Hermiston herald. (Hermiston, Or.) 1994-current, July 31, 2019, Page A5, Image 29

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Wednesday, July 31, 2019
HeRMIsTOnHeRald.COM • A5
Anna Marie ‘Squeek’ Boursaw
Arthur Ray Giles
August 27, 1949 — July 16, 2019
March 3, 1939 — July 26, 2019
Anna Marie “Squeek” death by her parents and a
Boursaw of Hermiston was brother, Timothy.
She is survived by her
born August 27, 1949, in
children, David
Newberry, Mich-
igan, the daugh-
Bailey of Irrigon,
ter of Sherley and
Channon Baker
of Pilot Rock,
nette) Boursaw.
Shirlan McKay
She passed away
of Fossil, Daina
surrounded by her
Srofe of Stanfield,
loving family in
Timmie (Patrick)
Richland, Wash.,
Curtis of Stanfield
on July 16, 2019,
and Darla Hunt
at the age of 69
of Irrigon; sister
Patricia Boursaw;
early childhood, Anna lived grandchildren, great-grand-
in Michigan until moving children, nieces, neph-
to Oregon in the late 1950s. ews and extended family
She lived in Rainier and members.
A memorial service will
Arlington, Oregon, where
she attended school. She be held at 2 p.m. on Sat-
moved to Eastern Oregon in urday, August 17, 2019, at
the early 1970s where she the Stanfield Moose Lodge,
615 W. Coe Ave., Stanfield,
has resided since.
Anna was an amazing Ore.
cook and worked in restau-
Family suggest memo-
rants, schools and used her rial donations be made to
skills in many locations. the American Cancer Soci-
She also enjoyed sewing, ety in her memory.
Arrangements by Burns
crocheting and making
crafts. She loved her family Mortuary of Hermiston. To
and especially enjoyed her leave an online condolence
time with her grandchildren for the family please go to
and great-grandchildren.
She was preceded in iston.com.
Arthur Ray Giles (Ray), River, Washington, Tem-
age 80, passed away early ple. In their later years, Ray
Friday morning, July 26, and Tamra served a second
mission in the
2019, in Herm-
Georgia Macon
Ray was born on
March 3, 1939, in
At his core,
Monrovia, Cali-
Ray was simply
fornia, to LaVern
a good man. A
Hanks Giles and
man who loved
Rachel Dorothy
his wife and fam-
ily dearly and
worked diligently
As a child, his
to provide for
them and their
around Califor-
nia, Idaho, and
happiness. He was
Oregon. He graduated from a hard worker with a sharp
high school in 1957 from mind and a quick wit. He
Cottage Grove High School loved a good book and the
in Cottage Grove, Oregon. wry back-and-forth banter
Later he served a two-year he had with his grandchil-
mission for the Church of dren. He was a man who
Jesus Christ of Latter-day was dedicated to his family,
Saints. He was assigned to his God, and his fellowman.
Ray is survived by his
the North Central States
Mission where Tamra Jean seven children: Tadd (Eliz-
Hobbs was also called to abeth) Giles, Orem, Utah,
serve. After their missions, Tara Giles, Central Point,
they reconnected, fell in Oregon, Troy (Susan) Giles,
love, and were married on Sandy, Utah, TeAnn (Shane)
April 8, 1964, in the Salt Pratt, Meridian, Idaho, Tina
Lake Temple in Salt Lake (Joseph) Sullivan, Vancou-
City, Utah. They were mar- ver, Wash., Tony (Amanda)
Giles, Beaverton, Ore., and
ried for 54 years.
Ray served in the Air A. Ray Giles II, Moreno
Force and then went on to Valley, Calif.; 27 grandchil-
college. He graduated from dren; and four great-grand-
Southern Oregon State children. He is also survived
College with a bachelor’s by his sister, Louise Marie
degree in marketing. By (Giles) Criswell.
He is preceded in death
then, he had started a career
in retail grocery. In 1983, he by his wife, Tamra Jean
achieved a long-term goal (Hobbs) Giles; his par-
of buying his own grocery ents; his sister, Yvonne May
store. He owned and oper- (Giles) Devereaux; and his
ated Giles Market in Med- two brothers, James LaVern
ford, Oregon, for several Giles (Jim) and Richard
Eugene Giles (Dick).
Ray served in many posi-
There will be a public
tions in the Church of Jesus viewing held at the Church
Christ of Latter-day Saints, of Jesus Christ of Latter-day
spending countless hours Saints at 1035 S.E. Ninth
serving the members of his Street, Hermiston, Ore.,
congregation and commu- at 11:30 a.m. on Saturday,
nity. He served as the first August 3, 2019. Funeral ser-
bishop of the Medford 4th vices will start at 12:30 p.m.
Ward congregation as well followed by a graveside
as a counselor in the Med- service at the Hermiston
ford Oregon Stake pres- Cemetery.
idency. Ray spent many
years working as a family Hermiston is in care of
history consultant and he arrangements. Please share
served as a temple worker memories of Ray with his
in the Portland, Oregon, family at www.burnsmortu-
Temple and the Columbia aryhermiston.com.
Virginia Ann Salter
February 4, 1945 — July 18, 2019
Virginia Ann Salter of ing poetry, painting, doing
Hermiston was born Feb- puzzles and taking trips to
ruary 4, 1945, in Los Ange- the coast to explore light-
les, Calif., the daughter of houses. She is a longtime
member of the
Royal and Thelma
Hermiston First
(Brown) Wallace.
Christian Church.
She passed away
She was pre-
in Hermiston on
ceded in death by
Thursday, July 18,
both of her par-
2019, at the age of
ents. She is sur-
74 years.
Virginia lived
vived by her
in Salem, Oregon,
daughter Debo-
rah and husband
Michael Brown-
childhood where
ing of Kent,
school and grad-
uated from high
Michael Wallace
school in 1963. In
of Salem; and
1970, she moved
several extended
to La Grande, Ore-
family members.
gon, and in 1973
she made Herm-
service will be
iston her home.
at 3 p.m. Satur-
day, August 17,
She attended East-
ern Oregon State
2019, at the First
College (currently
Christian Church,
EOU) where she
775 W. Highland
received her teaching cer- Ave., Hermiston, Ore.
tification and a bache-
Family suggest memo-
lor’s degree. She taught rial donations be made
English as a Second Lan- to Vange John Memorial
guage at West Park Elemen- Hospice.
tary School for many years.
Arrangements by Burns
After retiring, she contin- Mortuary of Hermiston. To
ued teaching as a substitute leave an online condolence
in the Hermiston School for the family please go to
District for many years.
Virginia enjoyed writ- iston.com
Good Shepherd Medical Center, Hermiston
JULY 18, 2019
HALL — Frances J. Hall and Andy A. Hall of Herm-
iston: a girl, Hadlee Rose Hall.
JULY 19, 2019
MENDOZA — Mariza J. Ayala and Tomas F. Men-
doza of Irrigon: a boy, Mateo Jose Mendoza.
JULY 22, 2019
PETERSOHN — Brenda N. Olson and Gage A. Peter-
sohn of Hermiston: a boy, Lucas Alexander Petersohn.
JULY 23, 2019
GARCIA — Tesia G. Hunsucker and Juan M. Garcia
of Irrigon: a boy, Aurelius Manuel Garcia.
Aug. 19, 1944 — July 27, 2019
William “Frankie” Snyder, 74, of Hermiston, died Satur-
day, July 27, 2019, in Hermiston. He was born Aug. 19, 1944,
in Newport. A funeral mass will be held Thursday, Aug. 1 at
2 p.m. at Our Lady of Angels Catholic Church in Hermiston.
Burial will follow at the Hermiston Cemetery. Arrangements
by Burns Mortuary of Hermiston. Share memories with the
family at www.burnsmortuaryhermiston.com.
Shirley A. Hensel
March 14, 1942 — July 27, 2019
Shirley A. Hensel, 77, of Hermiston, died Saturday, July
27, 2019, in Hermiston. She was born March 14, 1942, in
Portland. Arrangements are pending with Burns Mortuary of
Hermiston. Share memories with the family at www.burns-
A. Ray Giles
March 3, 1939 — July 26, 2019
A. Ray Giles, 80, of Hermiston, died Friday, July 26,
2019, in Hermiston. He was born March 3, 1939, in Monro-
via, California. A funeral service will be held Saturday, Aug.
3 at 12:30 p.m. at the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day
Saints, 1035 S.E. Ninth St., Hermiston. Burial will follow
at the Hermiston Cemetery. Arrangements by Burns Mortu-
ary of Hermiston. Share memories with the family at www.
The most valuable and
respected source of local news,
advertising and information for
our communities.
9:30 a.m. a man reported
that he lost his wallet some-
time during the 3 on 3 Bas-
ketball Tournament saturday.
The wallet is dark maroon.
9:59 p.m On east Montana
avenue, a domestic distur-
bance was reported.
2:22 p.m. someone reported
receiving six phone calls
from their own phone num-
ber, and wants to know if it
could be some type of scam.
1:52 a.m. Gunshots or
fireworks were reported off
south Highway 395.
12:04 p.m. On east diag-
onal Boulevard, someone
reported that gas had been
siphoned from school buses.
5:20 p.m. unauthorized
use of a motor vehicle was
reported on south Highway
Hermiston: seeks $1,011.13.
following sentences have
been imposed in Umatilla
County courts:
•Portfolio Recovery associ-
ates llC vs. natalie M. arias
of Hermiston: seeks $966.19.
•John arthur Baxter, 30, of
umatilla, pleaded no contest
to Failure to appear I: sen-
tenced to 13 months Oregon
dOC and 2 years post-prison
supervision; pleaded no
contest to Criminal Mischief
II: sentence to discharge.
•Raymundo Ruiz Romero, 28,
echo, pleaded guilty to Theft
I: sentenced to 2 years pro-
bation, 90 sanction units, 30
maximum jail units, 25 hours
community service, $200
fine, $4,800 fine-suspended
and $2,797.16 restitution,
plus court costs and fees;
pleaded guilty to Computer
Crime and four counts of
Identity Theft: sentenced
to 18 months probation, 90
sanction units, 30 maximum
jail units, 25 hours commu-
nity service, $200 fine and
$4,800 fine-suspended for
each count.
•eric Ivan sanchez, 31,
Hermiston, pleaded guilty
to Coercion: sentenced to 3
years probation, 180 sanc-
tion units, 90 maximum jail
units, 100 hours community
service, $200 fine and $4,800
fine-suspended; pleaded
guilty to assault IV: sen-
tenced to 3 years probation,
180 sanction units, 90 maxi-
mum jail units, $200 fine and
$4,800 fine-suspended.
Suits Filed
PENDLETON — The follow-
ing suits have been filed
in Umatilla County courts
(interest, court costs and
fees not listed):
•ameriCredit Financial
services Inc. vs. Jason and
Christina Maddox of Hermis-
ton: seeks $4,488.30.
•Portfolio Recovery associ-
ates llC vs. Pedro avila of
Hermiston: seeks $2,018.99.
•Portfolio Recovery associ-
ates llC vs. Justine Parks of
Hermiston: seeks $1,082.46.
•Portfolio Recovery associ-
ates llC vs. elizabeth Hinze:
seeks $2,047.10.
•Portfolio Recovery associ-
ates llC vs. susan Rippy of
Hermiston: seeks $2,051.30.
•Quick Collect Inc. vs. aman-
da n. and Joseph Cooney of
Hermiston: seeks $858.28.
William ‘Frankie’ Snyder
•Credits Inc. vs. Zachary a.
egerer of Hermiston: seeks
•Credits Inc. vs. Robert a.
Piersol of Hermiston: seeks
•ally Bank vs. sharon
Humbert of echo: seeks
•Martin Meraz vs. MMT Trans-
port Inc. and Petko Petrov:
seeks $2.5 million.
•Portfolio Recovery associ-
ates llC vs. erin Wyttenback:
seeks $5,403.61.
•Portfolio Recovery asso-
ciates llC vs. Margie Rick:
seeks $5,947.48.
•Grable Hantke law Group
llC vs. Brian Ross skillman of
echo: seeks $23,997.07.
•Bonneville Billing & Collec-
tions Inc. vs. amanda scott of
Hermiston: seeks $1,578.97.
•Ray Klein Inc. dba Profes-
sional Credit service vs.
James Olson of stanfield:
seeks $642.87.
•united Finance Co. vs. Jack
Gentry of stanfield: seeks
PENDLETON — The follow-
ing judgments have been
rendered in Umatilla Coun-
ty courts (interest, court
costs and fees not listed):
•Midland Funding llC vs. Ja-
son epperson of Hermiston:
judgment for $1,275.83.
•Midland Funding llC vs. yer-
izal Hernandez of Hermiston:
judgment for $1,070.53.
•Capital One Bank vs. Catali-
no d. santiago of stanfield:
judgment for $3,651.92.
•Portfolio Recovery associ-
ates llC vs. Michelle Weber
of Hermiston: judgment for
•Portfolio Recovery associ-
ates llC vs. daisy G. Palomi-
no of umatilla: judgment for
•Portfolio Recovery associ-
ates llC vs. Bruce doty of
Hermiston: judgment for
•Capital One Bank vs. Bran-
don Cross of Hermiston:
judgment for $4,306.46.
•California Casualty Indem-
nity exchange vs. sharice
ella Quaempts: judgment for
•discover Bank vs. Jared T.
eckley of umatilla: judgment
for $5,846.07.
•Credits Inc. vs. Juanita Trujil-
lo of umatilla: judgment for
•Midland Funding llC vs.
Raylena Cimmiyotti of
Hermiston: judgment for
•Credits Inc. vs. Marie agripi-
no of Hermiston: judgment
for $854.21.
•Credits Inc. vs. Robert l.
delcurto of stanfield: judg-
ment for $5,614.30.
•Credits Inc. vs. Julian G.
lopez of Irrigon: judgment
for $633.82.
•Credits Inc. vs. andrea Ma-
drid lezama of Hermiston:
judgment for $1,174.38.
•Credits Inc. vs. alma Ortiz
of umatilla: judgment for
•Credits Inc. vs. Victoria Pan-
key of umatilla: judgment for
•Credits Inc. vs. stephanie l.
spradlin (evans) of Hermis-
ton: judgment for $5,378.03.
•Midland Funding llC vs.
Cheira Mendoza of umatilla:
judgment for $974.63.
11:55 a.m. There was a drunk
driver on southeast sixth
•Portfolio Recovery associ-
ates llC vs. norma Mitchell
of Hermiston: seeks $798.70.
•Columbia Credits Inc. vs. an-
neliese M. and James Hasty
of Hermiston: judgment for
5:46 p.m. a dirt bike was
reported stolen on southeast
sixth street.
•Portfolio Recovery associ-
ates llC vs. norma C. silva of
Hermiston: seeks $1,199.60.
•Credits Inc. vs. alma Ortiz
of umatilla: judgment for
•Portfolio Recovery as-
sociates llC vs. Russel G.
Weber of Hermiston: seeks
9:13 a.m. a domestic distur-
bance was reported on West
sunland avenue.
6:07 p.m. On north First
street, a drunk driver was
11:57 p.m. a domestic distur-
bance was reported on West
sunland avenue.
11:23 a.m. a domestic distur-
bance was reported on West
sunland avenue.
1:52 p.m. On east Browning
avenue, a domestic distur-
bance was reported.
5:31 p.m. a domestic distur-
bance was reported on east
Hurlburt avenue.
•Portfolio Recovery associ-
ates llC vs. donna and Karl
e. niemeyer of Hermiston:
seeks $1,606.32.
•Portfolio Recovery associ-
ates llC vs. Jesus estebes of
Hermiston: seeks $1,076.97.
•Portfolio Recovery associ-
ates llC vs. Maria Chairez of
Hermiston: seeks $2,163.65
and $1,128.40 in separate
•Portfolio Recovery associ-
ates llC vs. June Hughes of
PENDLETON — Marriage
licenses have been regis-
tered in Umatilla County
Cesar Cadenas suarez, 22,
and Thania Madrigal, 21,
both of Hermiston.
Fernando Barrera Madrigal,
22, of Irrigon, and Maria
Rosario avila ambriz, 22, of
Paciano arroyo Corona, 30,
and Zuleima sarahi silva
Torres, 26, both of umatilla.
Vahit Fletcher Galaev, 30, and
Martina Robyn Jurado, 29,
both of Hermiston.
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