CLASSIFIEDS WEDNESDAY, SEPTEMBER, 5, 2018 516 Lots & Acreage $75,000 - VIEW LOT .66 ACRES. Gorgeous Valley View. McKay Area. Exceptional site for your new Stick Built or Manufactured Home. MLS# 18366358 Rocky Mikesell Blue Jeans Realty “Our office is wherever you are” 541-379-8690 Elk Meadows. 10-13 Acre Sites now starting now at $109,650 in- cluding Power & Water. Financ- ing available. Easy commute to LaGrande or Pendleton. Rocky Mikesell Blue Jeans Realty “Our office is wherever you are” 541-379-8690 VIEW LOTS – Royal Ridge. Beautiful views starting at $30,000. Land / Home Financ- ing available. Custom Home Builders/Developers welcome. Call for details. Rocky Mikesell Blue Jeans Realty “Our office is wherever you are” 541-379-8690 522 Manufactured $124,900- Huge lot, 3 bed/ 2 bath manufactured home half- way between Indian Lake and Pilot Rock along Birch Creek. Insulated shop w/concrete floor, wood stove, 220. Jason 760- 409-6842 cell. #18643345 Coldwell Banker Whitney & Associates 541-276-0021 643 Business- Sales Opportunities 651 Help Wanted Opportunity for an RN, LPN, or CMA Applicants must have a current Oregon license. Pediatric experience is pre- ferred. If you are self-moti- vated, enjoy children, have used EHR, and work well in a team environment, please submit your resume to: 2461 SW Perkins Ave. Pendleton, OR 97801 651 Help Wanted NEW LISTING- 3 br 2 bath man- ufactured home with great de- tached mancave fenced. New quartz counters in kitchen, Also has a 2 b/r 1bath rental house on same lot. Rents currently for $525.00 per month. With an- other home used for storage. Priced to sell at $149,990. Call Cathy for more info. (541) 215- 0103. Garton & Associates 541-276-0931 SPORTS REPORTER Community Counseling Solution is seeking a Cri- sis Supervisor for Morrow, Wheeler, Grant and Gilliam counties. This position will oversee our crisis program agency wide and will direct- ly supervise crisis workers. This position ensures that the relevant Oregon Admin- istrative Rules (OAR’s) are adhered to, monitors quality assurance, and develops and monitors treatment pro- tocols. In addition, the Cri- sis Supervisor will respond as a backup to crisis calls during non-traditional work hours, on a rotating basis. A Master’s degree from an accredited university in psy- chology, sociology or other human services related field and have five years of ex- perience in the delivery of clinical services is required. This is a benefited, 0.5 FTE position and the salary range is pro-rated from $46,200 - $91,900 DOE. Please complete an applica- tion and upload your resume online at www.communitycounseling The East Oregonian, a five- day daily newspaper in Pend- leton, Ore., is looking for a full-time sports writer, based in nearby Hermiston, Ore. Job duties will include print and online coverage of high school, college and commu- nity sports and outdoor ac- tivities. 525 Commercial $195,000- Business opportuni- ty in downtown Pendleton. Call Shane 541-379-7802 RMLS #18212569 Garton & Associates 541-276-0931 NEW LISTING - RMLS# 18684546 OLD IRS/ REDCROSS OFFICE BUILD- ING 610 -615 SE Emigrant. Cur- rent gross income $2300 per month. RMV $309,900, for sale for $135,000. Call Kal (541) 969- 7358 Garton & Associates 541-276-0931 528 Out of Area Property for Sale Selling or Buying a property? If you are thinking of selling or buying a home, call for a free consultation. Day’s or evenings, 7 days a week. Rocky Mikesell Blue Jeans Realty “Our office is wherever you are” 541-379-8690 643 Business- Sales Opportunities Notice: Oregon State Law re- quires anyone who contracts for construction work to be li- censed with the Construction Contractors Board. An active license means the contractor is bonded and insured. Verify the contractor’s CCB license through the CCB Consumer Website: Classified Ads work hard for you! Age 10 and up: Individual or groups Call 541-564-4530 OFFICE COORDINATOR The Wallowa County Chief- tain in Enterprise, Ore. needs a skilled office coor- dinator to oversee general office operations. You’ll provide outstanding cus- tomer service to our phone and walk-in customers and provide support to the ad- vertising team. The ideal candidate will have accounts receivable or other bookkeeping ex- perience along with strong computer skills; sales skills are helpful. If you enjoy detailed work, like learning new things and have the de- sire to multitask to keep on top of a busy work sched- ule, then we want to talk to you. Benefits include Paid Time Off (PTO), insurances and a 401(k)/Roth 401(k) retire- ment plan. Send resume and letter of interest to EO Media Group. PO Box 2048 Salem, OR 97308-2048 by fax to 503-371-2935 or e-mail IF YOU HAVE an eye for real value, you’ll eye the classified ads regularly. Boardman Chamber of Commerce ASSISTANT DIRECTOR The Boardman Chamber of Commerce is seeking an en- ergetic, creative, detail orient- ed professional to serve as Assistant Director. Must have excellent communication and customer service skills. Pre- ferred qualifications include event planning, digital and print marketing, and data entry. Must have a valid driver’s license. Starting wage is $17.00 an hour. First review of applications will be Friday, September 21, 2018. Please send cover letter, re- sume, and 3 references to: hr@ For in- quires please call 541-571-1624. Looking for a new place to live? The classified ads offer a complete section of homes, apartments, and mobile homes to fit your needs. Check daily for new listings! Community Counseling Solutions is recruiting for a full-time ALCOHOL & DRUG COUNSELOR in our out-patient men- tal health clinic located in Boardman, OR. The Alco- hol and Drug Counselor is part of a multidisciplinary behavioral health team and is responsible for providing culturally competent and ap- propriate alcohol and drug counseling services includ- ing assessments, treatment planning, and providing in- dividual and group therapy and case management. The caseload for this posi- tion is primarily adults who have been court ordered for substance abuse treatment, anger management, or sex offender education. Prefer- ence will be given to appli- cants with directly related experience or education in substance abuse treatment or a closely related field. Qualified applicants must have a minimum of a high school diploma and be able to pass a criminal history background check. Appli- cant will be required to be- come a state certified Al- cohol and Drug Counselor within 18 months of employ- ment. Salary range is $15.67 to $21.92 per hour DOE. Ex- cellent benefit package, in- cluding 401K. Apply online and upload re- sume at communitycounseling Positions open until filled. EOE. 651 Help Wanted 651 Help Wanted MAKE MONEY AND HAVE FUN TOO!! HELP SELL THE EAST OREGONIAN Saturday-Saturday Round-Up Week September 8-15, 2018 651 Help Wanted CRISIS SUPERVISOR YOUR DREAM HOME is right here in the Classifieds! Check our real estate listings. 651 Help Wanted 13A • HERMISTON HERALD.COM Community Counseling Solutions is seeking a CLINICAL SUPERVISOR in our Boardman, OR office. Qualified applicants must have a Masters degree in psychology, social work, or other human service related field, and have five years of experience in the delivery of clinical services; be a certi- fied mental health investi- gator, or have the ability to obtain certification; and be a certified protective services investigator, or have the ability to obtain certification. If applicant is not a Licensed Professional Counselor, Licensed Clinical Social Worker or a Ph.D., you must obtain Alcohol and Drug Counselor Certification. This position is expected to participate in the back-up on-call rotation. Salary range $46,200 -$91,900, DOEE. Excellent benefit package including 401K match. Please apply online and up- load your resume at Position open until filled. EEO Lamb Weston Hermiston Plant Now Hiring Electrical Journeyman! 78153 Westland Rd, Hermiston, OR 97838 Representante que habla español está disponible. Apply online: Introducing Eastern Oregon Events We’re looking for a creative, energetic writer to produce compelling sports and out- door features and to write game stories quickly on deadline. We want someone with strong writing skills who avoids cliches. The person hired will also edit on a limited basis and work with the Web. The position offers a compet- itive salary, a solid benefits package and the opportuni- ty to live in Eastern Oregon near the Blue Mountains, Co- lumbia River and abundant outdoor recreation. It is also home to the famous Pend- leton Round-Up rodeo and perennial high school state champion contenders. Good driving record and reli- able transportation required. Benefits include Paid Time Off (PTO), 401(k)/Roth 401(k) retirement plan and insuranc- es. Send resume, clips and letter of interest to EO Media Group PO Box 2048 Salem, OR 97308-2048; by fax to 503-371-2935; or e-mail hr@ Confederated Tribes of the Umatilla Indian Reservation (CTUIR) EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR $168K DOQ with full bene- fits package, Exempt Status under Executive Manage- ment Policy or contract. We are a dynamic and pro- gressive tribal governmental organization who is seeking an Executive Director with strategic planning experi- ence, visionary with strong communication experi- ence and leadership ability, strong senior management experience with the desire to make a difference, inspire, and engage with tribal lead- ers and community. The Executive Director is charged with the manage- ment of CTUIR governmen- tal operations as directed by the CTUIR governing body, the nine member Board of Trustees. The Execu- tive Director is responsible for ensuring that the Tribal management, operational, fiscal, personnel and legal systems work effectively and efficiently to deliver governmental services. The Executive Director has the authority and responsibility to implement the legislative actions and annual budgets as approved and directed by the Board. The CTUIR gov- ernment employs approxi- mately 1,700 persons with an annual budget of approx- imately $270 million. Benefits include:  Comprehensive Benefits Package (Medical/Dental/ Vision/Life Insurance, Aflac Options, 401k, Employee Assistance Program)  Most federal holidays and designated Tribal Holidays  Tribal discounts at Tribal entities (Wildhorse, Tamast- slikt, Mission Market, Arrow- head) For Employment Applica- tion or Vacancy Announce- ment please visit the Tribes website at about-us/employment-op- portunities or call (541)429- 7180 the position closes September 30, 2018. The Eastern Oregon place to find everything Events Calendar is the place to find everything happening in Eastern Oregon including all events from A to Z! 661 Childcare/Adult Contact Dayle or Grace today to place your classified ad! Auditions, Bird Watching and Concerts … to Youth Camps and Zumba Classes! 1-800-962-2819 If it’s happening, it’s posted in the Eastern Oregon Events Calendar! 101 Legal Notices View all statewide legal notic- es online at: Notices under this classifi- cation are required by law to run in a newspaper of general circulation. A notarized proof of publication will be provided for all notices. Some notices may require pre-payment. Deadline for submission is 3pm, three (3) working days prior to required publication date. The East Oregonian will accept responsibility for print- ing errors on the first publica- tion only. Submit to: Legals 211 SE Byers Ave. Pendleton, OR 97801 HH-5692 NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the Hermiston City Coun- cil will hold public hearings on the 24th day of September, 2018, at or after 7:00 pm in the council chambers of City Hall, 180 NE 2nd Street, Hermiston, Oregon. The purpose of the hearings are to consider several amendments to Title XV Chap- ter 157 of Hermiston Code of Ordinances. An amendment is proposed to add florist shop to Section 157.026(B)(5) Duplex Residential Zone (R-2) Condi- tional uses permitted. The appli- cant is Shera Hopper. The City of Hermiston has applied to amend Section 157.231 to match Ore- gon Statutory Requirements for appeals of land use decisions and Section 157.210 to match Oregon Administrative Rules for provisions of open space at nursery schools. All interest- ed persons are encouraged to attend. Questions, comments or correspondence should be addressed to the Hermiston Planning Department, 180 NE 2nd Street, Hermiston, Oregon, 97838. The phone number is (541)567-5521. Lilly Alarcon-Strong City Recorder September 5, 2018 UPCOMING GARAGE OR ESTATE SALE? Call 1-800-962-2819 to advertise it in our classified section and get your sale out there! HH-5688 NOTICE TO INTERESTED PERSONS CIRCUIT COURT OF OREGON UMATILLA COUNTY Probate Department CASE NO. 18PB06139 In the Matter of the Estate of RICKY J. SALYER, Deceased. Notice is hereby given that Su- san E. Snell has been appointed and has qualified as the personal representative of the estate. All persons having claims against the estate are hereby required to present their claims, with prop- er vouchers, within four months after the date of first publication of this notice, as stated below, to the personal representative at: Martin, Elliott & Snell, P.O. Box 575, Tualatin, Oregon 97062, or the claims may be barred. All persons whose rights may be affected by the proceedings in this estate may obtain additional information from the records of the court, the personal repre- sentative, or the attorney for the personal representative. Dated and first published this 29th day of August, 2018. ersonal Representative/ Attorney: Susan E. Snell, OSB #853356 Martin, Elliott & Snell, P.C. P.O. Box 575 Tualatin, Oregon 97062 August 29, September 5, 12, 2018 HH-5689 NOTICE TO INTERESTED PERSONS CIRCUIT COURT OF OREGON UMATILLA COUNTY Probate Department CASE NO. 18PB06140 In the Matter of the Estate of DEBORAH L. BUCHLER, fka DEBORAH L. SALYER, Deceased. We can highlight your ad with color! Have posted your events? It’s fast It’s and fast easy! Have you posted your events? and easy! e v e r u o y d e t s o p u o y you e v a H 1. 2. 3. 4. 828 Misc for Sale Simply go to and click on the Calendar tab Click on the + Add Event button Simply go to Set up an account using your email or Facebook/Google+ login Enter your details Set up an event account using your email or Facebook/Google+ login Enter your event details And we can help you promote your event! 819 Sporting Goods/ GUN & KNIFE SHOW September 15-16 Hermiston Convention Center Saturday 9-5 Sunday 10-3 Admission $7 Just contact your Advertising Consultant: Just contact your Advertising Consultant • East Oregonian: 800-522-0255 • Hermiston Herald: 541-567-6457 • Blue Mountain Eagle: 541-575-0710 • Wallowa County Chieftain: 541-426-4567 Wallowa County Chieftain: 541-426-4567 For additional calendar posting assistance, For additional calendar team posting contact our calendar at assistance, Buy – Sell - Trade New & Used Firearms & Knives Ammunition & Accessories, Hunting Supplies, Coins, Jewelry & more Private Party Transfers Starting at $10 1(800)659-3440 Notice is hereby given that Su- san E. Snell has been appointed and has qualified as the personal representative of the estate. All persons having claims against the estate are hereby required to present their claims, with prop- er vouchers, within four months after the date of first publication of this notice, as stated below, to the personal representative at: Martin, Elliott & Snell, P.O. Box 575, Tualatin, Oregon 97062, or the claims may be barred. All persons whose rights may be affected by the proceedings in this estate may obtain additional information from the records of the court, the personal repre- sentative, or the attorney for the personal representative. Dated and first pub- lished this 29th day of August, 2018. Personal Representative/ Attorney: Susan E. Snell, OSB #853356 Martin, Elliott & Snell, P.C. P.O. Box 575 Tualatin, Oregon 97062 August 29, September 5, 12, 2018