RECORDS Wednesday, June 19, 2019 HeRMIsTOnHeRaLd.COM • A5 OBITUARIES Leo Thaut Betty Jean Tucker Janet Taylor Hermiston Winlock, Washington Heppner June 17, 1927 — June 13, 2019 Nov. 30, 1934 — June 10, 2019 January 12, 1954 — June 7, 2019 Leo Thaut of Hermis- Stockton, California; Phil ton, Oregon, was born on Thaut and wife, Allison, Elk June 17, 1927, in Union Ridge, Utah; Jeff Thaut and Gap, Washington to parents, wife, Dona, Graham, Wash- Henry and Katherine Koch ington; Annjanette Clayton, Hermiston, Ore- Thaut. He died on gon; and Tony June 13, 2019, in Duncan, Hermis- Hermiston, Ore- gon at the age of ton, Oregon; sis- ter, Claire Tessier 91 years. Growing up, he and her husband, worked on his step- Ernie, San Jose, father’s 1,000-acre California; 19 wheat ranch. Leo grandchildren; joined the United 35 great-grand- children; three States Navy as a Thaut great-great-grand- Yeoman 2nd Class children; numer- and served in the ous nieces and Seabees where he nephews. learned the con- struction trade. Leo was pre- ceded in death by He was honor- ably discharged his parents, sib- and worked with his brother, lings, Heine, Mason Ella and Art, and a son-in-law, Greg- Mason, on a dairy farm. Leo was united in mar- ory Clayton. riage to June Scarry on May A funeral service will 4, 1984, in San Jose, Califor- be held on Saturday, June nia. He worked in construc- 22, 2019, at 11 a.m. at the tion as a surveyor until retir- Church of Jesus Christ of ing in 1989 and they moved Latter-day Saints, 850 S.W. to Washington state. They 11th St., Hermiston, Oregon. have lived in Hermiston, Burial with military honors Oregon, for the last seven will follow at the Hermis- years. They were active ton Cemetery, Hermiston, members of the Church of Oregon. In lieu of flowers, please Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, serving on missions make contributions in Leo’s to St. Kitts & Nevis and memory to Alzheimer’s Research at Nauvoo, Illinois. Leo was dearly loved Please share memories of will be greatly missed by his Leo with his family at burns- family. He is survived by his wife, June Thaut, Hermis- Burns Mortuary of Herm- ton, Oregon; children, Sue iston, Oregon, is in care of Lincoln and husband, Mel, arrangements. Betty Jean Tucker, for- fishing, camping, trips in the mer Umatilla, Oregon, res- motor home, crabbing, play- ident of Winlock, Washing- ing bingo and was an animal ton, was born on November lover. 30, 1934, in Parsons, Kan- She is survived by sas. She passed her sons, Gor- don Blankenship away on June 10, and wife Molly, 2019 in Centralia, Stanfield, Ore- Washington, at the gon; James Blan- age of 84 years. kenship, Irrigon, Betty was Oregon; daugh- raised and ter, Ona Felker attended school and her hus- in Echo, Oregon. band Mike, Win- She lived in Wash- ington and Oregon lock, Washing- Tucker ton; brother, Rock where she worked Wright, Herm- as a cook in vari- ous restaurants as iston, Oregon; well as owning and oper- seven grandchildren, numer- ating “LaCasita Blanca” in ous great-grandchildren,and Sweet Home, Oregon, for nieces and nephews. several years. Betty returned Betty was preceded to Echo, Oregon, and later in death by her husband, lived in Stanfield for a Larry Tucker, daughter, time before she was united Kim Marlnee; grandson, in marriage to Lawrence Jason Blankenship; and her Tucker on January 1, 1970, parents. A memorial service will in Kennewick, Washing- ton. They lived in Snohom- be held on Monday, June ish, Washington, Tumwater, 24, 2019, at 1 p.m. at Cross- Washington, Springfield, roads Community Church, Oregon, and Grand Cou- Stanfield, Oregon. A private lee, Washington, before set- family burial will be held at tling in Umatilla, Oregon, in the Echo Cemetery, Echo, 2004. Betty moved to Win- Oregon. lock, Washington, in 2015 Please share memo- ries of Betty with her fam- where she has lived since. She had been a member ily at burnsmortuaryherm- of the Eagles and Moose Burns Mortuary Lodges in Grand Coulee, of Hermiston, Oregon is in Washington. Betty enjoyed care of arrangements. Janet Taylor, longtime fun-loving. She had life- resident of Heppner, passed time friends who loved her quietly from this earth deeply. She is survived by her Friday, June 7. She was born January 12, 1954, in husband Joe, though sepa- rated by residence, Salem, Oregon, to both remained Troy and Deanie devoted to fam- McGowan, the ily and always youngest of three looked after one children. another. She is Jani spent her also survived school years in by her daugh- Hermiston and ter, Crysti and her graduated from two granddaugh- Hermiston Senior ters, Ariona and High School in Taylor Elissa; her brother 1972. After school Mike McGowan; she traveled to sister Kathie Greece with a friend and almost did not McGowan; and many, many nieces, nephews, cousins return. In 1979 she married a and friends. Memorial contribu- cowboy, Joe Taylor, and moved to a ranch outside of tions may be made in Jan- Heppner. In 1980 Jani gave et’s name to Willow Creek birth to her only daughter, Terrace, 400 Frank Gilliam Crysti Taylor. Eventually, Drive, Heppner, OR 97836 the family moved to town or St. Patrick’s Apartments and Jani went to work at the and Senior Center, P.O. Box local grocery store in the 586, Heppner, OR 97836. A celebration of Janet’s meat department, retiring as life will be held on June 29, manager. All those years she faith- 11 a.m., at the Heppner City fully served pretty much Park in Heppner. Arrangements are in care everybody in town and always had a smile for of Sweeney Mortuary. “Do not despair my everyone. Jani was known for her kindness, her love of friend. She is free of the children and old people and shackles of life. Her spirit is her innate ability to see the dancing on the wind eagerly good in everyone she met. embracing whatever comes, She was fiercely indepen- not looking back knowing dent, caring, generous and we all will follow one day.” June O. Kononen Doris I. Ferguson Dorothy ‘Jane’ Weston Boardman Irrigon June 1, 1931 — June 10, 2019 October 26, 1935 — May 28, 2019 Salem June 10, 1925 — March 29, 2019 June would say “she grandchildren and 13 lived, loved and laughed.” great-grandchildren. She June O. Kononen was born loved family and her many June Olga Jyleen great friends. She on June 10, 1925, believed in giv- ing back to the to Olga (Kittilla) community, vol- Jyleen and Alfred unteering for Jyleen in Ferndale, numerous organi- Michigan. June zations through- passed away on out her 70 years March 29, 2019, in in Pendleton. Salem, Oregon. After WWII, June was ever June moved to the punster. She Kononen Pendleton, Ore- believed a life gon, where she without humor met, fell in love with and was not a life at all. married Ellis F. Kononen. Olney Cemetery intern- They had two children, ment will be on July 5, Elaine M. (Kononen) Cut- 2019, at 2 p.m. ting and Arni R. Kononen. In lieu of flowers, June Her husband, Ellis, and son, would like you to either Arni, preceded her in death. volunteer or donate to your June loved her nine favorite charity. Judith Helen Kurtz Hermiston August 16, 1939 — June 9, 2019 Judith Helen Kurtz of Judith married Gustave Hermiston was born August Kurtz in the early 1960s. 16, 1939, in Sheboygan, From this union two chil- Wisconsin, the daugh- dren were born, Cynthia ter of Andrew and Frances and Christopher. The couple (Trester) Neils. later divorced. She passed away She was pre- ceded in death in Pasco, Wash- ington, on Sunday, by her daugh- ter, Cynthia; her June 9, 2019, at parents; nine the age of 79. Judith grew siblings; and a up, attended her great-granddaugh- ter, EmmaLee. schooling and She is survived graduated from by a son, Chris high school in Kurtz (Myla) Kurtz; Sheboygan, Wis. three grandchil- In the early 1960s she moved to Los Angeles, dren, Amanda and Zachary California. She then moved Kurtz and Jimmy Lee Tour- to Oregon, living in Salem, ville; five great-grandchil- then Lexington, before mov- dren; brother Herbie Neils; ing to Hermiston in the late and many nieces, neph- 1970s. In Hermiston, she ews and extended family worked for Simplot as a members. Arrangements are pend- potato trimmer for many ing. A private interment will years until retiring. Judith enjoyed sewing, be in Sunset Hills Cemetery traveling, being a member in Umatilla. of the Red Hat Society and Burns Mortuary of going out to eat with friends Hermiston is in care of for special occasions. arrangements. Dorothy “Jane” Weston nurses and receptionists of Irrigon, Oregon, was at St. Mary Cancer Cen- born on October 26, 1935, ter Clinic in Walla Walla, in Oakdale, California. She Washington, and the staff at died on May 28, 2019, in Vange John Memorial Hos- pice in Hermiston, Hermiston, Ore- gon, at the age of Oregon. Jane was 83 years. a former mem- ber of St. John’s Jane was Christian Church. raised in Oak- dale, Califor- She is survived nia, and attended by her husband school there until of 61 years, Win her mother passed Weston; daugh- ters Barbara Sha- away in 1952, fer and Ruth Shef- when she moved chek; son David Weston to Vancouver, Wash- ington, to live with Weston; five grand- children, and three her father. She grad- uated from Vancouver High great-grandchildren. School and met Winfred Jane was preceded in “Win” Weston at a midtown death by her parents, broth- ballroom dance class. They ers James and John, sister were united in marriage on Kay, and a granddaughter, July 11, 1957, in Stevenson, Monica. A memorial service will Washington. They lived in Portland, be held on Sunday, June Oregon, for 28 years until 23, 2019, at 1 p.m. at Burns moving to Irrigon, Ore- Mortuary chapel, Hermiston, gon, in 1984 where they Oregon. Burial will follow have lived since. Jane vol- at Desert Lawn Memorial unteered at Stokes Land- Cemetery, Irrigon, Oregon. A ing Senior Center in Irri- celebration of life gathering gon, was a CAPECO and will follow at Stokes Land- RSVP volunteer for over ing Senior Center, Irrigon, 20 years and served as sec- Oregon. retary/treasurer for the Old In lieu of flowers, dona- Time Fiddlers for 13 years. tions in Jane’s memory may She enjoyed walking, cook- be made to Stokes Landing ing, canning, drying apples, Senior Center or St. Mary reading, knitting, sewing, Cancer Center, Walla Walla, crocheting, photography Washington. and making Christmas gifts Please share memories of for family and friends. Jane with her family at burns- Jane was very grateful for Burns Mortuary of Herm- all of the excellent care she received from her friends, iston, Oregon, is in care of family, all of the doctors, arrangements. BIRTH Good Shepherd Medical Center, Hermiston JUNE 6, 2019 HOLMES — Raven Newton and Richard Holmes of Hermiston: a girl, Havika Desire Holmes. VISIT US ON THE WEB AT Your Family Deserves The Save with Frontier Internet Bundles Pay one price for two great services: high-speed Internet Serious speed! and a full-featured home phone Bundle and save today BEST Doris I. Ferguson of Ferguson, Hermiston, Ore- Boardman, Oregon, was gon; and Donald Fergu- born on June 1, 1931, in son and wife Nicole, Pend- Oregon; sisters, Neodesha, Kansas, to par- leton, ents, Otto Keith Schoonover Barbara and Sandra; broth- ers, Otto “Keith” and Felista Nadine and Freddy; 12 Foster Schoo- nover. She died on grandchildren; 10 great-grandchil- June 10, 2019, in dren; and numer- Hermiston, Ore- gon, at the age of ous nieces and nephews. 88 years. Doris was pre- Doris was ceded in death raised in and by her husband, attended schools Donald Ferguson, in Shelton, Wash- Ferguson ington. She was a daughter, Julie united in marriage Lester, and her parents. to Donald Wayne A celebration of life ser- Ferguson in 1948 in Idaho. They lived in Ordinance, vice will be held for both Huntington (for 14 years), Doris and Don on Satur- La Grande, Weston and Cor- day, June 22, 2019, starting vallis, Oregon. She moved at 1 p.m. and concluding at to Boardman, Oregon in 3 p.m. at the Pheasant Ban- 2012, where she has lived quet Room, 149 E. Main since. Doris was a member St., Hermiston, Oregon. A of the Junior Old Timers. graveside service will be She enjoyed reading, nee- held on Sunday, June 23, dle work, painting, cook- 2019, at 1 p.m. at the Athena ing, genealogy, and big band Cemetery, Athena, Oregon. Those who wish may music. She is survived by her make contributions in Doris’ daughters, Linda Schisler memory to the American and husband George, Board- Cancer Society. man, Oregon; Vickie Mor- Please share memo- ris and husband Dee, Union, ries of Doris with her fam- Oregon; and Pamela Lenon, ily at burnsmortuaryhermis- La Grande, Oregon; sons, Burns Mortuary of Darren Ferguson, Kenne- Hermiston, Oregon is in care wick, Washington; Dusty of arrangements. MILITARY Hermiston’s John Line completes basic training Force core values, physical fitness, and basic warfare SAN ANTONIO, Texas principles and skills. Airmen — U.S. Air Force who complete Airman John basic training also Henry O. Line earn four credits toward an asso- graduated from ciate in applied basic military science degree training at Joint through the Com- Base San Anto- nio-Lackland, San munity College of the Air Force. Antonio, Texas. 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