Hermiston herald. (Hermiston, Or.) 1994-current, June 19, 2019, Page A2, Image 2

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Summer concert series tunes up weekly
Music in the Parks fl ows
into Morrow County
Director, Hermiston Parks
and Recreation
When and why did you move to Hermiston?
I moved here in 2011, for the job. I like smaller
communities and we’ve got family in the area. I
came from the Seattle area and the quality of life
here [is] much nicer.
What is your favorite place to eat in
We really try to get around and see different
places. We go to Nookie’s most often.
What do you like to do in your spare time?
Well, I’ve got a degree in recreation. My wife and
I love riding around town. We have road and dirt
bikes. We’ve been going down to the farmer’s mar-
ket. They’re really doing a nice job. We usually lis-
ten to the music and eat there.
What surprises you about Hermiston?
What surprises me most is how interested — gen-
uinely interested — people are in building a com-
munity. They care about decisions being made. It’s
very noticeable here.
What was the last book you read?
“Baja: The Island,” a historical book about when
explorers fi rst were exploring and mapping Mexico
and Baja, they thought that Baja was an island.
A variety of musical
genres are featured during
the coming weeks as Mor-
row County continues its
annual outdoor summer
concert series.
Music in the Parks alter-
nates weekly between
Boardman and Irrigon
marina parks through Aug.
12. The free concerts are
each Monday at 7 p.m.
The Latino group Aze-
tatos will perform June 24
at Boardman Marina Park.
The experienced musicians,
who are united by friend-
ship, formed in 2018.
Azetatos recently played
at Burnt Field Brewing in
Boardman and a private
event in Pasco. They also
have upcoming shows in
Kennewick and Yakima.
They play a variety of
music, including rock, pop
and ballads — with their
setlist also including covers
of familiar tunes.
The July 1 performance
at Irrigon Marina Park fea-
tures 98% Angels. Featur-
ing Marie Rose and Renate
Meakins, the duo fi rst met
and began singing together
in 1998 with the Blue Jazz
Choir Ensemble at Blue
Mountain Community Col-
lege in Pendleton.
Since that time, they’ve
TOP: Performing as 98% Angels, local duo Marie Rose and
Renate Meakins are featured during the July 1 Music in the
Parks at Irrigon Marina Park. BOTTOM: Azetatos, a Latino
rock band, will perform during the June 24 Music in the
Parks at Boardman Marina Park.
continued to take the stage
together at area festivals.
In addition, they volun-
teer their time singing at
local assisted living facil-
ities. They offer a mixed
bag with everything from
hits of the ’50s and ’60s and
Big Band swing music to
1930s standards and popu-
lar contemporary and coun-
try tunes.
ers for the season include
Brady Goss (July 8, Board-
man), Martin Gerschwitz
(July 15, Irrigon), Cruise
Control (July 22, Board-
man), Fonozis (July 29, Irri-
gon), Cosmo’s Dream (Aug
5, Boardman) and Cale
Moon (Aug. 12, Irrigon).
People are encouraged
to bring a lawn chair or
blanket and enjoy the out-
door shows. In addition,
those attending are invited
to bring a picnic to enjoy
while basking in the beauty
of the Columbia River.
During the Boardman con-
certs, concessions will be
available for purchase as a
fundraiser for the Board-
man Little League.
In case of inclement
weather, the Boardman
performances will be held
at the SAGE Center, 101
Olson Road, and the Irri-
gon shows will be moved to
Stokes Landing Senior Cen-
ter, 150 Columbia Lane.
Thanks to sponsorship
by the North Morrow Com-
munity Foundation, Music
in the Parks is funded by
the Morrow County Uni-
fi ed Recreation District
and Portland General Elec-
tric. For more information,
contact Jackie McCauley
at 541-720-1289 or util-
What website or app do you use most other
than Facebook?
I use Powerpoint a lot; it’s effective.
If you could travel anywhere, where would
you go?
We already have booked a two week tour of Ger-
many, Austria area. We’ll be there for Oktoberfest
in Munich.
What is the funniest thing that’s ever hap-
pened to you?
This actually happened during the New Year’s
Eve party on the downtown festival street here in
Hermiston… It was a pretty cold night, and we
had fi reworks planned...we rigged a 6 foot paper
mache watermelon fi lled with confetti and bal-
loons inside it that were supposed to burst.
In practice it worked fi ne. But when we did the
big countdown, it didn’t work fi ne because it was
too cold. The balloons popped before we did any-
thing. We had this huge watermelon hoisted up on
a thirty foot crane and at the big countdown noth-
ing happened. That was my unfortunate but very
funny New Year’s Eve celebration this year.
What is one of your goals for the next 12
We have a lot of park things planned [at Parks
and Recreation]. The teen adventure park, the new
skateboard facility. Another fun one is the new
dog park, which is scheduled to be installed this
fall. The goals are continuing to create new recre-
ational opportunities.
What is your proudest accomplishment?
Working with the senior citizens to build the new
senior center. We got a two million dollar grant to
do that. We built a super cool new building.
Printed on
Chris Rush | Publisher • crush@eomediagroup.com • 541-278-2669
Jade McDowell | News Editor • jmcdowell@eastoregonian.com • 541-564-4536
Tammy Malgesini | Community Editor • tmalgesini@eastoregonian.com • 541-564-4539
Annie Fowler | Sports Editor • afowler@eastoregonian.com • 541-564-4542
Jessica Pollard | Reporter • jpollard@eastoregonian.com, 541-564-4534
Jeanne Jewett | Multi-Media consultant • jjewett@hermistonherald.com • 541-564-4531
Audra Workman | Multi-Media consultant • aworkman@eastoregonian.com • 541-564-4538
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The Hermiston Herald (USPS 242220, ISSN
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HH fi le photos
LEFT: Cari Bakker postures her Holland-lop rabbit to train it for competition at the Umatilla County Fair in 1994.
RIGHT: Stanfi eld and Hermiston fi re and ambulance personnel work to free someone trapped in a vehicle after a crash on
South Edwards Road in 1994.
A 10-year-old Hermiston boy who
received one of his mother’s kidneys
in a transplant operation in March is
showing excellent progress.
Tyler Lemmon is in the top 10 per-
cent in terms of how he is adjusting
to his new kidney, doctors told his
mother, Kristie Lemmon.
“Usually, they’ll say the’ll have
some sort of rejection in the fi rst four
to six weeks, but so far he hasn’t had
any,” his mother said.
His weight is up and he has gotten
his color back, she said.
Both of Tyler’s kidneys were irrep-
arably injured when he was struck by
a falling tree last October.
be hoped for was to try to “hold the
opponent’s score down” have been
met with wide public disapproval.
The board has been under steadily
mounting pressure to take remedial
action before a defeatist attitude per-
meates the entire school system.
Last winter a committee composed
of highly respected professional,
civic and business leaders represent-
ing a large cross section of the com-
munity recommended to the board
that coaching changes be made before
the situation entirely collapsed. The
group was deeply concerned that the
continuing public ridicule of the pro-
gram here at home and around the
conference could result in long-last-
ing degradation of our total academic
JUNE 19, 1969
JUNE 22, 1944
An excerpt from a published state-
ment by the Hermiston School Dis-
trict regarding a controversial deci-
sion not to renew the contracts of
several head coaches:
The deciding factors which led
to the board’s decision to termi-
nate the coaching assignments are
for the most part public knowledge.
But those reasons are here restated to
clear up any misconceptions that may
have developed.
The high school athletic program
has been in a rapidly declining con-
dition for the last three years. Partic-
ipation has been less than satisfac-
tory and student support has dropped
to an unacceptable level. Home game
attendance has been exceptionally
Repetitious statements by mem-
bers of the coaching staff to the effect
that Hermiston doesn’t have any “ath-
letic horses” and the best that could
Fear that some of the citizens of
Hermiston will go cold next win-
ter, unless they order and take deliv-
ery of their fi rewood and coal for the
year immediately, was expressed by
Mayor F.C. McKenzie.
“Information reaching me from
the Northwest Solid Fuels Rationing
Branch of the Offi ce of Price Admin-
istration indicates that while stren-
uous efforts are being made to avert
any fi rewood or coal shortage, federal
authorities charged with the respon-
sibility of keeping Pacifi c Northwest
homes supplied with fuel are gravely
worried as to whether a critical short-
age of these two fuels can be averted,”
he said.
“Increased use of mill waste as
raw material in manufacturing and
increased distance of sawmills from
fuel markets has cut down the supply
of fi rewood.”
“Between two-thirds and three-
JUNE 21, 1994
fourths of coal used here is shipped in
from Rocky Mountain states. The rail-
ways are crowded and with increased
intensity of the Pacifi c War will be
more so. Mines are shorthanded.”
JUNE 21, 1919
The visit last week of Leslie L.
Matlock of Heppner to attend the
funeral of his cousin, Wesley N. Mat-
lock, brings to mind that he was the
one who sounded a warning that
saved the lives of hundreds of peo-
ple in the disastrous cloudburst that
poured its waters through Heppner 16
years ago last Saturday.
It was on that day, June 14, 1903,
that without hardly any warning hun-
dreds of people living in Heppner and
Willow Creek were swept to their
death in the raging waters.
Nearly 300 bodies of victims were
recovered after the fl ood had sub-
sided, 150 having been found a few
hours after the cloudburst. That hun-
dreds more in Willow Creek Val-
ley were not swept to their grave is
due to the wild and heroic ride of Mr.
Matlock down the valley warning the
people of the lower valley towns of
the coming fl ood, after all other com-
munication had been cut off. Hun-
dreds reached safety in the hills just
in time to see their homes and fi elds
destroyed by the raging waters.
2) Statistics reveal that while
during the 19 months of war there
were 56,227 Americans killed and
200,000 injured in the war, here in the
United States of America in peace-
ful occupations during that same
time period in factories, manufactur-
ing plants, on the streets, in buildings,
on railroads, etc. there were 126,654
men, women and children killed and
two million injured.