A6 • HERMISTONHERALD.COM LOCAL District attorney charges couple with 37 counts of animal neglect Husband and wife Rich- ard Tyrone Ruiz and Mar- tina Garcia Ruiz of Stanfield each face 37 counts of ani- mal neglect stemming from a recent police investigation. Stanfield police arrested the couple on Aug. 19 at their home at 230 S. Lucy St. and seized more than three dozen dogs and a cat. Animal rescuers said the outside of the home was like a junk yard and the interior was filthy with dog feces. Richard Ruiz, 47, and Martina Ruiz, 48, were out of jail on Aug. 21 after sign- ing release agreements, according to court records. A grand jury three days later handed up 37-count indict- ments against the pair — 36 misdemeanors of sec- ond-degree animal neglect for the 35 dogs and a cat and one felony of second-de- gree animal neglect because the total number of charges exceeded 11. The indictment identifies each dog by name. Uma- tilla County District Attor- ney Dan Primus said that is a practical matter. “So when we’re talking to a jury, we’re all on the same page on that animal at the same time,” he said. There was only one cat, so no need to name it. Primus said animal neglect cases are unique, and his office is working with Jake Kamins, dep- uty district attorney in Ben- ton County who special- izes in animal cruelty law. FRIDAY, AUGUST 31 11:54 a.m. — An intoxicated driver was reported at Columbia Drive, Hermiston. 12:48 p.m. — A woman in a HERMISTON HERALD PHOTO CONTRIBUTED BY SHAINDEL BEERS Two of the 36 dogs that were taken from a Stanfield residence on August 19. Primus and his team relied on Kamins in 2017 for the prosecution of Hermis- ton rancher Michael Hock- ensmith who faced 200 counts of animal neglect after authorities discovered dead and malnourished cat- tle on his property. Hock- ensmith, 56, pleaded guilty to five counts of first-degree animal neglect and is about 16 months into serving a five-year sentence on proba- wheelchair was slumped over near Bealls on South Highway 395. Callers wanted officers to go check on her. 3:38 p.m. — An assault was reported at South Highway 395. SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 1 2:05 p.m. — A male was reported pounding on the window at East Gladys Avenue, Hermiston. 5:16 a.m — A caller on South- west 11th Street said her sister came into the room and pushed and shoved her numerous times. 9:37 p.m. — A man and a woman got in a fist fight at West Orchard Avenue and Southwest 13th Place. SUNDAY, SEPTEMBER 2 5:37 p.m. — Shots fired were reported on Northwest 11th Street, Hermiston. MONDAY, SEPTEMBER 3 3:47 p.m. — A fight was reported at Newport Park on East Newport Avenue. 11:44 p.m. — An assault was reported on North First Street, Hermiston. tion. Court records show in February he completed 80 hours of community service as part of the sentence. Police during the Stan- field raid also arrested Michael Ruiz, 26, and his partner, Timi Jean Murray, 24, and placed their two young children into state custody. Michael Ruiz is the son of Richard and Martina Ruiz. Court records show Murray of Hermiston faces one count of endangering the welfare of a minor, a misdemeanor, but Michael Ruiz so far has no charges. Murray is out of jail on bail. The Ruizes have their next court appearances on Sept. 11. The city of Stan- field planned to have a pub- lic hearing Tuesday night to determine if the house should be declared a dan- gerous nuisance that needs abated. WORSHIP COMMUNITY Hermiston man arrested for domestic assault HERMISTON — A Hermiston man is in jail after a domestic assault that left a victim in the hospital, and was carried out in front of a small child. Silvestre De La Paz San- guino, 23, was arrested on charges of assault in the sec- ond degree, strangulation and kidnapping. Hermiston Police Chief Jason Edmiston told the Hermiston Herald in an email that police were sent to Good Shepherd Medical Center on Tuesday morning, around 5 a.m., to assist with a 20-year-old female assault victim. He said that around 1 a.m., De La Paz came to her residence and attacked her. She reported being strangled unconscious several times, and was punched and bitten several times. Edmiston said De La Paz was contacted out- side the home, taken into cus- tody, and is now at the Uma- tilla County Jail. Edmiston said the Depart- ment of Human Services helped with the incident, as there was a two-year- old child present during the assault. the best thing about Sundays 1520 W ORCHARD AVE Sunday Worship Service 10:30 am Classes for Kids @ 9:15 am SEEKING JESUS, SHARING LIFE, SERVING PEOPLE www.hermistonnazarene.org First Christian Church “Proclaiming the Message of Hope, Living the Gospel of Love” Your Family Deserves The Technology... Value... TV!... Upgrade to the Hopper® 3 Smart HD DVR • Watch and record 16 shows at once • Get built-in Netflix and YouTube • Watch TV on your mobile devices Hopper upgrade fee $5/mo. Add High Speed Internet 14 . 95 $ /mo. Subject to availability. Restrictions apply. Internet not provided by DISH and will be billed separately. 190 Channels CALL TODAY Save 20%! 1-866-373-9175 Offer ends 11/14/18. Savings with 2 year price guarantee with AT120 starting at $59.99 compared to everyday price. 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Barnett Children’s Church & Nursery Available 700 West Orchard Avenue P.O. Box 933 Hermiston, Oregon 541-567-8441 BEST jail. When he was out on bail, another victim came forward. Edmiston said that victim is from out of the area, so the depart- ment had to work with another agency on that case. He said both victims are related to Sanguino. Edmiston said he believes the cases, includ- ing that of the most recent victim, are for incidents that took place several years ago. According to court documents, one of the incidents took place in 2006, and the victim was under 16 years old at the time. Documents for another case report that there were two other victims, including one between 2005 and 2006, who was under 18, and one between 2012 and 2013 that was under 12 years old. Visit us online at www.HermistonHerald.com POLICE LOG THURSDAY, AUGUST 30 2:21 p.m. — A white female was highly intoxicated and trying to get into a white Subaru. Hermiston man arrested for rape, posts bail A Hermiston man who has several charges of sex abuse and rape pending was arrested Aug. 28, but posted bail the same day. Jose Guadalupe Cancino Sanguino, 36, was arrested by the Umatilla County Sheriff’s Office on a war- rant for a case that’s being handled by the Hermiston Police Department. Hermiston Police Chief Jason Edmiston said the arrest was related to cases that started in December 2017 and May 2018. But he said last week that they have recently become aware of at least one new victim, adding that a detective is currently working on the case. Edmiston said San- guino was initially arrested in December 2017 and lodged in the By PHIL WRIGHT STAFF WRITER TUESDAY, AUGUST 28 6:34 p.m. — A resident on Northwest 11th Street fell, hit her head and now says she wants to kill herself. 10:10 p.m. — A caller said a man on Southwest Ninth Street walked by and cocked what the caller thought was a gun. They said he did not shoot it. Police were unable to locate the person. WEDNESDAY, AUGUST 29 2:58 p.m. — On West Catherine Avenue, a white male and female were doing drugs inside a car with a child inside the car. 11:52 p.m. — A prowler was reported at West Orchard Avenue, Hermiston. WEDNESDAY, SEPTEMBER 5, 2018 Our Lady of Angels Catholic Church 565 W. HERMISTON AVE. DAILY MASS: Monday-Friday ...............................English 7:00 am Thursday...............Spanish 6:00 pm SATURDAY:.........English 5:00 pm ...............................Spanish 7:00 pm SUNDAY:..............English 9:00 am ..........................Bilingual 11:00 am ..............................Spanish 1:00 pm Offi ce..............................567-5812 The Full Gospel Home Church 235 SW 3rd Phone 567-7678 Rev. Ed Baker - Rev. Nina Baker Sunday: Sunday School........10:00 am Worship...................11:00 am Evening Service........7:00 pm Wednesday Service..7:00 pm “Casting all your care upon him; for he careth for you.” 1 Pet. 5:7 First United Methodist Church Hermiston 191 E. Gladys Ave , Hermiston OR Sunday Worship 11am • 541-567-3002 Nursery available Check us out on Face Book Worship Livestream at herfumc.com Open Hearts, Open Minds, Open Doors Rev. Dr. Jim Pierce, pastor Grace Baptist Church 555 SW 11th, Hermiston 567-9497 Nursery provided for all services Sunday School - 9:30 AM Worship - 10:45 AM 6:00 PM Wed Prayer & Worship - 7:00 PM “Proclaiming God’s word, growing in God’s grace” St. Johns Episcopal Church Join Us On Our Journey With Jesus. Scripture, Tradition and Reason Family service 9am Sunday N.E. Gladys Ave & 7th, Hermiston t. PH: 567-6672 We are an all inclusive Church who welcomes all. 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