Hermiston herald. (Hermiston, Or.) 1994-current, October 10, 2018, Page A5, Image 5

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Jeffrey Sutton Jenkins
Nan Carol Reeves
Good Shepherd Medical Center, Hermiston
Tacoma, Wash.
January 28, 1954 - September 30, 2018
October 13, 1924 - September 26, 2018
SEPT. 21, 2018
Jeff was born on Janu- never complained, and
ary 28, 1954, in La Grande, always fought the good
Oregon, as the first child of fight. He stayed interested
Jack and Roberta Jenkins. in life, sports, politics,
The family lived in La and those around him.
Grande, Nyssa and
Jeff dealt with
West Linn, Oregon,
his disability the
before moving to
best he could, with
Hermiston, Oregon,
help from his dad,
in 1960 along with
his brothers and,
his brother Charles,
early on, from his
20 months his
then-wife Charlene.
junior. His brother
Jeff lived out near
Rob joined them in Jenkins
Mount Hood, Ore.,
for several years
Jeff grew up in Herm- after his stroke, then lived
iston. He graduated from in assisted living in Tuala-
Hermiston High School in tin and Oregon City, Ore.,
1972. Jeff went on to grad- for over a decade. Jeff’s
uate from Eastern Oregon last few years were spent
State College with a bach- in nursing homes in Ore-
gon City and Tigard, Ore.,
elor’s degree in 1976.
Jeff was an avid skier and for the last 18 months
and skied at Anthony in Tacoma, near his brother
Lakes Ski Resort through- Rob.
out his college days and
Jeff passed away on
Sunday, September 30, in
After college, Jeff Tacoma, Wash. He was 64
focused on a career in years of age.
food service manage-
Jeff was preceded in
ment: at Copper Kitchen death by his parents. He
restaurants; at ski resorts is survived by his col-
(Anthony Lakes, Sch- lege love and former part-
weitzer, Idaho, Red Lodge, ner Sylvia Duarte of
Mont., and Alpine Mead- Santa Rosa, Calif., and
ows, Calif.); at entertain- their daughter and grand-
ment and sports venues daughter, Robyn and Kelly
in Sacramento, Mountain Weber of Camino Island,
View and Berkeley, Calif., Wash.; his former wife,
and in Portland, Ore. Jeff Charlene Fleming of Cot-
also taught ski school at tonwood, Calif.; cousins
Mount Hood’s Timberline Greg Hays of Denver and
Kathy Kostka of Gig Har-
ski resort.
Jeff lived a full life in bor, Wash.; and his broth-
his 20s and 30s, despite ers Charles of Soldotna,
the epilepsy that become Alaska, and Rob of
more active as Jeff Tacoma.
Graveside service was
entered his early 20s. In
February 1994, at the age held at 1 p.m. Saturday,
of 40, Jeff had a stroke. October 6, 2018, at Hill-
From then on, Jeff strug- crest Cemetery in Weiser,
gled with the after-ef- Idaho.
fects of his stroke and
Please leave online con-
the ongoing epileptic sei- dolences at www.gaffney-
zures, and in later years a cares.com.
series of physical prob-
lems. Jeff never let his Gaffney Funeral Home,
disability get him down, 253-572-6003.
John F. Walchli
July 26, 1934 - September 26, 2018
John F. Walchli was of countless projects.
born on July 26, 1934
He is survived by his
in Stanfield, Oregon, to wife of 65 years, Marge
Ernest and Maria Pauline Walchli, Hermiston, Ore.;
Federer Walchli. He died sons Phillip (Michelle)
on September 26,
iston, Ore., and
2018, at his home
Gregg (Cheri) Wal-
in Hermiston, Ore-
chli, Woodinville,
gon, at the age of 84
ters Diane (Char-
John was raised
and attended schools
Hermiston, Ore.,
in Stanfield, Oregon,
and Cherie Wal-
where he played Walchli
chli (Hal Smith),
football and bas-
ketball. He graduated from Lynnwood, Wash.; brother
Stanfield High School Skip (Sherry) Walchli,
in 1952 and had already Hermiston, Ore.; sister
started his farming career Betty (Ron) Furrer, Stan-
raising watermelons. John field, Ore.; sister-in-law
was united in marriage Irene Walchli, Hermiston,
to Marjorie E. “Marge” Ore.; grandchildren Bil-
Chrisman on August 10, lie, Lauren, Sarah, Kyle,
1953, in Lewiston, Idaho. Mick, Dru and Dylan; six
Through the years their great-grandchildren; and
farm continued to expand, numerous nieces, nephews
raising watermelons, pota- and cousins.
toes, asparagus, wheat,
John was preceded
alfalfa, cattle and buffalo. in death by his parents,
They have a potato shed brother George Walchli,
for fresh pack potatoes.
and sisters Margaret Rob-
He was a member of ertson and Mary Ann
the Hermiston Elks Lodge Moore.
#1845, Oregon Wheat
League, Oregon Cattle- Wednesday, October 3 and
man’s Association, Safari Thursday, October 4 from
Club International, Rocky 3 p.m. until 7 p.m. at Burns
Mountain Elk Founda- Mortuary chapel, Herm-
tion, Ducks Unlimited, iston, Oregon. A celebra-
Oregon-California Potato tion of life service will be
Committee, held on Saturday, October
Umatilla County Farm 13, 2018, at 1 p.m. at the
Bureau, National Potato Hermiston High School
Promotion Board, Farms gymnasium, 600 S. First
Administration St., Hermiston, Oregon. A
Board and Oregon Potato private family burial will
Commission. He served be held at the Hermis-
on the board of directors ton Cemetery, Hermiston,
for both PGG and Inland Oregon.
The family requests
Empire Bank. John won
the Oregon Outstanding those who wish may make
Young Farmer of the Year contributions in John’s
award in 1969. In 1979 and memory (in lieu of flow-
in 1981 he received a Soil ers) to the Agape House
and Water Conservation or Vange John Memorial
Hospice Education Fund
John loved hunting and c/o Burns Mortuary of
enjoyed traveling, NFR, Hermiston, P.O. Box, 289,
old cars and tractors. You Hermiston, OR 97838.
could always find John
Please sign the online
working around the farm condolence book at burns-
and was always willing to mortuaryhermiston.com.
Arrangements by Burns
lend a hand to help others
and was a great supporter Mortuary of Hermiston.
On September 26, 2018,
Nan Carol Reeves passed
away peacefully, surrounded
by family. Nan was born on
October 13, 1924, in Kreole,
Mississippi, to Wal-
ter Leon and Ola Mae
(Peggy) Dees.
Nan was raised in
Mobile and Grand
Bay, Alabama. Her
senior year of high
school World War II
was declared. After Reeves
Grand Bay High School she
attended University Busi-
ness School in Mobile, Ala-
bama. Her first job was at
the Mobile Press Regis-
ter. Soon the War Price and
Ration Board was formed
and Nan was one of the first
people hired to work there.
In 1943 Fred Reeves’
Army unit arrived in Pecan,
Mississippi. His outfit was
invited to a dance in Grand
Bay. One of his buddies
dared him to ask Nan to
dance and the rest is history.
After a short courtship they
were married on July 23,
1943, in Moss Point, Mis-
sissippi. Fred was honorably
discharged in 1945 and they
moved to his hometown,
Hermiston, Oregon. Nan
owned and operated a busi-
ness for 17 years.
She loved playing cards
and belonged to several
pinochle and bridge groups
spanning her entire adult life.
Nan was a 70-year member
of the First United Method-
ist Church. She was active in
the Women’s Group as well
as teaching both children
and adult Sunday School
classes for many years. Nan
was full of energy, and very
well organized and efficient.
This allowed her to get a lot
done in short order which
earned her the nickname of
“Little General.”
After retirement, Nan and
Fred enjoyed many years
RVing and fishing with
friends. There was always
a card game going with fun
times enjoyed together.
Fred passed away in 2007
after 63 happy and blessed
years of marriage. Nan con-
tinued to live in their home
and kept an immaculate
yard. She enjoyed garden-
ing and took great pride and
joy in her beautiful roses and
other flowers.
She was a natural care-
giver. For many years she
drove her older or
disabled friends to
social events and
In 2011, Nan
moved to Sun Ter-
race. She had many
friends there and
loved reaching out
and helping those
less fortunate than her. She
was thankful for the friend-
ships she had there with the
residents and staff.
She has been a positive
guiding force in the lives of
her entire family. She had
the opportunity in the days
before her passing to witness
to all, “to be good kind cit-
izens and to follow Jesus,”
whom she loved, admired,
followed and depended on.
Her beautiful Christian spirit
shined for all to see. She will
be greatly missed , but we as
a family have peace know-
ing that she is with her Lord.
She is survived by her
Reeves, Fran Fife and
Cindy (Roger) Goller; eight
grandchildren and eight
great-grandchildren. Nan’s
family meant everything to
her. Many wonderful hol-
idays and gatherings hap-
pened at Nana’s house.
Nan was preceded in
death by her husband Fred;
her parents; three brothers,
Tom, Max and Bill Dees;
and son-in-law Brent Fife.
A celebration of Nan’s life
will be held Saturday, Octo-
ber 13, 2018, at 10:00 a.m.
at the First United Methodist
Church, 191 E. Gladys Ave.,
Hermiston, Oregon.
Donations may be made
in Nan’s memory to the First
United Methodist Church,
or Vange John Memorial
Hospice Education Fund at
645 W. Orchard Ave., Suite
300, Hermiston, OR 97838
Please sign the online
condolence book at burns-
Arrangements by Burns
Mortuary of Hermiston,
Freddie J. ‘Fred’ Stone
June 5, 1934 - October 2, 2018
Freddie J. “Fred” Stone
of Umatilla, Oregon, was
born on June 5, 1934, in
Omak, Washington, to par-
ents Walter and Beulah Ful-
ford Stone. He died
on October 2, 2018,
in Spokane, Wash-
ington, at the age of
84 years.
He was raised in
ton, graduating from
Chelan High School Stone
in 1952. Fred was
united in marriage to Jean
L. Crill on November 7,
1953, in Chelan, Washing-
ton. They moved to Uma-
tilla, Oregon, in 1974 where
they have lived since.
Fred worked as a carpen-
ter and at Valley Tractor in
Wenatchee for a short time.
He later went to work for
Guenther Irrigation in Pasco
and Othello, which led him
to work for Valmont North-
west, an irrigation supply
company in Pasco, Wash-
ington. He worked there
in sales where he received
salesman of the year award
and formed lifelong working
relationships and friendships
with many of the area farm-
ers until retiring in 2000.
Fred was a member of the
Hermiston Elks Lodge #1845
and volunteer fireman in
Moses Lake, Wash. He was
an avid golfer and enjoyed
watching sports, camping,
playing cards, reading, tell-
ing stories and jokes.
He is survived by his wife
of 64 years, Jean Stone, Uma-
tilla, Ore.; daughters
Cheree Stephens, East
Wenatchee, Wash.,
and Lori (Don) Thorn-
ton, Boise, Idaho;
son Vince (Katrina)
ton, Ore.; grandchil-
dren Jamie, Natasha,
Shayla, Justin, Tif-
fany and Jennifer; stepgrand-
children Kara, Kayla and
Jessica; nine great-grandchil-
dren; and several nieces and
Fred was preceded in
death by his parents, broth-
ers George and Allen
Stone, and son-in-law Gary
“Archie” Stephens.
A celebration of life ser-
vice will be held on Fri-
day, October 12, 2018, at
1:00 p.m. at Burns Mortuary
chapel, Hermiston, Oregon.
Those who wish may
make contributions in Fred’s
memory to American Diabe-
tes Association, 2451 Crys-
tal Drive, Suite 900, Arling-
ton VA 22202.
Please sign the online
condolence book at burns-
Arrangements by Burns
Mortuary of Hermiston,
PURCELL — Norma Ayala and Jared Purcell of
Boardman: a girl, Emery Millie Purcell.
SEPT. 23, 2018
MILBRODT-RENNER — Bethanie S. Milbrodt and
Dominic J.G. Renner of Stanfield: a girl, Bentlie JuliaAnn
SEPT. 24, 2018
GALVEZ — Sarah K. Galvez and Euclide R. Galvez
of Kennewick, Wash.: a girl, Jade Isabella Galvez.
SEPT. 25, 2018
RICO GONZALEZ — Maria G. Gonzalez Marin
and Jesus E. Rico Flores of Boardman: a girl, Dalila Rico
SEPT. 27, 2018
LEAVITT — Heidilyn M. Leavitt and Rory D. Leavitt
of Hermiston: a boy, Ruick Rhys Leavitt.
SEPT. 28, 2018
FLORES — Ashley A. Pitts and Roberto A. Flores of
Hermiston: a girl, Karmin Lynn Flores.
OCT. 1, 2018
MECHAM — Christina B. Mecham and Christopher
R. Holden of Umatilla: a girl, Emma Grace Mecham.
St. Anthony Hospital, Pendleton
SEPT. 18, 2018
DICKENS — Chelsea A. Calvillo and Drew A. Dick-
ens of Hermiston: a girl, Reign Gaelynn Dickens.
Phil E. Anderson
March 6, 1953 - Oct. 7, 2018
Phil E. Anderson, 65, of Hermiston died Sunday, Oct.
7, 2018, in Kennewick, Wash. He was born March 6,
1953, in Denver, Colorado. A funeral service with mili-
tary honors will be held Sunday, Oct. 14 at 2 p.m. at the
Stanfield Baptist Church, 310 E. Wheeler Ave. Burial will
be at the Echo Cemetery. Arrangements by Burns Mor-
tuary of Hermiston, Oregon. Sign the online condolence
book at burnsmortuaryhermiston.com.
Meredith Pearl (Hoover) DeHaven
Nov. 17, 1935 - Oct. 2, 2018
Meredith Pearl (Hoover) DeHaven, 82, of Hermiston
died Tuesday, Oct. 2, 2018. She was born Nov. 17, 1935.
A private family gathering will be held. Arrangements by
Burns Mortuary of Hermiston, Oregon. Sign the online
condolence book at burnsmortuaryhermiston.com.
Rogelio Garcia Peña
Sept. 16, 1971 - Sept. 28, 2018
Rogelio Garcia Peña, 47, of Umatilla died Friday,
Sept. 28, 2018, at his home. He was born Sept. 16, 1971,
in Jalisco, Mexico. Recitation of the rosary was held Sun-
day, Oct. 7 at 5 p.m. in the Burns Mortuary chapel in
Hermiston. Mass of Christian Burial will be held Mon-
day, Oct. 8 at 10 a.m. at Our Lady of Angels Catholic
Church in Hermiston. Burial followed at the Hermiston
Cemetery. Arrangements by Burns Mortuary of Hermis-
ton, Oregon. Sign the online condolence book at burns-
Willard K. ‘Bill’ Smith
May 16, 1928 - Oct. 1, 2018
Willard K. “Bill” Smith, 90, of Hermiston died Mon-
day, Oct. 1, 2018, in Hermiston. He was born May 16,
1928, in Goshen, Ore. A celebration of life gathering was
held Saturday, Oct. 6 from 1-5 p.m. at the family home.
Arrangements by Burns Mortuary of Hermiston, Oregon.
Sign the online condolence book at burnsmortuaryherm-
Steven R. Zielinski
April 11, 1958 - Nov. 12, 2017
Dr. Steven R. Zielinski MD JD, 59, of Hermiston died
Nov. 12, 2017, in Portland. He was born April 11, 1958,
in Chicago, Illinois. A graveside service was held Satur-
day, Oct. 6, 2018, at 1:30 p.m. at Sunset Hills Cemetery in
Umatilla. Arrangements by Burns Mortuary of Hermis-
ton. Sign the online condolence book at www.burnsmor-
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