Hermiston herald. (Hermiston, Or.) 1994-current, July 31, 2019, Page 8, Image 8

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Two years ago, the
Farm-City Pro Rodeo
debuted in an all new
arena in an
all new location.
This year, they’re focusing on the new improvements to the Th ursday marks Youth and Ag Although Farm-City is stick-
arena this year, there are Night — a regular Farm-City ing with its newly-acquired
little things.
plenty of new activities to tradition. FFA chapters fl ock grounds, a small change is
keep rodeo-goers busy, Boy- from around the area to com-
pete in calf dressing competi-
lan said.
On the evening of Wednes-
day, August 7, the rodeo will Friday has been dubbed La-
host a Family Night. Children dies’ Night. An hour-long
will receive back numbers to wine tasting event will pre-
wear about the arena, just like cede the main rodeo competi-
the real cowboys and cow- tion. Wines from local winer-
girls they came to watch. Face ies will be served throughout
While there aren’t too many painting will also be available the evening.
throughout the day.
Boylan pointed out that Sat-
urday night will act as the
“fl ip-side” of Ladies’ Night.
“Th is year, we’re putting more
eff ort into our game nights
and other nightly events,”
said Mitch Boylan, who is in
charge of the Farm-City fi -
nances and ticket sales. “We’re
putting more of an empha-
sis on the kids and making
things more family-oriented.”
still coming to the fl oor on
which many boots will tread.
Construction on a permanent
concrete dance fl oor is cur-
rently underway at the Chute
Eight club. Th e new fl ooring
is in preparation for the ar-
rival of Dan Burns Produc-
tions, who will curate music
for Chute Eight’s nightly af-
ter party. Th e festivities start
right aft er the fi nal bull has
bucked, and lasts until mid-
To cap off the rodeo, a craft “(Th e Chute Eight area) is
brew tasting will take place also open during the rodeo,”
before the main event.
Boylan said, “but most peo-
“Th e fi rst year was in the un- ple are in there aft er the main
known,” Boylan said. “Th is events are over.”
year, we have a bigger foot-
print, obviously. We’re going Th e Farm-City crew is also
to be utilizing that space to hard at work installing per-
have a better fan experience.” manent bars for Chute Eight
patrons to attend.
8 | Farm-City Pro Rodeo 2019
East Oregonian/Hermiston Herald