LOCAL Wednesday, February 27, 2019 BTW Continued from Page A1 Ordnance’s New Lite Hearted Lager and its Tetra Negra Oatmeal Stout won silver medals at the festival, as well. • • • Students pursuing higher education in the field of med- icine are invited to apply for $2,000 scholarships for the 2019-20 school year. To be eligible for the is Friday, April 26. Appli- cations are available at the hospital gift shop, 610 N.W. 11th St., Hermis- ton, or by calling the direc- tor of volunteer services at 541-667-3690. • • • The Morrow County Cultural Coalition, sup- ported by the Oregon Cul- tural Trust Foundation, recently announced grant recipients for 2018 projects in Morrow County: Good Shepherd Medical Center Auxiliary scholar- ships, a student’s home res- idence must be within the areas served by Good Shep- herd Health Care System. Those communities include Hermiston, Boardman, Echo, Irrigon, Stanfield and Umatilla. Applicants must have successfully completed at least one year of study in the field of medicine at a college or university. The deadline to apply HerMIsTOnHeraLd.COM • A7 Inland Northwest Musi- cians for an associate direc- tor; Lexington Grange #726, basement refurbish- ment; Heppner Elemen- tary School, art program; FARM Foundation for mural restorations; Hep- pner High School Art & Cultural Club for pottery classes; and The Morrow County Historical Society to help with the cost of print- ing the Morrow County Chronicles. Applications for 2019 cultural-based activities in Morrow County are now being accepted. Projects supported in the past also have included quilting, art displays, historical library books, cultural entertain- ment, kids’ activities, drama and musical workshops. Grants can be awarded for up to 50 percent of total project cost. For complete guidelines and an applica- tion, contact Gayle Gutier- rez at 541-676-5630 or ggu- tierrez@co.morrow.or.us. • • • The Harkenrider Senior Center’s lunch menu for Thursday is oven-fried chicken, potatoes with gravy, salad, vegetables and a cake by Sun Terrace Hermiston. ——— You can submit items for our weekly By The Way col- umn by emailing your tips to editor@hermistonher- ald.com. Contact the Hermiston Chamber of Commerce 541-567-6151 for information HAVE FUN IN YOUR COMMUNITY! •HOME •COMMERCIAL 24 HOUR EMERGENCY 541-567-3781 • 1-800-238-1223 905 Diagonal • Hermiston • www.osokleen.com …yŒ„„y„}{ŒŠ{‡‡ˆ}ŠyŒŽ}ŋ‹ $QQXDO0HPEHUVKLS'LQQHU 6DWXUGD\$SULO SP Ũ Ũ (DVWHUQ2UHJRQ7UDGH (YHQW&HQWHU(27(& ($LUSRUW5GLQ+HUPLVWRQ Š}}~‡Š}…z}Š‹y†|}‹ŒŘ Join us for dinner, entertainment, prizes and a look at last year’s accomplishments. ZZZ8PDWLOOD(OHFWULFFRP ZZZ8PDWLOOD(OHFWULFFRP Complete Collection Service • Worker’s Comp Insurance • Recruiting • Human Resource Management • Risk Management • Payroll Administration • Temporary Staffing Services 202 N. Main St., Boardman, OR (541) 481-2666 • Fax (541) 481-2239 Tim Mabry President WWW.BARRETTBUSINESS.COM Complete Collection Service T I P E KE AL! LOC PETROLEUM Licensed • Bonded No Collection • No Fee 1055 S. Hwy 395, Ste 333 • Hermiston, OR (541) 567-9670 • Fax (541) 567-4427 Licensed • Bonded No Collection • No Fee Tim Mabry President 461 E. Main Hermiston, OR 97838 (541)289-9107 www.creditsinc.com 461 E. Main Hermiston, OR 97838 (541) 289-9107 www.creditsinc.com ELMER’S IRRIGATION, INC. “Proudly serving & investing in the future of our communities” Hwy 395 • Hermiston 541-567-5572 Our office is located at 6LQFH :%HHEH$YH+HUPLVWRQ25 1055 S. Hwy 395, Ste 111 Cornerstone Plaza 541-567-6151 345 N. 1st Place, Hermiston, OR 97838 541-28 9-5015 • www.mcpcoop.com AFFORDABLE FAMILY EYEWEAR Hermiston’s Best Value in all Eyewear 541-567-3790 • 541-567-3791 fax 1045 N. 1st • Hermiston, OR ~MARCIA LAMBERT~ www.affordablefamilyeyewear.com P4 & MORE COMPUTERS 541-567-6562 190 E Main Street, Hermiston Oregon CAROLLEEN LOVELL Certified Public Accountant, LLC 541-567-1780 www.carolleenlovell.com 635 SE 4th St. • PO Box 747 Hermiston, OR 97838 Call to add your business to Keep it Local: • Jeanne Jewett at 541-564-4531 • Audra Workman at 541-564-4538