WEDNESDAY, AUGUST 22, 2018 HERMISTONHERALD.COM • A5 RECORDS OBITUARIES Matthew Dwayne ‘Matt’ Carroll Norma Vale Reeves Busler James S. ‘Sam’ Esterbloom Hermiston/Irrigon June 13, 1990 - August 17, 2018 Umatilla January 25, 1933 - August 18, 2018 Irrigon October 13, 1927 - August 15, 2018 Matthew Dwayne “Matt” Carroll of Hermiston/Irri- gon was born on June 13, 1990, in Richland, Wash- ington, to parents Larry and Vickee Carroll. He died on August 17, 2018, in Portland, Oregon, at the age of 28 years. Matt attended schools in Irrigon, graduating from Irri- gon High School in Carroll the class of 2008. He then attended Oregon State University. Matt lived in Portland for a few years where he enjoyed all of the interesting and diverse peo- ple. He then returned to Hermiston and worked on the family farm, Holzapfel Ranch, for several years. Matt was very much into computers, gaming, video games, anime, and continuously researching information. He is survived by his parents, Larry and Vickee Carroll, Hermiston, Ore.; brother Tyler Carroll, Herm- iston, Ore.; grandpar- ents Janet Cooley, Irrigon, Ore., and Dwayne and Gerry Carroll, Hermiston, Ore.; and numer- ous aunts, uncles and cousins. Matt was pre- ceded in death by his grandfather, William “Bill” Cooley. A festival of life for Mat- thew will be held on Satur- day, August 25, 2018, at 4 p.m. at his grandmother’s home, 280 N.E. Washington Ave., Irrigon, Oregon. Please sign the online condolence book at burns- Arrangements by Burns Mortuary of Hermiston. DEATHS Murriena R. ‘Murrie’ Barreras Hermiston Oct. 6, 1949 - Aug. 9, 2018 Murriena R. “Murrie” Barreras, 68, of Hermiston died Thursday, Aug. 9, 2018, at her home. She was born Oct. 6, 1949, in San Jose, California. A graveside service will be held Saturday, Aug. 25 at 10 a.m. at the Hermiston Cemetery. Arrangements by Burns Mortuary of Hermis- ton. Sign the online condolence book at burnsmortuary- John I. ‘Jack’ Bozarth Boardman April 20, 1941 - Aug. 19, 2018 John I. “Jack” Bozarth, 77, of Boardman died Sunday, Aug. 19, 2018, at his home. He was born April 20, 1941, in Woodland, Washington. A private family burial will be held at the Riverview Cemetery, Boardman. Arrange- ments by Burns Mortuary of Hermiston. Sign the online condolence book at Randy E. Brangham Hermiston Aug. 29, 1952 - Aug. 6, 2018 Randy E. Brangham, 65, of Hermiston died Mon- day, Aug. 6, 2018, at his home. He was born Aug. 29, 1952, in Evanston, Wyoming. A celebration of life will be held Saturday, Sept. 1 at 10 a.m. at the Hermiston Pub- lic Library conference room (downstairs). Arrangements by Burns Mortuary of Hermiston. Sign the online condo- lence book at James ‘Odie’ Wilcox Hermiston April 23, 1935 - Aug. 16, 2018 James “Odie” Wilcox, 83, of Hermiston died Thurs- day, Aug. 16, 2018, in Hermiston. He was born April 23, 1935, in Heppner. A family gathering will be held. Private burial will be at the Hermiston Cemetery. Arrangements by Burns Mortuary of Hermiston. Sign the online condo- lence book at POLICE LOG TUESDAY, AUGUST 14 7:07 a.m. — A missing person was reported at Northeast Quail Court. 8:19 a.m. — An assault was reported at Southwest Eighth Street. 9:51 a.m. — A male ran away from Northeast Quail Court. 7:06 p.m. — A drunk driver was reported at South First Place. WEDNESDAY, AUGUST 15 9:44 a.m. — Someone may have put super glue in the caller’s locks on East Main Street. 2:47 p.m. — There was a fight between two people at a gas pump on West Highland Avenue. THURSDAY, AUGUST 16 11:31 p.m. — A man was drink- ing Modelo beer and swerving all over the road on North First Street while driving a silver or grey Toy- ota Tacoma. FRIDAY, AUGUST 17 10:58 p.m. — There was a noise complaint that turned into harass- ment, on Northeast Sixth Street. SATURDAY, AUGUST 18 9:32 p.m. — Shots fired were reported on West Orchard Avenue — two shots, four shots one time, then five shots. 9:44 p.m. — Two men were reported driving drunk on West Hermiston Avenue. SUNDAY, AUGUST 19 12:03 p.m. — Possible child abuse or neglect was reported at Northeast Quail Court. 8:03 p.m. — Shots fired were reported at Southwest Butte Drive. 10:47 p.m. — A drunk driver was reported at North First Street. MONDAY, AUGUST 20 5:06 a.m. — Police conducted a death investigation at West Laird Avenue. 12:02 p.m. — An employee found three sets of keys in the garbage at Desert Rose, on East Main Street. 3:15 p.m. — A suicidal sub- ject was reported on West Division Avenue. All addresses are in Hermiston unless otherwise noted. Visit us online at BACK TO SCHOOL Norma Vale Reeves Busler, 85, lifelong resident of Umatilla, Ore., passed away peacefully August 18, 2018, in Spokane, Wash., with her family at her side. Norma was born at home in Uma- tilla to Ernest T. and Florence Rachel Reeves on January 25, 1933. Norma grew up with her Busler five siblings on the family farm. She was extremely close to her broth- ers and sisters, taking care of all of them at one time or another as they aged and needed assistance. While growing up Norma was active in Umatilla High School events. She played sports, played in the band, was a cheerleader and was valedictorian of her grad- uating class. She was also a member of the Umatilla High School alumni associ- ation for many years. In 1952 Norma married Donald A. Andersen. They had to two children, David Andersen of Portland, Ore., and Dawn Andersen Watts of Spokane, Wash. Don and Norma later divorced. She returned to her birth- place and went to work at the Umatilla Army Depot where she eventually worked her way up to become a supervi- sor supply clerk. She retired from the Army Depot after 33 years of rising at 4:30 a.m. so she could carpool to work. Norma’s children were her pride and joy and she worked tirelessly to pro- vide for them with the assis- tance of her mother, sisters and brothers. Norma dearly loved the Lord, her church, and her church family. She became a member of the Uma- tilla Community Presby- terian Church in the 1960s and was a lifetime member. She held many positions at the church, serving as Sun- day school teacher, session member and choir director, to name a few. Her grand- children all thought she “owned the church.” Until her recent illness, she was the “go-to” person for said church. Norma attended all of her children’s events when they were growing up. She did the same for all of her grand- children, at least as much as her schedule would allow. All her grandchildren’s friends knew her as Grandma Norma, the grandma with the “purple hair” and pink umbrella. Over the years, Norma traveled thousands of miles between Portland and Colfax, Wash., to see her children and grandchil- dren. She also spearheaded several trips to Illinois to visit extended family. Those trips with her sisters, nieces and daughter were very spe- cial to her. Family was very import- ant to Norma, so were her friends. She not only had friends her own age, but also had friends that her children introduced to her. Some of the best times Norma expe- rienced late in life were visits from her fam- ily friends, her pastor, her nieces and her sis- ter, Jeannie (Reeves) Creamer. Sister Jeannie was a constant support and companion when her time allowed. The two would often sit and do crossword puz- zles, play Yahtzee, or read books. Norma enjoyed good health most of her life until the winter of 2016, when she was diagnosed with cancer. Even after several surger- ies, radiation and treatments, Norma remained at peace with her circumstances and her faith and family car- ried her through the rough spots. Following her diag- nosis, Norma moved to Spo- kane to live with her daugh- ter and son-in-law. They were joined by her grand- son, Tim, and his wife, Alex- andrea, a few months later as they began the process of building their home. Her great-granddaughter, Mazie, represented the fourth gen- eration in the household and knew her simply as G.G. (Great-Grandma). Norma was a wonder- ful mother, daughter, grand- mother, sister, friend, and believer. She always gave of her time and never expected anything in return. She had a servant’s heart and always found a way to help some- one in need. She will be missed on this earth, but we know she will be with all those she loved who have passed before her. Norma is survived by her son, Dave Andersen of Port- land, Ore., and her daugh- ter Dawn (Andersen) Watts of Spokane, Wash. She is also survived by one sis- ter, Jeannie Creamer, four grandchildren (Keith, Tim, Kristin and Drew), and one great-grandchild (Mazie). She was preceded in death by her mother and father, Florence and Ernest Reeves; two brothers, Harold and Bennie Reeves; and two sis- ters, Dottie (Reeves) Ste- phens and Patsy (Reeves) Hutchinson. If you wish to honor Norma with a memorial donation, you may contrib- ute to the Umatilla Commu- nity Presbyterian Church, Umatilla Alumni associa- tion or the American Cancer Society. A celebration of life for Norma will be held at 11 a.m. on Saturday, August 25, 2018, at the Umatilla Com- munity Presbyterian, at 14 Martin Drive. A private fam- ily burial will be at Sunset Hills Cemetery, Umatilla, Oregon. Please sign the online condolence book at burns- Arrangements by Burns Mortuary of Hermiston. BIRTHS Good Shepherd Medical Center, Hermiston AUG. 8, 2018 RULE — Barbra J. Keslar and Shawn I. Rule of Hep- pner: a girl, Kara Renee Rule. AUG. 11, 2018 FISHER — Rachael L. Fisher and Kristopher T. Fisher of Stanfield: a girl, McKenna Lynn Fisher. OBITUARY POLICY: The Hermiston Herald publishes paid obituaries. The obituary can include small photos and, for veterans, a flag symbol at no charge. Expanded death notices will be published at no charge. These include information about services. Obituaries may be edited for spelling, proper punctuation and style. Obituaries and notices may be submitted online at obituaryform, by email to, by fax to 541-276-8314. EARTHLINK INTERNET HIGH SPEED INTERNET Clothing and Accessories Put a smile on the heart with the power of flowers. HWY 395, HERMISTON 541-567-4305 Mon-Sat 8am-6pm • Sun 12pm-5am www.cottagefl Enjov big-time Internet speeds without spending big bucks! Get Connected for as low as Get Connected for as low as 14.95/mo. $ 49.99/mo. For the first 3 months (Offers varv bv speed & location) first 12 months HyperLinkh Satellite Internet High-Speed Internet Connection speeds up to 75 Mbps* What you get with HughesNet Satellite Internet: ! 50X faster than DSL!!** ! 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When you connected to HughesNet service using Wi-Fi, your experience will vary based on your proximity to the Wi-Fi source and the strength of the signal. *Speeds may vary depending on distance, line quality and number of devices used concurrently. Subject to availability. Some prices shown may be introductory offers. Equipment fees, taxes and other fees and restrictions may apply. **Speed comparison based on 1.5 Mbps DSL. Sam Esterbloom passed He grew Sweet Peas for his away peacefully in his wife Jane and shared hun- sleep and went home to be dreds of bouquets through- out the Boardman with Jesus his sav- ior on August 15th in community. Boardman, Oregon, He was dedi- cated to his Christian at the age of 90 years. beliefs and spent his Sam was born in adult life sharing the Bonita, California gospel with others. on a farm. His par- ents were some of the For many years, Sam founding settlers in Esterbloom developed a prayer the area. He grew book. He prayed for up with a love of hundreds of people sports and farming every day. If you knew Sam Ester- that stayed with bloom, or he knew him his whole you, you were most life. He became a likely included in Christian in 1951. He entered the Army in his daily prayer book. He 1952 and served two years loved being able to continue in Alaska as a medic. He this after he became bedrid- and some other men formed den. He gave many of us a an outreach group called love of gardening and a love the Christian Servicemen of of the Lord that will be with the Northern Lights. They us forever. He is survived by his started a Youth for Christ chapter and many received wife Jane; seven daugh- Jesus into their hearts and ters: Sandee Relph, Joy McCaslin, Debbie Radie lives. He and his wife Jane (Dave Radie), Deanna moved his family to Falls Camp (Mike Camp), Dana City, Oregon, in 1976. Sam, Fetter (Larry Fetter), Donna Jane and their daughters Boackle (Gary Boackle) and enjoyed almost 20 years in Darla Irwin (Kevin Irwin); Falls City and the fellowship son Mike Esterbloom; of the Bridgeport Commu- 28 grandchildren; and 25 nity Chapel congregation. great-grandchildren. Thank you for all your In 1992, Sam moved the family to Boardman, Ore- love and support. — Jane gon. He was one of the orig- Esterbloom and family inal employees of Board- “Jesus and me, Praise the man Foods and continued Lord” — Sam Esterbloom his employment there for In lieu of flowers, please over 20 years. He loved the give to New Hope Com- team and supported them munity Church, Ameri- with prayers and frequent can Missionary Fellowship visits after his retirement. of Hermiston or American The family attended Board- Missionary Fellowship of man Community Church Falls City, Oregon. A Celebration of Life and New Hope Community Church and were blessed by will be held Sunday, August the love for the Lord and the 26 at 2:00 p.m. at New commitment to the people in Hope Community Church in Hermiston, Oregon. Private the area. His love of gardening was burial will be at Willamette apparent to all who knew National Cemetery, Port- him. He gardened avidly land, Oregon. Please sign the online and loved to share the abun- dance with the communi- condolence book at burns- ties he lived in. Raspberries, Arrangements by Burns tomatoes, squash, cucum- bers, peppers and melons Mortuary of Hermiston, were among his favorites. Oregon. Billie ‘Sue’ Tolan Hermiston August 31, 1940 - August 16, 2018 Billie “Sue” Tolan of Hermiston was born August 31, 1940, in Spencerville, Oklahoma, the daughter of Wallace and Jessie (Noel) Ammons. She passed away in Hermiston on August 16, 2018, at the age of 77. As a young child, Sue moved with her family to the com- munity of Mayville, Oregon. She lived Tolan in Mayville through- out her childhood, attend- ing grade school in Mayville and high school in Condon. She has resided in Hermis- ton for many years. Sue worked in various fields throughout her career, the most recent being a spe- cial educational assistant at Hermiston High School. Sue enjoyed gardening and taking trips to the beach and to the family cabin in Starkey with her family. She was a longtime member of Our Lady of Angels Cath- olic Church and actively involved with the Catholic Daughters. Sue married James Tolan in Hermiston, Oregon. She was preceded in death by husband, James; her parents; sister Helen Audette Owens; infant granddaughter Claire Michelle; and infant grand- son Charles Gaston Lilly. She is survived by son John (Debra) Tolan of La Grande; daughter Debra Rene` (Dr. Michael) Harris of Bend; daughter Colleen GSC GSC Express Express Moving Moving You pack pack it...We it...We move move it! it! . You Local Local . Express Express . Relocation Relocation . Service Service 40 Years of Moving Experience 40 Years of Moving Experience Call Call for for Estimate Estimate 541-567-8980 541-567-8980 N N Hwy. Hwy. 395 395 Hermiston Hermiston (Robert) LaFrance of Phoe- nix, Ariz.; son Scott Lee Owens of Riggins, Idaho; daughter Lori Shaw of Lake Stevens, Wash.; daughter Lisa (Kevin) Lilly of St. Joseph, Mo.; son Casey Tolan of Herm- iston; daughter Karla (Trevor) Wenning of Keizer; brothers Har- old Glen Ammons of Condon and Jimmy Lee Ammons of Summerville; sister Patsy Ann Moffit of Pend- leton; 22 grandchildren, and 22 great-grandchildren. Recitation of the rosary will be 10:30 a.m. Wednes- day, August 22, 2018, at Our Lady of Angels Cath- olic Church, followed by a Memorial Mass beginning at 11:00 a.m., also at Our Lady of Angels Catholic Church, 565 W. Hermiston Avenue, Hermiston, OR 97838. A private family interment will be in the Mayville Cemetery in Mayville, Oregon. Family suggest memorial donations in Sue’s memory be made to Catholic Daugh- ters at Our Lady of Angels Catholic Church. To leave an online con- dolence for the family go to www.burnsmortuaryhermis- 5 Theater Cineplex Check for showtimes $5 Matinee Classics Every Wednesday Credit & Debit Cards accepted Cineplex gift cards available 541-966-1850 Pendleton, OR I-84 - Exit 216