Hermiston herald. (Hermiston, Or.) 1994-current, August 22, 2018, Page A16, Image 16

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Continued from Page A1
Hermiston Community Cen-
ter. As part of the dedication,
the city is putting together
a time capsule that will
be sealed up near the old
Armand Larive school arch
next to the Harkenrider Cen-
ter, to be opened 50 years in
the future.
• • •
Jerry Gaunt recently
received the Echo Good
Neighbor Award. He was
recognized during Echo’s
National Night Out cele-
bration, held Aug. 14. Police
chief Bryon Zumwalt pre-
sented Gaunt with a $100
Visa gift card.
The Echo man was
selected based on his ongo-
ing efforts and contributions
in making a difference in his
neighborhood. The awards
certificate indicated Gaunt
seeks to improve the qual-
ity of the community and
doesn’t seek recognition for
his good deeds.
• • •
The Umatilla County
Historical Society was
among the recent recipients
of Oregon Cultural Trust
The historical society,
which runs Heritage Sta-
tion Museum in Pendleton,
received $30,513, to support
“Umatilla Gold.” A long-
term exhibit that will tell the
story of wheat, a vital part
of Umatilla County’s econ-
omy and history, will be on
display from 2019-29. It will
emphasize how wheat plays
a role in the lives of those
living in the county and
around the world.
Created in 2001 by the
Oregon Legislature, the
Oregon Cultural Trust pro-
vides ongoing funding for
arts and culture across the
state. Through the pro-
gram, the state of Oregon
provides a 100 percent tax
credit to inspire cultural giv-
ing. For more information,
visit www.culturaltrust.org.
For more about the histori-
cal society go to www.heri-
• • •
Austin Phipps drove
Continued from Page A1
enjoyed a week at the fair.
Like all 4-H students, when
the youth livestock auction
rolled around on Saturday
she found it bittersweet.
“It was hard saying
goodbye,” she said.
Jenny said she had heard
“rumblings” that commu-
nity members at the auction
were conspiring to make
sure Maddy’s lamb went
for a little extra, but she
thought that meant $10 per
pound. Instead, the price
just kept rising as more
people realized something
special was happening and
jumped in with bids of their
own, then cheered on other
Both Jennie and live-
stock auction superin-
tendent Marie Linnell
described the atmosphere
during the bidding as “elec-
tric.” Linnell said that even
auctioneer Ford Bonney
started choking up as he
continued to take bids.
“It was like electricity
was running through the
air,” Linnell said. “The feel-
ing there was incredible.”
The bidding ended at
$50 per pound, but the fair
Maddy Thomas, 11, of Echo sold her market lamb for
$23,000 at the Umatilla County Fair auction last week.
also allows “add-ons” from
people who didn’t win an
animal but still want to
contribute to the youth who
raised it. The add-ons came
pouring in, bumping it up
to $78 per pound that day.
First it was adults and busi-
nesses, then other Uma-
tilla County 4-H and FFA
youths started contribut-
ing a portion of their pro-
ceeds. Linnell said support
was still trickling in, but
the 143-pound market lamb
had brought in $23,200
from more than 60 adults/
businesses and 50 youth.
“We always say these
4-H and FFA kids are the
cream of the crop,” Linnell
NEW 2018
Henry the lamb went on
to resale, and Maddy said
she is already looking for-
ward to raising another
lamb next year.
“It was fun,” she said.
Meanwhile Jenny said
the money raised from
the sale will help the fam-
ily with medical and travel
expenses, and some will be
put into a college fund for
She said in an email that
the family has “decent”
medical insurance that cov-
ers a majority of Maddy’s
medical bills — one three-
week stay in the hospi-
tal came out to $500,000.
away with the best of show
with his 1968 Chevrolet
Camaro RS during the Cool
Rides Car Show.
The event, in its 23rd year,
revved up during Hermiston
Funfest weekend. Presented
by the Hermiston Classics
Car Club, the show filled
McKenzie Park with other
winners, including:
Best of show, home built:
John McCall, 1932 Ford
Coupe; People’s choice:
Larry Stephenson, 1937
Buick Special; Andy Ander-
Schnetzky, 1932 Ford
Club members gave
Jerry England a nod for
his 1951 Mercury 2-door
coupe. He received the Mike
But they have high deduct-
ibles to meet each year and
their premiums “skyrock-
eted” once they switched
to coverage that would pay
for more. At the same time,
Maddy’s parents have had
to miss a lot of work.
“We have been life-
flighted twice and ambu-
lanced once from Kadlec to
Seattle Children’s,” Jenny
wrote. “Every time we
travel we have fuel, food,
and hotel costs as she gets
too tired to make a one-day
The small community
of Echo has been “great”
about raising money, she
said. . But during lengthy
cancer battles, the fundrais-
ers tend to dry up before
the bills do, so the fam-
ily is extremely grateful to
get such a generous dona-
tion from the community
a year after Maddy’s diag-
nosis. Maddy also said she
wanted to thank everyone.
Without factoring in
Maddy’s lamb, this year’s
youth auction was the sec-
ond highest on record at
$480,750 on 251 lots.
Anyone who wants to
donate before the deadline
next Friday can email Lin-
nell at mlinnell5@gmail.
com for details.
Monroe Memorial, which
is named in honor of the
longtime club member who
helped organize the event.
Police Chief Award:
Joyce Follis, 1965 Chev-
rolet Impala; Fire Chief
Award: Craig Klages, 1970
Dodge Challenger RT.
Import 1980 or newer:
Rick Bell, 1993 Nissan
3002X TT; Import 1979 or
older: Ron Koening, 1970
Datsun 210; Truck 1960 or
newer: Joe Hampton, 1966
Chevrolet C-10; Truck 1959
or older: Paul Dobrovolsky,
1937 Chevrolet Pick-Up;
Car 2000 or newer: Mark
Daugherty, 2006 Chevro-
let Corvette Z06; Car 1980-
89: Jose Muñoz, 1998 Pon-
tiac Firebird; Car 1970-79:
Continued from Page A7
Taylor Wilson, Hermiston, B; Timothy Taylor,
Athena, B; Toby Summerfield, Pendleton,
B; Trevor Wagner, Echo, B; Trey Ditchen,
Stanfield, B; Tristen Walker, Milton-Freewa-
ter, B; Triston Schlupe, Hermiston, B; Yosef
Cooley, Hermiston, B; Zackery Epperson,
Hermiston, R; Zane Estes, Hermiston, B;
Zane Vogt, Hermiston, B.
Swine Showmanship, Nov.
Austin Walker, Milton-Freewater, B, CH;
Ainsley McCann, Hermiston, B, RCH;
Addison McClure, Hermiston, B; Aidan
Woodworth, Athena, B; Aiden Tynkila,
Stanfield, B; Brody Adams, Hermiston,
B; Carolyn Follett, Hermiston, B; Carson
Hodge, Umatilla, B; Carter VanHouten, Pilot
Rock, B; Casey Scott, Hermiston, B; Daniel
Meyers, Hermiston, B; Declan Purves,
Umatilla, B; Elle Blakely, Umatilla, B; Isabel
Puerta, Hermiston, B; Jakson Coffman,
Hermiston, B; Jessica McGuire, Hermiston,
B; Kenedee Parsons, Pendleton, B; Laney
Irwin, Hermiston, B; Marcus McGuire,
Hermiston, B; Piper Roberts, Hermiston,
B; Ruth Vander Stelt, Hermiston, B; Sarah
Sepulveda, Hermiston, B; Sevanna Grabeel,
Hermiston, B; Timothy Taylor, Athena, B;
Yosef Cooley, Hermiston, B.
Swine Showmanship, Jr.
Blake Palzinski, Hermiston, B, CH; Zane
Vogt, Hermiston, B, RCH; Addison Garberg,
Hermiston, B; Adriannah Lopez, Hermiston,
B; Alexis Schlupe, Hermiston, B; Allen
McClure, Hermiston, B; Ashlynn Cutburth,
Hermiston, B; Broc Erickson, Pilot Rock, B;
Brock Stelk, Pilot Rock, B; Brooke Barron,
Hermiston, B; Brycen Jones, Hermiston, B;
Caiden Dennis, Weston, B; Caleb Grabeel,
Hermiston, B; Clark Hodgson, Athena,
B; Cole Weyand, Stanfield, B; Coy Estes,
Hermiston, B; Cozette Cooley, Hermiston,
B; EvaLena Lieuallen, Weston, B; Gwendo-
lyn Follett, Hermiston, B; Hannah Weyand,
Stanfield, B; Jayden Walker, Milton-Free-
water, B; Jeremiah Oster, Stanfield, B;
Kayla Chaney, Milton-Freewater, B; Laura
Meyers, Hermiston, B; Mykael Graham,
Stanfield, B; Robert Purves, Umatilla, B;
Sydney Parker, Hermiston, B; Trey Ditchen,
Stanfield, B.
Swine Showmanship, Int.
Paige Palzinski, Hermiston, B, GCH;
Degan Patton, Pendleton, B, RGCH; Ally
McClure, Hermiston, B; Alyssa Long,
Hermiston, B; Austin Garberg, Hermiston,
Steve & Susan Berrar,
1970 Chevrolet Chevelle,
Car 1960-69: Mike & Debi
Purkerson, 1964 Chevro-
let Impala SS; Car 1950-
59: Richard Latham, 1959
Chevrolet Impala; Car 1940-
49: Bill & Julie Stark, 1947
Ford Coupe; Car 1939 or
older: Steve Rion, 1935
Ford 2 Door.
For more information
about the car club, call pres-
ident Larry Storment at
541-571-5960 or search
Facebook for “Hermiston
Classics Car Club.”
You can submit items for
our weekly By The Way col-
umn by emailing your tips
to editor@hermistonher-
B; Breannah Lopez, Hermiston, B; Brennin
Nash, Hermiston, B; Cadence Cooley,
Hermiston, B; Caleb Irwin, Hermiston, B;
Cameron Jones, Hermiston, B; Caralee
Shurtz, Athena, B; Crae Campbell, Pend-
leton, B; Damon Maddox, Hermiston, B;
Dylan Ditchen, Stanfield, B; Emilee Meyers,
Hermiston, B; Ethan Adams, Hermiston, B;
Francisco Atilano, Hermiston, B; Gretchen
Barton, Hermiston, B; Helen Cooley, Herm-
iston, B; Hunter Dyer, Hermiston, B; Jacob
Parker, Hermiston, B; Jasper Machado,
Hermiston, B; Jenna Whalley, Hermiston,
B; Jimena Puerta, Hermiston, B; Jordynn
Sepulveda, Hermiston, B; Jubilee Taylor,
Athena, B; Katelyn Wadkins, Hermiston,
B; Keagan McCann, Hermiston, B; Kyndra
Zumwalt, Echo, B; Landon Maddox, Herm-
iston, B; Lydia Vander Stelt, Hermiston, B;
Madyson Moffit, Pilot Rock, B; Maralyne
Pacheco, Hermiston, B; Mario Pacheco,
Hermiston, B; Megan Palzinski, Hermiston,
B; Morgan Browning, Hermiston, B; Natalie
Atilano, Hermiston, B; Toby Summerfield,
Pendleton, B; Trevor Wagner, Echo, B;
Tristen Walker, Milton-Freewater, B; Triston
Schlupe, Hermiston, B; Zackery Epperson,
Hermiston, B; Zane Estes, Hermiston, B.
Swine Showmanship, Sr.
Jailee Vogt, Hermiston, B, CH; Abigail
Marshall, Hermiston, B, RCH; Evan
Summerfield, Pendleton, B; Garrett Walchli,
Hermiston, B; Jadon Estes, Hermiston,
B; Kaleb Crafton, Hermiston, B; Kayla
Bensal, Hermiston, B; Khristian Schnell,
Milton-Freewater, B; McKayla Pacheco,
Hermiston, B; Michael Connell, Stanfield,
B; Olivia Reynolds, Stanfield, B; Taylor
Wilson, Hermiston, B.
Vegetable Collection Jr.
CherryLynn Machado, Hermiston, B.
Vegetable Collection Sr.
Jazmyn Schmaltz, Milton-Freewater, B (2
entries)/ R.
Vegetable Plate of One Type, Jr.
CherryLynn Machado, Hermiston, B,
GCH, SF/ B, SF/ R; Hailey Loiland, Weston,
B (2 entries)/ R.
Videography, Educational, Int.
Ashley Treadwell, Hermiston, B, CH, SF.
Wood Science Junior First Year
Cole Roy, Pendleton, B; McKenzie Shel-
den, Pendleton, B.
Wood Science Other Senior
Kalon Shelden, Pendleton, B.
On Approved
stk# 18H864. New 2018 Toyota Highlander AWD LE. MSRP $37,915. Sale $35,529.
$500 Toyota Financial Service Rebate. 36month/12k miles per year lease with $0 down =
$377/mo. On approved credit. Net cap cost: $36,055.25. GFV $23,128. Plus tax, title and $75
doc fee. No security deposit required. Offer expires 8/31/18.
NEW 2018
On Approved
stk# 18H901. New 2018 Toyota Camry se. MSRP $26,524. $1,000 Toyota Financial Service
Rebate. 12k miles per year lease with $0 cash down = $288/mo. On approved credit. Net
cap cost: $24,684.20. Plus tax, title and $75 doc fee. No security deposit required. Offer
expires 8/31/18.
NEW 2018
On Approved
stk# 18H913. New 2018 Toyota Rav4 LE AWD. MSRP $27,634. Sale $26,445. $2,000
Toyota Financial Service Rebate. 12k miles per year lease with $0 cash down = $286/mo.
On approved credit. Net cap cost: $25,381.50. GFV $15,999. Plus tax, title and $75 doc
fee. No security deposit required. Offer expires 8/31/18.