WEDNESDAY, APRIL 10, 2019 651 Help Wanted HERMISTONHERALD.COM • A13 101 Legal Notices HH-5737 NOTICE TO INTERESTED PERSONS In the Circuit Court of the State of Oregon For the County of Umatilla In the Matter of the Estate of: DONALD STEPHEN TAYLOR, aka Don S. Taylor, Deceased. Case No. 19PB02393 Notice is hereby given that the undersigned has been appoint- ed and has qualified as the personal representative of the above-entitled estate. All per- sons having claims against the estate are hereby required to present the same, with proper vouchers, within four months after the date of first publication of this notice, as stated below, to Stephen Taylor, the person- al representative, in care of the law office of Anderson Hansell PC, attorneys for the person- al representative, at 475 East Main Street, Hermiston, Oregon 97838-1926, or they may be barred. All persons whose rights may be affected by the proceeding in this estate may obtain additional information from the records of the court, the personal repre- sentative, or the attorney for the personal representative. Dated and first published: April 10, 2019 s/ Stephen Taylor Personal Representative c/o Emily K. Rietmann, OSB #154094 Of Attorneys for Personal Rep- resentative Anderson Hansell PC 475 East Main Street Hermiston OR 97838-1926 Telephone: 541-567-7800 Fax: 541-567-7656 Published: April 10, 17 & 24, 2019 Field Operations Coordinator Closes April 21, 2019 $4,388.00/Month Please visit umatillacounty. net for a complete job de- scription and application instructions or Umatilla County 216 SE 4th St. Pendleton, OR 97801 541-278-6205 661 Childcare/Adult Contact Rowan or Grace today to place your classified ad! 1-800-962-2819 We can highlight your ad with color! 828 Misc for Sale 12 FT Livingston Boat, Trailer & outboard motor. Price-$2500 2012 Mercury 8 4 stroke like new lots of extras 541-276-1387 Looking for a new place to live? The classified ads offer a complete section of homes, apartments, and mobile homes to fit your needs. Check daily for new listings! 101 Legal Notices 101 Legal Notices HH-5733 NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the Hermiston City Council will hold a public hearing on April 22, 2019, at or after 7:00 PM in the council chambers of the City Hall, Hermiston, Oregon, on the pro- posed annexation to the City of Hermiston, withdrawal from the Umatilla County Library District, and establish zoning designation of the following described property: approximately 10.35 acre tract located on the north side of W Elm Ave, approximately 640 feet west of NW 11th St. The property is described as 4N 28 04D, Tax Lot 1601 and has a comprehensive plan map designation of Medi- um Density/Mobile Home Residential. A PORTION OF THE NORTHEAST QUARTER OF THE NORTH- EAST QUARTER OF SECTION 9 AND THE SOUTHEAST QUARTER OF THE SOUTHEAST QUARTER OF SECTION 4, TOWNSHIP 4 NORTH, RANGE 28 EAST OF THE WILLAMETTE MERIDIAN, UMATILLA COUNTY, OREGON, DESCRIBED AS FOLLOWS: COMMENCING AT THE NORTHEAST CORNER OF SAID SEC- TION 9; THENCE SOUTH 00°30’34” EAST ALONG THE EAST LINE OF SAID SECTION 9 TO THE INTERSECTION OF THE PROJECTED SOUTH RIGHT OF WAY LINE OF WEST ELM AV- ENUE; THENCE NORTH 89°40’06” WEST ALONG THE SAID SOUTH RIGHT OF WAY A DISTANCE OF 661.30 FEET TO THE NORTHWEST CORNER OF PARCEL 3 OF PARTITION PLAT 2006-25, SAID CORNER ALSO BEING THE POINT OF BEGIN- NING FOR THIS DESCRIPTION; THENCE CONTINUING NORTH 89°40’06” WEST ALONG SAID SOUTH RIGHT OF WAY A DISTANCE OF 661.39 FEET TO THE PROJECTED WEST LINE OF PARCEL 2 OF PARTITION PLAT 2000-53; THENCE NORTH 00°49’57” WEST ALONG THE WEST LINE OF PARCEL 2 OF SAID PARTITION PLAT 2000-53 AND THE PROJECTED PORTION THEREOF A DISTANCE OF 697.43 FEET TO THE NORTHWEST CORNER OF SAID PARCEL 2; THENCE SOUTH 89°40’47” EAST ALONG THE NORTH LINE OF SAID PARCEL 2 A DISTANCE OF 644.91 FEET TO THE NORTH- EAST CORNER THEREOF; THENCE SOUTH 00°50’05” EAST ALONG THE EAST LINE OF SAID PARCEL 2 A DISTANCE OF 631.55 TO THE SOUTHEAST CORNER THEREOF; THENCE SOUTH 89°40’06” EAST ALONG THE NORTH RIGHT OF WAY LINE OF SAID WEST ELM AVENUE A DISTANCE OF 16.82 FEET; THENCE SOUTH 00°30’34” EAST A DISTANCE OF 66.01 FEET TO THE SAID POINT OF BEGINNING. CONTAINING APPROXIMATELY 10.35 ACRES. The above-described land shall be designated as Multi-Structure Residential (R-4) on the City zoning map. The public may appear and be heard on the above stated ques- tions. DATED this 3rd day of April 2019. (Lilly Alarcon-Strong) City Recorder Publish: April 3 and 10, 2019 101 Legal Notices 101 Legal Notices 101 Legal Notices 101 Legal Notices HH-5735 IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE STATE OF OREGON FOR THE COUNTY OF UMATILLA PROBATE DEPARTMENT In the Matter of the Estate of: PATRICIA JEAN OTIS, Deceased. CASE No: 19PB02123 HH-5731 NOTICE TO INTERESTED PERSONS In the Circuit Court of the State of Oregon For the County of Umatilla Notices under this classifi- cation are required by law to run in a newspaper of general circulation. A notarized proof of publication will be provided for all notices. Some notices may require pre-payment. Deadline for submission is 2:30PM, three (3) working days prior to required publi- cation date. The Hermiston Herald will accept responsi- bility for printing errors on the first publication only. Submit to: Legals 211 SE Byers Ave. Pendleton, OR 97801 View all statewide legal notic- es online at: NOTICE TO INTERESTED PERSONS NOTICE IS HEREBY GIV- EN that the undersigned in- dividual has been appointed personal representative of the estate of Patricia Jean Otis, deceased. All persons hav- ing claims against the estate are required to present them, with vouchers attached, to the undersigned personal repre- sentative in care of the law office of Bendixsen Law, P.C., attorneys for the personal representative at 245 E. Main St. Suite E, Hermiston, OR 97838, within four months af- ter the date of first publication of this notice, or the claims may be barred. All persons whose rights may be affected by the pro- ceedings may obtain addition- al information from the record of the court, the personal rep- resentative, or the attorneys for the personal representative. Dated and first published on April 3rd, 2019. /s/ Jeffrey Wayne Otis Personal Representative c/o Cameron Bendixsen, Attorney for Personal Representative Bendixsen Law, P.C. 245 E. Main St. Suite E Hermiston, OR 97838 Tele: 541-567-5564 Published April 3rd, 10th and 17th of 2019. You can find your dream home... Check out our real estate listings in the classifieds! In the Matter of the Estate of: CHARLES VERNON REIBER, aka Charles V. Reiber and Chuck Reiber, Deceased. Case No. 19PB02288 Notice is hereby given that the undersigned has been ap- pointed and has qualified as the personal representative of the above-entitled estate. All persons having claims against the estate are hereby required to present the same, with proper vouchers, within four months after the date of first publication of this notice, as stated below, to Martin Reiber, the personal repre- sentative, in care of the law office of Anderson Hansell PC, attorneys for the person- al representative, at 475 East Main Street, Hermiston, Ore- gon 97838-1926, or they may be barred. All persons whose rights may be affected by the proceeding in this estate may obtain ad- ditional information from the records of the court, the per- sonal representative, or the attorney for the personal rep- resentative. Dated and first published: April 3, 2019 s/ Martin Reiber Personal Representative c/o Sally Anderson Hansell, OSB #001934 Of Attorneys for Personal Representative Anderson Hansell PC 475 East Main Street Hermiston OR 97838-1926 Telephone: 541-567-7800 Fax: 541-567-7656 Published April and 17th of 2019. 3rd,10th BUY IT! SELL IT! FIND IT! CALL 1-800-962-2819 Classified Ads work hard for you! HAVING storage problems? Why not sell no-longer-used items with a fastworking classifed ad? 651 Help Wanted 651 Help Wanted Employment Opportunity General Farm Laborers/Irrigators wanted May 15 to November 1, 2019 for Peri & Sons Farms, Inc in Yerington, Nevada. There are 88 temporary positions available. Work duties will include, but not be limited to, preparing fields for irrigation by sprinkler or drip delivery system, performing scheduled irrigation of the fields, operating a tractor, as is the norm in growing diversified commodities, and assisting in land preparation and planting/cultivation activities. Workers may be required to perform work, on the farm, that is incidental to farming the crops listed in the application, such as performing hand cultivation and harvest tasks, gardening, weeding or hoeing crops, cleaning and repairing farm buildings, seed beds, bins, grounds, set up and move irrigation pipes and equipment, etc. Workers may transport crops and farm equipment between growing sites and to storage. All other duties assigned under this order will be those duties of Farmworker, Diversified Crops, under the Bureau of Labor Statistics Occupational Classification Code 45-2092.02. Worker will assist with harvesting of crops. Worker must be able to lift and/or move 20-50 pounds and kneel for long hours. Applicants must have 30 days verifiable experience in row crop irrigation and some general farm labor experience. The standard work week is 8 hrs per day, Monday-Friday and 5 hrs on Saturday. Hours may vary between 7 to 12 hours daily, 5 to 7 days per week depending on weather. Three quarter of the hours in the contract period are guaranteed. Tools, supplies, equipment provided by employer at no cost to the worker. No cost housing will be provided for individual workers who cannot reasonably return to their permanent residence at the end of the work day, no family housing available. Reasonable transportation and subsistence expenses to the worksite will be paid by the employer in the paycheck issued for the workers’ first pay period. Hourly rate is $13.13 and piece rate(s) are offered depending on crop activity with a guaranteed minimum of $13.13 per hour. Higher Hourly Rates and/or Bonuses may be paid to workers depending on prior work experience and job performance. Interested parties should apply to the Oregon State Employment Department. Reference Job #468225. HH-5736 Notice of Inclusion Petition Hermiston Irrigation District has received a petition for the inclusion of lands filed by Ore- gon State University on behalf of the Hermiston Agricultural Research and Extension Cen- ter. The lands to be included are portions of Tax Lot 1100 and Tax Lot 800 of Map No. 4N-28D. The District will hold a hearing on the application at its next regularly scheduled board meeting on April 18, 2019 at 4:00 pm. All interested persons may send questions or comments to, call Manager Kirkpatrick at 541-571- 7698 or appear at the Hermiston Irrigation District office locat- ed at 366 E. Hurlburt Avenue Hermiston, OR 97838 on or be- fore April 18, 2019 at 4:00 pm to show cause in favor or against the Inclusion Petition. Published: April 3, 10 & 17, 2019 You can find your dream home Check out our Real Estate Listings in the Classifieds UPCOMING GARAGE OR ESTATE SALE? Call 1-800-962-2819 to advertise it in our classified section and get your sale out there! CLASSIFIED ADS work hard for you. Try one today! ADVERTISERS who want quick results use classified ads regularly. 101 Legal Notices 101 Legal Notices HH-5732 NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the Hermiston City Council will hold a public hearing on April 22, 2019, at or after 7:00 PM in the council chambers of the City Hall, Hermiston, Oregon, on the pro- posed annexation to the City of Hermiston, withdrawal from the Umatilla County Library District, and establish zoning designation of the following described property: approximately 11.2 acre tract located at 1920 NW Geer Road. The property is described as 4N 28 03AC, Tax Lot 400 and has a comprehensive plan map desig- nation of Medium Density/Mobile Home Residential. A Parcel of land located in the Southwest Quarter of the Northeast Quarter and the Southeast Quarter of the Northwest Quarter of Section 3, Township 4 North, Range 28 East of the Willamette Me- ridian, Umatilla County, Oregon being a portion of Farm Unit “H”, according to the Farm Unit Plat, of the South Half of the Southwest Quarter of the Northeast Quarter of said Section 3 together with the westerly 30 feet of a portion of NW Geer Road, formally known as County Road Number 1249, being more particularly described as follows: Commencing at the southeast corner of the Southwest Quarter of the Northeast Quarter of Section 3, Township 4 North, Range 28 East of the Willamette Meridian, Umatilla County, Oregon and run- ning thence S89°27’51”W, along the South line of the Southwest Quarter of the Northeast Quarter of said Section 3, a distance of 410.00 feet to the southwest corner of that tract of land conveyed to Universal Realty, Inc, an Oregon Corporation by deed recorded in Microfilm R-28, Page 1842, Office of County Records, Uma- tilla County, Oregon and the True Point Of Beginning; thence, continuing along the South line of the South Half the Southwest Quarter of the Northeast Quarter of said Section 3 and the west- erly prolongation thereof, S89°27’50”W a distance of 944.68 feet to the westerly line of NW Geer Road formerly County Road Num- ber 1249; thence N00°40’51”W, along the westerly line of said NW Geer Road and parallel with the West line of the Southwest Quarter of the Northeast Quarter of said Section 3, a distance of 249.32 feet to the intersection of the westerly prolongation of the South line of that tract of land conveyed to Lloyd Ritch by deed recorded in Book 314, Page 232, Deed Records, Umatilla Coun- ty, Oregon; thence N89°31’06”E, along said westerly prolongation and said South line, a distance of 238.00 feet to the southeast cor- ner thereof; thence N00°40’51”W, along the East line of said Ritch tract and along the East line of that tract of land conveyed to Roy G. Attebury, et ux, by Deed recorded in Book 202, Page 420, Deed Records, Umatilla County, Oregon, a distance of 416.00 feet to the North line of the South Half of the Southwest Quarter of the North- east Quarter of said Section 3; thence N89°31’06”E, along said North line, a distance of 707.82 feet to the northwest corner of that tract of land conveyed to Universal Realty, Inc, an Oregon Corpo- ration by deed recorded in Microfilm R-28, Page 1842, Office of County Records, Umatilla County, Oregon; thence S00°34’57”E, along the West line of said Universal Realty, Inc. tract, a distance of 664.42 feet to the Point of Beginning. Having an area of 529,455 square feet, 12.15 acres, more or less. The above-described land shall be designated as Multi-Structure Residential (R-4) on the City zoning map. The public may appear and be heard on the above stated ques- tions. DATED this 3rd day of April 2019. (Lilly Alarcon-Strong) City Recorder Publish: April 3 and 10, 2019 BUSINESS DIRECTORY YOUR GUIDE TO LOCAL PROFESSIONALS Second Hand Store We Sell Stuff 2nd Hand 342 SW 1st St. Pendleton, OR (541) 969-3073 Collection Service Construction Delivery Complete Collection Service Gary Adams Construction, LLC. SURE FAST DELIVERY SALES • SERVICE • INSTALLATION 24 Hour Courier Service COMMERCIAL & RESIDENTIAL LOCALLY OWNED & OPERATED • • • • Licensed Bonded No Collection No Fee HEATING & AIR CONDITIONING Insurance 24 HOUR Servicing to and from Tricites WA • Morrow County Gilliam County • Umatilla County EMERGENCY SERVICE CCB# 215307 541-276-6571 Lawn Care Call 541-561-4785 Mortgage Ph: 541.701.0545 Fax: 509.936.6111 Efficient ~ Reliable References 541.910.0925 Call today to schedule your first mowing! 800-243-8918 Heat Pumps Furnaces 541-276-3751 650 NE Rose Street Painting Opportunity PAINTING GREAT HOMES FOR 28 YEARS! Excellent Color Advice Free Bids YOUR BUSINESS SHOULD BE HERE! (2009 Business of the year*) 541-720-1715 Providing the greater Hermiston area full commercial & residential service. NMLS #1850 505 E Main Street, Suite A Hermiston, OR 97838 1816 N.W. 48th St • PENDLETON EMAIL: STATE CONTRS#66036 NMLS #311680 Branch Manager Its Hard To Stop A Trane THEWS SHEET METAL ish Work From Framing to Fin Melisa Webb Laura’s House Keeping Heating & AC Industrial • Agricultural• Construction 461 E. Main Hermiston, OR 97838 650 NE Rose Street (541)289-9107 Housekeeping Flooring & Design 541-276-9679 CCB#132851 WA LLC#ASHARPL022QF Pendleton Cham ber of Com m erce Call 541-278-2670 for details!