Hermiston herald. (Hermiston, Or.) 1994-current, July 24, 2019, Page 21, Image 35

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Louie Foxx performs his magic
show at the Les Schwab Stage
Louie Foxx’s magic and com-
edy show is sure to draw crowds
to the Les Schwab stage.
A budding magician at the age
of fi ve, Foxx said comedy and
magic go hand-in-hand.
“The interesting thing about
magic is the natural reaction
people have to a trick is laughter
— a reaction to the unexpected,”
Foxx said.
When describing his show Foxx
said he will be bringing his fl ea
circus to the Umatilla County
Fair. Just thinking about a fl ea
circus forces a giggle.
“I have trained fl eas to do sim-
ple circus tricks like fl y from tra-
peze to trapeze,” Foxx said.
And how does one see a fl ea cir-
East Oregonian/Hermiston Herald
“Through a magnifying glass,”
he said.
Each show is unique because
each audience is different, Foxx
explained. While some tricks he
uses regularly, like turning a cup
of water upside down or fi nding
coins in unusual places on an au-
dience member, he said he also
incorporated “weird” cowboy
tricks like slicing a banana with
a bullwhip.
Foxx said card tricks are part
of his repertoire, but he usually
does those when he’s doing a
roving show. Being among spec-
tators as opposed to a stage has
its advantages.
for people to get involved and “reading” the other’s mind.
see magic happen right under
“It’s the highlight because I
their noses.”
don’t do anything!” Foxx said.
Magic is the only job Foxx said Foxx said he encourages specta-
he’s ever had and his wife jokes, tors to come early to the show to
“At this point, I’m otherwise un- see the new material he is break-
“During roving shows I get to employable.”
ing in.
mingle with people at the fair-
grounds and do smaller tricks,” Foxx said his favorite part of the “I like to try out an idea I had for
Foxx said. “It’s a good chance show is when two members of a trick earlier that day no one’s
the audience participate — one seen yet,” Foxx said.
Umatilla County Fair 2019 | 21