Hermiston herald. (Hermiston, Or.) 1994-current, July 31, 2019, Page 6, Image 6

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Bullfi ghters lay it on
the line for bull riders
Tim O’Connell is the differ- “I had an uncle (Craig O’Con-
ence between a horn to the nell) who was a bullfi ghter,
backside or a hoof in the back. and growing up, that’s all
I wanted to do,” he said. “I
The California bullfi ghter
put most of my attention into
has been putting himself be-
sports when I was young, but
tween bulls and cowboys for
when I was 16 or 17, I real-
the past 17 years, and will
ized I wasn’t going to go pro.”
make his sixth appearance at
the upcoming Farm-City Pro O’Connell’s uncle worked
with him, and at 16, he started
working junior rodeos. It
“I like it there,” O’Connell
wasn’t long before he moved
said. “David Bothum and the
committee are really good to
work with.”
“A lot of guys had to learn the
hard way and pay for some-
bullfi ghters,
one to teach them,” O’Con- Photo credit: courtesy of Tim O’Connell
O’Connell got in the game at
nell said. “I had it in my own
an early age.
O’Connell, 37, earned his Dodge City Roundup Rodeo
back yard.”
PRCA card in 2002, and before heading to Hermiston.
worked mainly in California
“I’ve been out eight months,
until 2007.
and that has been tough,”
“I got Reno in 2007 and it Jestes said. “I’ve been going
picked up pretty quick,” through rehab, and got cleared
O’Connell said of his work- to play golf in April. That has
load. “I don’t think I will helped keep me sane.”
get in 30 years like Rowdy
(Barry), but I have a few good Jestes headed to Colorado
two weeks ago to work on his
years left in me.”
footwork and timing.
O’Connell will work with
Nate Jestes of Douglas, Wyo., “I’m going to step around
at the FCPR.
some young bulls,” he said.
“It was pretty scary for a
“We’ve worked a few rodeos while, but I’m grateful I get
together,” O’Connell said of to do this again.”
Jestes. “He’s a real good guy
There’s always is the pos-
to work with.”
sibility of injuring his ham-
Jestes, 31, hasn’t been in a ro- string again, but he said he
deo arena since Dec. 6 when can’t worry about it.
he suffered a severe right
hamstring injury at the Na- “I just have to put it out of my
tional Finals Rodeo. He had mind,” Jestes said. “I’m ex-
cited to get back on the road,
surgery Jan. 31.
see my friends and work some
He is schedule to work the good rodeos.”
6 | Farm-City Pro Rodeo 2019
East Oregonian/Hermiston Herald