WEDNESDAY, JUNE 26, 2019 FEATURES HERMISTONHERALD.COM • A13 A career in the rear view Tilden Hooper of Carthage, Texas, rides Yukon Rambler for 81 points in bareback riding in 2018 at the Farm-City Pro Rodeo in Hermiston. Pepper wreaths from Bautista Farms sit in the sunlight in 2018 at the Hermiston Farmers Market. Hermiston running back Wyatt Noland took his junior year of football off so that he could enjoy the outdoors and hunt big game (2018). STAFF PHOTOS BY E.J. HARRIS E ast Oregonian photographer E.J. Harris left the newsroom last week after 16 years of captur- ing the news for readers in Hermiston, Pend- leton and the surrounding areas. Over the years he helped memorialize community celebrations, the tri- umphs and defeats of local sports teams, fi res, pro- tests, classroom activities and more. Here are a few of our favorite photos that appeared in the Hermiston Herald in recent years. Patrons ride the Yoyo at the Umatilla County Fair in 2016 in Hermiston. CRYPTOQUIP SUPER CROSSWORD: RETURNED Lifeguard Max Rahm, 16, of Hermiston watches the fi reworks show at Butte Park from the Hermiston Family Aquatic Center in 2018 in Hermiston. SUDOKU DIFFICULTY THIS WEEK EASTERN OREGON EVENTS The place to fi nd everything happening in Eastern Oregon. Post your events. It’s fast and easy! e-Edition For Hermiston Herald information 541-567-6457 • 333 E. Main St. • Exact digital replica of this print edition is available online, every Wednesday by 5:30 a.m. Check out Hermiston for more information.