Hermiston herald. (Hermiston, Or.) 1994-current, June 26, 2019, Page A2, Image 2

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Principal, Sunset Elementary
(formerly Rocky Heights)
When and why did you move to Hermiston?
We moved in 2015 for the job at Rocky Heights
Elementary. We are originally from Spokane and
have always enjoyed smaller communities.
What is your favorite place to eat in
I would say my family’s standard go to is Ixtapa.
We went to The Alebrije yesterday and it was
What do you like to do in your spare time?
I love lots of things. I love to hang out with my
family, I have more fun with my wife and kids than
I do with anybody. I also enjoy hiking and kayak-
ing. I love playing pickleball.
What surprises you about Hermiston?
How community oriented it is. It was immedi-
ate when we moved here. The community is very
“whatever it takes” about everything.
What was the last book you read?
Professionally, “Leadership Mindsets” by Judy
Halbert and Linda Kaser. Personally, “Through
Indian Eyes.” It’s a fascinating book about how
different Native American tribes perceive the
Lewis and Clark Expedition.
What website or app do you use most other
than Facebook?
I’m not a social media person. I use Microsoft
Excel and the Google Suites a lot. Apple News is
how I get my news every day.
If you could travel anywhere, where would
you go?
If this was hypothetical, I’d love to travel through
history. I would love to visit colonial America, fi nd
out what happened to the Lost Colony of Roanoke.
But in reality, I would love to backpack through
What is the funniest thing that’s ever hap-
pened to you?
It really depends. When I was a kid I had new
Transformer shoes, when Transformers were big.
They were really cool shoes because they had
holographs. I went to visit my grandparents and
was supposed to only wear the shoes to church,
but I put them on as soon as I got there. My sisters
decided to walk me through a construction site to
get my shoes dirty so I’d get in trouble. I was like
four. I fell into a ditch where a portable toilet used
to be. I remember my grandma hosing me off and
yelling. We had to bathe me in tomato juice to get
the stench out.
What is one of your goals for the next 12
My primary goal is to begin building on the work
at Sunset Elementary. They have a wonderful staff
that has been accepting of me, and my ideas. The
goal is to build up current systems, and add sys-
tems on that are needed.
What is your proudest accomplishment?
Certainly my own two children. I’m proud of
them, my wife, and the way we raise our kids. Pro-
fessionally, what I was able to accomplish as a
teacher and later as a principal at Rocky Heights.
I’m excited to come here to Sunset and see what
we can do. Sunset has a lot going for it.
HH fi le photo
HH fi le photo Ham radio operators participate in a drill in Hermiston in 1994.
JUNE 28, 1994
Ben, a bobcat who had taken a
two-week vacation in the woods
southwest of Hermiston, is now
safely back at home thanks to live
traps set out by the Oregon Depart-
ment of Fish and Wildlife.
“He was skinny and pretty weak,
he was pretty grouchy for a couple of
days, but now he’s back to normal,”
owner Michelle Mesecher said.
Mesecher is taking steps to
assure Ben doesn’t make any more
unscheduled departures from her
Agnew Road home. His new cage,
under construction when he left, is
nearly complete.
2) Talk about three of the largest
prospects on Hermiston’s horizon
dominated discussion at last night’s
city council meeting.
“Between the water project, the
community center and the inciner-
ator, you’re going to see this town
boom for the next 15 years, so be
ready for it,” Frank Harkenrider
City manager Ed Brookshier
reported the county’s planning com-
mission passed both of the Regional
Water Authority’s needs for condi-
tional use permits. The granting of
these permits allow the authority —
the city and the Port of Umatilla —
to begin negotiating for easements for
the water pipeline.
JUNE 26, 1969
Hermiston viewers may be watch-
ing cable television again in Septem-
ber. Monday night, the city council
gave Columbia Television franchise
authority and a representative said
most of the former Inland Cablevi-
sion customers should have service by
In a surprise move that opened the
way for the Columbia approval, Min-
nehaha Development Corp. withdrew
its application to operate in Hermis-
ton. Some of the Minnehaha offi cials
were also connected with the defunct
Inland Cablevision.
Hermiston television viewers have
been limited to two “live” channels
from the Tri-Cities since Inland sus-
pended service May 31.
JUNE 29, 1944
One of the orneriest herds of
Brahma bulls ever assembled in this
area will be featured by George Atte-
bury at his rodeo southeast of Stan-
fi eld on July 2-4. A portion of these
bulls recently proved highlights at
the Pasco rodeo and roundup fans are
Printed on
HH fi le photo
Michelle Mesecher looks at her pet bobcat Ben, who escaped for two weeks in
clamoring for more similar action.
Entries in both the riders and live-
stock indicate a real performance.
Competition for prize money has been
well advertised and reports are that
plenty of cowboys will be on hand.
2) The Fifth War Loan drive in
Hermiston, as well as in the county
and the state, is rather spotty with
some good days reported and then
others not so good. On the whole, the
drive is behind schedule and some
last-minute hustling will be necessary
if this area is to reach its quota.
An impromptu bond auction at
Hale’s Confectionary Monday night
netted a total of $3,500 in E. bonds.
With the proprietor, J.C. (Sam) Nye as
auctioneer and Lee Quiring as clerk,
bonds were sold to practically every-
one in the store.
JUNE 28, 1919
Several of Echo’s citizens, assisted
by credulous strangers, dug some big
holes on the Lisle ranch last week
searching for hidden treasure, accord-
ing to the Echo News.
Inside information as to the where-
abouts of the buried fortune is sup-
posed to have been disclosed to the
searchers while one of them was in a
hypnotic trance. In any event, the tip
was strong enough to overcome the
natural repugnance of the treasure
seekers to handling a pick and shovel,
and they followed the hunch down
about 12 feet through hard digging,
until they struck the water line, and
there they lost the trail.
Rumor has it that in the early days
an old timer used a portion of the Lisle
ranch as a private bank. He is sup-
posed to have had a cache of gold
there at the time of his death, but he
did not disclose the combination to the
2) The Ames and Agnew ranches
were the scene of a real old-fashioned
rabbit drive last Monday afternoon,
when 10 or 12 Hermiston nimrods
went out across the Umatilla River
west of town and did battle with the
festive and destructive jack.
A circle formed and in the onward
march continued until the had the rab-
bits, which were as thick as fl eas, cor-
nered in an area enclosed by a rab-
bit-tight fence. Intermittent fi ring had
been carried on by the party up to that
time, but on arrival at the fence the
real seance began, with the result that
from 400 to 600 of the pest were put
past doing any further damage in that
It is said the rabbits were so thick in
bunches at the close of the drive that
the hunters scored a kill of three to our
with each shot.
Chris Rush | Publisher • crush@eomediagroup.com • 541-278-2669
Jade McDowell | News Editor • jmcdowell@eastoregonian.com • 541-564-4536
Tammy Malgesini | Community Editor • tmalgesini@eastoregonian.com • 541-564-4539
Annie Fowler | Sports Editor • afowler@eastoregonian.com • 541-564-4542
Jessica Pollard | Reporter • jpollard@eastoregonian.com, 541-564-4534
Jeanne Jewett | Multi-Media consultant • jjewett@hermistonherald.com • 541-564-4531
Audra Workman | Multi-Media consultant • aworkman@eastoregonian.com • 541-564-4538
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advertising or subscription information:
• call 541-567-6457
• e-mail info@hermistonherald.com
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• visit us online at: hermistonherald.com
The Hermiston Herald (USPS 242220, ISSN
8750-4782) is published weekly at Hermiston
Herald, 333 E. Main St., Hermiston, OR 97838,
(541) 567-6457.
Delivered by mail Wednesdays
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Periodical postage paid at Hermiston, OR.
Postmaster, send address changes to
Hermiston Herald, 333 E. Main St.,
Hermiston, OR 97838.
Member of EO Media Group Copyright ©2019
The June 19 edition of “Three Minutes” incorrectly
stated the book mentioned by Larry Fetter. The title of
the book is “Almost an Island: Travels in Baja Califor-
nia.” The Hermiston Herald sincerely regrets the error.
Continued from Page A1
in Portland. This year’s
theme was “Triumph and
Tragedy in History.”
Those who placed at the
state level include, Sam
Wyse, 2 individual perfor-
mance: “Deaf President
Now! The Protest No One
Could Hear” and Zoe Rus-
sell, 2 individual exhibit:
“Oil: The Wealth and Woe
of the Osage.”
Other Echo partici-
pants were, Lillian Wallis
& Mckenzie Rose, group
exhibit: “Bonnie Parker
and Clyde Barrow’s Tri-
umphs: America’s Trag-
edy,” Riley Hampton
& Elliot Glenn, group
exhibit: “Triumph and
Tragedy of Alaska Natives
in Residential Schools” and
Alexa Rose, paper: “In the
Eyes of the Nation: The
Tragedy of Charles Lind-
bergh’s Fame.”
For a full list of partic-
ipants, visit www.ohs.org/
• • •
Burns residents Randy
Mills, a 1972 Hermis-
ton High School graduate,
and his wife, Sissy, were
thrilled to share about their
son’s recent recognition.
Patrick Mills was hon-
ored with the Young Engi-
neer of the Year Award
by the Professional Engi-
neers of Oregon. Patrick,
who lives in Pendleton, is a
chemical engineer with the
Energy & Environmental
Sciences Program for the
Confederated Tribes of
the Umatilla Indian Res-
ervation. Mills graduated
from Oregon State Univer-
sity in 2012 with a bache-
lor’s degree in chemical
engineering with an option
in nanotechnology.
• • •
The Hermiston Her-
ald has adjusted our offi ce
hours. We are now open
Monday through Thurs-
day from 8 a.m. to 5 p.m.
(closed noon to 1 p.m. for
lunch), and Friday from
8 a.m. to 2 p.m. The offi ce
will also be closed com-
pletely on Friday, July
12 while new fl ooring is
installed throughout the
• • •
The menu for the Har-
kenrider Senior Activ-
ity Center for Thursday
is oven-baked chicken,
red parsley potatoes, veg-
etables, fruit salad and
birthday cake. Friday is a
chicken sandwich, chips,
salad and dessert. Monday
is salad bar, garlic bread and
dessert. Tuesday is burg-
ers, corn on the cob, potato
salad, watermelon and des-
sert. Next Wednesday is
ham and cheese sandwich,
salad and dessert. The cen-
ter will be closed for the
Fourth of July.
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