CHUTE EIGHT The nightly end of the Farm-City Pro Rodeo doesn’t mean an end to the fun, thanks to the Chute Eight on the party heats up just as the ro- south end of the rodeo grounds in deo does. With more and more people fl ocking to the Hermiston As the competitive events end, rodeo patrons can head to Chute Eight for a night of music, dancing and mingling as the area becomes a vibrant rodeo nightclub. Dan Burns Productions will provide the entertainment and music for the events. dance fl oor, rodeo board member Dennis Barnett said that Friday and Saturday nights usually bring in about 500 people. He added that those nights the party goes until about 1 a.m. sion to bring in entertainment will be “Family Night,” with and DJs to turn it into a full- face painting and bull riders made available to sign auto- fl edged event. graphs for the kids, and Fri- The Chute Eight events are day night is “Ladies Night,” complementary to the rodeo’s and will include wine tasting events, which will also fea- at the grounds. Once just a beer garden that ture special nights and activi- people went to for drinks ties throughout the week. For Chute Eight Whiskey is following the rodeo, Barnett Night after night, the after said it was a natural progres- example, Wednesday night named after the venue. East Oregonian/Hermiston Herald Farm-City Pro Rodeo 2019 | 5