WEDNESDAY, AUGUST 29, 2018 HERMISTONHERALD.COM • A11 OPINION LETTER High school memories ‘stayin’ alive, stayin’ alive’ are procrastinators. When I finally embraced my inner Pirate and decided I would attend, I I finally decided to attend my went all-in. I offered to do a stand-up 40-year high school reunion. comedy routine before the band I’ve been hesitant because plays. In preparation, I’ve been it’s a long drive to Coos Bay immersing myself with all and gas is a far cry from the 63 things from the late-1970s. cents a gallon it was in 1978. From foods to fashion Also, it’s nearly impossible to — I’ve been recalling the take time off in the newsroom nightmares that were bell during Round-Up week. bottoms, hip huggers and A couple of years ago, I platform shoes. And, who inquired about time off around Tammy would name a line of formal/ my wedding anniversary, which Malgesini semi-formal wear Gunne Sax? INSIDE MY also falls during Round-Up Heavy-duty burlap bags don’t SHOES week. I think editor Daniel sound very fancy. Although, I Wattenburger thought I was admit to wearing a Gunne Sax kidding. In retrospect, a September wedding dress. wedding wasn’t the best idea — John The Saturday night gathering is was studying to be a teacher and at a sports bar — so I’m sure the would always be back in school when drinks will be flowing. I wonder if our anniversary rolled around — they’ll serve Boone’s Farm, Annie and who knew “Let’er Buck” would Green Springs or T.J. Swann — compete with “I do” in the years to remember Easy Nights, Mellow come? Days and Stepping Out? According But I digress — the class reunion to a quick Google search, they were committee used much forethought in popular back in the day due to their planning for our stroll down memory “inexpensive price and great taste.” lane. Last August, organizers urged Seriously — bottom shelf wines with fellow Pirates to “save the date” the lovely screw top — no thanks! for the weekend of Sept. 14-16, Recently, my husband has been 2018. Evidently, not everyone in the spinning some old records — songs Marshfield High School class of 1978 I listened to in my high school days. By TAMMY MALGESINI COMMUNITY EDITOR Hats off to ACE Hardware A big hats off to ACE Hardware. This store and all the people are so nice and friendly, you have missed the best place in Hermiston. I have been a customer for years, but I have shopped at every store with all of the many, many things they have to offer. The people working are so friendly and helpful (not like some other stores, when you go in they walk up to you not away). Can’t even say enough, just thank you very much. While disco was popular with the release of “Saturday Night Fever,” I preferred the likes of Billy Joel’s “Only the Good Die Young,” Bob Seger’s “Night Moves,” Queen’s “We are the Champions” and “Hotel California” by the Eagles. Speaking of hotel, the event is being held the same weekend as the Bay Area Fun Festival and the 39th annual Steve Prefontaine Run. Rooms are booking up fast, but my mom and pops still reside in Coos Bay — in the very house that I lived in my last few years of high school. Luckily, my old bedroom no longer features dreadful wallpaper. It was quite obnoxious with yellow, orange and pink smiley faces everywhere. I enjoyed my high school days, but wouldn’t want to go back to things like minimum wage at $2.30 an hour, a basic Montgomery Wards microwave oven for just under $500 and disco topping the music charts. As for the memories, thanks to the Bee Gees, they are “stayin’ alive, stayin’ alive, ah, ha, ha, ha.” ——— Tammy Malgesini is the community editor. Her column, Inside my Shoes, includes general musings about life. Contact her at tmalgesini@eastorego- or 541-564-4539. LARRY LONG, HERMISTON CALENDAR WEDNESDAY, AUGUST 29 STORY TIME, 11:15 a.m., Hermiston Public Library, 235 E. Gladys Ave., Hermiston. (541-567- 2882) STANFIELD SENIOR MEAL SERVICE, 12 p.m., Stanfield Community Center, 225 W. Roosevelt, Stanfield. Cost is $3.50 for seniors, $6 for others. (541- 449-1332) ADVENTURE TIME STORY TIME, 2-3 p.m., Hermiston Public Library, 235 E. Gladys Ave., Hermiston. Stories and activities for developmentally disabled children and adults. Free. (541- 567-2882) THURSDAY, AUGUST 30 BOARDMAN SENIOR MEAL SERVICE, 12 p.m., Boardman Senior Center, 100 Tatone St., Boardman. Cost is $4 for seniors 55 and over or $5 for adults. (541-481-3257) HERMISTON SENIOR MEAL SERVICE, 12 p.m., Our Lady of Angels Catholic Church parish hall, 565 W. Hermiston Ave., Hermiston. Cost is $4 for adults, free for children 10 and under, $4 for Meals on Wheels. Extra 50 cents for utensils/ dishes. Bus service to parish hall by donation. (541-567- 3582) SENSORY STORY TIME, 12:30 p.m., Boardman Public Library, 200 S. Main St., Boardman. For children from birth to age 4. (541-481-2665) MAXWELL MARKET, 4-7 p.m., corner of, South First Street and West Locust Avenue, Hermiston. Crafts, local produce, clothing and other wares. Live music, food vendors and more. YARN CLUB, 5:30 p.m., Hermiston Public Library, 235 E. Gladys Ave., Hermiston. (541-567- 2882) MORROW COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS TOWN HALL MEETING, 5:30-6:30 p.m., Irrigon City Hall, 500 N.E. Main Ave., Irrigon. Board seeks input on new north Morrow County facilities planned in Irrigon. All county residents encouraged to attend. Free. (Roberta Lutcher 541-676-5613 ext. 5303) EAST'40OREGON marketplace Place classified ads online at or call 1-800-962-2819 between 8 a.m. and 5 p.m. Monday through Friday. After hours, leave a voicemail and we’ll confirm your ad the next business day. Email us at classiGieds@ or fax: 541-278-2680 East Oregonian Deadline is 3 p.m. the day before publication 211 S.E. Byers Ave. 333 E. Main St. We accept: Pendleton, OR 97801 Hermiston, OR 97838 See for classified ads from all over Eastern Oregon EAST OREGONIAN • HERMISTON HERALD • BLUE MOUNTAIN EAGLE • WALLOWA COUNTY CHIEFTAIN 104 Special Notices PLEASE CHECK YOUR AD ON THE FIRST DAY OF PUBLICATION. While we are happy to make any necessary corrections, we can not be responsible for errors appearing for mul- tiple days. Thank you! CLASSIFIED LINE AD DEADLINES East Oregonian 3pm the day prior to publication Hermiston Herald 10am Tuesday 1-800-962-2819 184 Personals Contact Dayle or Grace at 1-800-962-2819 to place your classified ad! 301 RVs & Travel Trailers 2002 Itasca 30ft motor home class A 73,700 miles Ford V10 2 slides Heat pump hydraulic jack $30,000 reduced to $27,000 541-379-8509 2018 Keystone Hideout Series, M-21 FQWE, 26’x8’, 2 axle, loaded, under 500 miles. $15,500 541-377-4844 354 Auction Sales 504 Homes for Sale 504 Homes for Sale 504 Homes for Sale AUCTION US Government Bank Repos. September 8th preview date - 9am-4pm September 9th, 9 am 312 N 20th Avenue Pasco Over 70 passenger cars & vans, Mo- tor Homes, Snorkel lifts, Cooper Wire, Computers, crane truck, Commercial Restaurant Equip- ment and Tools, 13.5% BUYERS PREMIUM FOR CATALOGUES On- line bidding. 509-543-3566 WALIC #2175 Ready to sell your home? Ranch-N-Home Realty is there for all your real estate needs. Call Carolyn Ranch-N-Home Realty 541-786-0822 $214,900 New Listing 1420 SW 40th Pendleton, Newer windows, newer siding, newer floors, kitchen and bath. 4 bed- room 1 bath with nice shop/ga- rage. Newer gas rock fireplace. Call for your private showing. Don’t miss out on this one. Garton & Associates 541-276-0931 Selling or Buying a property? If you are thinking of selling or buying a home, call for a free consultation. Day’s or evenings, 7 days a week. Rocky Mikesell Blue Jeans Realty “Our office is wherever you are” 541-379-8690 By Owner 2204 sq.ft., 3.85 acres 3 bedroom 2 bath, garage, basement, shop, AC/HP. 541-567-7467 $119,000 - REDUCED - Pilot Rock RANCH Style Open living kitchen/ living #1868377. 2-3 bed 2 bath stucco with new deck out back - Call Kerry at 541-377- 6855. Seller will finance with ac- ceptable down. TURN HERE REALTY & TRAVEL 305 SW Court Ave $234,500- Beautiful ranch home, many upgrades! 3 bed- rooms, 2 baths, w/ 2 bonus rooms. 1 acre piece of heaven. Large deck w/ hot tub. Includes a guest house! Dawn 541-310- 9563 cell/ Jerry 541-969-6378 cell. #18048916. Coldwell Banker Whitney & Asssociates 541-276-0021 New Listing $135,000 – Pilot Rock. 3 Bed- room 1 Bath with detached Ga- rage and Shop. RV Parking. Hardwood Floors. Very nice property. MLS# 18532663 Rocky Mikesell Blue Jeans Realty “Our office is wherever you are” 541-379-8690 $240,000 - 3 Bedroom 3 Bath home on 18 Acres. Wonderful home close to the BAR M. 25 miles out. Beautiful canyon setting. Zoned FR5. MLS# 18576020 Rocky Mikesell Blue Jeans Realty “Our office is wherever you are” 541-379-8690 EQUAL HOUSING OPPORTUNITY All real estate advertising in this paper is subject to the Fair Housing Act which makes it illegal to advertise any preference, limitation, or discrimination based on race, color, religion, sex, handicap, familial status, or national or- igin, or an intention to make any such preference, limita- tion, or discrimination. Famil- ial status includes children under the age of 18 living with parents or legal custodians, pregnant women, and people securing custody of children under 18. This newspaper will not knowingly accept any adver- tising for real estate which is in violation of the law. Our readers are hereby informed that all dwellings advertised in this newspaper are avail- able on an equal opportunity basis. To complain of dis- crimination, call HUD toll-free at 1-800-669-9777. The toll- free telephone number for the hearing impaired is 1-800- 927-9275. 360 Garage Sales Big Garage Sale Lots of good household items & clothes. Rototiller, weed eaters, Honda 90 bike, 61 Rambler & 64 Triumph car parts. 603 SW 19th St Pendleton Thursday and Friday August 30 & 31 8:00AM - 6:00PM 502 Real Estate How Much is your Home Worth? Call Matt Vogler, The Week- end and After Hours Realtor, for a free Market Analysis. 541.377.9470. More Listings needed to meet current buyer demand! John J. Howard & Assoc. (541) 377-9470 TURN HERE for your Real Es- tate needs ---Drop by the big blue arrow on SW Court for ac- cess to all listings for your con- venience. Free market analysis to list your home at the right price. Call Kerry 541-377-6855 TURN HERE REALTY & TRAVEL 305 SW Court Ave TURN HERE for Profession- al Courteous Representation -Find your new home- 3 or 4 bedroom home, garage or Shop? Call Kerry at Turn Here Realty to find the one on your wishlist. 541-377-6855 TURN HERE REALTY & TRAVEL 305 SW Court Ave 504 Homes for Sale 2015, 27 foot Salem by Forest River, sleeps up to 6 $23,500. Umatilla, OR 509-499-0207 310 Campers & Canopies 1997 9’6” Northland Polar mod- el camper. Fully self-contained. Excellent condition, always stored inside. $4,250.00 Call for more pictures 541-922-7940 Call the “Weekend & After Hours Realtor” to view homes at a con- venient time for you. Available on Short Notice, Special Financ- ing Program Information! Call Matt Vogler, 541.377.9470 John J. Howard & Assoc. (541) 377-9470 Prices are up! Now may be the time to gain some equity and move up to aa larger home. Call Matt Vogler for a free Market Analysis. John J. Howard & Assoc. (541) 377-9470 TURN HERE for Seller financ- ing. Call Kerry at 541-377-6855. TURN HERE at 305 SW Court and drop by or call 541-377- 6855 TURN HERE REALTY & TRAVEL 305 SW Court Ave Current MLS listings include several 3 and 4 bedroom, 2 bath homes for sale in popular loca- tions. Call Matt Vogler, “The Weekend and After Hours Re- altor” for addresses and pricing. John J. Howard & Assoc. 541.377.9470 $337,900- 3.6 (m/l) acres. Wa- ter rights. 1 level, 2034 sf (m/l) home. Great kitchen/ is- land and high-end range (pro- pane). Large covered patio/ hot tub. Vicki 541-969-9441 cell. #18520023 Coldwell Banker Whitney & Asssociates 541-276-0021 $175,000- Super tidy home! Bathrooms and kitchen remod- eled. Hardwood floors, gas log fireplace, newer windows and sidings. Trex deck, garden area, detached garage. Dori 541-310- 1001 cell. #18173717 Coldwell Banker Whitney & Asssociates 541-276-0021 $90,000- New roof, fresh paint! Pilot Rock Bungalow, 2 bed- rooms, 1 bath, good sized living room, utility area, cellar storage. Nice fenced yard, garage, shed. Marsha 541-377-5152 cell. #18629599 Coldwell Banker Whitney & Asssociates 541-276-0021 $115,000- Between the Round- Up grounds, Main Street, 2 blocks from the Vert auditori- um, and river walk. 2 bedroom, 1 bath on flat. Bedrooms main floor. Dawn 541-310-9563 cell. #18645673 Coldwell Banker Whitney & Asssociates 541-276-0021 RMLS# 17288483 Seasonal cabin. Cabin is one bedroom with bathroom. Enclosed porch that could be used for additional sleeping area. Wood burning fireplace. Private and Cozy. Re- duced to $87,000. Call Cathy for more info (541) 215-0103. Garton & Associates (541) 276-0931 New Listing RMLS# 18644945. Two bedroom 1 bath duplex in Pilot Rock with extra lot for park- ing. No steps. Currently rents for around $1100 to $1200 per month. Call for additional infor- mation (541) 276-0931 or Kal 541-969-7358. Garton & Associates 541-276-0931 $324,000- 8.49ACRES/ 4 bed, 2 bath, 2376sf (m/l) 1level, log home. Highway access, 20 min- utes Southeast of Pendleton. Superb floorplan, updated kitch- en and baths. Covered patio, shop/ garage. Jef 541-969-9539 cell. #18035772/ 18667482 Coldwell Banker Whitney & Asssociates 541-276-0021 $434,000- Custom Built. 3888sf (m/l), 3 bed, 2 bath, w/ office/ 4th bedroom, family room. Oversized rooms, open kitchen w/ granite countertops, island. Basement game room and stor- age. Kevin 541-969-8243 cell. #18356589 Coldwell Banker Whitney & Asssociates 541-276-0021 504 Homes for Sale List your Yard Sale with the East Oregonian and Hermiston Herald for only $25! Price includes 3 days in the East Oregonian and 1 day in the Hermiston Herald, unlimited words, a yard sale sign kit, and special placement in a convenient "cut-out" ad on Friday and Saturday. *Deadline is 9:00 AM on Tuesday to appear in the Hermiston Herald, or 3:00 PM Wednesday to appear in the Thursday East Oregonian. 211 SE Byers, Pendleton Dayle Stinson Grace Bubar 1-800-962-2819 333 E Main, Hermiston FODVVL¿HGV#HDVWRUHJRQLDQFRP