Wednesday, July 17, 2019 RECORDS HeRMIsTOnHeRald.COM • A5 OBITUARIES Dennis Keith Hartley Phyllis Marie Eades Cottonwood, Ariz. Hermiston Nampa, Idaho January 27, 1943 — April 9, 2019 July 3, 1933 — July 11, 2019 June 10, 1930 — July 5, 2019 Dennis Keith Hartley, McManus welcomed his former Hermiston, Oregon, first child, Lyla Lea Hart- resident, passed away in ley. In 1981 Dennis married Nancy Simpson Cottonwood, Ari- zona, on April 9, and in Septem- ber of 1982 their 2019. Dennis was son Daniel Kevin born in Portland, Hartley was born. Oregon, on Janu- ary 27, 1943. He In 1989 Den- nis and family set- was the son of Vir- tled in Cotton- ginia Randolph wood, Arizona, and Ralph Hartley. Dennis is sur- where Dennis vived by his spent the next 30 Hartley daughter Lyla years as an engi- neer for the Verde Hartley of Salem, Canyon Railroad. Oregon, and his He attempted to son Daniel Hartley retire in 2003 but (Chelsea) of Lake found the retiree Ridge, Virginia, life wasn’t really granddaughter Mandie Ottmar, grandson for him. He continued to Michael Gunter of Beaver- work up until the very end ton, Oregon, granddaugh- as a railroad subject matter ters Abigail, Carolina, Elea- expert and railroad museum nor and Hannah Hartley of host. Lake Ridge, Virginia, and Dennis attended the Verde one great-granddaughter, Community Church where Mila Joy Ottmar of Beaver- he lent his musical talents ton, Oregon. and that deep operatic voice Dennis grew up in Herm- to the church choir. He spent iston, Oregon, and graduated countless hours singing to from Hermiston High School the elderly and at funerals, in 1960. He was quite adept memorials and even at his at singing from an early age son’s wedding. His musi- and quickly found a place in cal talents were known and musical theatre. During his loved by everyone at church, high school years, he sang in work and across the Verde Valley. several musicals. Shortly after his 17th Dennis was preceded in birthday he enlisted into death by his parents. He has the U.S. Army. He served three surviving brothers, for three years as a cryp- Scott, Brad and Harold Hart- tographic teletype repair- ley, and two sisters, Marcia man, attended airborne Sherris and Janis Williams. school and was assigned July 27, 2019, at 1 p.m. as a paratrooper to the 50th there will be a service with Signal Battalion under the military honors celebrat- 18th Airborne Corps at Fort ing Dennis at the Hermiston Bragg, North Carolina. He Cemetery. Arrangements by Burns was always proud of the 36 jumps he completed and Mortuary of Hermiston, spoke fondly of his military Oregon. Please share memo- ries of Dennis with his fam- service. In October 1965 Den- ily at burnsmortuaryhermis- nis and his girlfriend Ellie Phyllis Marie Eades, 86, out the United States. Phyl- passed away July 11, 2019, lis was a devoted Christian in Hermiston after a pro- and she loved people and longed illness at they loved her. Her her home. smile could light She was born up a room and July 3, 1933, in her laugh will be Pendleton, Ore- missed by all. gon, to Char- She is survived ley and Beulah by her husband (Neill) Plourd. of 55 years, Larry She was raised Eades, Hermiston, in Hermiston Ore.; sister Mar- gie Warren, Rich- and graduated land, Wash.; her Eades from Hermis- ton High School four daughters in the class of Jackie Hampton 1951. Phyllis was united of Tigard, Geri Nelson of in marriage to Larry Eades Coupeville, Wash., Kathy on November 12, 1964, in Hahn of Gresham and Sta- cey Waelty of Hermiston; Reno, Nevada. Phyllis spent her adult eight grandchildren: Brian, life in Hermiston rais- Dustin, Kiersa, Amanda, ing her four daughters. In Cheyenna, Amy, Riley and 1978 they moved to Board- Skyler; and 10 great-grand- man, where she took on children: Kaiya, Preston, the role of foreman in run- Kendall, Noah, Kannon, ning the family 200-acre Ensley, Olivia, Lindy, Rory ranch. Her interests and and Zoey. jobs ran the gamut. Phyl- Phyllis was preceded in lis was an excellent horse- death by her parents and a woman, bowler, seamstress brother, Don Plourd. and could cut a rug on the In lieu of flowers we ask dance floor. She was often that you make a contribu- seen hauling cattle to a sale, tion in Phyllis’ memory to changing sprinklers, irri- Vange John Memorial Hos- gating the alfalfa, driving pice Education fund or to the swather and, when time your preferred charity. A celebration of life ser- allowed, playing 18 holes vice will be held Thursday, on the golf course. Phyllis was a gardener July 18, 2019, at 10 a.m. and canned just about any- at Burns Mortuary chapel, thing and everything. She Hermiston, Oregon. loved to camp and fish and Arrangements by Burns was a skilled card player. In Mortuary of Hermiston, retirement Larry and Phyl- Oregon. Please share mem- lis moved back to Hermis- ories of Phyllis with her ton and began traveling in family at burnsmortuary- their fifth wheel through- Melva Marie (Stansbury) her life to her family and Knight of Nampa, Idaho, church. She was a lover of former longtime Hermis- nature, God’s Word, and ton, Oregon, resi- gospel music. dent, was born on Additionally, she was a prayer war- June 10, 1930, in rior and a firm Dayton, Ohio, to believer in Christ parents Fred and and the place He Anna Marie (Full- mer) Stansbury. was preparing for her. She died on July She is survived 5, 2019, in Boise, by her sisters, Idaho, at the age Carol Pengelly of 89 years. Knight and Joyce Mar- Melva was tin, and chil- raised and attended schools in Dayton, dren Dennis, Steve, Jac- (Sproul), and Ohio, and moved to Arizona queline as a teenager with her par- David Knight, as well as ents. She was united in mar- seven grandchildren and 13 riage to Willis “Whitey” great-grandchildren. Melva was preceded in Knight on October 22, 1949, death by her parents, Fred in Kingman, Arizona. They moved to Hermis- and Anna Marie Stansbury, ton, Oregon, in 1950, where husband Willis “Whitey” they raised their family. Knight, grandson Joshua Melva was a longtime mem- Knight, and daughter-in-law ber of the Hermiston Church Janice Knight. In lieu of flowers, please of the Nazarene, where she served in numerous capaci- consider donating to Wil- ties alongside her husband. lis & Melva Knight Nursing She also worked as a nurse Scholarship at Northwest assistant at Good Shepherd Nazarene University. Con- Hospital and served on the tact: 208-467-8832 or www. Ladies Auxiliary for a num- ber of years. Melva moved A graveside funeral ser- to Idaho in 2008 to be near vice was held on Saturday, family, following the death July 13, 2019, at 2 p.m. at the Hermiston Cemetery, of her husband. To describe Melva in one Hermiston, Oregon. Arrangements by Burns word, it would be “welcom- ing.” She was a “behind the Mortuary of Hermiston, scenes” worker with a heart Oregon. Please share mem- of gold. Her goal in life was ories of Melva with her to make others comfortable family at http://burnsmortu- and cared for and devoted Hermiston Barbara Alice ‘Barb’ Harrison Hermiston Hermiston October 4, 1934 — July 7, 2019 Norvin D. Roberts of Norvin enjoyed traveling Hermiston was born October and snowbirding to Arizona, 4, 1934, in Snover, boating, hunting, Michigan, the son fishing and work- ing on small con- of Earl and Leigh struction projects. (Minard) Roberts. He is sur- He passed away vived by his wife, in Hermiston on Rosemary; chil- Sunday, July 7, dren Robin (Rob) 2019, at the age of Elkins, Larry Cox, 84. Norvin grew up Terry (Randy) and attended his Roberts and Dawn schooling in San- Roberts; sis- ter Joyce (Olin) dusky, Michigan. Roberts Smith; 16 grand- After high school, he worked for General children; and numerous Motors as an auto painter for great grandchildren. He was preceded in death several years. In the early 1960s he began working as by his parents, and a son and a cabinet maker for Marlette daughter-in-law, Mike and Homes in Snover, Mich. He Frances Roberts. At his request, no ser- helped with the startup of plants in Marlette, Mich- vices will be held. Arrange- igan, Americus, Georgia, ments by Burns Mortuary of and Hermiston, Oregon. In Hermiston, Oregon. In lieu of flowers family 1968 he moved to Hermis- ton where he worked as an suggests memorial contribu- assistant superintendant for tions be sent to Vange John Marlette Homes. He was Memorial Hospice. To leave an online condo- later promoted to general manager and held that posi- lence for the family please tion until retiring in the late go to www.burnsmortuary- 1980s. Lady golfers earn King’s and Queen’s scholarships EAST OREGONIAN UMATILLA — Four 2019 scholarship winners have been selected by the King’s and Queen’s schol- arship committee and for the first time, all are golfers from Umatilla and Morrow county girls’ teams. McKenzie McLeod and Rylee Harris from Pend- leton High School, Claire Grieb from Heppner High School and Mykah Krum- wiede from Hermiston High School were each awarded $750. In the past, awards have been granted to two boys and two girls. There are now 18 schol- arship recipients in the past six years from high schools in Umatilla and Morrow counties. They are given to graduating members of a golf team who plan to attend a college, univer- sity or trade school after graduation. The event stated in 2011 as a fun tournament for couples. In 2014, enough money had been generated for the first two scholarship winners. Scholarships are based on the idea that supporting players from high school golf teams is also sup- porting a sport with many important life lessons. “Golf is a game of honor,” said Don Obrist, chairman of the event. “Young golf- ers learn that golf is a game of respect, integrity and sportsmanship. The tournament will be played this weekend, July 20-21, at Big River Golf Course in Umatilla. For more informa- tion on the scholarship, call Craig Lockwood at 541-701-5070. DEATH NOTICES Nathaniel J. ‘Nat’ Bloomer February 15, 1951 — May 31, 2019 Norvin D. Roberts Melva Marie (Stansbury) Knight Jan. 24, 1963 — July 8, 2019 Nathaniel J. “Nat” Bloomer, 56, of Hermiston, died Monday, July 8, 2019, as the result of a motorcycle acci- dent in Hermiston. He was born Jan. 24, 1963, in Idaho Falls, Idaho. Arrangements are pending with Burns Mortu- ary of Hermiston. Share memories with the family at www. Barbara Alice “Barb” and Boardman, Oregon. Harrison, 68, peacefully left She always tried to inspire for her heavenly home on her students to be kind and Friday, May 31, encouraged them 2019, in the pres- to follow their N. Pearl Fletcher ence of her hus- dreams. Hermiston band, Bill, and She relished May 22, 1928 — July 9, 2019 two daughters, family celebra- N. Pearl Fletcher, 91, of Hermiston, died Tuesday, July tions, trips to Andra and Alyssa, the ocean, walk- 9, 2019, at her home. She was born May 22, 1928, in Long at their home in ing on the board- Beach, California. Arrangements are pending with Burns Hermiston. walks down by Mortuary of Hermiston. Share memories with the family at Barb was the the marina and the second of four sandy beaches of daughters born to Harrison the Oregon Coast. Howard and Ber- nice Bungard Christmas was her on February 15, 1951, in favorite time of year, spend- Bremerton, Washington. ing her time baking, dec- Barb’s childhood home was orating and drinking hot a gentleman’s farm where cocoa. Barbara, preceded in she enjoyed horse riding and caring of their family’s ani- death by her father How- mals. From her childhood ard and mother Bernice, is came wonderful stories, like survived by her husband the horse her parents pur- Bill Harrison and their two chased with an unknown daughters Andra Spen- pregnancy, the scandal of cer and Alyssa Harrison; raising chickens in the base- Andra’s husband Mathew; ment, and a heifer that gave four grandchildren: Illumi- rides and would eat peanut nation, Ember, Elijah and Elladaya; and Barb’s three butter sandwiches. Barb attended Central sisters, Janan Eppig, Patri- Kitsap High School grad- cia Coomes, and Cynthia uating in 1969, further- Jaquay. ing her education at West- A celebration of life ser- ern Washington University vice will be held July 27, A hundred years from now it will not matter what My bank account was, the sort of house I lived in, or the kind of car I drove... but the in Bellingham. With degree 2019, at New Hope Commu- world may be different because I was important in the Life of a Child. in hand, she landed in Guam nity Church by invitation. with a two-year teaching contract. Shortly after arriv- ing on Guam, she found a loving church where she began to grow in her rela- tionship with God. While on Guam she met The Girl Scouts of Oregon and SW Washington would the love of her life Bill Har- like to thank those who helped to make the 15th annual rison. Bill proposed to her on Guam’s “Lover’s Leap” and the two were married on New Year’s Day 1974. The couple moved back an evening to remember! to the Pacific Northwest Royal Kingdom Sponsors where they started a fam- In-Kind Donors & Other 60 Minute Photo; Hermiston Dairy Queen; ily: Andra born in 1979, fol- Contributors Hermiston Generating Company*; Abadan Reprographics, Burger King, Marlette Oregon; NW Metal Fabricators, Inc.; lowed by Alyssa in 1985. Anderson Hansell PC, Barnett & Moro, R.S. Davis Recycling; United Rentals Barb, embracing the life of Desert Lanes, Eric Alder, the Hunter Family, Joys One of a Kind, Umatilla County Fair, Princess Sponsors a wife and mother, became U.S. Linen & Uniform, Walmart DC Affordable Family Eyewear; proficient in baking, can- Hermiston Kiwanis Foundation*; Service Providers ning, sewing, crafts, and Jesse Torres - State Farm; Smith Security, LLC*; 60 Minute Photo, Girl Scouts OSW, Umatilla Electric Cooperative; gardening. She brought all Hermiston Chamber of Commerce, Velasco Used Car Sales Serenity Sisters Catering her talents to the forefront Knight Sponsors with entries in the Umatilla Burns Mortuary of Hermiston*; Elmer’s Irrigation; Special Thanks to County Fair where she was Umatilla County Fair Court, and Family Health Associates Umatilla*; Hermiston Senior Center; Kiwanis Club of Echo; UHS Stuntmen and baseball team awarded Homemaker of the Midway Bar & Grill; Shelco Electric, Inc.; Year. Rock Electric*; Oregon Trail Veterinary Clinic; * Contributed tickets to the ball’s Family Pea Ridge Embroidery & Signs Assistance Program. With Barb’s passion for teaching young children, Our gratitude also goes to all of the Girl Scout members and she primarily taught first friends who helped plan, set up and run the event. And much grade spanning a 30-year appreciation to the fathers/ father figures and their princesses career. She taught in Guam; for joining us for a trip across the universe! in Paterson, Washington; and in Hermiston, Irrigon priorities THANK YOU! Me and My Prince Ball