Gospel of Love” Sunday School 9:15am Worship Service 10:30am 567-3013 775 W. Highland Ave., Hermiston The Full Gospel Home Church 541.567.2011 253 W. Hermiston Ave. • Hermiston 1520 W ORCHARD AVE Sunday Worship Service 10:30 am Classes for Kids @ 9:15 am SEEKING JESUS, SHARING LIFE, SERVING PEOPLE Our Lady of Angels Catholic Church 565 W. HERMISTON AVE. Seventh-day Adventist Church DAILY MASS: Monday-Friday ...............................English 7:00 am Thursday...............Spanish 6:00 pm SATURDAY:.........English 5:00 pm ...............................Spanish 7:00 pm SUNDAY:..............English 9:00 am ..........................Bilingual 11:00 am ..............................Spanish 1:00 pm Offi ce..............................567-5812 Saturdays Sabbath School........9:30 a.m. Worship Service......11:00 a.m. English & Spanish Services 567-8241 Hermiston Jr. Academy 1300 NW Academy Lane, • Hermiston NEW BEGINNINGS CHRISTIAN FELLOWSHIP Worship Service 10:30 AM Sunday School 9:00 AM Pastor J.C. Barnett Children’s Church & Nursery Available 700 West Orchard Avenue P.O. Box 933 Hermiston, Oregon 541-567-8441 St. Johns Episcopal Church YOU WORK HARD ENOUGH. MAKE YOUR PLACE WORK HARDER FOR YOU. 235 SW 3rd Phone 567-7678 Rev. Ed Baker - Rev. Nina Baker Sunday: Sunday School........10:00 am Worship...................11:00 am Evening Service........7:00 pm Wednesday Service..7:00 pm “Casting all your care upon him; for he careth for you.” 1 Pet. 5:7 Join Us On Our Journey With Jesus. Scripture, Tradition and Reason Family service 9am Sunday N.E. Gladys Ave & 7th, Hermiston t. PH: 567-6672 We are an all inclusive Church who welcomes all. First United Methodist Church Hermiston 191 E. Gladys Ave , Hermiston OR Sunday Worship 11am • 541-567-3002 Nursery available Check us out on Face Book Worship Livestream at Open Hearts, Open Minds, Open Doors Pastor Patty Nance LANDMARK BAPTIST CHURCH 125 E. Beech Ave. • 567-3232 Pastor David Dever Sun. Bible Classes...................10:00am Sun. Worship Service..............11:00am Sun. Evening Worship..............6:00pm Wed. Prayer & Bible Study......6:00pm You’ve been chipping away at the to-do list and the place is looking great. But what about the things you can’t see—like energy being wasted? No worries. Energy Trust of Oregon has you covered with low-cost and DIY solutions to save energy and money. + Get more from your energy. Call us at 1.866.368.7878 or visit Serving customers of Portland General Electric, Pacific Power, NW Natural, Cascade Natural Gas and Avista. To share your worship times call 541-278-2678