A4 • HERMISTONHERALD.COM HHS graduate takes helm of Boardman chamber BRIEFS Inland Musicians cash in with U.S. Bank grant The U.S. Bank Foundation recently presented Inland Northwest Musi- cians with a $2,500 grant. The foundation has provided sup- port to the nonprofit musicians’ group since 2008, said Salli Ketchersid, INWM publicity coordinator. Over the years, Ketchersid said the total support has added up to $30,500. Founded in 1999, Inland Northwest Musicians is committed to provid- ing live musical performances to rural audiences. It fosters an atmosphere of encouragement and assists musicians in developing their talent. Participants are not required to audition. In Octo- ber, Inland Northwest Musicians will return for its 20th season. The INWM office is based in Hermiston and serves musicians from throughout the region. For more information, contact 541-289-4696, inwm@machmedia.net or visit www. inlandnorthwestmusicians.com. By TAMMY MALGESINI COMMUNITY EDITOR Eastern Oregon native Keri Heideman was recently hired as the new Board- man Chamber of Commerce executive director. A 2004 Hermiston High School graduate, Heideman worked in operations sup- port and law enforcement during a four-year career with the United States Coast Guard. She now lives on a farm outside of Ione with her husband, Nathan, and two daughters. Heideman said she likes the Boardman community and the direction it’s going. In addition, she’s enthusi- astic about its growth and possibilities. “There are so many things coming to Boardman and I’m excited being a part of helping that happen,” she said. “I have a lot of energy.” The chamber, Heideman said, assists with the growth of the community. In addi- tion to attracting new busi- nesses, it provides support for current businesses. Also, she said, an import- ant aspect of the chamber is to highlight existing pro- grams and other resources in the area. “There are a lot of edu- cational opportunities with Blue Mountain Community College,” Heideman said. “Also, there are a ton of jobs at the port.” There are numerous agri- culture-related classes and educational support that focuses on technology and industry that are specific to the area, she said. Part of the chamber’s role, Heideman said, is to shine a spotlight WEDNESDAY, AUGUST 22, 2018 COMMUNITY CONTRIBUTED PHOTO Keri Heideman, a 2004 Hermiston High School graduate, was recently hired as the executive director of the Boardman Chamber of Commerce. on those resources. Heideman most recently worked as co-compliance officer with the city of Boardman. In addition, she worked part-time as a life- guard at the Boardman Pool and Recreation Center. Also, she’s a reserve ser- geant with the Boardman Police Department. She has served as a law enforcement reserve for 10 years with several agencies, including in Boardman, Umatilla and the Morrow County Sher- iff’s Office. For a chance to meet Heideman, as well as local first responders, attend the Boardman Chamber Night Out. The free event is Wednesday, Aug. 29 from 5-8 p.m. at Boardman City Park, between Boardman Avenue and Park Place. For more information,, contact Heideman at 541- 481-3014 or keri@board- manchamber.org. CONTRIBUTED PHOTO Inland Northwest Musicians recently received $2,500 from the U.S. Bank Foundation. Pictured (from left) are Salli Ketchersid, INWM publicity coordinator; Kara Taylor, Hermiston U.S. Bank manager; Brian Young, U.S. Bank district manager; Brandi Carlson, Hermiston U.S. Bank employee; RaNiel Dunn, INWM program administrator; and R. Lee Friese, INWM director and conductor. Town halls to discuss Irrigon Travel Club offers three facilities destinations Morrow County commissioners are holding several town hall meet- ings to discuss plans for constructing a new county building in Irrigon. According to a press release, the current Irrigon facility has reached its capacity and is need of a great deal of repair. Based on the size and con- dition of the current building, the commissioners determined that it’s best to tear down the current facility and replace it with a new structure. The board of commissioners is seek- ing public input at several upcoming hour-long meetings, each beginning at 5:30 p.m.: •Monday, Aug. 27 at Heppner City Hall, 111 N. Main St. •Thursday, Aug. 30 at Irrigon City Hall, 500 N.E. Main Ave. For more information, call 541- 676-5613. In addition, people can contact individual commissioners: Don Russell at 541-377-2389, drus- sell@co.morrow.or.us; Jim Doherty at 571-0584, jdoherty@co.morrow. or.us; or Melissa Lindsay at 561- 0234, mlindsay@co.morrow.or.us. Follow us on Facebook! Highway 395, Suite 111. The agenda includes Costa Rica at noon, the French Riviera at 1 p.m. and a Croa- tia preview for new passengers join- ing the group at 2 p.m.For tour bro- chures, visit www.hermistonchamber. com. For questions or to RSVP for the informational meeting, contact Deb- bie Pedro at 541-567-6151 or deb- bie@hermistonchamber.com. Whether you’re looking for a vaca- tion in a tropical haven or a chance to mix history and adventure with fun, the Hermiston Travel Club will dis- cuss upcoming trips during an Aug. 23 meeting. A last call has been issued for an Oct. 30 departure for Croatia. The trip includes 12 meals, hotel accom- modations, a professional tour direc- tor, comprehensive sightseeing and admission to all sites on the itinerary. A program designed to sup- Next up is Adventures to Costa Rica, which features everything from port early literacy development with jungles and hanging bridges to volca- babies and toddlers is offered at the noes and the Sarchi Artisan Village. Hermiston Public Library. Baby & Me Learn & Play is The Feb 13, 2019, trip includes 16 Wednesdays at 10 a.m. Those attend- meals and optional adventures. Also, a French Rivera itinerary ing need to enter through the library’s includes seven nights in Nice, France. back door, 235 E. Gladys Ave., Herm- The Nov. 5, 2019, tour package iston. The free program is for new- includes 10 meals, visits to Cannes, borns to age 4. Utilizing music, the St. Tropez, Italy, Monaco and optional goal is to spark creativity and assist participants in further development trips. HH-2018-Survey-ad.crtr-Page1-Composite HH-2018-Survey-ad.crtr-Page1-Composite All tours include round-trip airfare of fine and gross motor skills through from Portland. The Travel Club meets movement.For more information, call HH-2018-Survey-ad.crtr-Page1-Composite Thursday, August 23 at the Hermis- 541-567-2882 or visit www.hermis- HH-2018-Survey-ad.crtr-Page1-Composite ton Chamber of Commerce, 1055 S. tonlibrary.us. HH-2018-Survey-ad.crtr-Page1-Composite Library program sparks creativity with kids Win $50 Win One One of of Five $50 Win One of Five $50 Win One of Five $50 Win One Gift of Five $50 Gift Cards Cards Gift Cards Gift Cards Gift Cards Share opinion about Hermiston Herald Herald and and HermistonHerald.com HermistonHerald.com and Share your your opinion about the the Hermiston and you’ll you’ll automatically entered into a drawing to to win win one one of of five five $50 automatically be be entered into a drawing $50 VISA VISA gift gift cards. cards. 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The Hermiston Herald is and dedicated to bringing you the best To help us bring you an even better newspaper and website, in news, entertainment and advertising features. and website, To we’re help us bring you an even better newspaper conducting a short reader survey of our subscribers, To Hermiston help us bring you an is is even better newspaper and website, we’re conducting a short reader survey of our subscribers, The Hermiston Herald dedicated to bringing you the best The Herald dedicated to bringing you best nonsubscribers, and readers. We’re inviting you to be the a part we’re conducting a short reader survey of features. our subscribers, in news, news, entertainment and advertising nonsubscribers, and readers. We’re inviting you to be a part in of entertainment and advertising features. that survey. nonsubscribers, readers. We’re inviting you to and be a website, part of To that survey. To help us bring bring and you newspaper us you an an even even better better newspaper and website, of help that survey. we’re conducting a short reader survey of our subscribers, we’re conducting a short reader survey of our subscribers, From now until August 31, 2018 you access survey nonsubscribers, and may readers. We’re the inviting you to be a part nonsubscribers, and readers. We’re inviting you to be a part at www.HermistonHerald.com/hh/readersurvey of that survey. From online now until August 31, 2018 you may access the survey From now until August 2018 you may access the survey of that 31, survey. online online at www.HermistonHerald.com/hh/readersurvey at www.HermistonHerald.com/hh/readersurvey From now until August 31, 2018 you may access the survey From online now until August 31, 2018 you may access the survey at www.HermistonHerald.com/hh/readersurvey online at www.HermistonHerald.com/hh/readersurvey Meet our newest pediatrician Lina Castillo, MD As a Pediatrician Dr. Castillo brings with her compassion and a desire to care for your children. In addition to caring for the general pediatric needs of children, newborn to 18 year olds, she also specializes in gastroenterology and hepatology. “ I wanted to become a pediatrician because it brought me joy to know that by making a positive impact on a child’s life it could positively impact our world for generations to come. ” Welcoming New Patients Thank you for helping us to make the Hermiston Herald and HermistonHerald.com Thank you even for helping to make to the Hermiston Herald that and we HermistonHerald.com more us valuable the communities serve. even more valuable to the communities that we serve. Thank you for helping us to make the Hermiston Herald and HermistonHerald.com even more valuable to the communities that we serve. Thank you for helping us to make the Hermiston Herald and HermistonHerald.com even more valuable to the communities that we serve. 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